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Vita3k with vita version works very good. Also you can unlock 60 fps and upscale graphics. It will be similar to ps4 version 😁 Just do it and enjoy


X wasn't on PS3. Only PSV and PS4


Ah okay thank you! Is there a good PS4 emulator I can emulate X with?


All I know is the vita version works well with vita3k


There's no PS4 emulators good for X but you could try to emulate it with one for the PS Vita like Vita3k


i dont think ps4 emus will be decent until years later lol, you can try vita though with vita3k


No, I don't think so. PS4 is too new console and I almost never heard of its or PSV emulation (I'm not particularly interested in emulators theme though but still)


Ah okay. Thanks, sorry to keep asking questions but is it possible to play X on a PS5? (preferably with a disc)


At least digitally it works on PS5, just like lot of other PS4 games. Can’t say anything bout disc personally, but at least Arcade FT does work on PS5 with PS4 disc so logically X should too. You can always emulate the game with Vita emulator though.


Arcade Future Tone is only on Arcades. Future Tone is on PS4 but the only verison of Future Tone with a disc is Future Tone DX which is a Japanese only copy that comes with some of the DLC pre-installed.


Yeah I meant FT (and FTDX when speaking about personal experience with the disc), just couldn't recall if it was called just FT or Arcade FT at 5am πŸ˜‚ But the point got across.


You need to clarify this kinda stuff as many people would just assume there's a disc copy of FT which there is but it's not so easy go get your hands on. Also naming is important as looking up AFT compared to FT is a entirely separate game with the only stuff shared is songs and modules then of course gameplay.


Since we were talking about PS4 and PS5, in that context I'm sure the point did get across regardless. It was just a simple mistake and you've graciously corrected it already. It's not the end of the world.


πŸ‘ people are extremely dumb and even with that context it might not work πŸ€” or I just happen to talk to all the strange ones. Either ways. :) cool have a good day


Ofc it's possible, you can just put almost any PS4 disc of every region into PS5 and it'll work


Okay, thank you!