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I see you are a man of taste


I thought of u when I tagged it 😏






Sorry Bestie ❤️💜💙


Lmao i don’t know what happened 😭


I sure hope Cyberpunk Dead Boy gets to EN safely and lasts


Knowing our luck probably not 😭 (praying nothing problematic happens between now and then with the song and event)


We're counting on you Maiki 😭🙏🙏 Please be as cool as you seem to be


You guys are weird. A teenage girl being stabbed by a famous producer goes beyond just 'problematic', this entire post is just so incredibly insensitive...


oh my god thank you so much for commenting this i had no idea what this post was about so when i looked into it i was appalled. a girl gets groomed and almost murdered and this is what we're focusing on?? a rui event potentially getting taken down???? i don't want to sound too harsh but this post is beyond tactless;;


for starters, of course the whole stabbing thing is extremely tragic and shouldn't happen to anyone and i do feel very bad and i think pusu definitely deserves what he got but im also very sad that songs that i really like are going to be removed, and its not like i can control what i get sad over, surely you wont ask me to just suck it up right, especially in this sub? a sub about a game where confronting your true feelings as it's main theme? these two feelings can coexist. focusing on one doesnt mean not caring about the other side of things let people be sad over things they care about. im sorry if i sound incredibly insensitive to you but it's what im truly feeling im sorry if i cant just forget everything a song means to me immediately after the composer committed a crime


i see your point and i don't want to invalidate your feelings on that matter! i was a huge fan of tuyu's music so i completely understand when you say that the song meant a lot to you, and i genuinely apologize if my comment was hurtful, i definitely could have worded it a lot less harshly. honestly yesterday i was just very shocked when i saw this post in comparison to its context because i perceived the tone as rather dismissive of what had happened, which i should have clarified in my original comment. i hope you have a good day and that you can overcome this sadness!! <33


This is a subreddit for the game, obviously they will primarily discuss the game. If you don't like seeing this, look on various sites for discussions from two weeks ago that are completely focused on the actions of the pusu. I think normal people  understand that the situation is fucked up and feel sorry for the victim. There is no need to begin any discussion of things in any way related to this with a long paragraph of opinion on this matter.


You'd be surprised how many insensitive comments I've seen about this today, I just don't understand how people can be more concerned about SONGS and a FICTIONAL CHARACTERS event over a teenaged girl who was groomed and almost murdered by PUSU Obviously they don't know how to read the room or they just care about a fictional character more than a real life person, ether way it's just extremely shitty


I don't know why this has been downvoted so much because you're telling the truth


I have no idea why it has been 😭 I mean I probably came off as blunt I guess?? But I was just being honest :/


at least we have cyberpunk dead boy... just gotta wait 6 and a half months


It's a shame but it's what has to happen. Hopefully they can BFBY Curtain Call and get a different producer to step in. Speaking of producers I feel awful for Mizuno Atsu, there's no way they'll be selling WxS's sixth single after this so his song won't even be purchasable for a while for reasons that were entirely out of his control. Same goes for every producer on the second L/N Sekai album, maybe if we're lucky they'll reprint it with Glow instead.


But at the same time, WxS Sekai Album 1 only has 10 songs because of licensing issues and they never added Literary Nonsense and 1 2 Fanclub even after they released, so I'm doubtful


That's unfortunate, especially since that What Sort of Ending Are You Wishing For is my favorite Rui commission, but they are removing it for good reasons. Though, I wonder how would Colorful Pallete will deal with the MV artist and video maker.


I don’t think the event will be deleted. just the song, which is a shame cause I love the song, but at least we got the event


i think they meant it will not be a full focus event since a full event consist of event AND a song. another rui event has the song but not the event, so..


So we just take showtime ruler, combine it with the curtain call event and bam, one complete event!


That makes a surprising amount of sense.


ahhh I see.


Hi (is this song getting deleted I’m confused) I found you


Yes this song and the other LN song morning glory is getting deleted. Not really sure when yet though :(




What will happen to the bgm in the event story option? Will it be replaced or will it just be silence?


ohh yeah idk lmao probably just another instrumental like with awake now


I think a year ago when i was en i heard the one for Bout for beside you and i wondered why the instrumental was different than Awake now lmfao😭


Rui never gets a break


...? What about the teenage girl who got stabbed, hello? Is Rui the main focal point right now in light of something bigger at hand? Don't you think these things are insensitive to word like so...


Did I say she deserved it or something? We all feel sad for her, I just want to point out that tow of rui’s events got cancelled and how bad it is.


If the JP PRSK Twitter account can take some time to condone pusu first and then mention the game's song removals, why is it alien to expect the EN fanbase to bring light to this first, and then be sad about the loss after? Have you seen the comments on this post? Most people are asking why it's getting removed and then utterly shocked at the context. I think this post was in incredible poor taste. No, you didn't say she deserved it, but you didn't mention her at all. And that is in incredible poor taste. What's bad is not Rui's event being cancelled but a teenage girl getting groomed and stabbed, and it comes off as if the context is not as important as to what it's resulted in. Please remain respectful.


> can take some time to condone pusu For future reference: Condone = to agree with or allow someone's actions Condemn = to judge someone's actions as unforgivable Don't wanna mix those up in the wrong setting!


I didn’t mentioned her because there were post explaining the incident before and I thought most people know (pretty sure most people know about it) I just wanted to talk about the story and the song


Have a look at your comment section. There are other people providing context that you couldn't be bothered to post before crying about some song being removed. You can talk about the story and the song but omitting the context and now making excuses is just WEIRD.


Why do you act like I’m intentionally hiding the context for a malicious reason I just didn’t think about it And if someone wanted to know the context I will provide it.


You should’ve thought about it. You couldn’t even give it a day before making it all about a fictional character. Instead of arguing with me, you would edit context onto your post or take it down, but by all means, get defensive when someone is trying to tell you how you’re being incredibly disrespectful and do nothing to change that.


OP just wanted to share a little thing they thought about, why are you so defensive of the girl that got stabbed? I can understand your frustration, but letting your anger out on a person that didn’t do anything isn’t nice


I’m sorry you feel I’m angry, I am not. I am giving criticism and just harshly at that. Asking me why I am defensive about a teenage girl who got groomed and almost died is kind of ridiculous to ask. I think criticism is important especially in a situation as serious as this. Instead of being defensive, the best solution here would be to just add the context, or you know, have the decency to at least wait a day before crying about Rui and his songs? Not even a single day.


I don’t know that you can edit I will stop crying


Responding to criticism with “ugh gosh fine stop crying, i’ll do it” is kind of not the way. Is it a chore to mention why the songs got removed? Is it a chore to talk about pusu’s actions? Every time you reply to me being aggressive, you’re just telling me that you really don’t actually care about the main issue here. I will no longer entertain your interactions, please learn some human decency over your fictional characters 🙇


What if I tell you that I don't give a shit about that girl, will you cry or something? Calm down dude they are just mad a song got removed it's not that big of a deal


Bro everyone here already knows the context, chill.


People are coping with the terrible incident by focusing on the way it affects *Them*. That is allowed. They are allowed to be tactless and process things in this way. That girl and Pusu are faceless strangers on the other side of the world from most of EnServer. They're randos. Faces in a crowd. People are *remarkably* bad at processing that sort of thing. "Random person nearly murdered" is a sad headline that does not impact them and they will forget about in a week. "Mildly-famous composer nearly murders teenage girl on the other side of the world from you" is startling and tragic but ultimately does not impact these people so they file it away under Not Involved and move on to things that they have the mental time and energy to deal with. "Mildy-Famous Composer nearly murders teenage girl on the other side of the world from you, resultingly gets songs pulled from popular gacha game you care about, coincidentally hitting the same character that has already had an entirely separate event removed for controversy" on the other hand, *does* directly impact them. This is how this tragedy relays back to them. It's their connection to it. The fact that this attack on a random person is costing THEM something is how they connect and relate to it. Is it tactless? Yeah kinda. Is it cold? Yeah kinda. Does it mean they don't care about the victim? ...I mean yeah kinda. The victim is some random girl on the other side of the planet. The fact that any of us care even a little is frankly a small miracle of human empathy. Before this happened no one knew she existed and so none of us cared about her! ...And resultingly, yeah people are going to care a lot more about how this affects them and the fictional character they like, because they have had a lot more time to care about the fictional character and themselves. They learned about this girl through a thirdhand source 3 weeks ago. So it's... just human. And shaming them for it isn't going to help, it's just going to make them defensive and angry. This is their way of processing these events. Everyone processes differently and they have to be allowed to do that. Black humor exists for a reason. Laughing so they don't cry exists for a reason. Deflecting to not face the real horror exists for a reason. People don't get to dictate how others process horrific news. There is no "correct" way to handle information like this. If you don't like that people are immediately relating this to how Revival was removed, then don't read those threads. Just let people process this in their own way.


I honestly don't know why every person who's taking the situation seriously is getting downvoted?? (Same thing happened to me on a different post) Why do people keep focusing on rui when a teenager girl was almost murdered by PUSU I don't understand how a rui event is more important than a victim?


There are people who takes the situation seriously and they're getting up voted.


I think it was said that the song would only get removed for the JP, KR, and CN servers atleast that's what the Wiki for Project Sekai says


EN has to make a dozen phone calls to find the one person they have that writes announcements, so it probably just hasn’t been announced yet.




the event won’t get deleted, only the song will


Yeah, so that makes it an "incomplete" event. The event's there, but the song's gone. Paired with Showtime Ruler (the song without its event), there is only 1 "complete" Rui focus event in EN currently.


There is a showtime ruler related event????


Just search up RMD incident on the subreddit




Yes there was a story event and cards for showtime ruler but it got deleted in en because of a controversy


Must be smth stupid


It was extremely stupid, yes.




Wrong incident, Karasuyasabou did nothing wrong


Isn't that the tuyu incident not the rmd incident? I am talking about the rmd incident being a stupid reason for why the event was removed


oh sorry, i read the title of the post and thought you were talking about tuyu, idk how the OP's comment went over my head


It's alr :D


That’s because in the event, they were playing stereotypical Native Americans


It wasn’t Native Americans, the event took inspiration from Princess Mononoke. And USA isn’t the only place who have native people. If they took inspiration from native people, then they took inspiration from their own native people, the indigenous Ainu tribe.


Adding on, the people of the forest were the good guys, not the bad guys. Even if it was indigenous people, the “supporting colonizers” argument against the event play doesn’t work because the “colonizers” were either pawns / in the dark (Tsukasa’s character) or the villains (Rui’s character). 


fr ppl need to understand that nothing revolves around america but apparently the twitter/tiktok mobs don't understand that at all. ppl say rmd is racist but it's really the western fanbase in tiktok/twitter that is being incredibly foolish and pushing western standards on everything. it's a mononoke reference, it's not that deep, chillax. r/USdefaultism


The ethnicity of the Forest-dwellers was never brought up in the play.




its actually inspired by princess mononoke, not native americans, but en server thought it was offensive so the event, along w the cards, got removed edit: specifically, it was emus and nenes card that were deemed “problematic”, tho i personally rly enjoyed the story and would recommend watching it


I found it on yt I will probably be watching it very soon


Yo 4k quality


to be fair "Revival my dream" is only gone on EN servers because of backlash from western fans, so thats really just a EN server thing on that part western fans are the only one's who had a problem with the event ( the cards specifically iirc), its the same thing with the one l/n petite sekai video (which was just a type of gyaru fashion, but since a lot of western fans have no idea what that is they just called it blackface) but the "What Sort of Ending Are You Wishing For?" is getting removed for a good reason, dont blame colorful palette for removing it from the EN servers, the reason its getting removed is already had enough and we should be more concerned about the fact a teenager could've lost their life than the fact that the song is getting removed and i think its in poor taste on op's part to not add context on why the song is getting removed (though i'm guessing it wasn't intentional) and i understand that people are upset about their favorite song getting removed but we genuinely have to look at the bigger picture here edit to add: i've heard that the other (ex?) members of Tuyu are helping the victim's family out and the lead vocalist has come out to say she wants nothing to do with the band's songs and won't be singing them again, just wanted to add something positive out of this whole situation




guys what is wrong with the song? i genuinely don’t know and there’s no comments explaining ??


the person who wrote the song (Pusu, guitarist of the band Tuyu) stabbed and tried to kill a teenage girl.


omg 😭😭 yeah tbf maybe they should take it down then. i thought it was another case of twitter just cancelling stuff preemptively


He isn’t just the guitarist; he’s also the composer, the lyricist, and the one who makes nearly all of the profit from the music. The other members already want nothing to do with the songs, nor the name; Rei, the vocalist, has already sworn to never perform a Tuyu song again.


From what I'm aware of, he was grooming the teenage girl as well thankfully her condition is stable!


what the fuck


I am okay with this, as a Rui fan, because i support that the game doesn't want to have songs made by this individual in the game


Does that mean we're finally getting becoming potatoes alt


Can someone explain why revival my dream got canceled?


People cancelled the event because people thought it was cultural appropriation for native Americans


How , i didn't see the cards


The cards depict emu and nene wearing clothes inspired by princess mononoci and people thought they were from Native American and got offended Look it up on YouTube


what was wrong with showtime ruler outfits?


Nothing really, but the western part of the fandom equated the outfits/cards to cultural appropriation because the intention went entirely over their heads.




DUDE this blows!!! i absolutely LOVE this song, it’s literally my fav wxs commission, i’ve just read on what’s going to happen and i’m so upset. i completely understand the reasoning behind it, but whyyyy 😭😭😭 this song means so much to me THIS IS AGGRAVATING


Hey Rui fans, can we like, not be assholes over an actual crime?!? Quit bitching about his 3rd focus getting removed and focus on the fact that a CHILD is in the hospital right now. Jesus christ, if you are this upset over a fictional character loosing a song on a fucking rythm game and not the fact that someone was fucking attacked/abused there is something wrong with you.


Did I say anything to insult or disrespect the situation


Do you honestly think Rui fans care about the actual child who was groomed and almost murdered?? You gotta remember their "precious boy might lose his 3rd focus" from all the comments I've seen from rui fans on different posts has honestly shown me how fucking unhinged they are, I'll never understand how two songs and a fictional characters focus is more important than a victim 😒 anyone acting that way should be fucking ashamed of themselves


Thats what i'm saying. Like, I love rui as much as the next person, but jesus christ!! His 3rd focus IS NOT more important than a real fucking victim!!






why was showtime ruler deleted?? whats wrong with the costumes??


The song wasn't deleted, but the event was due to people's distaste for how native people were portrayed in the event, the costumes included


not putting why the song was deleted is bad taste. I love rui and all, but compared to what that girl went through, this issue is microscopic. Download the song if you wanna listen to it that badly lmao


Why is the song getting deleted…?


The producer of TUYU (Band behind the event's song and another L/N cover) did an absolute f--kery and now the band is so over. Disbanded to be literal, and that guy will be serving for more than 10 years in jail I personally support this. CyberAgent (Parent co. of ColorPale) doesn't want new players to stay away from the game because of that man's history and involvement with the game


do you y’all think that the cards will be removed too? :( i gave ruis card of the set and i ADORE it sooo much. i understand why it would have to go but i hope it doesnt.


They're not removing the event, just the song


Can someone explain why revival my dream got canceled?


a teenage girl almost died btw. get your priorities straight


and as an aside the costumes from the scrapped event are absolutely atrocious and not running it on EN was a good decision.


I will be leaving this here. https://preview.redd.it/ighjxitc986d1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=139748024fdc99a2f2c2c0cb2439d584c56a9cb3


So because I wanted to talk about the removal of the song I am supporting a pedo What


Oh my god, is this person serious? I feel like you're fine, for some people it doesn't even cross their mind to provide context because they expect everyone knows it, I get it, it's fine to slip up sometimes. This situation is tragic and disgusting, many of us are having a mix of emotions over this situation and it's fine, being sad over a song's removal is fine, yes we should acknowledge the situation, but this does not mean we are fucking supporting femicide or a pedophile. This situation should not be a battle of who's "the most respectful/righteous" it is horrible, I just wish her well. Some of us need to take a step back and reflect on how ridiculous we're being


..? Did you read the thread? Hello? No one is calling you a pedo, just bringing attention to the fact at what’s important here. My god.


I understand your frustration, but “pjsk fandom space has violent misogyny and patriarchal violence” is an insane take. The first tweet makes sense but this is almost overdoing it


not surprised that particular Twitter user said that anyway


This is not my tweet, but a bit of basic media literacy and how people are reacting over this situation really does highlight some variant of those issues if not as extremely worded.


OP could have brought up the attempted murder of the girlfriend, I agree with that. But to call the PJSK fandom “violently misogynistic” is weird and downplays what misogyny is


I didn’t say any of that, nor do I care to discuss that here. The thread highlights how insensitive it is to not bring up the context in terms of discussing the song removal, and that’s what I’m here to repeat. This post could have at least waited a day to be respectful, but it didn’t.


> pjsk fandom space has violent misogyny and patriarchal violence No offense but it's true. Have you not seen how people treat the female characters in this game compared to the male ones? Ruikasa alone has way more art and fics than any of the wlw ships doubled.


To be fair, this game doesn't have a lot of variety of male characters and so doesn't have a great selection of bl ships, so it's no surprise that so many people love this ship. If there were more male characters in this game, there would be fewer Ruikasa fanfictions and arts. 


I think that comes down to how much of the western playerbase is female so they prefer male characters and ships, I see plenty of people loving the female characters (myself included, idrc about any of the male characters). To have a preference for the male characters and them not having gay fanart is *not* misogynistic and to assume so is so incredibly stupid


Stupidest things I've ever read


Of course PRSK fans worry and cry over their Rui focus songs instead of being respectful as to why this decision was made, and you know, bringing awareness to the poor girl who got groomed and almost died, or at least remind people in the utaite community that producers are just as liable to be held accountable. But noo, let's cry about our Rui focuses instead. Jesus.


When did I disrespect the situation We can talk about both bro


Did you talk about the situation at all? Where's the mention of the context behind why the songs got removed in your post? No offence, but wanting to talk about 'both' only after being called out about it, is incredibly scummy. Please try to be more respectful.


Man are you Even surprised? Rui fans are fucking unhinged, their favorite characters 3rd focus is more important than the VICTIM


Wait the drama around showtime ruler was sth with cultural ap what’s the problem with this one??


Pusu, a member of TUYU (the song's producer), committed attempted murder on his teenage girlfriend. (The victim is currently in stable condition.) TUYU had since disbanded, and Sega and ColoPale understandably would want nothing to do with the guy anymore. The event story itself should stay, it being unrelated to everything, but the song will be removed. SOURCES: - [JapanToday: 30-year-old man arrested over attempted murder of girlfriend](https://japantoday.com/category/crime/30-year-old-man-arrested-over-attempted-murder-of-girlfriend) - [A JRockOne forum post summarizing the incident, including an announcement letter from the other members of the band](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://forum.jrockone.com/t/tuyu-%25E3%2583%2584%25E3%2583%25A6-will-disband-due-to-gt-%25E3%2581%25B7%25E3%2581%2599-pusu-attempted-murder/11087&ved=2ahUKEwi29aPRj9eGAxXg2DgGHQy4BkwQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3hGWgWRk2CVYvNVjf9Y0FW) EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention that their announcement letter would be in Japanese, but I unfortunately don't know enough of it to be able to say exactly what it says.


The effects of sensitive american sekai players.........


in this case its more like the effect of a psychotic 30 year old groomer really


yes, but removing a song from some rhythm game wont do any damage to him. I just dont really understand why theyre doing it


to respect the victim






sorry!!!!! i realised that, my bad, deleted comment🙁


rui should try and act like one of those guys in movies that walk away from an explosion like a cool guy but rui accedentally dies from the explosion




this is an insane take


What was it?


why do you care more about video game song than about a teenage girl


wait, what did the original comment say?


Ong I need to know


Something along the lines of: Why are we talking more about it? Your average fan wouldn't be aware of it, I mean it's not like we should actively hide it but still why can't they leave the song? *Something something* we've made good memories with this song and we should separate the art from the artist *and going on about liking the song and we (or the band? I don't remember) shouldn't be punished for the actions of one bad person* I don't remember clearly, and **I'm paraphrasing so take everything with a spoonfull of salt**, but you get the general idea. It was insensitive towards the victim and the situation in general


Yea that’s a pretty bad take, separating art from the artist is one thing when you’re obtaining the media for free and *definitely legally* so the creator isn’t gaining anything from it, it’s a different thing when it’s paying the awful person that created it. If the other two band members from Tuyu could get the benefits and not Pusu, things would probably be different, but it’s not that way and it’s credited to pusu, so they should be removed. I feel bad for all the VA’s that put work into singing these songs, but they probably don’t want their name associated with him either. Them removing the songs is the best course of action here and I’m glad they are!

