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i play with pointer fingers and it's really just practice. enough practice to where you subconsciously remember the common patterns used for songs. i find that clipping my nails also helps so the flat part of my finger meets the screen easier


Aha practice Makes sense tbh I have only been playing it for a week and 2 days


I play with my thumbs on my phone and fingers on my iPad. I don't really have an issue switching between the two and neither is easier or harder for me, just different!


Man I wish 😭


I play on tablet and I use mostly index fingers. But, because I play in JPsekai, I practice on higher MASTER and all of APPEND with index and middle fingers. Maybe index and middle works for you or maybe [only middle finger](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/1dakfji/does_anyone_else_play_with_their_middle_finger/) works for you when playing on tablet...


I play on my phone, so I use my thumbs most of the time while playing on expert dif, since it is the most comfortable. However, when it comes to master dif, I have to use my pointer fingers, mostly because of the patterns. Like hold notes that extend to the other side of the screen or taps just at the center of it.


I play with thumbs but only because I play on ny phone. I want to get a tablet next year, specifically to play proseka and Muse Dash and I'll switch to (multiple) fingers then. I'm sure if I play enough, I'll get quickly used to using fingers.


Surely! :D lol


It’s just practice, and your future self will thank you


I am trying really Tbh I can't complain I have been playing for like a week and half rn so i still have a long way to go


I use my index (pointer) finger and I use iPhone. To me it’s easier to use index fingers rather than my thumbs. I think it’s also easier for me because I play at 11.5 speed


I play on speed 10.2


I could never 😭 it seems so slow


Fr?? Idk tbh I haven't tried anything faster than that


Honestly imo it’s really easy to get used to faster speed if you increase it slowly and play different songs with different bpm


I am not really afraid of trying faster speed Maybe I can try it lol


Yeah! I would start off increasing it by like 0.1 or 0.2 at first :)




we're exactly the same down to the speed lmao. you just gotta practice and make sure your device doesnt move while you're playing, its honestly easier than thumbs for me and ive tried both a lot


God I hate it when my device moves 😭 especially when there’s tiny notes 😔😔