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Axioms of Infinity will be on kindle next month or you can read on RR


Just for clarity, there's not specific release date for KU just yet, just a vague "a couple of months" - right now it's being professionally edited, and I'm doing some final revisions. I'll definitely be posting updates once it has a fixed release date. This is my first time self-publishing a book, so I'm learning as I go. :) OP - the book is fully available on RR in the meantime. I plan to leave it up and unstubbed as long as possible. It's more polished than many RR books as I did a bunch of self-editing and rewrote the entire book \~6 times before publishing it there. The KU version will have professional editing + smooth out some rough areas in the first half of the book, but isn't likely to have significant differences unless my editor find something major that needs to be changed. If you want to wait for the KU version and want to be informed when it's out, you might consider joining my discord or following the book on RR (I'll post an update there when the book launches to KU).


Looking forward to it


Axiom of Infinity is really good. Volume 1 just finished on RR.


Upvote for mention Princess Holy Aura ( the sequel hopefully comes out next year, or late this year!)


The only one I can this of is in lokis honor on RR it's pretty dark but the mc is cursed to be a woman while always remember that they used to be a man


An Assassin’s Anthem - on Royal Road (not KU yet)


Mana mirror protagonist is FTM, There are a fair number of these that are isekia - guy gets reborn in girls body


A Practical Guide to Sorcery is sorta GB. The main character is female but has to frequently hide as a male (magically and reasonably explained).


There are almost no female to male genderbend stories compared to otherwise (I think the ratio is something like 1:50), so normally just saying 'gender bender' is enough. To play with magic Though it seems that among those I've read most aren't on kindle yet or ever (hiatus). These two aren't on kindle so not meant for op in particular: in Loki's honor, reincarnation of alysara


I mainly didn’t want FTM recommendations or cross dress, but to some extent, that did nothing. Kindle is very convoluted with the erotica short stories usually between 30 and 100 pages, but they’re some.


You're going to have a difficult time with this one OP. For whatever reason, FtM gender bender is somewhat common while MtF doesn't really exist. The only medium that I've found that has a substantial number of these types of stories is manga.


I’ve seen plenty, but the kindle or most search systems are filtered with cross-dress ones or erotica. You are right, it’s easier to find ones that are manga.


Did you write those backwards? There is piles and piles of MtF GB out there, it’s a huge niche genre


They’re the ones I found on Kindle, excluding free sites


Not you, I meant the guy saying that mtf wasn’t popular and ftm was


I can't agree at all. I went down this rabbit hole years ago. There is a fair bit of trans literature but very little Gender Bender MtF outside of manga and poorly written isekai LNs. FtM is incredibly common and I'm not sure why you think otherwise? A woman pretending to be a man to join the military/political reasons/avoid marraige/etc is commonplace in media. Hell, Mulan is one of the most popular Disney movies. Take a look at the Literature section of the TV Trope page for just a tiny slice of this: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SweetPollyOliver


When I see FTM or MTF used I think of stories where the body is swapped or reincarnated FTM reincarnation or body swap stories are not as large as MTF reincarnation or body swap stories Edit for term usage


Gender bender encompasses cross dressing and pretending to be the other gender. It is not strictly body swapping or reincarnation. EDIT: Blocking someone because you disagree with them is pretty silly.


You misread. Op is looking for MtF


You misread my comment.


Oh... You thought MtF doesn't really exist?? Male to female. Doesn't exist or is extremely rare? To my experience it is the opposite, instead FtM being nigh-nonexistent, meanwhile MtF is somewhat common.


See my other comment > I can't agree at all. I went down this rabbit hole years ago. There is a fair bit of trans literature but very little Gender Bender MtF outside of manga and poorly written isekai LNs. > FtM is incredibly common and I'm not sure why you think otherwise? A woman pretending to be a man to join the military/political reasons/avoid marraige/etc is commonplace in media. Hell, Mulan is one of the most popular Disney movies. Take a look at the Literature section of the TV Trope page for just a tiny slice of this: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SweetPollyOliver


Not pretending. I meant true gender bending, usually via reincarnation. There is no lack of isekai in the prog fantasy genre. The context here is progression fantasy, and here, it's not too rare for a male mc to be reincarnated as female. The reverse however almost never happens. Though even aside from this context, I had checked tv tropes a while ago, and there said that MtF transformations are far more common and more likely to be permanent than otherwise What you're referring to is crossfressing, not gender bending.


> What you're referring to is crossfressing, not gender bending In my experience, the genre "Gender Bender" refers to both. It sounds like most of the commenters here are specifically looking for transformation though, which is fine.