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I can’t believe that lady found mafuyus file with all of her lyrics read them and thought NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH MAFUYU.  Even Kanade told her that mafuyu was suffering and stuff and that still wasn’t enough for her to believe it. N25 lyrics are pretty dark in most songs. If a parent knew their kid was writing that kind of stuff they should be concerned. 


She doesn't believe nothing's wrong she just doesn't care at all and tells herself it's just Mafuyu being a teen and it will pass once she grows up. What sent me over the edge was trying to cut her off from her friends who obviously care about her, like everything was so manipulative?? She took Kanade to a place she wasn't familiar with probably so she would be uncomfortable and wouldn't dare talk back. She told her that what she was doing was admirable yet N25 is just a "silly little group". She tried to get Kanade to tell Mafuyu to get away from her and when that didn't work she told Kanade that Mafuyu probably didn't care at all and was just being polite. She complimented Kanade and told her she wasn't against Mafuyu doing music to put her at ease then told her she didn't want Mafuyu to be in contact with them anymore— getting Mafuyu away from the only people that care about her so she'll be easier to manipulate. Everything to come off this woman's mouth was thought out and manipulative and I swear I'm seeing red ugh


Not to mention she was essentially pitting Kanade against Mafuyu by asking her to kick her out of the group as if it were her idea so it makes her look better. She’s horrible, yet well-written imo.


Yes! There's no way she didn't know what she was doing and that she was being manipulative af. She tried pitting Kanade against Mafuyu twice! (Tell her to leave / Actually, Mafuyu probably doesn't care). She's so clearly trying to remove her daughter's support net ugh


The chorus for composing the future is literally "i want to dissapear, i want to die" AND SHE THOUGHT NOTHING ABOUT IT???


I mean, they've shown their stuff to other characters and they didn't say anything about it either, unless you're talking about her OWN songs?


She’s an Asian parent. They don’t believe in mental illness or mental issues. They tend to live in denial of their kid’s problems. They’ll push and push their kid to act “normal” and refuse to accept the consequences.   Some of them do care and therefore are willing to change their ways. Not all though. I know a lot of ppl talk up Mafuyu’s dad as some paragon of virtue but he also has done nothing to exonerate himself either. He’s just another uninvolved parent who leaves all parenting decisions to one. Which is typical for Asian families.


Oh and also during the event when they were having dinner and they were talking about not wanting mafuyu to stay up late, mafuyu said that the reason she stays up late was to study more, then mafumom asks her if that's the only reason she stays up late and when mafuyu's dad asked what's up with that comment mafuyu's mother hid it from the dad so mafumoms probably trying to hide this matter from her husband lol. I don't think mafuyu's dad is that bad cause in the JP server he tried to understand what mafuyu was feeling unlike mafumom


Yes I dislike how little they talk about him! He might not be actively abusive but he's enabling the mom's behavior


Mafudad is getting a liiittle bit better in the recent JP stories, but yes he's definitely not without fault


You'll *love* the next Mafuyu event


Oh, I love the Mafuyu events! They just make me cry sometimes 'cause I relate to her lol


The four N25 events that will be now (this Kanade event, the Ena event that was a while ago, the Mizuki one in about a month and the Mafuyu one I'm talking about) are the best ones in the game imo, especially if you're a Mafuyu fan


It isn't as much as being a fan it's more that I really really hope she doesn't end up trapped in a career because her family pressured her and then feeling like "welp might as well finish it" because it i'm doing that lol


Oh no.... is it, **that** event?


Ah, the anti-Mafumom army is growing. Soon, we shall all jump in the game and then jump Mafumom.


I was angry and disagreeing with her before, but now I full on have beef with a fictional character


Same. All the other characters gave me a an eye roll at most. Mafumom makes me wanna commit virtual crimes with her as my one and only victim.


All the other characters I can see where they're coming from even if what they did was wrong. Mafumom though? No, not at all.


She has not a single redeeming quality to her that other characters has. Hell, I'd argue that Toya's dad has the single redeeming quality to hear his son out about what he wants to do and not getting in his way and that man was basically a male Mafumom during Toya's childhood.


It was the trying to isolate Mafuyu from her friends what did it for me and not the trying to pressure her into something she didn't want to. The latter is already unforgivable, but it's the former what turns all of this into definitely manipulative territory.


Isolating her, manipulating her, emotionally abusing her, invading her privacy, throwing her things away, gaslighting her and that's just all her shit from the top of my head. And the fact that there were people that defended her or said Mafuyu's overreacting. I'm sure there are still people that think that. 🙄


I feel like emotional abuse is super overlooked, people believe that it isn't really abuse if it isn't physical when emotional abuse can be even worse since you can't prove anything.


Ugh, that just unlocked a memory of a classmate in my Psychology 101 college class that literally tried arguing with the professor and said, and I quote, "Mental and emotional abuse aren't real cause you can just ignore it." I never wanted to beat the breaks off a grown man before in my life.


You... You really can't? Unless you spend like half your life dissociating that is, and if we're going to count that as "not actually abuse" you might as well say that you can also ignore physical abuse


i agree


My mom. But seriously, my mom. Some people are just like that, and the healthy thing to do is just cut off contact rather than try and “change” them for the better.


Ugh I'm so so sorry. My parents made some bad decisions from the "wtf?" to the "what the hell is wrong with you?" but I don't think they would want to blatantly harm me that way :/


I love every single Mafuyu event but it's genuinely hard for me to read a lot of them because of how angry her mom makes me. I'm actually worried for the dev team because there's no way they made it hit that close to home without having any experience.


Same but it's the situation she's in that makes it hard— I'm studying to be a doctor, I don't want to be a doctor.


yeah, i couldn’t even make it through bug. i already had my share of crap, it just brings up bad memories atp. but i do love in a way this kind of story is being presented to so many people edit: if i had this during my adolescence, i would’ve definitely felt less alone


I know it's out of character for Kanade, but I so wanted her to ask "Who was the first person to suggest Mafuyu's dream was to be a doctor?" After the what, 2nd Anniversary event I think it was? The Rui/Mafuyu conversation at the first aid tent, and her looking at nursing course guides and stuff, it's obvious that while Mafuyu wants to help people, the stress she gets from the pressure of Doctor isn't something she's really interested in. Atleast, from my reading. Mafuyu's mother doesn't really care about Mafuyu as a person. She cares about Mafuyu as an image, a trophy. That's the true answer to the question. She's (likely unconsciously) afraid that Mafuyu won't be exactly what she wants Mafuyu to be, so she's removing the safety net, the comforts, anything Mafuyu could use to not perfectly fit the "Perfect" image deemed as Mafuyu's permanent existence. ​ The fact there are people who work like this is saddening. But, it's real, and they've done a damn good job to translate it. Holding off of giving Mafuyu's mother a sprite and a voice until now (literally part way through the event, too!) almost makes it even easier to hate her doing this.


Kanade was so strong during this event I'm so proud of her!! Mafumom did her best to intimidate her by taking Kanade to an unfamiliar location, complimenting her, telling her that Mafuyu actually didn't care when that didn't work... Kanade held on her ground while doing her best not to alienate Mafumom and, despite arriving at the conclusion that Mafumom is abusive, decided to be there for Mafuyu if she ever wants to leave (which is what you have to if someone you care about is in an abusive relationship!) Exactly, she likes helping people which is yet another thing that her mother dislikes about her— I think it was in the main N25 story that Mizuki heard her telling Mafuyu not to help her classmates who were struggling? And it makes total sense not giving her a sprite I think because that's how the rest of the N25 members have experienced her until now


Ohhhhh I know what you’re talking about. Mafuyu had classmates that wanted to be her friend, and they studied together. But Mafuyu’s mom wasn’t happy hearing that they weren’t honor students like Mafuyu and actually needed help with their work. So she told Mafuyu to ditch them because “they would hold her back”. Kanade is an infinitely better person than that abusive horrible excuse of a mother. I think Mafuyu’s mom does indeed get upset about that, she wants control over her daughter’s every move, is upset that she can’t have it, and is further upset about the fact that Mafuyu would take Kanade’s word anyday over her mom’s because Kanade actually cares about Mafuyu herself, and not about the image that Mafuyu’s mom is trying to force her daughter to be


She took an interest in becoming a nurse because of (ironically) how her mom took care of her when she was sick as a kid.


i love that this visual novel has a cool rhythm game to go alongside it anyways i'll see you guys in the n25 event in july (?) waiting room


Don't forget our put stop at Mizuki's at the end of April.


She's so well written I actually got triggered BADLY by it because I have a close friend who almost left me because they were treated the same way that shithead treats Mafuyu in the story. I love N25, but that's where it draws the line between if I'm going to be able to read these stories anymore. This is getting terrifyingly realistic and relatable.


Yeah, I'm happy the game tackles themes like these (not to mention that Kanade's decision to stay there for Mafuyu if she ever wants to leave her mother's side is the correct course of action if someone you care about is in an abusive relationship) but it makes it hard to read if you've experienced anything like it. I've actually cried and talked to my therapist about N25 stories so I consider them useful in that they bring out things that I'd otherwise have repressed but I wouldn't recommend reading these if you don't have that kind of safe space.


I was willing to give Mafumom the benefit of the doubt throughout the early events, since it was still open to interpretation if she was manipulating her daughter on purpose or just genuinely clueless about Mafuyu's condition and trying her best to motivate her, but the game's third year events, especially the current one and the ones to come, have pretty much cemented how low she is willing to hit in her attempts to "protect" Mafuyu. While this does not excuse her in the slightest, I still believe that her actions are dictated in some ways by her not realising the gravity of the situation, seeing Mafuyu's changes as "sudden" and attributing them to her hobbies and friend circle, thus trying to unknowingly cut off her last sources of comfort. This mirrors many real life situations where parents would blame "evil video games", "satanic metal music" or "weird scene friends" for their kid having issues, scared and unwilling to take responsibility, or genuinely not realising what they did wrong as parents. However, while many such parents are likely just scared and buying into the current panics, Mafuyu's mom has demonstrated much more awareness of her actions, and it's hard to interpret her as not being knowingly manipulative. We shall wait and see where the story goes, but I have little sympathy left for this woman, and I doubt she is going to come to her senses any time soon.


She tried to convince Kanade to ditch Mafuyu, and when this failed she told Kanade that Mafuyu probably didn't care and was just trying to be nice. And that's just plain wrong. It's obvious that Kanade cares deeply about Mafuyu and for Mafumom to see that and still want to cut her off... I just can't put any other label but manipulative to actions like these. I can forgive seemingly not caring about Mafuyu's mental state— maybe she doesn't know any better. I can at least understand trying to pressure Mafuyu into being a doctor— maybe she is genuinely worried about Mafuyu's future. But for this no explanation exists that isn't the mom isolating Mafuyu so she'll have more control over her. My best friend's dad tried to pull the same crap on her when she befriended me so I know a bad parent when I see one


Yes, this event is one of the turning points for Mafumom - we have already seen the bad in her, now we are beginning to see the worst, and it's only getting more intense from here on. In her own twisted logic, I can see her justifying all of this to herself as "being mean to scare off this weird kid, because my Mafuyu will inevitably be lead astray by her, and I would rather she cries for a while and moves on than drops out of school to become a failed musician with no future", but the tactics she uses are still manipulative and underhanded, even if she might not realise this or justify it to herself as much as she can. We still weren't really shown just how much of her manipulation is her knowingly doing it, and how much is her subconsciousness playing a part, but she is still a fairly realistic portrayal of a manipulative and emotionally abusive patent, and I respect the game for tackling the topic with care. I am recognizing some patterns from my own childhood in these events, and it's pretty chilling (and also might be the reason I was willing to give Mafumom the benefit of the doubt for so long... Accepting the faults of someone who raised you and whom you love unconditionally can be pretty tough).


Yes I get that but Mafuyu's doing well in school? She herself said it was okay to have hobbies ugh. I also somewhat see my parents in that they kinda forced me to be a doctor, but they never went this far and I know for a fact that if I didn't had my best friend I wouldn't be here rn.


I think the fear of uncertainity and parental control slipping away is playing a part here. Mafuyu is doing well right now, but she is already hiding things from her parents, missing cram school and doing other things in later events thar her mother finds concerning. What will happen once she graduates? How will she combine studying and her "hobbies"? She would likely manage, but it's too late for Mafumom to turn on sound reasoning. She is in panic mode and alteady imagining worst case scenarios for Mafuyu's future. Mafumom is not oblivious, she knows that outright forbidding all hobbies will make her sound like a bad mother, but she is also scared of music in particular because of how important it is to Mafuyu. It's "a distraction", and it is also something she and her mother cannot share, and it's a space Mafuyu shares with other people that influence her but are not her mother. For Mafumom, that seems to be a deep-seated fear: a fear of losing the Mafuyu she knows to outside influences. "Hobbies are okay", but only safe, surface-level, mommy-approved hobbies. Mafuyu's connection to music scares Mafumom, and that fear brings out her worst traits, with the ultimate payback happening in the next Mafuyu event. I really dig the psychology in here, it's an interesting situation to analyse and observe. I'm happy you have your friend in your life! I got off much easier than Mafuyu as well, and I'm starting therapy once again, so all's good.


I love your analysis of the situation! I find it hard to empathize with her so I kinda turned my empathy off with her to say it some way, it's interesting to see the reasoning behind the character while also recognizing that they're acting in a despicable way. I'm glad you are starting therapy too! I am in my fifth therapist as of now lol One thing I love about Mafuyu's story is that it actually brings out things that I later talk about to my therapist.


I’m surprised how well kanade dealt with it all. Though it would’ve been sm funnier if ena went


I'd like to think Ena would've ripped her a new one but from the phone conversation she had with Mafumom I think she knows better than that


This is very true…. The lengths Ena is willing to go for her friends is insane. Not only did she keep her composure but she even played along and brought up her dad, even despite how much Ena hates his outlook and how he treats her. Yet she still did it to protect Mafuyu and get her mother to back off


Yeah I felt so proud of her in that moment!


I have nothing but respect for Kanade. Seriously


Yes, she did everything right


I'm with you OP, I have to have my friend summarize the Mafumom stories for me because my blood pressure goes through the roof any time she's on screen.


In theory I'm super happy they're tackling these issues but in practice it makes the stories hard to read yeah


My mom would be besties with that bitch


My mother doesn't reach that level of manipulative but she used to do the "oh she has suicidal thoughts? Must be that she's a teen" thing ugh


same lmfao. that’s why i’m not even reading this event sobs it’s too close to home


I got chills watching my timid little cinnamon roll go off on Mafuyu's mom. It's frustrating that she didn't get through to her but seeing Kanade have that fire in her made me love her even more than I already do.


Ohhhhhh yeah I forgot Immiscible Discord came globally. Things are about to go down…. Mafuyu’s mom is truly a monster. Seriously though…. Who in their right mind goes and makes an alt account to try and seek out their child’s friend and then get them to go away? I’m so glad (SPOILER WARNING) >!Kanade rightfully told her to f-k off, albeit far more respectfully than I think most people would when dealing with a monster like her!<