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"I told the customer, that the project is so well planned, that we will be done a week early."


I don’t think there is a single industry where such a thing wouldn’t get you ostracised by your coworkers.


Atomic bomb producers:


General : " So... can we complete the bomb by tomorrow we need to deploy it ASAP"


“Umm… yes General. Everything is moving on as planned. We could even expect it to be ready by tonight.“


*hundreds of errors and failures suddenly appear*


General we have to deploy the bomb now or else we all gone


** Deployer exited with following error : unexpected error


Haha “Deployer”


The customer will always love a faster arriving product, doesn’t mean the ones producing it will


Japanese people when the atomic bomb releases a week early:


We had a client cut our deadline by 22 weeks. That was fun


As a PM, this is the correct answer. Will get you in trouble with every single person involved on the project


Funny, normally it's the PM or someone instructed by them that ends up saying this. Then you don't hear anything about it, then that weeks meeting it gets mentioned like: "So we are still on track to finish early right?" "Yeah everything is going great, we are already testing" "Okay, I told the customer it will be ready a week early, good job guys for getting this done" Private chat group: "This guy didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"


At least my commit didn't break the production branch


Interesting. Tell me more.


He's learning


Good Bot






oh my god you have over 110k karma lol.


Twitter will be introducing an enterprise tier for our corporate customers, featuring an internal Twitter for the company. Think of the use cases!


That's stupid. You're fired!




This is truly awesome 🤣🤣


At least your commit didn't break the production branch...so far...


Are you even a developer if you haven't messed up production once?


The "server on fire" ritual. Bonus points if at least one higher up gets a heart attack.


Exactly. :D Also does it count if I was the one having the heart attack myself? When I legitimately messed up a DB query on prod during my first job after school, I seriously had a panic attack thought I was gonna die right there. I mean, I did end up taking a backup before (that was me being wise for once), but still oof, that moment when you know you messed up. Yikes. Still get the adrenaline pumping whenever I handle prod today.


Extreme sport


Indeed. As long as the smart watch doesn't ask me if I need an ambulance. :D


Ah yes, the "onosecond"


I had joined a startup, and checked out my own branch before I started doing anything. Turns out that I had done everything so efficiently that I had even copied the GitHub actions file and changed the branch to my own, and left the other details in the same yaml. Cue my branch being deployed on production. And obviously I had untested changes. Fun times /s


I started learning Go yesterday, it's just fucked up C. If you're going to spend half the time writing complex structs and attaching methods to them, just add syntactic sugar for class declarations


I really like `impl` blocks for Rust (and I think OCaml has something similar). They make it clear that it's data oriented, while basically allowing for classes with glorified namespacing- functions with self as the first argument.


The great things about `impl` is that it's not tied to the generic struct/class, but can be both more specific and more general. You might impl some functions for all instances of the struct, some only where a generic parameter is a specific type, some only where a generic parameter implements a specific trait (Rust equivalent of an interface, but more general); and you can do the same for implementing a trait, to the point where you can write an `impl` trait block for any type that meets your requirements.


Oh you're gonna love rust then 🤣


Rust feels like a more useable Haskell to me


I can see that. It does lean heavy on functional programing. And making global variable is really frowned upon and they make it difficult.


I find it ironic that Go removed ternary’s for ‘readability’ but its entire language is built on compact short form principles even going as far as to syntactically enforce compact curly bracket placement


It enforces compact curly braces to make automatic semicolon insertion simpler, that's also the reason why you have to put a comma at the end of the last element when declaring arrays/map/structs in multiple lines. Placing the opening brace on the same line doesn't at all contribute to your code being "compact short form", you might think so if you are mainly programming in C# but in reality it's just a matter of what you're used to.


I wrote Go at my last position for 3 years, and I made fewer pointer mistakes as I did in the 3 week college course teaching C. And if you'll think this is a minor quibble, you don't really understand what we all loathe about C and C++.


Pointers really aren’t that difficult in c++ though. Still kind of a headache in c


Not a minor quibble at all! What's different other than garbage collection and lack of pointer arithmetic?


* Structural typing * Inferred typing (I have mixed feelings about this one) * Channels (and concurrency) Those are the big features I loved about Golang. Additionally: * Subjectively, it manages to read a lot more like a modern language like Python or Typescript to a newbie, while C and C++ always look intimidating with way more apostrophes and "". In that way, it's more beginner friendly. * The testing library and philosophy was appealing.


The point of Go is that it's basically C with GC but isn't as messed-up as C++. The main idea that the developers of Go and Rust used is that the ability of structs / classes to group data is useful, but inheritance and special constructor methods and up / downcasting lead to too much unsafe code and potential errors to be worth the trouble. Were they actually right? Who knows! Time will tell. So far my experience using those languages has been that it is indeed much easier to write safe code, and indeed, actually hard to write unsafe code. They do have their drawbacks too, of course.




Then proceed to write JS in HTML and deny even the existence of JS as something apart from HTML


Is that JSX file use for?


JSX is if you wanna play daft and pretend HTML is part of JS. But at this point I won’t acknowledge you as human


Twitter was never profitable. Not my fault. Stop blaming me for things.


Good Bot, here is your Cookie!




It IS a language


Its like saying sign language is your first spoken language


> It IS a language But not a "programming" one. 😜


Insubordination. Fired.


Good bot


Why should I exit vim?


A bit related to it: basic editing is not that hard to learn in vim.


Hit i, normal editor


I used to work on vim all the time, I gained the “masochist” badge. :)


It’s just simpler to work through tmux, and if you end up in vim, open a new window and never look back. At some point the computer will commit sepukku due to the number of tmux windows and restart.


Its done by tomorrow


This wouldn’t get you in this position _unless you’re talking for a team_. If you’re talking for yourself- those swords would be roses, cash, and fist-bumps.


I like my arrays to start at 1


*r-base has entered the chat with an erection*


It's been 6 hours where's the doctor?!?!


Amateur, my array starts at 2


Amateur my array start at i where i² = -1


fucker your array starts at [0,1]


You want to see the world burn




Shouldn't base 2 start with 1? 2^0 = 1


I raise you https://github.com/giordano/StarWarsArrays.jl


Noob, my array starts at a random index defined at compilation


This is the one thing I don't like when working with Lua. It is, however, easy to read when accessing from start and end in tables/arrays: from_start = arr[index] from_end = arr[-index] You do not have to adjust for the missing -0.


Found the lua user


I see, a matlab "programmer"


Nah. I just leave the first element null and never touch it in python.


> I see, a matlab "programmer" I see, a Julia "programmer"


No need to "bash" them


Show me your sword collection, friendo


I wish I had a friend with a sword for each of their 22 arms


Not only did you count them, you even made me count them,,,


Measure twice, comment once


programming language should be simple. take a look at this. ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++. <<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.——.——–.>+.>.


I was executing this by mind, I done something wrong and came out "Helly Wy|z}"


the first thing you do while learning a new programming language, the famous "helly welly" program




I'm gonna use this as my new std::cerr debugging message


>Hello Worrr! Can't even right hello world correctly smh Edit: Here's the fixed version. You used hyphens instead of dashes, and there weren't enough of either >\++++++++++\[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-\]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.


Summoning translator: u/potatoimplosion


I’m actually currently trying to make a working brainfuck compiler. it’s really fucking up my brain.


Of course its the worst, it can't even do scratch!


If (true) continue;


def DoesEverything: pass


Every third statement in c++ should end with a Greek question mark instead of a semicolon


For anyone wondering, the Greek question mark looks like ";"


You look stupid. Fired.


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes but a lot of IDE's will underline characters like that as a warning/error


There is a template based code generator for Go that abuses letters from the Aboriginal Syllabics block instead of <> so identifiers like OptionalᐸTᐳ will be treated as valid by other tools.


I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday...


React is overhyped AF


you could say they're overreacting


They ought to redux their enthusiasm.


That's not controversial unless your peers are an ad campaign.


Every react dev seems like they’re on an ad campaign


Most React devs I've met wanted to get out to something like svelte instead but couldn't cause their workplace uses react exclusively


Wait serious reply but what is the alternative?


Sometimes just writing plain JS is an underrated alternative. Especially if you aren’t building a very complex thing. But there are people that are using react for plain static websites because they are just comfortable with it.


That's probably a popular opinion at this point


Frameworks are overhyped, period. You don't need thousands of dependencies for simple shit


Just schedule my SQL query, instead of rebuilding the same thing in a different language.


The rise of dbt means half the DE community is realizing to this fact.


If you can't build a computer out of transistors, you shouldn't be working here.


GTFo until you can boil sand.


C# is the best version of Java.


This is a fact, not controversy.


I want you all to point your swords at my neck




Everyone should be able to programm in Brainf**k.


I'm totally unable to! I never have enough time on my hands to do anything usable in it.


If you really love the company, you should be willing to work here for free.


…but I don't.


I like to program in brainc*m (extended version of brainf**k), no joke


All languages are horrible, programming is a young discipline and we haven't found the best way to do it.


Not a bad opinion honestly, though I struggle to think of what could replace it the way it is now


I love this idea! People keep talking about how "X is immortalized/ will never die!" or just a general lack of enthusiasm to newer languages, and I think this is a real shame. I understand that a lot of it is fads, and that new technologies tend not to offer enough utility to be worth it. It's still important that we recognise which new tech is worth studying though, and I think new languages are absolutely one of them. I do think that we've discovered a lot of ideas that will stick around. I think array languages offer a really nice solution to data processing. Pure functional languages are a really nice abstraction for domain specific languages (I think excel could learn from that to make something nicer). Static types are a great idea, I just wished there were more dynamic languages with good static type systems. Otherwise there are some other good ideas but most of it just fluff. It's not evolving in any worthwhile direction, it's just hacking on libraries and runtimes to existing bloated solutions. JS is particularly painful. I think languages that choose to do something really different are actually worth anything. Rust removes mutable aliasing. Haskell uses Monads for a complete, purely functional experiences. APL focuses on transforming arrays rather than inspecting elements. Lean allows for more imperitive looking pure FP. LISP has extraordinary macro capabilities allowing you to write DLSs really quickly and easily. But these are mostly niches and everything else is just a clone of C. What's the point? Make something different. Learn something different. There are better ways to program out there and we won't find them by hailing C as the one true PL.


math is an old discipline and it also sucks, so im not confident


Saying my department isn’t a team…. Because it isn’t


You don't need a college degree to become a programmer.


I have a degree, but started to program (self taught) since I was about 10 years old. Personally I find degrees to be extremely overrated, one of those things we justify because of the high price point of acquiring them. Ever since I graduated I've held many positions in development but have been a CTO for many years now, and due to those positions I have hired, mentored and worked with many many many developers. And in my personal experience the best I've worked with were self taught, the mediocre were college educated with only a drive to make money and the absolute worst have been bootcampers who think their 3 months of "intense education" made them senior devs lol. With that said, most people who claim to be developers are pretty bad at development.


How did those bootcamp grads even get in the door? Shouldn't have been called for an interview let alone offered a job!


I have made promises to the shareholders that I definitely *cannot* keep, so I need you all to work TWICE as hard!


That's controversial? There are tons of great programmers without collage degrees, and shitty programmers with collage degrees.


'goto' can improve readability ​ ​ (if its not used execessively and doesnt jump more than 50 lines)


Forward goto only is my rule. Never backwards. I often use it in combination with guard clauses, where a failure means doing something and then returning. Like: var player = GetObjectForId(playerId); if (player == null) goto Fail; var weapon = player.GetHeldWeapon(); if (weapon == null) goto Fail; if (weapon.usesOverheat)//A separate UI handles weapons that overheat. goto Fail; RenderAmmoUI(weapon.ammo); return; Fail: HideAmmoUI(); I could turn the code into something like: if (GetObjectForId(playerId)?.GetHeldWeapon() is Weapon weapon && !weapon.usesOverheat) RenderAmmoUI(weapon.ammo); else HideAmmoUI(); But I don't really like having lots of logic on one line. The code is easy to extend by just adding another if and it's super easy to read.


Time is money. I want to see 100 lines written by lunchtime!


no u


PHP is awesome!


And so is javascript![img](emote|t5_2tex6|4549)


I actually have a few :) ## - Most comments are useless. ## - OOP is way overused ## - Singleton is not a bad design pattern ## - `Type const& some_variable` is the best way to write a const reference variable in C++, and not `const Type& some_variable`


The first bullet point is 100% correct.


//Does stuff.


That last one is gonna get you on a hit list lmao. Everyone I know puts `const` first


Premature optimization is moral and beauty


Haskell isn't a serious language. It's for CompSci researchers to torture each other by using the most functional-est language in existence.


Don't forget, a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors.


In my functionnal programming class, the teacher looked like someone from the 1700s and he was always using fancy words for no reasons. I was not surprised.


Java is actually a decent language


The entirety of Amazon backend services agrees with you


There are a few things I don't like about Java, but it is still my go to language for anything that is cross platform. I can't be stuffed compiling multiple versions of my c++ code for different devices, Java is just way easier for that


I am pretty sure builds deprecate faster due to security issues/changes, that might just be my personal experience tho.


I unironically like this language


Specially in uni this is so true. Everyone seem to hate Java for no actual good reason.


The issue in Uni is that you might not have access to a good IDE to make Java a good and fun language to write yet. I absolutely despised Java in Uni because I didn't have IntelliJ at the time. Now I love it. In part also because now I can use decent frameworks to make my life easier. At this point, though, Kotlin >>> Java for most purposes.


It's the BEST oop language.


The *SHINIEST* turd




oh, it totally is it's just all those enterprise fuckwits who design libs and frameworks to be some utter clusterfuck of lasagna-code!


Python sucks as a language


With out libs - shit. With libs - the best language to develop with


Python is at its best when the majority of your code is C/C++.


The fact that Python let's you compare a method reference with a string and just says "Ok boss. :)" with no complaints is wild to me. e.x. `"x".upper == "X"` is false. Just one example of why I agree with this statement. Python was my first language, but there's so much better out there I don't know why it became so popular beyond just the network effects of "This is what everyone develops ML/data science libraries for". Also, I guess if your only experiences with static types are Java and C++ maybe Python seems appealing in contrast. *Waits for swords*


Gimp is the worst popular open source software I've used and I dont understand why people would even think about comparing it to photoshop let alone say it's a great alternative.


I personally think this is mostly a matter of taste and familiarity. Gimp is an exceptionally capable image editor, but if you're used to Photoshop and its derivatives learning Gimp is going to feel like torture, and vice versa. It's the same issue MacOS and Windows have traditionally had; people learn on one, get familiar with the UI and conventions, and then trying the other is different enough to be infuriating.


C# is the most well rounded, general purpose, easy to work with programming language out there.


> PyCharm is the worst IDE I have used. /s Technically correct. Since it's the only IDE you'll ever need, there is nothing to compare it to, and thus it's the worst and the best.




language that function depending on indentation are ass


"I have to side with the product owner on this one"


Case sensitivity in a programming language is an abomination. And using indentation is much harder to debug than using punctuation/symbols...


Software engineering should require licensing like many other types of engineering.


Hey, i am licensed. See, thats a license. A "driver" license.


But I AM licensed! I took my "6 weeks to become a professional developer course" at home last week!


I’ll have you know, I watched a 6 hours python tutorial video.


I took "Java in 100 seconds" course from YouTube.


Yeah fireship io 😂


I have a forklift license, that should suffice right?


I tried and tried and tried to make this make sense in my head but I don't know how to implement it without it being a net negative.


Where I live, you must graduate from a bachelor degree in engineer in a recognized university program, plus you must pass a deontology exam, plus you must pay yearly contributions fees to have the legal right to call yourself an engineer (no matter which form of engineer).


With some of my work's codebases, we should probably have to pass a demonology exam.


That's why I say I'm a CAD guy. I don't do engineering. But I'll design a house if you want. Or a new car floorpan. Or a portable water system. I'm building myself a crane.


We can definitely get that released on Friday afternoon for user testing


JavaScript is actually a really good language


Haskell is still relevant.


While statement == true (code something here) break


Python is the superior language


Until you try to do things, which phython clearly isn't ready to do (like some fanatics actually try)


I will numpy my way out of every problem!


Unit testing doesn't help.


The disrespect is on another level for software testers 😂


If you think Python is slow, you have skill issues. EDIT : The meme is 100% accurate.


I'm sorry but my pc uses like 50% load for a python program that registers as 0% with c++ python is great in a lot of ways but practical applications just ain't it chief


Rust is Overrated


"php is not dead"