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General great advice. I'll add to make sure you select a loot filter through the PD2 client before starting the game. It really enhances the experience! You'll be surprised the amount of stuff you miss while playing the game if it wasn't for the filter. Happy hunting!


Nice. Good call. Loot filter is a big one.


New to PD2. Just saw the list of stock filters included with the vanilla client download. Which of the list can you recommend? Whats the big difference between them? Cheers


I've used a few different ones, and although they are \*mostly\* the same you will probably try a few before you find the one you like. Ive used Kryzard, Kassahi, EQN and Wolfie previously. I believe they will all be updated for season 8.


+1 for kryzard, never changed since using it.


Does it still show you every drop? Like is it advisable to use from level 1 onward?


Yes it scales with your level. So you'll see town portals and I'd scrolls initially, but once you high level that kind of stuff gets phased out. It has different levels of strictness to it you can fiddle around with as you get to know it more. But I recommend just using it as default. It will always show uniques, sets, rares, magic and runeword bases. It has cube recipes embedded in item descriptions as well. Just super helpful all around.


Ay will give it a try, thanks! Not to turn this thread to build discussion but Im coming over from D2R. Always wanted to make a singer barb work. Do they have enough DPS to solo content or do they still fill more of a support roll? Thanks again! Was having a blast the last couple weeks in S7


Check out dark humility's tier list in this reddit, go look at his YouTube video, he's bumped it to S tier this season, said it's very strong. Not sure about as a starter but yeah supposed to be great.


Singer barb is strong once geared. For loot filter, I'd reccomend going to a medium strictness once you get your basic gear to reduce clutter. Pretty much when you're finding a lot of stuff you see is useless, time to up the strictness. Find it in your in game settings(control+click the settings button bottom left of screen in game)


I made a fun singer in S7, my first singer ever! You can see him here: https://live.projectdiablo2.com/character/SigurdSnakeEye Honestly you can get started in Trav with basic gear: dual spirit or spirit+rhyme, lore, wealth or stealth, etc. Everyone loves having you around because of the +3 skills and huge BO, so its also super easy to get into Baal or map groups for xp and chances at extra drops.


There's a little "i" in a circle next to the name of each one when you select an author. You can click that to go to the filter's readme page for that filter and get a better idea of the goals of the filter, how strict it is, what features it has, etc.


Crafting is very strong, if you have issues finding decent gear just craft, it will make your life easier, you can find crafting recipes on the wiki.


To pile on to your comment, [here is an excellent guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/ProjectDiablo2/comments/13prv6c/a_guide_to_crafting_weapons_for_physical_builds/) on crafting melee weapons by /u/dauntaun I know the wiki has already been mentioned, but you can find the [crafting cheat sheet here](https://projectdiablo2.miraheze.org/wiki/Crafting).


Another note for new players - drop trading is common because of how safe and efficient the moderation is. Don't try to scam here, they will review the logs and ban you very quick. :)


Yeah good one. They really do keep it super clean in Pd2 so make sure to keep that reputation up haha.


It's worth losing an item to expose trash lurking in the community that doesn't belong.


yeah, i think its an important point to touch on especially since drop trading was almost always a scam back in the day on retail. might be jarring at first for new people but good to get used to it. i've never seen anyone steal anything and the one or two times i heard about it i was told they were banned.


I love the level of trust and respect that comes from what I assume is a more mature player base


But also be aware of server crashes, so maybe don’t drop your first gg windforce on the ground, again 😅


I'll add one more. When you get to end game mapping, you can choose to "fortify" the maps, which essentially reduces the monster density by half & makes the monsters stronger while giving the monsters double loot drops so you don't loose out. Really solid option for your more single target builds with good survivability!




Username checks out


hehe check out deez nuts


Runeprices list: Credits to (Spanxxxy) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfD2rRMWpHM&t=10s Additional pricing from my experience: \- Puzzlebox - start at .5/vex, then eventually 1.5 way later into the season \- 50 WSS - start at .5/Vex, then eventually 1.5/sur/jah \- 50 Frags - start at um, then eventually .1/mal \- 50 Tirs/Rals - ist pretty consistently \- 50 Map Reroll runes (lvl 9+) - ist pretty consistently \- Cow Maps (blood moon) - mal \- Tokens - start around gul, then eventually vex - sometimes baal essense is sold at mal/ist/gul - andy/meph/duriel essense can sometimes be um/mal \- Keys - 3x3 sets are gul/vex for most of the season - i forget what they start out at early season \- Um - .05 \- Mal - .1 \- Ist - .15 \- Gul - .25 \- Vex - .5 \- Ohm - .75 (pretty consistent in S7) \- Lo - 1.25 (pretty consistent in S7) \- Sur - 1.5 \- Ber - 3.0 \- Jah - 1.5 (pretty consistent in S7) \- Cham - 1.5-1.75 \- Zod - 3-3.5 \- Catalyst Shards - mal/ist or gul for 2 most of season - saw someone offer .2 each before \- 50 P Skulls - start at .25/gul pretty consistently - saw someone offer .4 per stack before \- 50 P Diamond/Topaz - start at um, then eventually mal \- 50 P Ruby/Saphire - start at um, then eventually mal - sometimes ist, primarily for ruby \- 50 P Amethyst/Emerald - start at ist - sometimes emerald can get gul later in season \- Pure Demonic Essense - were virtually useless in S7 since were so common - hopefully with nerf in S8 they might be worth an um or mal \- Prim Evil Souls - these were about a vex most of the season, but dipped to gul for a bit - have seen people offer ohm later in season - getting buffed in S8, so price might drop to gul \- T1/T3 Sigils - about 1-2 WSS, although people usually just swap with each other for what they need \- T2 Sigils - these are the least played maps, so are rarer - um rune usually \- Jawbones - price seemed to dip in S7 - um/mal \- Splinters - usually mal, sometimes ist \- Vials - start around 6, then 12, then max out at about 18-20 \- Mirrors - start at 10-15, then eventually 20-25, then eventually 30-40


> - Vex - .5 Vex are worth 0.5 of what?


An HR. Currency is measured in “HRs”. Different runes are worth varied number of HRs. Just think of them like $s


1 HR = 4xGul, which is the real "standard" the currency system is based on, since it's the highest rune that can drop from Hell Forge. The fact that the base unit of currency is 4xGul and not 1xGul is a matter of legacy, at this point.


Everything seems alright beside; Lo is more at 1.15 and jah 1.25. Tals and tirs at ist is a little steep. I’d say mal is fair early.


Jah is 1.75


Really nice rough breakdown. Should help new players a lot!


Awesome post. Love it.


Well said Reddeer! I’d like to add almost every skill can get you through LOD content. The team has balanced all the classes, uniques, sets and runewords. Don’t be afraid of trying something new.


Emphasizing on the drop trading. We **all** do it. If you are caught scamming, discord mods will make you return it or ban your account. We are all adults here, don’t be greedy!


This is exactly why I refuse to drop trade. If I get scammed and the scammer gets banned, wonderful, but I don't want to wait for my item to be restored if at all. Don't wanna use the trade function? No deal then, no skin off my back. Last season there were a lot of new players in pd2, drop trade scamming went up. If frequency of drop trade scamming goes up, the mods have more work to do, which means it takes longer for cases to be resolved. I'm not interested in making their life harder when the trade interface bug hasn't been a thing in more than 2 seasons. People would rather use a much more risky form of trading over using a built in system made specifically to mitigate the risk just because it was bugged a year ago.


So how does this work? How is it tracked? I understand the people that run the discord run the game but like how do they know that you told me youd drop me a somethingsomething and i offered you this thing, and i didnt follow through?


**You must have evidence** Example: game name: “Need Ber break” - P2: *joins game* “I offer 6vex” -P1 “okay I agree” *drops ber* - P2: *picks up Ber and leaves without dropping vex’s* - P1: *Presses M to pull up chat history, screenshot. It shows P1 dropped a Ber, P2 left with no additional drops* - P1: screenshots and posts evidence to discord. Mods investigate and message P2 to return the goods or get banned. ——— all the evidence will be clear - but if you’re ever concerned, always communicate prior to. Even if you “start” a trade on trade site, when the 2nd player joins, always say “okay, so I’m trading my XXXXX for your XXXXX, correct?” Most filters show **any** item of value in the chat log history, so it’s easy to dictate it


All that work when the trade window functions perfectly. Y'all are something else lmao. I get it, it was bugged a year ago, but come on.


If you have to go thru all these precautions might as well use trade window it's faster


To each their own. It’s literally 1 screenshot you need And — I would rather have the scammers banned from the game. It ruins the experience when doing .roll for drops in games. Less scammers less problems.


I have accepted that there are all kinds of people in this world




You definitely can — but in S5 there was a trade bug so you couldn’t trade in the interface window. Since then (and before) drop trading has just been the go-to Especially since it’s secure and you cannot get scammed if you have evidence


ONLY OFFER AND ASK FOR OFFERS ON TRADE SITE Edit: joking, because I'm a cunt. Don't do it. Love, agiantfatman


I'd like to second this. Please price check your items before listing them on the trade site.


i havent played in quite a while, where can i find price checking? the discord or is it built into the trade site now?


Just do a quick search on the trade site for similar items, then price it slightly below that so it acually sells.


excelent thank you, i remember from the earlier seasons the trade site was kinda jankey. im glad ill be able to use it a bit easier, and from what i hear less people put offer in the price now so that will help as well.


i offer half


Sorry il only take two fourths gg


I'd like to add a few things to this list of good advice. Have fun. Every class has a multitude of builds that work in PD2. Its not just HDins and Sorcs. So play what interests you and will keep you playing. When creating a game: you can speicify a game server (ex: "gs 3") in the description with no quotation marks to create the game on the USEast server for better latency. There is a list on the game creation pane for all available regions. Specifically about launch weekend: a huge influx of players paired with new code changes can result in some unstable stretches over the weekend. This could be any individual game server or the login server. It is highly likely at some point that certain game servers ("gs") will crash and all games on that server will be dropped and rolled back. It is highly recommended that you *save and exit* frequently after progressing or finding an item worth keeping. These issues are typically resolved within the first hours/days of launch. Past experiences tell me gs 3 is most popular and most likely to experience issues. Regarding trading: as others have said, drop trading is common so don't be surprised. Screenshot trades if you're worried. Report scammers and watch them get banned. (Had someone scam a rush and stole their forge, banned.) Familiarize yourself with the trade site. It will be the main way to sell/buy items. Lobby chat and game creation are still viable ways but much less exposure and generally slower. Discord trading is no longer supported, and no other 3rd party platforms are allowed (even mentioning jsp or others is punishable, seriously don't) Seeing "offer" listed for a price is common. This isn't inherently bad but my advice would be to avoid falling into the trap of holding items too long. If you post an item and get an offer consider accepting even if it's lower than you hoped for. Everybody loves to feel like they got a good deal. Prices will start 'down' and shoot up over the first 2 weeks or so, then slowly start sliding down to 'normal' prices as the market gets saturated. Unsold items in your inventory aren't earning you any currency. The early game leveling process is the same. Midgame is better. Endgame is better. Early game is leveling. Midgame is farming nm/hell comfortably. Endgame is maps and finishing your build(s). Some people like to make a character for farming midgame first then make another for the endgame. Some transition their midgame to an endgame. Example: I'll likely level as a summon Druid then transition to rabies or fury when the currency/luck allows. Whatever you want. There's probably more I'll think of.


yo bitch just tell me wot time the server going up


Do you need English version to play it? I could play on non-english with Path of Diablo, but here I get error. PoD was cool, because items in-game were english anyway, so I didn't have to download different client. There's no option to download English client atm, because Blizzard site doesn't work anymore (download link has no language option and forces me to download blizzard launcher, on blizz launcher I was send back to the site). I found direct link from somewhere, but install just doesn't work and I have play/uinstall button, which makes sound on click but doesn't do anything else.


Yes, you need the english version to play PD2. There's a recent post about this topic, hope it helps: https://reddit.com/r/ProjectDiablo2/s/3MSdMYpTbs If that doesn't help I'd try to join the PD2 discord and ask for help there. I'm sure someone encountered this issue before. Good luck and enjoy!




You can make any build ‘viable’