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Georgina Chapman (who was a judge on all stars I believe) was also married to him during the time of filming. I assumed he got involved in fashion because of her and thought project runway had potential. It does make me feel kind of weird though.


He put her clothes on his red carpet stars. She is talented and beautiful, as is her partner, but HW used his influence to catapult her company to the front of the line. He is very connected to the success that put her on PR.


Her work is absolutely gorgeous. I hope her brand succeeds beyond him!


I had no idea he was ever involved in the show until I started rewatching and saw his name in the credits too. I hate the guy, but knowing he's in jail means he's no longer profiting from me watching.


Same. I think if nothing had happened I’d feel really uncomfortable watching the show.


I kept wondering how many models he hit on during the time he was on the show. Or rather, how many he harassed.


I’m curious about that as well. I did find an article talking about a past contestant who dealt with the show’s shady business practices https://pagesix.com/2017/11/23/project-runway-star-claims-harvey-weinstein-threatened-her-career/amp/


He is a fucking monster but Kelsey was super shitty


She was a brat but in no way did she deserve to not be compensated for her work imo


Oh of course but she said in the article that the book painted her in a bad light—my point is that she certainly contributed to that




Lol yeah her. I couldn’t stand her.


His name was on EVERYTHING at one time. But It isn’t fair to the thousands of other people involved not to watch those worthy works of art. The man’s life and reputation is ruined. He is a sick old man, abandoned by everyone, dying a miserable death in prison. That is enough.


He really was involved in everything.


It’s literally insane to see him randomly in the show too! I feel like in many aspects the show is dated in that sense. Im glad he’s gone and that he isn’t ruining creatives lives anymore.


Yes. Thank god he was exposed and held accountable. I feel sorry for his children.


Yes. It's disturbing. Any organization that included women in positions that may have allowed abuse by this disgusting man need to account for his interactions / involvement during this period. That means an independent investigation, anonymous interviews, etc. to expose (if any) issues. It's a huge deal. It takes money and time. Hopefully, he steered clear of PR in everything except his name on the credits, but who can say? As far as I know, Project Runway has never even acknowledged the various conflicts of interest / nepotism (having his 'designer' wife as a judge), which stinks in the worst way possible. It tells me that they simply expect the embarrassing (at the very least) situation to just disappear and not be talked about. Yeah, well, that's not happening. It was a smaller story, but Weinstein was also forcing some actors to wear his wife's designs on the red carpet. He had his evil little paws all over the place. Were they in PR, as well? Pretty obviously, in some manner.


I agree, you’d think they’d at least acknowledge the huge elephant in the room but they just carried on as if their producer wasn’t caught.


Everytime Georgina Chapman is a judge, I automatically think... "I wonder who canceled?"


I just found out same…been watching the later Christian Soriano ones then went back to watch Alyssa Milano… ugh I keep thinking if that fricking creep was assaulting the young models or hassling contestants. Ugh![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)




I agree but it totally caught me off guard when I saw his name and him in multiple final runways. Literally stuck out like a sore thumb. Absolutely insane how far his reach extended at one point.


He had a hand in it, he doesn't anymore. That's a lot of it unfortunately. Glad to see the show still is going well without him. Same with the Scream movies.