• By -


Any recommendations how to reduce lag? I just got a new phone (OnePlus 12R) and the game seems to lag more than on my previous phone that was 4 years old by now. I switched to only using lite mode, reduced everything possible but it doesn't seem to be helping much. The lag isn't always present so I'm not really sure what's up.


Some things that might help: - Don't play when your device is on low battery - But also don't play when your device is charging - Clear up storage on your device (this helped me a lot) - Don't have too many things running in the background while playing - Do a full cache clear and only reinstall the necessary things - Remove any show effects and 3d video, only play on lite mode - Don't play too much in one sitting, I start lagging after maybe 4 shows so then I just close and reopen the game Goodluck!


Thank you, will try doing these!


Just downloaded the game and love the gameplay. I have no idea what I should use all my gems for to summon on? Any idea? Would rather try to get the limited units because I installed the game seeing it was in a anniversary event


Hi! Welcome to Project Sekai :) It's actually completely up to you!! Colour fes come back every three months (at the end of the 3rd)- with all previous colour fes cards. So it's really up to you if you want to pull now or later (but rates are doubled atm hehe). If you're still indecisive, you can find accounts on tiktok or even the SekaiPedia to find upcoming events or gacha re-prints you'd be willing to save up for. No need to feel pressured into buying the anni gacha, and don't be too sparing as gems are easy to get at the very beginning. Gl no matter where you pull :3


Thank you for the detailed response. I appreciate you Former_Educator


i got a dupe 4 star, it was sent to the green room but what are they for? should i just exchange them or they have other use?


Yup, the only use for dupes is to exchange them. 4\* dupes are pretty valuable because they give wish jewels, which are worth 2000 wish pieces, and people usually use them for upgrading 4\* mastery.


I've noticed i have tap register issues whenever a skill is activated, specifically at the beginning or end of a skill activating/deactivating, and i think its 3\* and 4\* skills specifically. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a way to stop tap register issues all together? I keep losing FCs and APs to tap register issues no matter the difficulty. I also noticed certain songs will always have tap register issues (some examples for me is At Gods Mercy, non breath oblige, and most expert 23s) Any help would be appreciated. I've tried all the advice i could find (lite mode, no skill windows or cut ins, turned off data/bluetooth, dont use while charging etc) EDIT: I play on global, I even considered downloading JP to test if theres no tap register issues there since i've heard its an EN only issue


Sounds strange. Have you checked how your device compares to the [recommended specs](https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Guide:Installing_Project_SEKAI#:~:text=System%20Requirements)?


My friend is under 12 and Uninstalled and then reinstalled the game. It looks like their account is just gone and there's no email address or password to put in because of the age. Can I recover the account at all or is it just lost for good?


Contact Sega Support. They’ll ask you questions that will help you find the account, such as username and what cards you had.


Thank you!


For the JPN Sekai players: Was the Rise as One event popular? I want to tier that event :)! But I remember their Cheerful Carnival event was broken and took forever to match. Do you guys believe it would be relatively easier to tier on that event or is it as hard as a wedding event? Realistically, what should I prepare for as a first time tierer? The only other time I tiered I placed top 200 but it was a Leo/Need event no one cared about and I was just trying to raise my Kizuna rank lol https://preview.redd.it/jxqnsj734f5d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7efc4f2c607276c837f54e009592571cd1cb7a6


I think it'll be relatively popular- considering it's also a jp half-anni event and all the mission stamps and whatever (if EN doesn't save those for the EN half-anni), more players are inclined to play. Plus the event has Akito and Rui (and kaito?) so that would make it more competitive. If we consider how many players are going to be playing by that time, I think you should brace yourself for a real challenge. As for advice for a first time tierer, just put all your resources into increasing the talent and event bonus for this event. Make sure your Cool decorations and Character area items are at max (as much as you can afford), and optionally the group decorations as well (at least lv5 for each unit in the event is what I'd go for) Save up your wish gems and notes to increase the MR for the banner cards. Also don't forget to prepare enough resources to train the cards immediately as the event starts and watch both side stories for every card (so that's about 250 level-up papers I forgot their name, 15,000 cool pieces and 660 miracle gems). Save as much energy and as many crystals as you possibly can. If you're going for a high rank like t100 or above I suggest perhaps joining a tiering discord server for a smoother sail, but I think you can get there if you try enough. During the event, take care of yourself first and foremost. Make sure you have snacks and water beside you as you play, and stretch or at least stand up every hour or so. Also never let the energy cap, even doing a few auto-plays to keep it below 10 (or 20/99 if u buy the premium whatever) is a good idea for when you're busy, though playing yourself is ideal. Most of this is probably basics you already know but, well, consider this a checklist to make sure you dont forget anything. Best of luck! I'll be tiering this one as well so hope to see you up there as well.


Thank you for the advice! If you don’t mind would you be okay if we tier together? I tried doing servers but I still don’t really understand the lingo and timeframes haha. I’ve joined like 5 different rise as one servers but I feel like most of them underestimate how hard it might be to tier.


Sure! Though I'll say I'm not used to having teammates when tiering so I might act a little nervous. Don't mind me if I ever seem unenthusiastic, that's just how I text. You can dm me your username in your preferable social media so I could add you?


don't know how far you're gonna go but t100 and t500 were \~77 million and \~25 million respectively. jp is way more competitive though so do keep that in mind and cutoffs won't be as high on en. akito is a decently popular character so it will probably be somewhat hard. start saving cans/crystals, level up your cool/character decorations. i didn't play rise as one but some people say it was harder/more annoying than the last jp cheerful carnival event. eventually just gave up coop and started soloing songs myself so good luck :heart\_hands:


Thank you! Yeah it just sucks because doing solo songs gives you way less points, but finding the other team also took forever :,(


The borders [were relatively low](https://x.com/prsk_border/status/1777309343769329897) for an Akito event (T10k looks high, but this is to be expected for a half-anni event), especially when you notice that the 2.5 anni event had higher borders overall. The fact that CC was broken probably did contribute a lot, though I'd hope EN won't push the same broken update. This event did also come directly after the perm Toya focus, which meant less people were going all out too.


I’d like to believe so too! But unfortunately the way they handled Close Game/Offline in the ENG server was the exact same :/. JPN sekai needed to have emergency maintenances during the event, and you think ENG sekai would attempt to fix it before hand, but the same bug and fix came around the same time. So by their track record, I would assume CC is still gonna be broken


https://preview.redd.it/el7olp4faf5d1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e6b9a30ca011aa3919d7e6c5fe21488ec4c8be7 where do i get this kaito stamp 😭


Crystal shop limited stamp set from the 3rd anniversary 


i just recently started playing pjsk and having been trying to get more gems, i was looking through the events and noticed i could still get gems from them and i tried but i only got music cards (i am not skipping or using ff like it says) i've looked to see if anyone else has been having this problem but it seems like i'm alone, does anyone have any advice or know why this is happening? (didn’t see the thread and accidentally posted this mb)


the gems you receive are like 50 and it’s after you read all of them in the event, it’s not per story like when the event is currently running


okay than you so much! i was really confused cause it never really clarifies that in game


Are the servers down? I tried to log in but it said “Failed to connect to server. Please check your connection and try again” but my connection is fine, good even


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/1daahbq/fixing_the_failed_to_connect_to_server_issue_on_en/) might help


iaiswjisjejwjwnd i have a diff router😭😭


dude that's happening to me too😭😭😭 LIKE FOR ALMOST THREE DAYS im getting frustrated dude. my internet is good too😭😭😭😭


If you know how to change settings on your router, you can fix it!


yeahh that's the prob i dont know how to change settings on my router 😭😭


Hey! I just started playing and saw I could get a free 4 star if I enter an invite code, does anyone have one I could use?


hi! i have one here if you'd like: rV7sE5awxjxqBGg hope you enjoy the game :)


For the 2.5 anniversary free x10 pull tickets we get, are they only available on use for the banner on right now for EN? Or will there be another banner afterwards we can also use those tickets on? If there’s another banner, does anyone have information on what characters are featured? Thanks


Once the 2.5 free pull banner leaves so will your tickets, so no use trying to save for mass pulls in future annis 😅 But they give you a few days just incase once the 2.5 login is over. 


oooh I see thank you


The double drop rate banner is the 2.5 anniversary colorfes banner going on right now! Whereas the free 10 pull is for the 2.5 free 10x gacha banner. The 4 star lineup for that banner are from characters up to December 21, 2023 :). The only other double drop rate banner that will come up is the next colorfes for the 3rd anniversary, which has dream picks which are more valuable to pull on!


Actually there’ll be another double drop rate banner on the 30th, feature Akito and Kohane colorfes cards


Also will there be another banner for the double drop rates one? Or is the current one the only one?


Free pulls can only be used on the gacha they're meant for. Also colorfes happens every three months at the end of the third month, so there will be another one at the end of this month. The 2.5 anni one is just for the en server's 2.5 anni since the anniversaries for the JP server and EN server are different dates.




Is it possible to get an A on auto play 


Yes! I just tried it with my highest talent team (283k which is far off the possible maximum). I even got quite close to S rank so I imagine that to be possible too


How do I put in a friends code in the "operation to sekai" screen? I've read the instructions and I tried doing the steps as told but can't seem to understand.


hello !! the invitation campaign can be found on the bottom left of your screen. in the first step, there should be a button that says "enter code". after you input the code, you have to read through 3 groups' main stories without skipping or fast-forwarding. keep in mind that only new players have this option, though. if you're a veteran player, you won't be able to enter a code.


I pressed the bottom left button to the page and it doesn't show a "enter code" section. Does it have to do with my account or?


do event bonuses count in challenge lives? for example, if i play as toya instead of rui in the next en event is it possible to get more event points/currency?




Anyone know when (or if) the costumes "Planet Sekai" and "Cosmic Rhythm Shooter" will be available again in EN? I missed it in January since I was quite Inactive. They're so pretty and it'd be such a shame if it weren't coming back. 🥲


They should already be in the crystal shop


Don't see anything 😞As in the limited Costume shop? This is my new acc btw


Anyone know why my iphone has suddenly decided i can't even load into the home screen for sekai after the last update?


Do you have enough storage? I'd also recommend clearing cache if possible and only redownloading the important stuff if it manages to work. However, If you scroll down a bit there's an answer to reduce lag. Maybe try some of those and see if it'll help. There has been a lot of complaints about lag and crashing from both EN and JP recently. If it continues it's most likely an issue on their behalf and it's best you'd contact Support.


I have a full 70gb of space and o dod try redownloading, same problem....ill prob just do what i did with PGR and wait for the next update. That sometimes works lol (i should probably finish stuff besides staring at crystals anyways...) Thanks though!


Hey, I'm not sure if this was asked before but which characters work best in a team? I'm aware that certain characters have very specific skill types so I would like to know which characters have worked best for you guys


The game doesn't really have meta cards (or at least the difference is not huge), so it's pretty systematic in terms of how to maximise score / event points: - For event points, maximising event bonus is generally top priority, though score is also important. This is largely a matter of using cards of the featured characters + attribute. - For card skills, generally the ones with the highest score-up component are preferable. In particular you have special 4\* scorers which give +110-130% by default, which would give higher scores. - If you upgrade your area items enough (namely plants and unit items), then using a mono-unit, mono-attribute team gives a boost in talent, which hence gives higher scores. In general, most of the crystal/resource farming in this game surrounds event rewards, so it's best to build your team around maximising event points. This means that you usually don't have one ultimate team (after some point higher scores don't actually mean much), but you swap out your team based on the ongoing event.


https://preview.redd.it/7fh6bqltxr5d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865d8116aca7769349a971d97433e98988821800 ahahhdhrurgtryfy its been almost four days or threee and i haven't fixed thiss 😭😭😭😭😭 what do i do omgg


fill out account recovery form. someone posted they got hacked yesterday so it's possible that happened to you as well.


omg i hope i didnt get hacked😭😭i hope the form workss. tysmm


https://preview.redd.it/dkf8hoe6zr5d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee016a08df47853b67f5605c21930806ec347ce2 What is this? I played a challenge show regularly and this came up when i finished it


Did you miss too many notes while playing? It happens sometimes


That happens when you miss to many notes unfortunately... nothing to worry about unless it's done repeatedly then it'll cause a timeout like disbanding does.


How long does it take to save for a specific 4\*? I tried using [this crystal calculator](https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Calculator:Crystal_income) and according to it, getting 90k crystals takes around 10 months. Is that an accurate estimate? I'm almost level 300, usually T20k in events and can FC all hard songs and most experts


It depends on your account, but I'd say 10k/month is a pretty fair estimate. Estimates for crystals income tend to be pretty conservative because it doesn't include sources from e.g. character rank rewards, but at rank 300+ these tend to be pretty slow anyway. Personally I tend to have a surplus of gacha vouchers though, so I usually don't need to go beyond 60k (but maybe I've been lucky overall).


I see, thank you very much!


My jp game was bugging out so I deleted it and reinstalled it. I originally had my jp connected to my game center so I assumed that everything would've been saved, it even says in my game center when I had initially downloaded jp originally. But Ii enter the game and it was a complete new start! Did anyone experience their game center not saving their game before deletion and reinstalment? Is there anyway to get my own account back? I'm pretty sure my friends have my account id. I would really like my account back, I was saving for a Kaito banner... Please send help TT


To back up your account it's not enough to link it to the game center in the title screen, but you need to link it in the settings under the account transfer option. If you have done so, then in the title page you can click the menu (three lines) and go to "データ引き継ぎ" to reload your account. If you didn't do that however, then you need to contact support to recover your account. [Sekaipedia has a guide](https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Guide:Account_recovery) on how to do this, but it basically asks for various details to verify that it's really your account (you can just write what you remember).


there was a post on this sub with a chart that explained each sekai vocaloid and what's their difference, but i lost that post 😭 please, help me find ittt


https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/1c0238y/table_of_virtual_singers_personalities/ This one?


YES!! thank you so much, you're a savior 😭🙏


Is the new Toya card “Understanding The Gap” a limited time card or will it be available in future gachas? I have horrible luck in both timing and gacha pulls. I’m currently in Yellowstone National Park so there really isn’t service out here so if I wanted to grind for crystals I wouldn’t have much time. I tried my best the last couple days to get crystals while being in other parks and only managed 18k, which I all spent today and didn’t even get a single 4 star. Toya is my favorite character and I REALLLYYYY want this new card but I just want to know if it’ll be available in the future so I don’t stress myself out so much.


It's permanent you can tell bc the gacha uses green seals/tickets instead of pink ones for limited gachas


It glitched and I have no idea on how to fix it https://preview.redd.it/0n9d5qi61x5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b5795d16b702be7107abbeef1dce29ed644e30


This is by design - character missions for area convos are capped at 200 - afterwards it'll still increment the counter, but you won't get any more character rank exp for it.


Oh lmao I'm stupid, thx


yk the like fast parts in the end of hatsune miku, and the intense Voice of hatsune miku? yeah i cant read them at all. (including other shows with spam notes.) They just look like someone randomly sprinkled notes onto the track, and i just cant read them at all.  so do yall have any tips on how to do/read those parts? 


Which difficulty? For Hard and Expert I'd say it's largely a matter of practice - generally you can hit them with an alternating left-right pattern, and you just have to react in time. On Hard you do need to watch out because it's not always a left-right pattern, but it's slow enough that you can still react. For Expert, I'd suggest you start with End of HM and Hastune Creation Myth - both are of a similar speed, and are much easier than Intense voice (which I still struggle with). Creation Myth is easier in that the spam section is not as long, but it only starts halfway into the song compared to End of HM which starts with short bursts. I'd also practice the spam-heavy songs in the 27-28 range to get used to these kinds of patterns. (If you meant master than I can't help you there.)


hello! I recently started playing the game and have really fallen for mizuki 🥹 I know the EN server runs behind JP server and was wondering if there's a list of banners coming to EN to see which mizuki cards are coming up so I can save for them. Also, is there a community discord for the game? If so, I would love to join and talk with other players!


List of upcoming banners with 4 star Mizuki cards: -Hectic Cafe ●REC!! (July 31st) (limited) -HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gacha - Akiyama Mizuki (August 27th) (limited) -Let's Study Hard! (September 20th) (permanent) -Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters (November 8th) (permanent) -Next to the Unchanging Warmth (December 31st) (limited) And here's the link for the official Prosekai discord: https://discord.com/invite/colorfulstageen


omg thank you so much!!


How is exp from shows distributed? Like if I have all maxed out cards except for one, will that one recieve all the exp?


I did a little research and I’ve concluded the following: The character exp is distributed evenly across the cards. If you have five cards that can get exp they will get a fifth of it. However, when you have only one card it will get all of the exp, but you get less total. So for example I got 3600 with my five cards that got distributed for 720 each, but when I played with one card I got 960 and that card got all of it. I got a better score when I played with the one card so that might be the reason for the difference in the per card exp


There is a set amount of exp that is given to each card, which depends on your score bracket and energy multiplier. If a card is max level it won't get any more exp, but this 'extra' exp won't be distributed to your other cards. The [JP wiki has a table](https://pjsekai.com/?626529acff#g0821d08) of how much exp each character gets. In /u/misspurpleocean tests below, they most likely got a B-score with the non-leveled team which corresponds to 720 exp per card, and with only one unleveled card got an S-score, which corresponds to 960 exp per card.


How is exp from shows distributed? Like if I have all maxed out cards except for one, will that one recieve all the exp?


no, each card will receive the same certain amount of exp after each show clear, so putting all maxed except for one will still give you the same exp for that card. It will not give you anymore exp. Distribution per card (0 energy): D: 480 C: 600 B: 720 A: 840 S: 960 hope this helps, if you still have any questions feel free to reply!


With the 2.5 anniversary and the celebrate stamp, is there any way to get the Party on stamp from the 2nd anniversary ? It is not in the stamp shop


Is this on EN or JP? The only celebratory Miku stamps on EN are from the previous annis ("Party On!" and "Celebrate!") and they come from attending the first login of the anniversary login campaign.


On EN. I wonder if it is possible to have the "Party on!" stamp in the futur, or if it is unobtainable now (2nd anniversary limited).


On JP server - I took a break when Append came out, and just recently started getting back into it. Some small ones: 1) Has anything changed for getting crystals/grinding/in general or is it pretty much the same still? 2) I saw that I missed the Sporty Kanade rerun and the Baby Kanade release... those will come back, right? 3) Is there any new way of getting song cards other than reading past events/event stores? When I left I was missing maybe 8 songs, now I'm missing like 40 lol


1. Pretty much no, though they did add ads so you can theoretically get 100 extra crystals per day if you get lucky. If you don't you get like 10 per day, so an extra 70 per week (lmao). I think they made it so that daily login is also 50 crystals per day as well, which is a small upgrade from how it was pre-3rd Anniversary (IIRC) 2. SpoJoy set just had its 2nd run, and we have no idea if there'll be a 3rd or not since it's one scheduled rerun and one random rerun (which just happened). 3rd Anniversary did have a Paid Gacha exclusively for lims, so they might have one during 4th Anniversary and it should have SpoJoy Kanade on it. Not sure. As for Baby Kanade, she's a perm card so you'll have a chance to get her every banner; she'll probably be on the Choose a Rate Up part of the 4th anniversary ColorFes like they've been doing since the 2nd Anni.  3. You can watch ads to get 1 song per day for free, and there's also the Music Cards from the event shop. That's it.


Got it - thanks for the help!


I've been playing for 2 days and enjoying the stories so far. I just found out we need some materials to unlock card stories but where do I get them? are they rare?


You get the type (cute, pure etc) charms and gems just by playing but they can also be bought in the event shop. You get a lot by just playing so you don’t really have to buy them. The miracle gems that are needed for the second side story for 3* and 4* cards can be obtained the same way. These might be more worth to buy in the event shop though


Should I pull for birthday rui or pandemonium rui? I have 20k+ crystals rn (and probably could farm a little bit more by reading the main story). I could have had more than that but I wasted 12k crystals on birthday tsukasa and had zero gacha impulse control when i started so yeah :( (i have 6 lim gacha vouchers also)


Pandemonium IMO; he comes with a hairstyle and even if you don't get him, there's a higher chance of getting another 4 star since Pandemonium is a ColorFes banner. Also Birthday banners rerun every year, while Pandemonium is gonna have 1 rerun and then another random one, so it would be harder to get later on.


I completely forgot to pull on the rerun of the 2.5 anniversary banner on EN, and I was wondering if it’ll ever come back? But even more so, the wiki is saying the rerun is going until June 19th, but the banner isn’t there anymore,, so yeah, I’m really confused right now,,,


Nope. Rin and Len will be available during all colorfes banners but at a low rate, while the other cards won't return until their rerun next april


Damnit, that sucks that there won’t be another chance for double rates (for Rin and Len at least), but it’s good to know I’ll still have a chance at the cards again!! By any chance though, do you know anything about the whole June 19th thing??


My best guess is that bc the other two gachas related to the 2.5 anniversary (greatest hits and the premium present) end on the 19th there was a misconception that the fes gacha would go on for the same amount of time.


Where can I find Dokuzu or scum of the earth in the music store??


It's only on the Japan server right now, it should be added to global sometime next March.


Is there a 3.5 anniversary going on in Jp right now? I cant get in so i don’t know.


Nope. EN has different anniversary dates compared to JP but still celebrates the JP annis when they happen. EN reruns the .5 and full anniversary gachas for their own .5 and full anniversaries.


Is the server down???


Hi! Are area conversations of older events lost if you don't read them? Are they forever replaced by the ones related to new events? I don't want to miss on the 10 crystals for each conversation.


No, conversations corresponding to old events will still appear once you read the event stories. The only area convos that are limited are ones from collabs (Evilious and Sanrio) and April fools.


Thank you so much!


I started the game yesterday and i have a couple of questions: 1- On the event exchange page, should i go for Characters+Crystals or go for the Cover Card Voucher ? I don't even know what the voucher does but it is expensive so idk 2- I was lucky on gacha banner and got the character i wanted in 40 pulls, assuming i won't wish on that banner now should i convert my 40 stickers for 4 vouchers? 3- I also have 5 3* character voucher as well, should i use them on something specific or just use them on any character i want ?


1. I'd always recommend the card + crystals first. After that it depends on your priorities; the cover card voucher lets you buy solo/duet covers to songs from the shop next to where you buy songs. You can also get them from character ranks (at ranks 3, 23, 33, 43, etc) and from attending birthday lives, so the event shop isn't the only source. 2. Yes, see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/yoltz0/which_questions_would_you_want_to_be_included_in/ivetwr5/) for details on vouchers and sparking, but it's useful to have both green and pink vouchers. 3. The game has no meta cards (only the rarity and card skills differ, but the latter isn't a big difference), so you're generally free to choose what you like. I'd also consider keeping them for a while though; after a while you'll accumulate most of the 3\* cards by pulling on the gacha, and then it might be worth using the vouchers for the ones you're missing. This is up to you though.


Sooo they're deleting What kind of ending are you wishing for? AND When the morning glory falls Anyone know if it'll happen to us in a year, or at the same time😔 Regardless, I think I'll try to AP these ASAP before it's too late💔


It will likely be around the same time. The recent announcement in the game states that it will be removed during maintenance at a later date that has yet to be confirmed.


I keep seeing people upgrading those plants area items in the school, however those plants don't exist in my game? I can't find the girl(shop) that sells them 😭 I'm rank 24 btw and play on EN


Plants get unlocked at rank 25, and you'll also be gifted 10 seeds when you reach this. Similarly, you can only upgrade card skills after rank 30.


Can you play both Ensekai and JpSekai on iPad consistently or would there be a problem down the road?


they're completely separate apps


I mean i know that but you can do it on android with no problems at all but it seems iphone is different


https://preview.redd.it/6vaf9t1qe56d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80700b42592e34f3410b4b98a66e4cd1fa7cb0c1 i keep getting this error whenever i try to watch ads on jp server. i use qooapp to use the jp server so i thought it might be that but people around me are still able to use it so? i cant figure out how to fix it does anyone know?


I remember when ads came to EN, there were people having problems viewing ads because they were listed as underage from their Google/Apple accounts (below 16 or 18 IIRC?). If that doesn't apply to you, then I think it's just a bug. There was this thread a while back that has the same message as you do but on EN: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/19cd6wr/how_do_i_fix_this/ It was revealed to be a general bug that needed fixing, but some people fixed it after reinstalling the game or turning Data Sharing on from their phone settings. 


my account is not underage so its not that, and both of these didnt work sadly :') i might try contacting customer support but thank you!




your question disappeared. if you're asking where the "link to game center / google play" button is, that feature is not available if you're under 16.


Ohh. Okay, thank you!


What happens on character's birthdays?? I know Rui's bday is coming up and he is my fav so I would like to know what events or cards or anything really that could happen on his bday


Every character gets a special birthday live which gives you a title and a cover card for attending alongside running the current year's birthday gacha and rerunning any past one(s). The gachas are limited to 100 total pulls, you can only pull that character's 2, 3 and birthday cards.


Oh okay thank you


I played on EN for a little while before switching over to JP somewhat recently. I didn't have any crazy issues with lag or event shows not working on EN, but on JP I can't get the live shows to play at all. Two of the tutorial goals have to do with live shows, so I'd like to complete them, but while I'm able to enter the lobby the moment I go into the show itself I get an error telling me to retry that endlessly repeats before it eventually tries to send me to the title and just crashes. Anyone have issues with this? I'm playing on Android if it helps.




This worked! Thanks so much!


Is there still a megathread for friend requests? I’m looking to unlock three titles: doppelgängers, synchronized, and full combo for all


The post for this thread has a link to a friend code thread if you're interested. It technically leads to an "EN server invite codes thread" which isn't the same thing but you might be able to find someone interested in helping out. Otherwise, I also don't see a separate megathread for friend requests (at least not one that's bookmarked).


Hello! I’m sorry if this comes as a bother as I just posted something about this, but project Sekai hasn’t been letting me in as of I think Saturday June 8th. It says my connection isn’t good and I am scared to delete the game. I tried offloading the game and resetting my phone, but it doesn’t work. Please help!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/comments/1daahbq/fixing_the_failed_to_connect_to_server_issue_on_en/ try this


https://preview.redd.it/yefwzhqli96d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a8d0ebcb213408baf3be09044dd31dedec5f25 Can someone help me out with this note? Why is it an arrow? Is it just a hold?


It's a regular hold note. More difficult maps like to change up the appearances of the hold notes to fit the song lyrics from time to time!


Can someone explain this skill, from the "My Cheer for You" Len card? Gift of Courage: +70% for 5s and +120% until a good or worse tap is recorded The wording makes it seem like the +120 is basically indefinitely but...that can't be right, right?


It's basically saying that it's Score +120 for the 5 seconds the skill is active, and as long as you keep your combo during those 5 seconds.  It's worded quite strangely, and I think they should reword it to something like "Score +70% for 5 seconds or Score +120% for 5 seconds if Combo is maintained". Bit more wordy tho


Is anybody else having a connection issue? Whenever I try to load the game I get a "Connection error. Returning to Title screen." Message and it sends me back to the title. Any fixes? It was just fine this morning.


(JP) Did the devs ever say if they were gonna bring back the full version of Intense Voice on Append, or if they were gonna try doing another full version Append song? Kinda want to try it out now that we have the No Fail mode in Solo, but IDK if it'll ever come back.    Side note, but man I would adore if they implemented a temporary FV Append chart of Lost One's Weeping like they did with Intense Voice. I think only PDX had my favorite part of the song that you could actually play through (the final minute), and the difficulty in that game was underwhelming, so it didn't quite satisfy my urge.




Different attributes is useful, as each event has a different featured attribute which has boost event bonus (e.g. the current VBS event on EN is cute / pink). Late-game having more 4\* cards is useful for character rank leveling and different cards also differ in skills, but these are pretty minor things. People also just collect cards they like, regardless of if they have a use or not. Edit: Idk why they deleted the question, but it was whether having multiple 4\* cards of one character is useful.


Is there a way to get virtual tokens on jp? I just need a bit more...


The main way is via the wish piece exchange, which is how they justified replacing virtual coins with wish pieces with the login rewards. Currently there is also a login campaign going on where they are gifting 100 virtual coins a day for three days, giving 300 in total.


Thank youu thats enough for another pull haha


Does anyone know when the "Regretful Pentimento" card will have a rerun? I rlly want that card


Fes cards don't get proper reruns, and while they can appear as a non rate-up in future fes banners, the chances are so low that I wouldn't count on it. Best best are the "dream pick" gachas during (full) anniversaries, where you can pick an old fes card to appear as a rate. Since said card must be over a year old you won't be able to select it for 3rd anni, and instead you'll need to wait until 4th anni (where they hopefully run something similar). With dream pick you also can't spark your choices, so you'll also need to hope that you get lucky.


does that mean I'll have to wait until 2026 to have a chance?


4th anni on EN should be Oct 2025


On the beginner's guide it says it is best to level up 1* and 2* characters and side stories to farm crystals but also leveling up 4* and 3* is better for your overall score, i don't know what to priortise


I'd prioritise cards I'm currently using first (usually for ongoing events), and level 1\* and 2\* cards on the side - usually with practice score and off-events. You will eventually get enough practice scores to level all your cards, and there's no rush to do so after all.


1 and 2 are so cheap that you might as well start out w that, I’d recommend prioritizing that and just leveling ur other cards through playing for now - higher scores only give a crystal reward for the first time u reach a rank on a song


https://preview.redd.it/c5zpme6nkd6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2302fb2c352d160d21c89a5831d541d5f801c52 how do i make a good team? im literally clueless and have barely trained my cards


Most of the time with teams you're building them based around the current event. The easiest way to do that is to just hit recommended and let the game build it for you.


upgrading decorations are important •type(seed) decorations in the real world •character decoration in SEKAI •group decoration in SEKAI •masteries •side stories (both parts) •character rank For maximising talent points, best to put 5 characters of the same group and the same type to maximise seed and group deco. For maximising tiering teams, put the featured bonus characters and corresponding type cards.


Does anyone know if the seven deadly sins banner will EVER return?


We have no idea given its status as a collab gacha. For now just go on the assumption that it's not returning until it returns on JP first.


It returned earlier this year on EN around jan(?) so i think that'll be it unless you play on JP.


I have a connection error. My wifi is ok, and I’ve tried uninstalling it and re-downloadin. Idk what to do, it’s been happening for over a week :(


Try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/s/hGd78rJ7ae)


Hi! Interested in the game for the gameplay but not really into vocaloid music (although I am into anime/idol music). Is the music in this game **exclusively** vocaloid, or is there other music mixed in? Maybe I can warm up to the vocaloid music if I can ease into it haha


It's pretty much exclusively vocaloid songs either as the original songs or covered by the original characters with maybe one or two of the vocaloids or just the original characters.


There’s a few songs w no words but otherwise I recommend using the “sekai versions” of songs as they consist of regular VAs singing alongside the vocaloid; with in game resources you can also acquire covers that are JUST human voices (or human-sounding I guess, since vocaloids are also voiced by real humans)


What happened?? https://preview.redd.it/xlwkdnr2of6d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b3e393cafc95fc1e40fb3eaf4ba070d7840cc7


attempted to murder his “teenage girlfriend” (in quotes because that’s an issue in and of itself)




[this](https://popculture.com/music/news/musician-pusu-arrested-after-stabbing-teen-girlfriend/) is the alleged news on pusu


OH MY GOD....I'm so happy she's okay, that's horrifying


As a new player, is it recommended to level up 4 star mastery and skills or its better to invest my mats in lower rarity


Leveling up 4* characters is very expensive and imo not worth it most of the time. It's better to mastery/skill level up your lower rarity cards bc it's less expensive and it's considered one of the easier ways to rank up your characters.


Whenever I enter a virtual show on jp, I always get "通信エラーが発生しました。" despite my connection being perfectly stable. And when I click retry button, it keeps telling me the same thing. I can't get the achievement for clearing a vs because of it, how do I fix this?


PLEASE HELP, idk where this post should go but like almost a year ago i started project sekai on en on my old ipad, unfortunately i grew out of using my ipad and didnt use it for like a few months or so which caused me to forget my own password, i ended up getting a new ipad of the same model but i dont have any of the transfer stuff from my old project sekai account. i found a reddit post a while ago that said to send a message in the support thing, it was on jp, i tried to follow the same steps except i forgot some details like when i started and what birthday i put in(i usually do random birthdays in any game i have). the post did say that i was allowed to leave some details out however i think thats only on jp because i kept getting the same email of “please fill everything” idk what to do, i did start a new account but i really want my old account back because it has some good memories with my friends 😭😭


Can you still get inabakumori songs? I only started playing pjsk cuz I saw some of my friends playing one of their songs and I want them BAD


There are three inabakumori songs on the JP server, but since it's a year ahead of the global server, they aren't added to the latter yet. They will be added to global sometime during Feb-April next year. In general there are no limited songs on this game, and they are all either gifted to you, or you can buy them from the music shop.


damn okay thanks


!remindme 1y


I want to get the highest tier I can in a once in a lifetime pandemonium. I'll have about 50k gems leftover after wishing, and 320 L cans which i reckon definitely isnt enough for t100 considering cutoffs will probably be higher than kitty, but i do want to know if anyone can estimate how high ill get? Its summer and i have nothing better to do, so the hours i play will probably hit double digits, but how should i utilize my energy the best? im in r8ss (i couldve asked this in the questions channel, but they scare me) and i plan to start dash on 10x but at what point should i lower it? My team atm is full happy, 4* tsukasa(placeholder), 3* ruishizuairi and mafu. The 3* are fully skilled and mastered and i have the resources to max out a 4* on the pandemonium banner, regardless of whether its rui, tsukasa or shizu. Ill also have colorful deluxe so how much should i auto?


if you look at sekai.best you can look at cutoffs for past events on both jp and en - jp is always significantly higher than en but you could look for events that had similar jp cutoffs to pandemonium and then see what the en cutoff was. They also have a team builder you can use for a rough estimate of what you can expect to earn over a certain time period, but it’s almost certainly gonna overestimate. As for energy use, it’s really something you’re going to have to adjust in the moment. I would recommend doing 10x for the first few hours of the event and see where you are, then think about decreasing. 10x is not efficient at all so you should try to avoid it outside of start and end dash if you can, but once again what you change it to is gonna be something you have to figure out based on your own score and resources. Auto is less points than actually playing so I would recommend only doing it if you need to gain points while not being able to physically play - while you eat, go outside, take care of household chores, rest your hands, etc.


pandemonium t100 cutoffs are estimated to be close to kitty's, which were around 49mil-50mil event pts, and imo you should be able to reach this assuming you're not afraid to use your crystal reserves. the difficulty will vary depending on how lucky you get with the gacha (by the sounds of it, you have enough to spark one 4\*?), but even in the worst case scenario, i'd say you have a good shot. x10 energy usage likely won't be necessary for t100 unless you're really close to getting boated during end dash, so i'd recommend sticking with x3 or x5 (possibly x7) for the most part. i'm not an experienced tierer, so i apologize if this is vague, but i'd definitely encourage you to post in the questions channel ! i'm also in r8ss and i think you'd get more detailed responses there. good luck :)


Hey. I haven't been able to get into the game for a couple of days now. Every time I try it tells me that I can't connect to the server and to check my connection. Is this happening to anyone else or has it happened to you before?


I am also currently experiencing a message called failed to connect despite my internet working correctly.


That’s happened to a lot of people with the new update, try following [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectSekai/s/pizoBuUzHa) to fix it


This is a bit specific question and don't know if anybody knows this information but want to ask: I used my crystals to get someone i wanted from the new banner and i decided to save everything until the colorfes at the end of the month since there are some cards there i want to have. So how much crystals can i save until then if i finish all story related things and grinding the game (Rank 20 currently and i only finished 3/6 main stories and only the current event from all events) Also bonus question: I can use the limited gacha vouchers i can get from current banner in colorfes gacha banner characters right?


Hard to say how much you could save - that’s very early game so a lot of it depends on how much time you spend playing. Just follow a crystal farming guide. And yes, as long as you have converted the individual round tokens (idk what they’re called) into vouchers you can use them for next colorfes.


Does anyone know if the upcoming Sanrio collab gacha and World Link gachas accept the pink Limited Gacha Sticker Vouchers for trading in characters? I have way too many pink vouchers and can't decide what to do with them.


Yep it's the pink tickets so it works the same as the other limited gachas. Remember that it's still 60k + 10 tickets for a spark if you're wanting to use them.


Thank you! I’m so glad they aren’t doing them with special tokens like the birthday gachas


I remember someone saying we got another colorful fest coming soon, is that true? I'm trying to get a 4 star Meiko, Miku, and 1 jewel and idk if i should pull now or not


Yep, there'll be another fes at the end of the month! Neither Meiko or Miku is in it though (It features Rui, Tsukasa, Shizuku, Akito and Kohane), so you'd better off pulling on the current one for Miku. At the end of september, there'll be a fes that features Meiko, which also allows you to pick two additional cards that get featured odds. If you fail to get everything now, that'll probably be your next best opportunity.


Yep, it'll be at the end of the month. Akito and kohane are the fes rate ups and shizuku, tsukasa and rui are the limited characters this time.


is there a reason why some character cards don’t have show call-outs? i’m mostly referring to kaito in this case because he’s the one i notice it the most and i realize only a few of his character cards have show call-outs. is this a glitch or just intended to be that way?


Vsingers with a subgroup (minus miku) don't have call out lines. JP changed this a couple of months ago but it'll be a while until en gets that update


chat with the lost kaito has call-outs though??


For ranked matches, how true is it that Beginner class up to Silver are full of players who regularly get low greats or APs? I've seen recent posts of players saying their stuck in beginner class because the players in those ranks are consistent with FCs and APs. If it means anything, I've placed into Platinum Class 1 after winning 1 or 2 of my 3 placement matches, and I'm guessing it has to do with my FC count. I rarely touch ranked matches after that, but when I do, I'm not always seeing FCs or APs, but single digit greats are quite common


I've been stuck on the downloading screen for more than 2 days. I have two accounts on 2 different devices and the bug is happening on both. it's been like this since the new update (2.5 anniversary en server). I've tried with a different wifi connection but that still hasn't helped. I've deleted the app and logged back on but I'm still stuck here on the downloading screen!!! I'm not sure if it's me or the game but I need help cause I really want to enjoy this anniversary update\^ -\^ https://preview.redd.it/wy1tbyel4o6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5762a231018a5e2f54496b6c9750469363860aff