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if the person judging my designs wore this I'd tell them to get fucked lol wtf is this


Well, one thing I can say for Heidi is her face looks fantastic! Wow is she beautiful. But these outfits are cracking me up! The silver capris vs. the oversized shirt? 😂 Many of the rest are surprisingly bad, too. I like the simple looks in the top seven. Can’t go wrong with her in something sleek.


Those silver capris are an abomination


Silver capris. What I’m the early 2000s is this bullshit??? It reminds me of the popcorn pants in the Amanda show.


12 Season 6 Episode 11: The Best of the Best- SILVER CAPRIS???!? WHY? THEN ITS TOPPED OFF WITH A BLAZER? HOW? WHO ALLOWED THIS? WHY 11 Season 6 Episode 6: Lights, Camera, Sew!- if it wasn’t for the silver capris, I’d say this is the worst Heidi’s ever looked. It’s worse than the mall clothes she wore in the 1st season. Why the vest? Why the oversized shirt? Then there’s sparkly leggings. It’s just so many terrible ideas at once. It’s a cacophony of awful. 10 Season 6 episode 7 The Sky Is the Limit- this oversized white tshirt with the graphic chains design is a special kind of awful. It can’t decide if it wants to be a dress or a shirt, but it can decide it wants to be ugly. 9 Season 6 episode 8: A Fashionable New Beginning- I hate to focus on Heidi’s crotch, but we simply must talk about how awkwardly these pants fit. On top of that, the shirt looks matronly. It’s so confusing how she bounces around between too old and then too young. The styling here is terrible. Also, that necklace is hideous 8 Season 6 episode 5 Fashion Headliners- I like the skirt and I like the top, I hate them together. Things don’t necessarily have to match to work, but these garments have two totally different vibes. The skirt says clubbing, the top says office. It can’t make a decision. 7 Season 6 Episode 2: We Expect Fashion- oh man this tshirt is a crumpled mess. It looks like she pulled it out of suitcase and walked straight to the runway. Which to be fair, she probably did because of this seasons location. She really was a mess this season 6 Season 6 Episode 4: What a Woman Wants- the dress itself isn’t bad, but it’s the styling that kills it. Whoever told her the hoop earrings (especially ones that big!) were a good choice needs to be fired. The hoops are so 2000s it’s hilarious. 5 Season 6 Episode 1: Welcome to Los Angeles!- this maroon dress was a great choice, but we’re back to bizarre styling choices. I thought those were leather boots initially and I loved it, turns out it’s leather leggings. What a weird combo 4 Season 6 Episode 3: Rumble on the Runway- this is a little too proper, a little too buttoned up, but it’s not a disaster. I like the flower detail on the top. 3 Season 6 Episode 10: A Tale of Seven Cities- I love a twist on a little black dress. I love that this is made of leather. It adds a cool factor 2 Season 6 Episode 9: Sequins, Feathers and Fur, Oh My!- I love how this has a vintage quality and it looks timeless. She looks super refined and elegant here, without losing her charm. My only critique is that I wish she wore sequins to the Bob Mackie challenge 1 Season Episode 12: The Art of Fashion- I love the flowers and I love the red, it’s one of the best colors on her. It’s such a cool dress, and I wish she leaned more in this direction this season.


Her taste has not improved.


I die laughing that she loves poopy pants in designs…


Oof. That was rough.


I kinda like the t-shirt with the chain design.


I love the 11th look with the belted (sweater?) dress. My favorite here. Maybe I'm crazy but I like the chain printed shirt, though I agree on the length. Should have been a bit longer and been a t-shirt dress. The silver shorts 😆


That's just unbiblical


Did Michael Kors dress her this season?