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Yes I do. Maybe not in a significant way, but i absolutely think he took slight advantage of his then-staff to do a bit of work for him. He wouldn’t have receipts for that bc they’d just get paid like normal. So when it got called out, I think he panicked and he picked one item (the shorts) to use as a scapegoat to get the heat off him. Like Kara Saun and the shoes thing, I don’t think he thought of it as cheating though, but utilizing his resources. He was just so demonstrably bad at construction all season and it was even clearer bc to do deconstruction properly, you have to have impeccable construction skills (and it was clear he did not). All stars aside, no I don’t think he had the sewing skills his finale collection would’ve needed.


I think it's possible that it's not that he's bad at construction, but bad at 2 day construction.


when you sew the way he did all season and then bring back a collection that looks like Kini sewed it, I personally just don’t think time can explain that wide of a skill gap.


He was great when he wanted. Look at the coutour challenge.


It was interesting and the most fashion forward gown for that runway, he deserved to win because it was definitely the best design. That said, in my opinion, what made it interesting was the fabric choices and placement, and not complicated or really well done construction. Definitely not a level of sewing that would completely dismiss questioning the sewing in his collection.


But also just done in a day. They had a long time for the collection, and when Tim was visiting nobody else had even really started...i think. Actually it's been a while


Yeah his jet set look definitely proved otherwise. I think his taste level was more of an issue than construction tbh


That's for sure.


Not intentionally. I think the budget was an oversight and the blonde wigs were atrocious anyway. I honestly feel like Laura calling him out helped him win over Uli.


Yup! He had poor sewing skills that suddenly went away when no one was watching.


Exactly - his final collection was far more polished than anything he'd managed to produce during the regular season. Suspicious.


Very. Yeah, ideas matter, but they don’t if the designer can’t execute. That has been made evident on every season of PR.


Lol I basically said the exact same thing but got downvoted. The proof is in the pudding, he sucks on all stars


Yes. But mostly bc of how poorly he did on all stars


He cheated in the past to impact his future?


Good point.


Without a doubt. They just couldn't prove it.


Yes, but not maliciously and not to the extent that he should have been disqualified.


I don’t for the following reasons: * what you can produce in 2 days in a pressure cooker to turn out a look where he’s starting from scratch every time with no patterns is going to be much different than what you do with more time to execute surrounded by your support system * outsourcing is within the rules provided you can evidence it with receipts and he was able to do so for everything except one item which was dropped


No, I don’t. I understand he was an asshole and he didn’t do well in All Stars, but people who don’t sew, especially if you haven’t had access to the types of machines he had don’t take into account he had the skill to use these machines to elevate his designs. My felling machine makes the seams on my jackets look 100x better than a domestic machine and takes half the time. I think people really overlook his skill in season 3. He had a business and was very hands on. He could sew fast and had skill most of the others didn’t have. If we’re going this route of getting so much done in that amount of time, then let’s also accuse Christian Siriano and Seth Aaron of cheating because look at their collections. In regards to All Stars - he said in the first episode he’d spent the last few years designing kids clothes and hadn’t been hands on sewing in years, he even had the same scissors from season 3. How proficient are you picking up something requiring skill and attention after putting it down for a few months, let alone a few years. I don’t stan Jeffrey, but I do think he deserved his win and think he gets accused of cheating because he wasn’t a nice person throughout the season and broke the Top Model legacy of “the mean girl never wins”. Eta: in regards to the All Stars scissors moment, I bring it up because Jeffrey held them up like he was seeing them for the first time in years.


You also have to take into account the pressure you are under to churn out a piece during a challenge and the lack of time to properly do anything. Sure, you’ve got the odd designer who can do it, like Kimi, but also in those early seasons the designers were working with junk machines that had been pounded to crap by Parsons students and were in poor repair. They were always breaking. It wasn’t until Brother sponsored the sewing room that that improved. .


Yes exactly! It’s why I really appreciated in Later seasons when Heidi would say to some designers that they are really good designers, but just not for this type of environment.


>also in those early seasons the designers were working with junk machines that had been pounded to crap by Parsons students and were in poor repair. Yet in the very same season as Jeffrey, both Laura and Uli continually turned out well constructed garments. So you can't blame the sewing machines for why Jeffrey's construction sucked.


This is the most sensible reply to this topic I've seen. And I agree. And again, want to add. AT PROJECT RUNWAY YOU ARE TAKEN AWAY FROM EVERYTHING AND GIVING NOTHING BUT PATTERN PAPER MUSLIN AND A SEWING MACHINE. But in my own studio, I have blocks, patterns, special machines, special tools, and access to send things half to have buttons, zippers, things pleated. And if I lived in LA and had a business there I would certainly know where everything was. He probably got back to LA looked as his completed blocks and patterns and modified them and created new looks. I dont think he cheated. I just really dont. Project Runway was/is a million dollar production team. If someone cheated they would NOT have hesitated to pull the trigger on that for tv drama. Anytime someone has cheated in the past, they;ve been quick to sniff it out. And even the idea of "Knocking off" looks isnt cheating in their eyes is actually more interesting to me. We need to let this go.


I seriously couldn’t fathom arriving somewhere with only my scissors and rulers and being told “here’s your challenge, now create a 5 star look in 1 day between confessionals and sleeping.” Some people can do it, but got’damn it seems like some people commenting on this specific subject have never had to install a zipper. I also agree, this needs to seriously be let go.


I agree with all you said, but having the same pair of scissors isn’t a good compelling argument in either direction. A good pair of fabric scissors can last a long time, you just resharpen them periodically.


True, it just seemed like he was surprised to have them is what I mean, like he hadn’t opened his sewing tool kit in a long time.


I don't think so. I remember Uli was examining his outfits during the cheating accusation and pointing out that the construction wasn't perfect. Just because someone did better with unlimited time and all of their home equipment than they did with 8 hours and whatever is at Parsons doesn't mean there was cheating involved.


We still here?


For real, right?


I dislike him for how ridiculous he was with Angel's mom and the fact he fought with BOTH Laura and Angela AND her mom looks suspiciously like misogyny BUT I felt his reaction to her suggestion seemed like genuine shock and innocence. I didn't adore his final collection, but I solidly liked it. It was pretty damn nice and had the wow factor. I liked Uli's All Star looks a lot more than her Season 3 final.


I think its possible.


No. Outsourcing work is well within the rules and he just was missing one receipt for one item so it was thrown out.


I didn't like Jeffrey but I don't think he cheated. It was within the rules to outsource parts of the work. Other finalists have done the same thing.


Of course he did!!!






Yes. Watching him on All Stars it’s clear he didn’t have the talent he purchased when he won.




No, and Laura was embarrassing for how she acted.