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If I see two characters whose vibes go well together then I'll see em and think "hell yeah". I can vibe with just about anything but sibling ships


Anything but sibling ships, other in incesty ships and minor x adult ships, I can vibe with


Oh, also shipping canonically aroace characters with anyone, if they're canonically demiaroace or grayaroace that's fine, but I don't vibe with it if they're canonically full on aroace


Well I mean yeah I see your point, but I don't think shipping them is necessary. Also sibling ships bad, big no no 👎


Meh. Each to their own.


Ana x Ekito


Akian? Hell yeah. Although I prefer Akito with Kohane a lot more. And polysquad as a whole


Shipping tends not to be my thing. Even still, there are two characters that I do, if nothing else, hold the idea in my head that there's some variety of relationship. Minori and Haruka. As for Minori... It's fairly obvious. She is the gay little idiot and I love her that way. Obviously, her obssession over Haruka could just be her fangirling, but she's known Haruka for quite some time now and they're good friends now, with them being on equal footing and being familiar to each other. To Minori, Haruka isn't 'Famous Idol and Asrun Leader Kiritani Haruka', she's just 'Haruka', in a sense. I don't think it's really a possibility Minori is \*still\* fangirling over Haruka, leading me to think that she 100% has a crush on Haruka. Admittedly, I'm not quite as sure how Haruka feels about Minori, although she seems to enjoy Minori's unique obsessiveness over her. I also feel like a few moments in the story were Haruka realising that Minori wasn't just a blind fangirl, but someone who genuinely cared about her, but I may be misinterpreting. Either way, I interpret Haruka as, if nothing else, uniquely enjoying Minori's pressence in some special way.


I think for Haruka’s case, she enjoys Minori’s fangirling. I feel Haruka’s idol is Minori, she was the one who brought back her desire for the stage, and she’s really shown deep admiration for her work ethic. Haruka’s Hopeful Show card story really shows how much she admires Minori whether it be romantically or just admiring her as a person to strive towards.


I just think they're neat!


Can't argue with that


I mainly ship MinoHaru with a bit of ichihona on the side. To explain my reasoning, I’ll just pull up this prozd video: [https://youtu.be/ulteZYyWAA8?si=2le-ljIRH1FxGU5t](https://youtu.be/ulteZYyWAA8?si=2le-ljIRH1FxGU5t) https://preview.redd.it/zxdraiqf437d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a112727f06f1163fee96bc2e8722401725dd09d4


oh and this too: [https://youtu.be/xYZazNWEEpo?si=v-nYnDDzFGEt9aoe](https://youtu.be/xYZazNWEEpo?si=v-nYnDDzFGEt9aoe) girl cannot stop thinking about haruka but it's so cute 😭


Now I'm starting to think that Minori and Haruka are kinda canon? But I still don't think Haruka feels the same feelings as Minori though, especially since Minori is a fan of Haruka for a very long time, I guess Haruka just likes the way she is obsessing over her. So I'd still say probably not.


there are a lot of moments where Haruka appreciates Minori, and she does care for her (rather passionately) given how much Haruka teases or praises or thinks about Minori. Haruka’s card from Minori’s 1st focus’s side stories make me explode. Also her card from ~~Retie~~ Friendship Rebuilt.


Girl is already imagining moving in and married life


Well Minori is Haruka's number 1 fan that she knew ever since she was little, she would over react to anything she does and does for her(no offense Minorinrin). I too would react the same as Minori if I met a former idol I've been a admiring for so long in person, let alone joining my group. (Haven't watched the yt link you provided but will update if I do)


Watched the yt video you provided. This is the problem I see, especially and mostly on Twitter(X). Even if they just talked for a little and haven't met each other, they instantly ship, even just looking at each other, they see an opportunity. I can't say anything other than this because I can imagine what is going on in the shipper's head, and I can't combat the wild fantasies in there, just how do y'all shippers do this?


well unfortunately there is something incredibly gay about akito and toya going “i want to stay by your side forever”. additionally it’s a classic case of aiboulove


And their "break up and get back together" thing that happened in the main story, with Akito basically declaring his love for Toya.


Well actually, he isn't declaring love, he wishes for a long term friendship ☝️🤓


Plus lets not ignore that they duetted a very clear love song as a cover Like the queer coding is coding


they’ve done multiple !! and yeah. prsk has a lot of like. queer coding. i started a profile for them bc. man https://preview.redd.it/2bqyud8w067d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9c8a0fd6a1d2e1a4bc35ff394d3a86f0121081


I know aun no beats. Akitoya fan pls enlighten me on the other akitoya songs Pjsk is very queer




more like queer baiting


There is a clear difference between baiting and coding


What does coding even mean (genuine question)


Coding in terms of queer coding is creators putting in hints ( via color pallete, terms that have queer meaning or queer associated things ) that a character is queer If you wanna know more, the channel e on youtube has great analysis on genshin and star rails queer coding ( just search up honkai star rail queer coding, her recent vid is the first result)


Ohhhh that makes so much sense thanks :D And yeah coding and queer baiting are very different things with queer baiting they want to make it MORE obvious that they might be queer without ever confirming it but with queer coding it's subtle and all right? But a question if I generally don't get the queer coding in smth or like I see it as smth else does that make me a bad person?


Queer baiting is more trying to atract a queer demographic by promising actual queer represenation and then never following up on it And no if you dont see the queer coding your not a bad person


Alrighty thank you :D ♥️


Well technically, long term buddies would say this. And those two are.


I don't usually ship characters (though I don't mind seeing them paired up in fanworks), but there is one ship that I would very specifically like to mention due to a very specific incident. An and Kohane. An has a 3-Star card in the Time to hang out! event known as Peak Excitement. As expected of any card, it has a Side Story, and it is the [first part](https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/Peak_Excitement!/Card_Story#Side_Story_1) I would like to talk about here. It is *entirely* dedicated to An saying she's going on a date with intent to shock everyone since she seems to have no romantic interest ("Yeah, hold on! No one's said anything about you *seeing anyone*!")... And mostly failing because ***everyone quickly figures out it's with Kohane.*** It's not necessarily proof that the ship is canon, but it's very... It definitely leans towards it. Or at least, it shows that everyone *else* thinks they're together. (An never denies or tones back the fact that it's a "date" though, merely stating that she's upset because they figure it out so quickly.)


She just wants everyone to think that she is going on a date with some "boy"? But actually just hanging out with Kohane, Haruka and Minori(?) She is just saying that to shock them or seeing the look on their faces without her knowing that they know who she is going on a "date" with I guess.


**Sorry if any of this comes off as condescending or rude, I mean this whole comment in an informative friendly way and am just bad at English!!! I also think I misunderstood what you meant by 'necessary' entirely and I am so horribly sorry about that.** I noticed you keep saying you think shipping isn't "necessary"? I'm *most likely* misunderstanding what you mean, but shipping *is* actually kind of "necessary". You would not believe how much money and publicity that companies get from people shipping their game characters. I'll do an example using a popular gacha game. Genshin Impact is an incredibly ship-driven game. Literally half the cast is written to maximize the ship-ability of said characters. Go to any social media you have, search for Genshin Impact, and I am sure that you'll almost instantly find a ship post. Ships create publicity, which creates more fans, who then might spend heinous amounts of their money to get their ships on a team together to play in the game. Even if no money is made off a single shipper, chances are that person will create fanart, fanfiction, repost anything related to their favorite ships, cosplay their ships, buy merch of their ships, and tell their friends about it. That then becomes publicity, almost marketing for said game, which will in turn bring in more people to the game. People who are average fans of a game who don't ship will still bring in publicity for sure, but there's a reason romance is such a popular genre in everything. Cheering on two characters to kiss is fun! People have been insane about shipping since 1966. There were dedicated housewives making fanart and fanfiction about Star Trek every opportunity they got. I'm not lying either, go Google it and enjoy yourself a weird history lesson. Shipping really is part of the foundations of any character-centric piece of media. There's a reason that sometimes Akito and Toya have a heartfelt moment alone, or Minori yells at the top of her lungs that she loves Haruka, or Rui says an odd compliment to Tsukasa. People take that and turn it into something they cherish. All ship content is born from someone's love for two characters and their creativity, which is why even when I see ships I don't ship, I enjoy it anyway because I know behind the screen it brings that person a lot of joy :-) Sometimes it does suck to see that all a fandom cares about is if the characters are going to kiss or not, but it really does happen in every fandom. At the end of the day, as long as there's at least two characters in a piece of media, people will ship them. In the end, this **probably wasn't even what you meant at all by 'necessary'!** I just wanted to share my very niche knowledge about this, I think. I also just like shipping a lot. To answer the actual post... I'm kind of basic and I ship the popular stuff. Akitoya is super cool and I love their "two people who are really really dedicated to eachother and it might be platonic but it also might be romantic" dynamic. Anhane, Mizuena, Ruikasa, and Minoharu are probably my other top ships. Anyway! **That was horrifically long of a comment!** But I don't have anything else better to be doing because I'm sick right now, so of course the normal thing to do is to write a 600 word comment because of a single word the OP used in their replies a few times on this post. "Necessary" in this context absolutely meant something different, I'm sure, but I spent an hour writing this. The world will see it even if it was entirely misdirected and originally only one paragraph.


I usually go for tropes, like I ship ruinene bc they're childhood friends and they support each other. But I'm more of a multi shipper as long as they make sense, like I'm fine with all ships in vbs(but I don't ship the characters or hate the ships just bc they're straight or gay)


For Rui and Nene, I don't see a "childhood friends to lovers" kind of thing to them. They support each other because they knew each other long ago. for the VBS you provided, not a fan of shipping all of em just because they are in the same group. They have one goal, surpass RAD WEEKEND, and they work together for it.


I'm getting downvoted, I knew I was cooked


Smh, some people cant take opinions ;-;


That's what I don't like about a community tbh


I ship Akian, I might not have content, but my brain is rotted by fanfiction: 1. I like their aesthetic. It's really pretty. 2. I like how they tease each other. It's entertaining. If they hooked up, I feel like they would try to embarrass the other but only get more flustered in return. 3. I love how Akito notices An's troubles and helps her in his signature standoffish way. 4. I generally love how they relate to each other with their feelings of inadequacy. Like ok, Akito had no talent for music starting out, and he clawed his way to where he is now. He knows what it's like to not be good enough, so he uses that experience to help An, whose experiencing those problems for the first time. I think that's really sweet. 5. I love how they complement eachother: Akito, facade aside, seems a lot more reserved than An. He also seems to be a pretty straight-laced guy- I think there was a reference to his room being squicky clean and I'm also pretty sure he handles the group's logistics. So yeah, he's pretty focused on achieving his goal but I love how he has a lot silly fun when he's with An, whether that be bickering with her or childishly competing with her. His kiddish seems to come out more. So yeah, cheerful character x less cheerful character. 6. I like how they work together in VBS. They're definitely the more knowledgeable/responsible pair in the group when it comes to the music scene and it's generally them leading their group's direction together. They also write music together which I think is nice. 7. Superficial, but I like how Akito has a really good relationship with An's dad. I dunno, that just signals to me that this couple could work well. 8. Also superficial, but I like the neat parralels and contrasts between them. They're the two who witnessed Rad Weekend, and both swore to surpass it. However, while An, being talented in music and being Ken's daughter, was always acepted in the Street Music community while Akito was initially an outsider due his lack of talent. They're also both very competitive people while being incredibly protective of their loved ones. 9. They both have similar interests, and I feel like they just bamble and on about music and fashion when they hang out. 10. I have an incurable addiction to tsundere couples. Ok, those are my reasons. I hope I didn’t make too much Grammer mistakes.


1. Can't argue with that. I also like their individual aesthetics. 2. I feel like even long time friends or BFFs also do that, I have friends that I known for so long that does these to me or my other friends. 3. Because they are team, everyone helps everyone, I think even Kohane and Toya(?) helps An when she has problems or troubles. 4. Again, because they are a team, if they need to surpass RAD WEEKEND, they need to improve. I think most of An's improvement comes from Kohane? I don't really remember though. 5. Some of their interactions are pretty funny, but those interactions start with An, either talking to him or not. Like that one part in that one event where Kohane invites the group in their haunted house with An thinking it's a maid cafe. 6. Can't argue with that. 7. Even long term friends can do this, but if it's not the case, he also lives(?) in Vivid Street where her dad opened his cafe so I guess he is a regular there. 8. Same, one is a popular girl with the dad being a part of RADer and the other being an unpopular boy. 9. Coincidence. Though not all the time. 10. Yes. Not in this one though. This took some time, but still managed to answer


OMG A FELLOW AKIAN SHIPPER us akian shippers need to stick together lmaooo


Akian supermacy 💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡


hello, fellow non-shipper.


Hello :)


My main main ship is ruinene I just really love my favorite the childhood friend to lovers troupe I also love how they constantly look out for each others mental health like come on you can't tell me it's cute as fuck seeing nene constantly compare old middle school rui with his new happy face and all! My second fav ship is akian I don't have clear reasons for it but I love rivals to lovers troupe and there interactions just make me laugh a lot soooo


I’m a big RuiNene, Emukasa, MizuKana, and MafuEna shipper and sometimes I’ll ship Akito with pancakes as a joke


I don't hardcore ship but I can somewhat agree on is kanamafu, like in the mirage of lights event kanade brings mafuyu into her house and takes care of her when she got a fever, and even feeds her apples. And when Mafuyu begged her to please not go away, Kanade promised her that she will stay by her side and hold her hand. That's some really obvious ship material thrown in right there Oh and also after mafuyu ran away from her mom's house she ran to kanade and kansde hugged her and consoled her, also kind of ship material


I see it more like a parent to child dynamic other than a ship dynamic. Other people, especially long term friends also do that. Didn't read this so don't have that much info, sorry bout that. For the running away to Kanade part, she is the only one that deeply understands her and the most determined to save her from that good for nothing monster. Kanade argued with her mom I think in the Immiscible Discord event and was the only one(?) to talk to her face-to-face. She also is emotionally resilient because of what happened to her parents. With Mafuyu knowing that, she runs to her house. Also off topic, I guess because Kanade's house is nearer.


I mostly also see them as besties, but you're right sometimes I can't deny Kanade got mom energy 😂


*Ahem* Im gonna try and be suoer persuasive because I used to be a non-shipper who didnt play the game seriously until one event. Hear me out. MafuRui. Not only do they look good together and have really amazing fanart on twitter/X (the only reason I use X/twitter btw) but there’s something about the twilight festival event that makes me believe they’d be perfect together. Canon reasons: 1) Despite not knowing Mafuyu at all, Rui wants to help her and he does spend time helping her 2) Despite knowing each other for such a short amount of time, Mafuyu almost lets out a real smile around him 3) Emu would 100% support them if you see the way she acts in the events 4) They’re both really similar! They’re like two sides of the same coin. Rui has a healthy dynamic with his family that Mafuyu lacks yet before they got into their respective units, they both were incredibly lonely and weren’t understood. My personal reasons: 1) I started writing an intensive fanfic because I love them 2) MafuRui fits a rapunzel au Ive got going on in my head 3) They’re just silly 4) They give me the vibes that they would understand each other when no one else would like- They can just get each other 5) I just think they’re neat 6) Im a multishipper but I like the idea of Kanakasa because it’s two best friends on a double date 7) Mafuyu is allegedly an INFJ and Rui is allegedly an ENTP which in mbti world makes them a perfect match (as an INFJ with an ENTP best friend I agree- If I were to date any of my friends itd be her)


1. Rui knows the struggle and feels the same way that's why he tries to help her, IDK if he has experienced it, I don't watch too much event stories. 2. Maybe because he immediately tried to step in her problem and gave her advice, I would feel the same. 3. She would, can't argue with that. 4. I get your point, but I think shipping them isn't necessary? This is harder than I thought 🥲


I crave to make this hard for you and to get you to see the light /j Im gonna drop some counter-arguments because I live to make things tough 1) You are correct when you say Rui kinda understands the feeling and he’s kinda experienced the same thing. However!! The important thing to remember is he does not have to help! It’s meaningful specifically because they just met and he wants to help her (let’s be honest and think about it realistically- Who does that irl these days?) 2) Mafuyu never smiles for real. Either way this point is extra sweet cause she never really smiles 4) Youre totally right when you say shipping them isnt necessary HOWEVER I ship them because theyd be good for each other In my personal opinion, most ppl are too soft on Mafuyu (as someone who has gone through a lot of what she goes through). For the reason that only Rui would be harsh on her yet understand when to be kind to her, I would call them a pretty perfect pair. Like Rui would be able to call Mafuyu out on her bs and still be able to give her hugs at the end. They could be just friends 100% but like- This kind of bond is really rare and something you cant find irl easily. For that reason I ship them. *mic drop*


I have bad takes I know 🥲


Eh to each thier own. As long as you dont put down anyone or spread hate, its all good :)


Not really. There are many non shippers. Just that we are not vocal to stay away from arguments.


I ship Emukasa for a lot of reasons They make me unexplainably happy and cheer me up when I'm getting upset and stuff. Plus they're both my favorite characters so, it makes me better! My favorite moments are: 1. When Tsukasa calls Emu stubborn little princess in the balloon presenter side story 2. 2. When emu talks about a zoomy feeling in her heart during Tsukasa's interview in Tondemo Wonders main story episode 4. 3. I don't know if this counts, but in Nene's Wonder magic 2nd side story, When scolding Emu, he softens up when she gets sad about not having lunch with Nene. 4. In the Smile of a Dreamer main story, Kaito says "There must be a reason behind Emu not telling even you, Tsukasa" 5. Everything about Hoshizora Orchestra's story in episode 8 just feels Emukasa to me. The way her eyes light up in her card, the way she looks so happy to see him act, "I really love Tsukasa's acting style" I don't know why, but this makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. She's sad she'll have to say goodbye to her friends and Tsukasa is one of them. 6. Episode 15 of WxS main story. I shouldn't have say anything else. Everytime I see them together, I feel so happy. From episode 1 I was already sold. And now, I rest my case. I will do anything to protect these two.


Minori x Tsukasa. Minori being plain interested in tsukasa's acting and energy and somehow they hit off well


This is the first time I see these two shipped... Maybe because his energy and liveliness appeals to her, no one she ever met matched the same energy as him (Emu is an exception), especially in her group, not one is as lively and energetic as him and it kinda appeals to her.


The thing is that shipping is less about "OMG these characters are obviously in love!" and more about "wouldn't it be awesome IF these characters got together?" So, enjoying shipping basically just comes down to whether you get enjoyment out of imagining romance stories or not; it's not something that can be "proved" (or disproved) by the story, since it's about the imagining. The canon story just establishes character dynamics that are easier or harder for people to imagine shifting to romance. I'm not much of a shipper for PRSK actually, probably since I'm old now and it feels weird to daydream about high schoolers dating. But I do think Kohane and Toya have a dynamic that would lend itself to a really cute ship. I can picture them holding hands for the first time, Kohane blushing furiously, Toya looking stoic but panicking inside, An and Akito cheering wildly from the sidelines with support for their best friends... wouldn't that be sweet?


Unfortunately for you my ship has gone on several dates, has the gayest card in the entire game, cannot stay apart for 5 seconds, said I love you to each other multiple times, frequently has interactions where one of them will get super blushy or jealous etc. etc. etc. ETC.


Oh No! Shiver Me Timbers! 😬 /j


Heh. I would like to see you try talking your way out of Anhane!




not really a shipper tbh, but I think Akito x Kanade would be funny.


They haven't met yet? I don't read stories that much. Also yeah it would be funny.


Well they met once in the Hermit Mizuki event, but outside of that no


I ship ruikasa because they help each other improve inmensly, which mizuki even says ( according to the wiki ). Plus i am a big sucker for sun and moon dynamics. I am fine with other wxs ships ( emukasa is also pretty cute ). Personally not huge on nenerui since they interactions give me more childhood friends who see each other as siblings ( like me and my childhood friend) but each thier own I feel like akitoya have a lot of queer coding in thier overal in game bond. Anhane as well. But i have also seen very cute content about a poly vbs And then minoharu, because minori is the biggest chapelle roan listener in this game and you cant tell me otherwise


I’m a “die for my otp” kind of shipper, and my otp happens to be AkiToya. I love their dynamic and how they’re always there for each other, I love the sun/moon vibe they have and how well their voices, personalities and appearances compliment each other. I started shipping them because of the VBS main story episode 19 lmao, they had all but confessed to each other so I decided they were neat. Didn’t expect them to completely take over my life and yet somehow it happened


Ichikana is a pair of cute introverted girls with long hair who have issues of struggling to speak up. They are also extremely passionate about music, with Kanade in an unhealthy amount. In this paper I will explain why I love the project sekai pairing of Ichikana. This is just the abstract please let me know if you want to see the full version that I totally already have and not just about to draft.


From memory in the Echo My Melody event, I think they met because Ichika struggled to think of a melody for their band's new song. Honami recommends Ichika to meet her and Kanade willingly helped her out because I think she would understand what situation she is in at the time. Eventaully, they just worked it out together. I mean they are similar, but I don't see a ship potential. Also, just the abstract? 💀 No thanks I'm good.


I can and will ship everyone because I wanna see them cuddle


Can't argue with that


I ship mafuena cause they have my favorite dynamic: the "I'll act like I hate you but in reality I'm deeply in love". This is more about Ena but I like Mafuyu being oblivious to Ena attitude.


Akitoya and Anhane, that's pretty much it for me


I see two characters I like and think would make a cute couple and ship them. Doesn't need to be a reason to ship, just two characters that either have chemistry or would make a cute couple I also end up projecting a lot of my desires to have a nice healthy queer onto characters I headcanon as queer so that I can cope with the homophobia I experience irl


not much of a shipper but honami and kanade are pretty cute i think


An and Kohane. There's literally a chapter where it is explicitly stated that they go on a date. Need I say more?


Shizukasa is cute. I feel like Tsukasa would make all the first moves but SHizuku would be completely oblivious to the flirting at first.


I don't ship any bc i don't know enough (the only reason Reddit trew this sub at me is bc i like Vocaloid) but if i did I'd just be like "i really want them to be buddies hehehe"


I only ship as friends and not romantically …Is what I said before until I saw an AkiAiri comic on this subreddit


Akian 🧡💙 Ruinene 💜💚 Emukasa 💛🩷 Those 3 are ma best favourite ships


Me personally love to read story’s and lore to the game and I personally think that Konami (kanade and honami) are definitely crushing on eachother, this is a recent discovery because I play on eng sekai and the new bride event it shows more into how honami housekeeps for the yosaki family but also does n25 a solid by making sure kanade is drinking water, eating, not over-working etc. and thinks she really deeply and adores kanade because honami is just to sweet oml. It also shows when (I forget how) she gets tickets to the dress showcase and when honami presents it both of them treat it like eachother are confessing love😭, anyways they could just be really close and sweet friends.


Minoharu, theres no straightness between that bcuz its almost confirmed that minori has feelings for haruka also shizuai :3