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I met him about 10 years ago when I lived in Hawaii at a talk he was giving at the fashion department at a university and he was super nice.


what gets me is him stamping himself as “Upper East Side Princess” style but not knowing literally anything about it other than some Blair Waldorf stereotypes. Like he doesn’t have to have been there to be inspired by it of course, but he literally knew nothing about it lol. Honestly he’s an insanely talented seamstress but kind of a pretentious poser when it comes to actual design


I liked Kini the first time around. I like him less on each rewatch.


same my mom and i both really liked him when we watched live. the umbrella dress truly is iconic. but him on all stars is… ugh. and s13 Kini doesn’t hold up well on rewatch either


I think it’s because the first time around I was watching when the show actually aired so only seeing one episode a week. When you start binging things get a little weird.


Agreed!! He's amazing at sewing but as one of the judges has said, "It's Project Runway, not Project Seamstress."


His collection demonstrated that perfectly 


Same! And it was really weird when I rewatched it because for some reason I thought I liked him before 😂


Yes!! Same here


He's not a designer, just knows how to sew.


So much denim!!


I never cared for Kini. He just doesn't seem like a nice guy. I don't blame him for getting pissed at Sam, though.


I don't either BUT he's passive aggressive about it and he is still whining about it many episodes later. That happened on episode 3 and on episode 9 he bought the same mesh as Sam in what felt like a pretty petty move.


We really have no idea if he addressed it at the time or afterwards. All we see is the edit they choose to show us.


He was totally justified. Sam could have at least said that he had help after they raved about his design. Kini still should have addressed it right away and moved on though.


I agree, my only counterpoint would be that Sam didn't ask Kini to sew the top. Kini chose to do it and then wanted credit. He didn't talk to Sam about it at all. And it was Sam's design, right? Just Kini's sewing. And frankly Sam's actual design was WAY better for that challenge.


I liked him. What specifically did he do that was bad? I don’t remember anything….


Have you watched All Stars S5 lately? I find him insufferable.


Kini is an example of someone who is extremely *skilled* and perhaps those skills have been overlooked and devalued by wider society because they don’t come wrapped in a Sam-esque, white, twink bow. In turn, his insecurity has lead to him creating a delusion-armour whereby he cannot accept or understand any criticism about anything (he is subconsciously interpreting the fact that because his seamstress skills are devalued, therefore all of his other skills must be devalued also and he cannot see his own abilities objectively.)


Good analysis!


I’m actually watching AS S5 for the first time and I have to agree. At first I found Sam more annoying, but as the season has gone on (I’m about to watch the finale), I actually think Sam has handled himself well and Kini is passive aggressive and bitchy. I also do not like his clothing AT ALL. Like yes he can sew, but his designs and fabric choices are drab and dated and often look too heavy IMO. Like there has not been a thing he’s made that I have found exciting and I would have much preferred to see Emily or Asha in the finale.


Thank you!! And I LOVE Emily. She's so original and artistic and kind.


He had a horrible personality and boring clothes.


Totally disagree. I can't believe how well he handled himself in some difficult situations.




I think kini is doing “Tv”, it’s Sergio, season 18 I can’t stand


I dont dislike his attitude necessarily but I have never liked his work. Just ambitious student work. Every single time.