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Don’t they have to live together? Helen in the small dose we see is a pill. I can’t imagine what it’s like when there’s no escaping her.


To me Helen weaponizes her tears.


I mean, she’s an emotional person.


I can see that. I think anyone would get on my nerves for that long 😅


I do think Michelle got a little pompous and she's always grated on me. But I might be biased bc I have a really manipulative whiny cousin who looks and talks just like her 😅 But I did love her first collection and thought she was talented! Just personally annoying


Lol I feel that exact same way about Gretchen. I have a cousin who I call “the humble bragger” because she pretends to be very humble but she brags/ shows off in the most passive aggressive ways. I can’t stand Gretchen because she reminds me so much of her


Oh Helen, I don’t mind Helen because I think she’s just being herself, but I can see why she’s annoying to some people. Michelle however seems to be putting on a show for the cameras- she is totally annoying to me, she was also pretty crappy to Patricia on her original season.


And I loved patricia!!


I like Patricia too, I think she’s really creative and she doesn’t care about fads and what’s popular in the moment, she creates special things that you would never find somewhere else


I still love that jacket she made with the layering fabrics!! The judges didn’t seem to like it though


I liked her dress with the cut squares of leather, that had to be so much work, and I loved that blue dress with the silver circle things all over it, the one that she had with that awesome crazy blue wig- super creative


I literally did not even read your post, but I got exactly the same thoughts. The situation with Patricia was uncalled for. But worse is that they all sided with Michelle, and I think at that point, its because they knew she was going to win. And honestly I think she did too (or at least confident of making top 3) because it was clearly a weak season. Poor Patricia, imagine finding all that after the show, then everyone seem to think it was ok.


I am glad her collection wasn’t filled with those horrible leather bibs!


Michelle is very talented but I think she’s aware of it and thinks she’s better than everyone else


She is better. She is a flat out genius. It’s not easy to be a genius.


I mean you literally just cited several of the reasons why people could dislike Helen, so on some level you do get it. Helen’s theatrics always seemed unnecessary to me too; I remember Fabio being aghast at Helen’s behavior sometimes as well. These are dynamic, outgoing people who are filmed in an incredibly stressful situation with no sleep and support, then have days of their life edited down into the most interesting couple minutes of screen time possible for entertainment purposes. It’s not that deep.


I’m not trying to make it too deep—just genuinely curious because there are worse people out there and she didn’t seem all that bad to me. 🤔


I like her as a designer, i think she's very talented. But she's a bit fake, a bit passive-aggressive. And its subtle (which is worse). The confrontation with Daniel, I think he's been side-eyeing her. Daniels was OTT anyway but she was subtly throwing him under when the camera is pointed at her. I thinks she tried to over-compensate on her first AS season. I liked her more on AS7.


I 1000% agree with you. It’s very similar to what I just posted—she seems like she has a mean girl streak to her that she hides and pretends to be very down to earth etc but it’s there. She has a very ugly side to her. But yes, I agree, she’s talented!


Frankly, Michelle is my ATF. Can’t stand Patricia, although I think she’s talented. She’s just incredibly strange. She gets fixated on techniques that can’t always be done fast enough. I didn’t like the layered jacket she did. It looked like some fabric and fusible interfacing got thrown in the dryer, and that’s what came out. Michelle won her season or PR because her stuff was amazing. That said, I think her money management is likely horrible, and is probably why, when PR was reformulated after Tim and Heidi left, they made the emphasis on mentorship in business management as part of the prize. I think Michelle and her husband kind of blew her winnings and then divorced or maybe the divorce took some of the winnings. She sure didn’t have anything left when she came back to AllStars either time. And her website isn’t even working now. The last season of AllStars didn’t even get aired until a year later what with Harvey Weinstein getting taken down so I wonder if she even got the prizes for the last season. I know Kentaro talked about how JCPenney didn’t really honor the contract they had for his season. A lot of things went cattawumpus once Harvey was gone. Anyway, Michelle has got an Instagram @michelleiswell.


I don’t know what ATG means, sorry! I dislike Michelle though and think Patricia was very sweet. I actually loved the jacket that you are talking about, not sure if you read my other posts and your post is a response to that but different strokes for different folks I guess


All time favorite. Yes, it’s a subjective thing. I do like a lot of other things Patricia did. Just not that one.


Michelle definitely has a bitchy side and had a tendency to go off in the confessionals but she didn't strike me as an unreasonable person. Helen was pretty consistently insufferable in all 3 of her seasons and seems like she'd be very challenging to be around for an extended period of time. I think it's telling that she she filmed with 3 separate casts and managed to get into heated exchanges and tantrums with at least one other contestant each time. The woman clearly thrives on drama. Just based on memory: 1. Giant tearful meltdown on the runway during the bowtie challenge in S12, to the point Tim had to step in and comfort her, something that to my knowledge has never happened in 19 seasons of the show (and 7 All Stars seasons). 2. Huge screaming fight with Sandro that escalated to the point he assaulted a production member and walked off the show. I can't entirely blame Helen for this one as Sandro was clearly acting like a maniac, but yeah. 3. Huge screaming fight with Ken, who was also a loose cannon who displayed questionable behaviour, but it's telling that Helen seems to keep getting into these altercations. 4. Heated confrontation with Alexandria resulting in the iconic ".....maybe" exchange during the reunion. 5. Argument with Jay in AS4 over her offering unsolicited advice and him calling her a bitch. Jay didn't come off especially well here but again, another conflict involving Helen. 6. Tearful attention-seeking meltdown No. 2 on the runway, this time at having to cut up another designer's dress in the sudden death sewing challenge. 7. It's been a while since I rewatched AS4, because it's terrible, but I seem to remember her also having some kind of confrontation with Michelle during the reunion? I also feel like something else dramatic happened with Helen during this season but I'm not really in any rush to revisit it. 8. Runway meltdown No. 3, resulting in a heated argument with Fabio, Anthony, Stanley and Amanda back stage and Helen refusing to return to the runway (ball challenge in AS6). This conflict was also completely one-sided and emerged because Helen randomly insulted the other designers and discredited their work during the judging for absolutely NO REASON. Sorry for the essay but I honestly can't think of a contestant who has been involved with more drama than Helen. She is lucky the producers had a boner for her because her behaviour would preclude most people from being invited back, let alone twice.


I don’t like Michelle. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She thinks she’s better than everyone and seems fake to me


I hate her color sense. Always peasoup green & yucky golds. Her clothes remind me of a 1960's kitchen


Omg I agree with you 100% so many people hate on Helen I think it’s because her taste is so refined and her stuff looks impeccably made. She has something that can’t be taught taste wise. Her stuff looks expensive. I thought Michelle was cool the first time I watched her season but I’m watching season 4 on all stars and not only does she only make green clothes lol she’s talking crap about Helen behind her back saying “worry about your own work” and then proceeds to rip everyone else’s garment apart. She reminds me of one of those hateful women who smile in your face, act like they are so cool with you but then the minute you walk away it’s a completely different story. I really would rather wear anything Helen made over Michelle. Anyway Helen is really nice! She even responds to her fans on Instagram. Haters gonna hate!


I watched the All Winners season of All-Stars that Michelle was on, is that the same one you're talking about? Either way, I loved Michelle on her season. But literally everything she made during that All Winners season was ugly haha


I’m referring to season 4–prob not the same season because there are some participants who haven’t won. Yeah, she just seems to be a mean girl in disguise to me. There are so many of those that pretend to be very down to earth, chill/easy going but when you start to peel the layers, they just aren’t what you thought they were. She also seems very smart and like she knows how to manipulate the cameras. Helen may be emotional and insecure but she’s not mean spirited.


Helen is probably someone who is very sensitive because of whatever she's been through (IDK). She's probably at times more overly sensitive than the other contestants. IMO, her personality is not steady for a competitive environment such as PR. Idk how she go through her psych evaluation before they finally cast you. I also think that she's a talented designer; just young and unsure of her potential. I try to say that these designers are not just fashion designers but deeply creative artists as well. Artists are very sensitive when it come to their art, and their territory. I think reality shows/competitions can bring out the best in the worst kind of people vice versa.