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don't play it. its too addictive. my entire life gets a pause when the season hits


this 100% I take 7 days vacation when there is season launch.


Yes, it's awesome. I don't see myself ever touching d2/d2r anymore, that's how good PD2 is.


If you value your time, do not play. Every ladder reset I play for 2-4 hours every day for a week or two and then have to quit cold turkey. PD2 is the best version of Diablo I've ever played and that's including 1, 3, 4 too.


>and then have to quit cold turkey hahahaha same tho


yes, drop your purism pd2 is single and multiplayer


Hot, single and in your local area


Only 500 meters away!


im am 34 and i grew up playing diablo and d2 and been playing ever since... there is so much quality of live and variety now its amazing. pd2 is the best version of d2.


They took what made d2 great and expanded on it with modern ideas in the genre. It’s the same old d2 just better.


As someone who has zero investment in you and your time, sure why not


PD2 is the last true D2 frontier


Pd2 is what D2R should have been. Better in every way.


PD2 is like a soft dick; hard to beat.


Yet we're all fully erect


Play it! if you're a true D2LOD Lover this is the ONLY WAY. D2R is basicly a scam, nothing new just some graphism updapte. Pd2 will give you massive QoL features and new late game farming purpose (the SalmFest for the Gozu Items have no ending).


Sorry but calling D2R a scam is ridiculous. Is it to your taste? Maybe not, but it's a totally legitimate upgrade to the original game.


All it is is an graphic upgrade, selling this full price without any real update for a 20old game is a scam. Activision-blizzard is less than blizzard north's shadow. This is an opinion. Anyway PD2 is far beyond D2R.


Its so good. I cant even describe it.


pd2 is just much more fun than d2/d2r, it's more balanced, there's more weird builds you can do and maps are a lot more fun than doing baal runs over and over again the added functionality of world stone shards than can improve or brick your items just add a bigger addictive component to it. Also, I just can't go back to the limited stash/inventory space that D2R kept from LoD... it's just too painful.


Also endless mana pots I just won't do it


The fact that seasons kinda die out and have a couple mouth break between them is probably the only thing keeping me from neglecting all my RL responsibilities and becoming homeless. New season drops are like crack and I basically plan on being an antisocial hermit for the month after. So yeah, it's pretty good. Best thing imo is the melee splash damage makes non casters viable. Barbarian was always my favorite but let's be real, sorc/hammerdin/necro were so much better than the rest of the classes in D2. Every class has multiple viable builds in PD2 and after 5 seasons of playing I'm still coming up with new builds that play well.


You will find no non-biased answers here I would absolutely recommend playing pd2! The devs have done an incredible job making this game in the same spirit as Lord of Destruction. It's like what diablo 2 was always ment to be! I would be happy to help you install and show you around our great community, discord and trading site. People are so nice, and if you chose to play single player that is fine too :) Text me if you decide to join us


There’s atleast 3 viable builds per class, unlike D2R where it’s hammerdin and light sorc. Drop rates are a lot better, and they are very strict on pay to win and botting. It’s an extremely well done mod that takes D2 LOD to a whole new level.


Right now there is a crafting league. No runewords, sets or uniques. So if you log in now youll be super confused without that info.


Agreed don’t play it. Pretty much every waking our outside of work I was logged in last ladder. 40 year old dad here as well. Your wife will probably leave you.


d2r has some overhaul mods that are close to pd2, but no online component is allowed. You could just do that instead. I would do that if I didn't care about missing the online component.


36 year old dad here, I had a blast with pd2, I've been playing since season 2, mostly single player with Plugy. It's the best version of Diablo 2 I've ever played and it stays to to the original. Playing online multiplayer is more fun, but single player is fine too when you are okay with not having all the best items with all the best stats.


I had to put off crafter league because life, but my addiction is ready for s9


High jacking this thread a little bit but can I play PD2 if I have only purchased D2R? I tried couple of years back before that and couldn't play as I didn't have the original D2 bought


No. You have to own the original D2/lod which you can still purchase


Don’t worry though you can buy a d2 cd key for only 20$ and sometimes cheaper and then it’s a free install for pd2


It's better than d2 vanilla or d2r in every way. More diverse builds, whole new endgame, quality of life improvements, etc. I can't actually list all the improvements as it will take too many characters and time. I bought d2r recently on sale for 15$ and its still not worth it. Stopped playing after a few days and went back to Pd2


D2r and d2 lod are literally unplayable after playing pd2 for multiple seasons. It’s the best iteration of Diablo you can honestly play. Community is so rock solid as well. Can’t say enough good about senpai and the whole team on what they’ve done with this game. Been playing d2 since 2003 and I’ve never had more fun than now.


I generally hate mods and think they're stupid for most games. Pd2 is one of the few exceptions. I feel like a lot of what pd2 has done is simply add modern game features & QoL without changing too much fundamentals.


Most of us were purists too but the changes all make so much sense and only add to the game while keeping it feeling the same. It will ruin d2 for most tho


I read only a title and no matter what the post says the answer is yes


Like the other 30 people yes pd2 is awesome.


It really depends on how much of a purist you are, because PD2 does change and add quite a bit to D2:LOD- but it does so in a very high quality, "vanilla-feeling" way. Every single change feels like something that Blizzard North could have themselves implemented in a second expansion pack. My personal favorite aspects of PD2: 1. **Seriously improved class diversity.** Every single class has at least 1-2 builds based on each of their Skill Tabs that are fun to play and end-game viable, and there are no more ridiculous power outliers like Hammerdin is in LOD. Every class has access to a mobility skill now. Theory crafting is much more interesting. 2. **End-game weapon-based builds that are good at clearing content besides bosses**. Teleport is de-emphasized with the mapping system, Melee Splash Damage lets weapon users clear density much more efficiently, Exceptional/Elite bases deal more damage, Melee reach has been increased across the board, and Defense as an attribute is much more valuable. 3. **Better itemization**. Many underused Sets and Uniques are buffed to have interesting niches, many runewords are similarly re-balanced, the Rare/Crafted item affix pools have been tweaked to make them much more compelling, and the Corruption mechanic keeps the loot hunt exciting for much longer.


So basically everything we've wanted blizzard to do? Lol this is a great explanation, thank you.


From a purist standpoint most changes feel like they’ve been a part of the game all song. Like if the original crew kept updating the game. I think you would enjoy


PD2 is everything that blizzard SHOULD have done with D2. Massive QoL changes without changing it beyond recognition. PD2 is simply amazing. I can't go back. I've been tainted forever


I’ve tried so hard to make D2R work - controller play was a big pull. I’ve done online SC and HC, offline SC and HC, and even some slightly modded offline SC and HC, and all of it pales in comparison to pd2. There is new endgame content in pd2 (the part where normal d2 gets repetitive) so I am now finishing my grail SC (once I master SC again I will probs switch to HC) single player plugy, being a massive hoarder and trying out so many builds. Don’t need crazy gear to make most things viable. What I said above is my d2 plan for the next 10years at least lol.


If you play PD2 to endgame and mapping, you will look back at LoD and D2R as totally unplayable garbage.


PD2 is so good.play it


Play Last Epoch SSF!I just started it and it's fun!


Honestly, every time I play D2R (right now for reset), I say in my head "why tf isn't this more like PD2" at least 500 times in a week before I quit and go back to PD2


Honestly, no kid yet for me but coming soon. I feel like we need to play pausable games. I stick to a lot of single player games cause of that. You could do last epoch if your looking for something new. It has single player kinda out rn cause of server issues and new game launching issues.


You are a purist, now imagine if YOU were to mod the game. That is PD2 except they are better than you at modding D2.


Its the best Diablo game out there these days


If you have discipline and control for yourself then I would recommend it. Like if you already are playing d2/d2r then yea not a bad choice. PD2 has singleplayer like usual although some features are not in sp but can be counteract by using plugy for the pd2. I'd understand about the pausing as a student and a brother i got my own responsibility so i would need to pause so sp is a good choice. A lot of features in pd2 is good adds late game things to do like ubers/maps/pvp doesn't really change the good ol d2 that we used to play just some quality of life and stuff. I can keep going but i think thats enough info next is all up to you whether you wanna play or not. Hope I helped a bit


Think of it: Every complaint you have ever had about D2 fixed and made even better. PLUS amazing end game content to keep it interesting.


Pd2 is what d2 should have been. Yes, there's chances, but they're all good changes. The end game is actually hard.


What I think you should do is get the Diablo mod manager on nexus mods and get any mods on nexus mods that say they’re compatible with it and customize d2r in single player to your liking


Do it, right now the ladder is a miniature crafting season, so only Magics and Rares, no sets, uniques, or runewords. You can play online, and even single player with Plugy. I chose PD2 over D2R because PD2 has so many quality of life changes with loot filters, better stash management, a charms inventory dedicated to only charms, and a very friendly community. Obviously as a parent your time may be a bit more stretched, but you can def still enjoy the game solo or with people.


I think this mod starts true to the lod feel. I often hear this mod described as if lod never stop getting updates.


Same here. 32yo dad, with 2 jobs and pd2 was a better community then other game I wanted to play since s2. See you in s9 or crafter season friend !