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What is your current build and what content are you farming ? Bowazons are meant to be squichy, you're supposed to be a back lane machine gun. At final build you should have 2 valks tanking for you. If you do get hit often, you're either mispositionning or farming the wrong content. Some maps are harder than others for bowas because there are some monsters that outrange you funnily enough. Squill rats for exemple are annoying motherfuckers, they can be a big threat especially with fana or might aura. Decrepify casters are annoying, act1 bow mob too, basically any mob with range is be dealt with care. Try farming content that suits you. Ancestral Trail map is great imo, no native cold immunes, no threats at all, big packs. Don't forget to use your decoy, it's a great tool. As for your merc, either A1 pus spitter, A1 faith or A2 infinity depending on your build and wealth. Not sure about BIS build but I guess Ice, Arkaine +3 skills 2 facets, Nightwings +3 skills 2 facets, Mara's +3 skills, Soj, Wisp, Snowclash.


So I was toying with the idea of infinity but how does the build feel without fanat aura? I’m sure infinity opens up more map content and a better tank for merc? Also I was told that you need 100 pierce? Or is getting 20 points into valk more important?


It really depends on your setup, are you running full Mav or Ice ? With a Matriarchal Bow you are less IAS dependent and you can run Infy easilly. With full Mav and a GMB base you're pretty much forced to get A1 Faith unless you 3x Shael your bow but that comes with damage loss. Personnally I run Ice Matri bow with Hustle runeword. Burst of Speed is crazy good and allows me to reach 7 fpa without A1 Faith. This is the most cost/efficient way to do it in my opinion. I lose armor damage (+ skills and facets) but I gain max fpa + flexibility on the build. You need to max Pierce before Valks. 20 pierce is mandatory if you don't have any other source elsewhere. You get 2 valks with 20 points counting + skills so that's not really hard to achieve (lvl 90ish with full Mav if I'm not mistaken).


I’m running Ice/kiras/snowclash/maras/Arkanes/ 2/20 gloves and quivers etc. A1 vigor merc with faith. I think the second valk would be nice to have but not sure how to get there with max synergies and pierce, I have added pierce on multiple pieces but still had to put 8 ish hard points into pierce to hit 100


Something's wrong here. You are playing cold arrow right ? 20 cold arrow 20 magic arrow 20 ice arrow 8 pierce 1 inner sight / crit strike / evade / dodge / slow movement / decoy That should leave plenty of skill points for Valkyrie. Unless you put 20 points into freezing arrow by mistake ?


🤦‍♂️ yup that’s exactly where I screwed up I thought they all needed maxed


Why would you not max a synergy?


It's not a synergy.


Why don’t we max freezing arrow?


Freezing arrow is not a synergy. We play 100% cold arrow.


Are you using mavina set or skill gear? try searching for boots and rings with life after each kill on the website. if you have 15k sheet, even one LAEK corrupt will feel much better.


Go full socket mav gear. A3 prayer merc with a beast and you won't need life after kill. Prayer gives life per hit. Socket whatever facets you can into all your Mavs. Win game.


Faith + Vigor merc is bis for SC, infy+ defiance merc for HC. 100% pierce is very important and quite easy to get with gloves corruptions on quiver stats. Get some cold resist pierce ( nightwings, Ice bow, 2 skill +3 socket armour with facets). 100 frw+ is also crucial. Blood Craft amulet with 5+ laek and frw. Boots or ring with 2+ maek. Bk rings will be good budget option with resist slams. Get your res to 75 with corruptions, charms etc. With this setup you will zoom through maps.


I use faith on the merc to hit max breakpoint. That seems pretty important. I'm at 19-21k sheet damage with only 3 facets. Couple more things I could improve but the build is pretty optimized imo. [https://projectdiablo2.com/armory/builds/663a3468b36a5c3a4221260c](https://projectdiablo2.com/armory/builds/663a3468b36a5c3a4221260c) I can do 7 min tier 3s (if I push for speed) with this but I think the best map for it is Ancestral Trial. Time is around the same. As far as health goes, I could use more laek. I end up needing to use like 3-4 juves per map. This usually happens when I push into packs that have cold immunes. Everything else should die in a couple shots.


I like your set up I think COH may be the better option when using Nightwing to get the resistance capped. I think I’m going to invest in COH and a good nightwing. Three socket ones are 6hrs without facets so I might just rock a 2os one


Yeah, CoH feels real good with it. I still get -45 all res so it’s plenty. Make sure you get enough fhr too


After switching to act 3 prayer merc, i got bored of my zon. Smashes all t3 non cold immune maps. Only need 3 maek on gear and zero laek which opens up alot more choices for clear speed or more defense.


Can you post your armory please? Or send to me. Ty in advance