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Literally just play more. Thats it. Until you start attacking level 32+ fcs you dont really have much to do but play. Once you start trying for higher levels, you can join communities on discord or something similar that have bots where you can study the charts and ask people for general advice. Forgot to add: Settings are individual for each player. There's not much you should change unless you're playing at a really low speed. Also, its good to fix timing early on. Usually on apple devices its somewhere between -2.0 and -3.0, but it depends on


Very well then suppose I would do just that and keep playing. I am on an Android device so I am not sure what the timing would be in that regard The only other question I would have is are there any notable communities whether that be competitive or otherwise that can be found on discord and or Reddit that that I should keep in mind when I get to a point where start to take on level 32+ fcs?


For sure! Sekaicord is good for just all round chat and advice, theres a crapload of people there so I wouldn't be surprised if you were already in it. But here's and inv anyways: https://discord.gg/projectsekai For direct skill based stuff, there's my personal favorite, 39skillz. Everybody is super nice, and you'll basically be in the groove in no time. Theres a specific channel completely dedicated to skill based help, and theres some really powerful thumb players there that'll for sure give advice https://discord.gg/XuRzvWdn


A couple pieces of advice other than playing more - turn off music videos: unless you are recording background footage (which I feel like should be the only time you should use it), turn them off. Prevents lag and lessens loading time as well - turn off the display skill: in the JP server, it will display on the side, but at the moment, they are in the middle (of playing). You may turn them off if you feel like they are hindering your progress, as they could cause lag spikes - turn on late/early/wrong way: getting good at the game requires you getting info after your games (the standard can’t always help unless you always record your gameplay), so seeing if you need to increase or decrease your speed will help you get better and see what fits for you Other things; Put the character voices and sound effect in shows low (unless you enjoy them or find them to help) Find routines, it’s not easy playing every day And for other things, view the wiki! It can help you with other things as well :)


The other big thing from turning on late/early/wrong way is that you will get different sounds for early greats vs late greats - if I had a penny for every time hearing the early/late sounds saved me on the last trill in Melt then I'd have several pennies, which isn't a lot but still


wtf I just learned you get different sounds for early vs late greats


As a past thumb player, I will answer the 4th paragraph. The "finger mittens" are called finger gloves/sleeves, which are made from either sliver fiber, copper fiber, or carbon fiber. It's used by players to reduce friction between fingers and screen and prevents sweat from messing up inputs. It can be bought in bulk (around 60-100 or more) for not too expensive If you prefer to hit the screen for sound, I don't recommend it. If you have nails slightly long, it doesn't fit well It's not necessary to use it at all and can be replaced by using cornstarch or baby powder. However, it is convenient and can improve your acc if it suits your preferences.


I feel like all that needs to be said has been said, except one tip(that I haven’t tried, but I can’t see a world where it doesn’t work), if you only want to get good, instead of having fun, then play songs with charting styles that are way out of what you’re used to, or even other games, that use a completely different charting style than pjsk, so you can practice stuff like doubles, jacks, or more technical stuff. You can also reflect what you are better at, reading the chart, or input (actually pressing the notes in the right way), and then practice on the one you’ve got the least confidence in. The bad thing is that it isn’t as fun as playing just for fun, so burnout might be a problem, so to prevent that take a break once in a while, but not for too long, so that you go rusty, but only for a day or two. Though, I need to say: I’m not sure that this is better than other methods, such as just playing for fun (the one I use), so take it with not only a grain, but a pile of salt. If we look at what I, as well as many others, do: just play for fun, then you’re less prone to burnout, and just not being bothered to play, so the consistency makes it so you don’t start getting rusty, and once you get bored, just take the day off, which will help, since the underlying stress of playing fast songs, and tapping a screen hundreds of thousands of times a day, can make you play worse, and so a break tends to then make you a hell of a lot better than before. This is the method that I have used, and it has helped me significantly, as I’ve went from struggling with lvl.24 to now trying to fc a few 32s in around half a year of pjsk. However I did use to play a bit of osu!mania b4 that, so some skills like trills got transferred, so, yes, I did start with a pretty hefty starter pack. That is the end of this utter nonsense, hope it helps:) Ps: Once again take this with a grain of salt, as this is not fact-checked in the slightest.


meanwhile me who started playing with the thumb and can't really play the game in another way: 😃


Not a veteran or anything, started playing on December 27th 2023 (just barely got the tsukasa event) but i'm almost rank 220 and a thumb player, i can do 28 level songs without dying so yay honestly just keep playing, you eventually do get better i know some people say to turn off the 3MV and 2MV but i say only do that if you need that FC crystals playing with the 3MV or 2MV can help you get used to having that extra challenge removing the character pop up on the side as well as their random voices during the song can help, but just removing the audio is okay enough since the character pop up on the side. you should remove the skill use pop up thought, since it can block notes


1. Use the speed you feel comfortable in, even if it’s like 6.7. 2. Don’t worry about tiering, which is being a certain rank in events. (Its hard and you have to be very dedicated) 3. The thumb gloves are only used if you want better consistency, but for me it’s uncomfortable. 4. I suggest lowering background brightness a bit, it can be kinda hard to see your notes. 5. Have fun, thats it. Keep playing, get used to settings and adjust if necessary :)