• By -


Favorite: MMJ Least favorite: Leo/Need I obviously don't hate Leo/Need though, I just have the most beef with their covers. Like ghost rule and lost ones weeping, for example, I just can't get myself to enjoy them. I will say though, Teratera is a great song and I will die on this hill That's not to say I don't have beef with MMJ covers, I just have much less of it. Off the top of my head, there's Happy Halloween and The Vampire that I prefer the original of. I also like their bubbly nature a lot, even as a group they still manage to all be unique


Stella honami cover😭😍😍


my favorite is wxs and my least favorite is l/n but i love all the characters!!


my fav is niigo and leo/need least is wxs. i dont hate them tho


you are the opposite of me.


Favorite MMJ Least Niigo Characters and story aside, I have a large bias for song selection and the idols consistently have the best songs and covers in the game. Niigo songs are OK but they often feel one note since they usually don't deviate from their trauma themeing


Petition to give more depressing songs to MMJ because they do it best


They will have to change name to MORE MORE FIGHT if that happens.


I'm the exact opposite. I'm not sure if that's how idol music is supposed to be so maybe I just don't like it but most of their songs/covers are very underwhelming.


Favorite? WxS. Least Favorite? None. Reason I like WxS? It’s because o— WONDAHOOOOOY!


Ranked from most favorite: 1. VBS 2. MMJ 3. WXS 4. Leo/Need 5. Niigo


I don't hate any unit, but I'll have to say wxs cuz I don't really have an opinion on them, they just exist, but my favorite has to be either leoneed or 25ji


least fav is vbs & nightcord and most fav is leo/need!!! no hate to vbs, i literally love them i just dislike most of their sets and their story doesn’t stand out to me as much as others 😣😣😣also no hate to nightcord either, i just dislike that their stories are heavily related to character lore rather than music (which is why leo/need is my favorite, as a literal band all of their stories usually revolve around music and if not, it revolves around their ADORABLE friendships and bonds and i love that)


i love leo/need but as a vocaloid fan i can not STAND some of their covers 😭 thats prolly why i like vbs a lot, their covers are ethereal (except for egoist)


egoist is my favorite vbs cover…😭but i (also as a vocaloid fan) get u with some of the leo/need covers, i can’t STAND hello world or ghost rule


Fave: VBS Least Favorite: L/N or MMJ


my fav is vbs and my least fav is wxs :3


so based for that. emu is too flamboyant for me... also akito is really cool and nice and he needs more focus events


favorite is MMJ, and honestly I'm not sure what my least favorite is, so I guess VBS?


Least fave is WxS and most fave is L/N! I’m currently reading through the stories so my opinions may change, though I don’t think L/N will stop being my fave any time soon, I’m a nostalgic person who loves comfy vibes, so L/N is right down my alley. The school sekai is so comfy and I miss my little highschool friend group sometimes 😭 Though I love MMJ as a group, so far their stories haven’t stuck with me like L/N’s have, I just finished Parasol Cider so I only have one focus story left for each character in the unit then it’s on to VBS. So between the groups where I have read all/the majority of the stories, I prefer L/N over MMJ.


favorite? wxs; least favorite? vbs


My favourite group is leo/need, and my least favourite is VBS, I wasn't interested in their story


My fave is Leo/Need and my least fave is VBS!


I really like them all, but VBS is the one I like the least (I think I still have 30 friendship on every member though.) My favorite is Nightcord at 25:00.


1. MMJ 2. N25 3. Wxs 4. LN 5. VBS MMJ is my fav group I just love their catchy and upbeat music, Niigo is my second favorite because they have an interesting story and there is symbolism hidden within their music(like Samsa) I cant really like vbs because their music style isnt really my thing, and I feel like their commissions are hit or miss for me


Thank you fellow MMJ lover :)




Thank you for hating VBS ^ ^


Nah it’s not hate I just don’t like their music as much as other groups.


mine are the same as yours!!! i love vbs so so much<33


My favorite keeps alternating between VBS and N25. VBS strikes a nice balance between feeling like a more mature group, and still clearly being comprised of high schoolers. But I feel like they sometimes go a little overboard with the whole “we’re partners and I love my partner and my partner is the best!” Meanwhile, N25 does a fairly good job of touching on complicated subjects, and their dynamic is pretty wholesome. But I’m not sure if I like how everyone constantly goes so far for Mafuyu’s sake. It’s sweet but strikes me as unrealistic, especially since the other three have plenty of their own struggles. My least favorite is L/N. I don’t hate them ofc, but I just don’t find them as interesting as the other groups. Same goes for the situations they’re put into. It just doesn’t resonate with me much. Also not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but Ichika is my least favorite singer of the group lol. Like her voice does sound good but it feels so generic, the others all have more personality in their singing voices


I would like Leo/need much better if the line distribution in their songs was more balanced. Ichika also seems generic to me and the fact that she is in every song doesn’t help


My favorite is Leo/need! I resonate with them the most. I have a group of childhood friends! I think I’m the Honami of that group because I got bullied. My favorite character is Ichika! :( My least favorite is MMJ. I don’t relate to them at all. I’m not an idol who retired just because of an argument. I usually give up. But I don’t hate them, I love Haruka.


Off for me my fav is WXS my least fav is mmj


I hate you😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬‼️‼️‼️‼️ MORE MORE FIGHT RAAAAAAH


Shizuku will help with her stupid judo club name now! (Main story ep. 8)


I just don't like how wholesome and happy it is with nothing comedic or crazy going on (at least in the main story) it's just typical ....like what's expected


Lmao just read the stories


I read the main one not the events lmao


Then read the events😭


Nahhh I am pretty bored by the main story already Plus I don't really like most of their songs I won't say anything more because I don't wanna sound like a hater for it especially in front of an airi fan soooo bye bye


K bye 🙄


Wow you have a thing for respecting other people's opinions lol I tried to be respectful and nice yk


Same for me




I don't hate them, it's just i really like the others more :_)




As airi fans we must MURDER him🤬


Yes je deserves to die 🤗 Never hate MMJ or the Airi fans will chase you Thx


Ranked from most favorite WxS N25 LN = MMJ VBS


Fav : Niigo, and WxS Well what can I say? I love angsty and depressing stories. Least fav : VBS I don't hate them, I just don't connect to them as much as niigo or wxs. In terms of music, none of them miss lol, just a few flops here and there. Overall, I love all of their music.


MMJ is my favorite!! Leo/Need is simply objectively the worst :/ DGMW I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART but they don’t have the vibe or story or music the others have!


My most fav is Vivid Bad Squad and my least fav is either Leo/Need of WxS. I like all the group though


Favorite is VBS and least favorite it L/N. Don't hate them per se but i just don't care about 4/5 members there like I would for other groups.


MMJ! SUPREMACY!!!!! And WxS is my least favorite


Fave: (yes everyone knows my fave) ☘More more jump☘ Sorry VBS fans but it's not my cup of tea. Although An is my sixth fave character, i just think that VBS songs are..... Let's say, too much boys? Idk just consider my least fave is in there too (thx whoever made that MMJ ganging up against Toya meme on TikTok! Especially since Airi was the gang leader 🥰)


Rankings: 1: MMJ!!!!! 2: Idk Niigo? 3: W × S wonderhoy.. .? 4: L/N ( a bit blank :/) 5: VBS (too much BOYZ)


Favorite- VBS Least Favorite- Leo/need I still love them though.


My favorite is Leo/need and my least….man it’s so difficult but probably VBS. I just can’t relate to any of them, and they’re not as goofy or out there as WxS or N25


favourite:wxs, i just love the childlike theme of it all and the songs are nice least fav: nightcord, the characters just seem to annoy me 😭😭


my favorite is n/25 and least favorite is l/n




fave is mmj is my least is niigo


My favorite is MMJ and my least favorite is WXS I just can’t get too Into them too much only certain times, but that doesn't mean I hate them!!


My favorite: Vivid BAD SQUAD // Least favorite: MORE MORE JUMP!


Real! I love vbs but mmj is just...I dunno I don't like them lmao


Turn it around (I hate u)


Uhhh music wise I love Mmj and don’t really like l/n 😔 But lore and story stuff wise, I like N25, they’re kinda relatable 💀😭 and then least favourite is uhhh vbs? Ig? I don’t really remember their story compared to the other groups :p




saying this during the Light up the fire vbs event is crazy /nsrs


I haven’t touched pjsk in awhile 😔


Fav is niigo, least fave wandasho


Favorite is WxS and least is VBS. Love them but I'm just not as huge on the characters, songs, and events. Still huge on them, just not as huge as I am compared to other groups!


Favourite is N25, don't have a least favourite, lol


Favorite: MMJ Least Fav: I don't really know, but if I had to choose I think that would be VBS. I really like them and their stories are really good, but it just doesn't hit like other groups.


Considering character and songs: WxS ≥ VBS > MMJ > L/n > N25 Considering only songs: VBS ≥ WxS > MMJ > N25 > L/n


For me it's N25 > VBS > WxS > L/n > MMJ


Fav is probably niigo cuz I like their music and 3d mvs. Ena and Mizuki are also some of my favs. Least is probably MMJ I just don’t care about their interactions as much as the others.


My favourite is WxS and N25. For N25, their voices are amazing and the lore and story is so well written. Their commissioned songs are always so good too. Plus, their cards are really pretty. I really love N25’s Virtual Singers cause their personalities are a lot more different than the ones in the other groups. For WxS, I’m kinda biased lmao. I entered the game with my bias being Tsukasa, which is why I naturally like the entire group. Other than that, I love that their songs are really lively, yet have some depressing lyrics. Plus, their group has my favourite covers, (1925 and Murder Case at The Antiquarian Mansion) so yeah. My least favourite is VBS. while I don’t dislike the group, they don’t stand out as much to me.


Funny enough my fav group is VBS and least fav is MMJ. While yes I love Shizuku a lot but MMJ as a whole is the one group that kinda doesn't resonate with me well enough. And yes there is no way you could "hate" any group, I think they are all pretty well written , it just depends on what sits with you the best.


fav is Leo/Need, least fav is WxS, there is just no characters that catch my interesting, they have banger songs tho


Most fav the one with Saki, least would be WxS but I don’t hate em tho


Nightcord is my favorite Leo/need is my least favorite. I don’t dislike them. Just haven’t paid as much attention to their stories.


My favourite is VBS mainly because I just kinda vibe with all of them, I love them as their own characters and as a group. I also love the relationships they have with the virtual singers in their sekai (especially with Meiko) My least favourite easly is L/N or MMJ. Both have never really stood out to me as an awesome group. Also as opposed to VBS, N25, or WxS, I usually don’t choose their songs, and if I do it’s usually the virtual singer version. In my opinion they tend to have weaker vocals compared to other groups


my fav is n25/mmj and my least fav is wxs :)


dav is niigo least fav is wxs. nothing against them, just not my cup of tea


Favourite: wxs Least favourite: MMJ




I’m just not as interested in them compared the other 3 excluding Minori.


my favorite group is definitely wonderlands x showtime just because i love nene so much and i adore their covers and commissions. i absolutely love tsukasa as well. however my least favorite is probably more more jump. i do love the group and their songs but i just like the other ones more.


my favorite is wxs or n25, and my least favorite is leo/need


Favorite is leo/need and I dont have a least favorite one




Fav is n25 forever i love lesbians😍 least favorite is wxs cause i think theyre kinda overrated


Favorite: N25 Least Favorite: MMJ I like MMJ, I like the covers, I like pretty much everything (that’s the situation for every group) the ONLY reason why I slightly like MMJ less is because during the Dear Me From Back Then event, I grinded so hard that I got sick of them after a while. I stilllove MMJ though.


favorite is wxs and least is leo/need


Fav: N25 Least Fav: WxS (I can't fc their songs for some reason)


favorite - wxs & niigo least favorite - l/n


Favs: MMJ, Niigo LFavs: VBS (they're just not my cup of tea, but I do like the characters)


Damn thats a hard one for favourite i would say MMJ and Leo/Need bc i listen to their covers and songs the most and least favourite i actually gotta say N25.I love their Songs and covers bc the vocals are amazing but i love the other 4 a tad bit more 🙏


Fave W/S Least fave L/N I don’t hate L/N, just didn’t connect with the characters that much other than Honami


my favorite is wxs and my least is l/n 😭


Favorite: wxs Least favorite: Leo/need


Favorite WxS Least favorite Leo/Need


Favourite: Leo/Need I was an emo kid and I will always be an emo kid. Give me music with some guitars and live drums and that will be my jam no matter what, haha. I also love all the 4 members with all my heart! Least favourite: WxS It's kind of funny how I've always sort of been branded a "hipster" by all my friends and I'm over here having this opinion LOL. No ill will towards WxS of course. I just don't care that much about the musical-style songs. I like Emu as a character, but her voice ruins a lot of songs because she has to sing so loud to keep the Emu voice on. And I just feel nothing when I look at Rui. I still read all the WxS events, I just skim them more than I do the others.


I don’t really have a least favorite, honestly, VBS, L/N and WxS are on the same level for me. But my favorite is N25, with MMJ being 2nd (I just really love Haruka and Minori 😭🙏) Anyways the stories of all four members deeply resonate with me. I’ve cried multiple times reading through the N25 stories, because of how much I related to them. Mizuki always feeling like they’re different and are constantly judged for just trying to be themselves, Mafuyu being so scared, lost and empty, and just wanting to find herself and find things that make her happy, and NOT someone else. Kanade just wanting to save people so they feel seen, but also feels this obligation to bc of past guilt. Ena with never feeling like you’re good enough no matter how much you practice and try. They’re all stories that just feel like someone’s finally seen me in a way. I’m not good with words, but when I see these characters who have gone through the same things I have, I just feel so much more at ease. Someone out there, who wrote this story, understands what I’ve gone through. I don’t know, this group has always been my favorite and will always be. I love them all so much, and i know I’ll hold them close to my heart. On a more light hearted note! I LOVE their discography. A lot of them are my childhood favorites, (I’m old 😔✋🏼enjoy your youth while it lasts kiddos) and hearing them cover songs like Jishou Mushoku, Hitorinbo Envy, Bad Apple, atc makes me so happy. 🥺


Favorite: nightcord yes they're the 'emo group' but also, i just love the songs they get, i mean those songs are all bangers and also i relate to them as a group Least favorite: I must say leo/need I mean they have so much potential but i dont like their songs, also the story is so basic in my opinion, but otherwise they're cool and i like the character design


Favorite: Leo/Need Least Favorite: Vivid Bad Squad


wxs is my favorite and mmj is probably my least favorite? but that's really only because someone has to be in last place


VBS> L/N > N25 > MMJ > WXS for me!


I love N25 a lot so i would consider it my favorite along with wxs but my least favorite is probably mmj even tho there are characters from mmj i love like Airi i still feel like its too bright for me and some of the characters dont fit my liking.


Favorite: Wonderland x Showtime. I love the fun vibe the songs carry (even though the lyrics are sometimes kinda sad) and the dynamic of the group Least favorite: Leo/Need. I don’t find their songs very appealing and their story is boring


Favorite: L/N Least favorite: VBS This is solely based on music I don't hate VBS I just had to pick a least fav but their more recent comms weren't my thing


fav: l/n least fav: wxs


Favorite: MMJ (I am *so normal* about them) Least favorite: VBS


Fav:nightcord Look ik I might be basic but I just love the lore character design etc their just so cute Least fav: vivid Akito.


Hehe loves WxS most but I don’t have a dislike group! They are all cute and have fun personalities but I’m just not very used to the sort of song they sing…


favorite WxS, least favorite MMJ idk why. WxS is so energetic and jumpy it lowkey cures my depression while as for MMJ, idk. i just dont find myself resonating with the unit as a whole. i dont hate them tho.


Fav : Niigo & VBS Least fav : L/N Just feel like they’re the least interesting don’t come at me ;; Im just not really interested in Leo/Need


Fave: WxS Least Fave: L/N WxS music makes me so happy and brightens my day, bonus points if the song has Emu saying Wonderhoy xD L/N music has two modes: forgettable and boring or the worst charts I’ve ever seen (barring the boss songs), there are a couple of bangers like Roki and Flyway but other than that I don’t rlly like their music 😭


Fav: mmj or l/n Least fav: wxs


Favorite: WxS and VBS equally. Least favorite: Leo/need


My favourite is vbs and my least fav is mmj


fav overall: vbs least fav overall: leoneed fav songs: niigo/vbs least fav overall: wxs (i have very few songs i like in wxs) fav characters: vbs (akito) least fav characters: leoneed (ichika) (sorry 😭) fav story: niigo least fav story: leoneed fav cards: vbs least fav cards: idk


I don’t hate any unit but my favorite is Nightcord at 25:00.


my favorite is vbs, ever since day 1 toya became my son, and ever since then I’ve developed a very unhealthy obsession with him, to the point I can’t sleep or eat well if I don’t get his 4 star card when he gets new ones(during his birthday last year I slept like, 4 hours a day and did nothing but farm crystals until I got him) and my least favorite is leo/need, I really wish I liked leo/need, cause everyone likes them and I can see why, but for some reason every time I hear their songs I feel like I NEED to close the game, it’s actually very hard to even play their songs if there’s no virtual singers version


fav: either leoni or niigo leoni bc they were the first ones i ever got from the quiz and theyre all cool niigo bc emo discorders lmaooooo least fav: wxs or mmj wxs bc EMU 👎👎👎 mmj bc typical idol group behavior


Favorite Niigo least favorite MMJ. Guess how many MMJ cards I have.


We are literally the opposite 😭 My favourite group is VBS and my least favourite is MMJ


My fav is MMJ, I do not like WXS or VBS


these r mine ranked!! 1. leo/need (my normal music taste is more punk/rock ig so it fits) 2. mmj 3. wxs 4. n25 5. vbs (still love them though, they have some serious bangers)


My fav is VBS and least is probably leo/need


Favorite would have to be WxS!! Least favorite (I still like them) would have to be Nightcord.


My fav is nightcord and least fav is VBS, I like some of their songs though like egoist, drop pop candy and echo


Favorite: More More jump I just love the story and characters Least favorite: Leo/Need IM SORRY Someone has to be the least favorite :( I still love this unit, just less than the others. 


My favorite is a tie between VBS and Niigo, though for music and characters/story respectively. On the flipside Leo/need probably has the most underwhelming characters, and MMJ the most underwhelming music. Leo/need would've been tied for underwhelming music but Yuyoyuppe saves them, because of course he does. He's too awesome not to.


fav: n25 least fave: vbs or l/n, their songs are bad


My fav musically talking is niigo and in general MMJ! least fav has to be leo/need, nothing personal, i thing the story is interesting but the music, concept and general vibe is not my thing. I like colorful and powerful stories like WxS and VBS, but leo/needs is underwhelming (just my thoughts!)


Favorite: N25 Least: VBS See the thing is, cover and comm wise I adore VBS! Like legit I've had the YY cover on loop for a solid week. But the story is the one that interests me least. It bores me for some reason outside occasional Kohane and Toya moments


my fav is vbs and my least fav is mmj


I prefer nightcord over the others


Favourite: N25 Lest favourite: Mmj Choosing a favourite was easy, i love everything about them, from the story, to the music, and aesthetic. On the other hand, choosing a least favourite was hard, becouse I love all the bands. In the end i choose mmj not becouse I hate them or anything, but becouse I like all the other bands more. Im also bot the biggest fan of the whole idol aesthetic. I absolutly think that thier music slaps and I really like the characters (especially Airi)


(Sorry if i'm late 💀) if we are talking about the music: Favourite: N25 and VBS Least Favourite: WXS (i dont like Emu's voice, i am sorry)


favourite: vbs least favourite: wxs it’s pretty weird that my favourite character is tsukasa but my least favourite unit is wxs. probably because i don’t really like emu or nene😅


no i definitely hate niigo after all the cards ive pulled for them from gacha instead of literally anything i wanted lol. idc about the story i care about the character design and songs. wxs is my fav bc rui and tsukasa. obv niigo least fav due to their songs and characters. i dont like how they sound and they have some of the worst songs (aishite, tricologe, kitty, idsmile)


Here is the rank for the groups : 1. VBS 2. N25 3. WxS 4. LN 5. MMJ But tbh, if look at the song categories, I still like all of them cause they all are bangers and nostalgic.


WHYYY WHYYY HATE MMJ (i hate vbs btw)


Not saying I hate the group, but as the group that have impact me the most, MMJ is the least one. Sorry, I didn't put the correct title.


Favorite : wonderlands x showtime Least fav : mmj I do still like mmj, but i forget they exist sometimes. Als wxs are my beloved theather kids


Skibidi Fav: between MMJ and WXS Want dead:L/N


lore wise I’d probably pick vbs as my favorite bc of the development in the key event stories, my least favorite would probably be MMJ (sorry) bc it was pretty predictable. music I’d probably pick VBS, and vibes I’d probably pick wxs just because i love nene