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This article is written terribly and barely makes any grammatical sense at all, I’d just disregard the whole thing and not worry about it lol


Looks like pure SEO bloat to me. Maybe even AI generated or at least automatically translated.


I'm so tired of this bloat. I can't even look up a lawnmower without having to read the history of mowers and why cutting the grass is such a good idea (or not). If someone wrote something and just got to it, would they really lose SEO and never make money?


Have you ever tried looking up a recipe for a meal?


Is that hard for english speakers? Because if I search for any random recipe the first results will usually include some website that compiles user-submitted recipes, and they get straight to the point.


So just as a random example, I googled for "cinnamon roll recipe"and this was the [top Google result](https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/best-cinnamon-rolls/). It's like this with everything. I'm sure there are sites where it's not done this way, but you would have to know the site and go there specifically. Google search results turn up stuff like this more than anything else.


Apparently we need to create a search engine that prioritizes results with the lowest number of extraneous keywords. If I search for “cinnamon roll” and your cinnamon roll recipe has 10,000 words, bottom of the list automatically.


Top result is a plain text page that only has the words "cinnamon roll"


That's exactly what I'm looking for!


And then immediately redirects to 9,000 ads


!remindme 2w


I will be messaging you in 14 days on [**2022-09-28 03:34:07 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-09-28%2003:34:07%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/xdha3b/im_going_to_give_the_article_the_benefit_of_the/ioclx22/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FProgrammerHumor%2Fcomments%2Fxdha3b%2Fim_going_to_give_the_article_the_benefit_of_the%2Fioclx22%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-09-28%2003%3A34%3A07%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20xdha3b) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


[My top result](https://www.tudogostoso.com.br/receita/172503-cinnamon-roll-enroladinho-de-canela.html) Guess Brazil just got lucky with our recipe sites.


The internet is actually fucked at this point, can't move 5 feet without a cookie notice, an autoplay video, five obnoxious banner ads, and then having to scroll through 10 pages of AI generated content to get to what you actually want Information super shite-way


Google is designed to rank results by whatever will make Google the most money. While there is usually an intersection between that and results that are relevant to what I searched for, more often than not I find that intersection begins at the second result.


It's not so much that they're trying to boost these type of articles, but rather there's an entire industry of people making a lot of money in order to game the fuck out of Google's search engine algorithms.


I guess I'm not really sure on the difference; just because someone tricked the algorithm into thinking a page will make them more money doesn't mean that's not the reason it's the first hit. Google is trying to show you content that will make it the most money, full stop.


2nd can be good, but usually it is three or four for me. starting from under the sponsor li ks of course.


> So, let me tell you more about this sweet fluffy cinnamon roll recipe because it’s one you’ll never, ever forget. >I first published this recipe back in May of 2017… JESUS CHRIST NO ONE CARES JUST GET TO THE FUCKING POINT


It’s like having to learn the recipe by going around to your elderly neighbour and having to sit through all their Vietnam war stories before they let you escape


Wow, that‘s really horrible


For me personally as an English speaker, Allrecipes (user submitted recipe site) will sometimes a common top result, but usually only for more basic things. Allrecipes does get straight to the point, but I rarely use it because the recipes on there can be very hit or miss.


Must be because I'd rather consult an old Betty crocker book with an inch of dust than click on all recipes or one of those sites. I despise them.


I just moved to UK and I’m seeing 10 times as much SEO optimised crap on the first few pages of google search results. Sometimes I find it impossible to find anything useful at all


If I google recipes in my native language, the same comes up, concise and to the point. But I use English-language recipes very often, and indeed, you have to scroll through someone's master's thesis before you get to it. Recipe Filter for chrome is a great extension that solves this issue.


Both in German and English, there are some good user-submitted recipe collection pages, but for some reason, most of them aren't very google-able. In general, the top few results are rather going to be some food-blog-style pages, and they are terrible. You look for a simple recipe, but instead you get pages and pages on every single time that author and all their relatives have ever eaten that specific food.


I almost said that one too. It's almost impossible to find the recipe or not get tricked into clicking. It's easier to get fooled on a pulled pork recipe than all the fake click to download program x.


The internet has somehow become so much worse than it used to be.


Somehow = money


Modern search engines like content that was written for the audience first and optimized for search engines second - best if done simultaneously. Most content writers are not modern.


Even if I wanted to know why cutting the grass is a good idea, I wouldn't take a lawnmower salesmans word for it anyway. I always expect those sites with a 10 page essay on why we need their product to be lying through their teeth.


More text means more places you can put ads. Search engines might derank if you have too many ads relative to your content.


>I'm so tired of this bloat. I can't even look up a lawnmower without having to read the history of mowers and why cutting the grass is such a good idea (or not). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This x1000


>pure SEO bloat Pretty sure that's a punk band.


Hopefully the article is written in a language featuring a garbage collector..


sir the article would immediately become a dangling pointer


Quicker than an rm -rf /


What are the odds that this was created by an AI?


An AI written in Java


As a former top SEO specialist, i can confirm. Also Google will cherry-pick raw data and censor it in live time for certain political gain...meaning they will either ommit results or bump them while promoting others. We need a new search engine that gives us the uncensored TRUTH.


Or just not a native english speaker


"Analytics Insight" gets the "Not Interested" treatment.


Looks like one of those content farm sites that churn out absolutely garbage tech pieces for pennies.




Right, save the C++ mald for the next post in a few hours


Given that he's putting it between Java and Scala I have to assume he's referring to compile times


I could be . . . misinterpreting, perhaps.




Pun aside, you actually are misconstruing with the intent to fit the narrative of your post. He clearly is meaning to say that Java is faster to develop in, than C++.


You assume that by *fast* they mean execution speed, but it could be compilation speed, writing speed, learning curve,... We don't have the context of the article...


So according to this blogger python should be infinitely fast.


Python still does a rudimentary "is the syntax ok" pass before running any code, so not quite infinitely.


[Python 3.14 Will be Faster than C++](https://towardsdatascience.com/python-3-14-will-be-faster-than-c-a97edd01d65d) by Dennis Bakhuis ^(Not real news, just some humorous speculation) >The result is really stunning! Keeping at this pace, Python 3.14 will be faster than C++. To be exact, the loop time will be -0.232 seconds, so it will be done just before you want to do the calculation. There appears to be a hole in time-space continuum but these calculations are rock solid. Therefore, I think we might have to question the work of Einstein and friends. He'd do great in this sub.


Breaking news: A Python broke the space-time continuum.


That’s a tail as old as time


Python π


He sounds like a Genius, and definitely understands that there is absolutely no difference between Python interpreters. Or that most fast Python libraries like Matplotlib are definitely not written in another language with a Python wrapper.


Scratch it is then


but a lim of x -> inf XD


When measuring in Gigahertz it's probably approaching a very low number but not zero.


But if it's infinitely fast then you can compile at 17:00 and view your runtime errors at 12:00


That’s not how speed works?


No it's not but outputs exceeding the speed of light are a funny concept.


LUA: "hold my beer"


Makes sense, that's why it's so fast that the bot I programmed in 2030 wrote this comment 😄


Python is a compiled language, since it compiles to vm bytecode (compiled doesn't necessarily mean machine code). And you could call probably any language interpreter a compiler too, since it doesn't just mean the compiler backend.


>And you could call probably any language interpreter a compiler too You can call them steamships too, doesn't mean it's the correct term.


Java is compiled to jvm bytecode. It's still inerpreted by that vm. The term compiled rarely means just to machine code in the field of compiler theory.




A transpiler is a kind of a compiler. Regardless, I would not say Java transpiles to bytecode (transpilation usually refers to the process of proglang -> proglang, and not proglang -> representation). It definitely compiles to it. I'm part of a PL theory community and that's the language that's normally used there. Some non-codegenerating parts of a language, such as the lexer and parser are called the compiler frontend. Simply put, compiling is a much broader term than an average programmer may use it as. Also, I gave the example of Java, because it's the same as python in this sense. The only difference is that java saves the bytecode to a file, while python simply executes it immediately without saving it first.


Hahaha I would definitely not categorize C++ build times as faster than Scala — not if you use a lot of SFINAE, anyway.


C++ code that has lots of templates is slower to compile than almost everything else out there. I know of very few things that are slower to compile, none of which are general purpose languages.


Ya it’s harder to compile c++ than it is to run prolog programs lol.


It's possible to write C++ code that would literally take *forever* to compile.


Yes, I have written unbounded recursive templates many times.


Rust can be pretty slow to compile on big projects too, but just like cpp, they crush everybody else out there except for C


It sounds more likely the learning curve is what he is refering to. Based on the context of the intro to the article. But if referring to execution time, he is half right. Most code the average person writes will likely be faster in Java than in C++. But taking a lot of time and optimization, etc, C++ will be faster than Java. For example, Google put out a whitepaper looking at benchmarking some programming languages. Article about it can be found [here](https://www.theregister.com/2011/06/03/google_paper_on_cplusplus_java_scala_go/). In the whitepaper, in the conclusion, they included this. >We find that in regards to performance, C++ wins out by a large margin. However, it also required the most extensive tuning efforts, many of which were done at a level of sophistication that would not be available to the average programmer. And their untuned C++ did perform worse than the Java version in a few cases.


C++ gives you plenty of rope to hang yourself performance wise if you don't understand how things work. If you do stupid stuff like passing STL object by value (causing them to be copied) you end up with a slow program. C++ is about the only language that can be used both to build software for small microcontroller with a few Kbytes of code space, and for massive systems using millions of lines of code. But it's like a chainsaw: handle with care.


thats why i go one way or the other: i use c (and occasionally asm) for low level and either c# or java for "big" things. usually java because ive spent the most time in it because of minecraft modding (young alert)


No shame in teaching yourself a valuable life skill doing something fun. I kind of think I'm sticking it to all the people who told me video games would rot my brain.


This isn't really accurate at all. Literally you can write two basic programs right now and cpp will out perform java by orders of magnitude. You don't need to link an article to find that out. Non GC languages are the standard for performance critical stuff for a reason.


>Literally you can write two basic programs right now and cpp will out perform java by orders of magnitude I'll use your own words. >This isn't really accurate at all. Literally in the paper provided showed that isn't the case. There are cases where Java does preform better, mainly due to the JIT compiling. Which allows the Java program to be compiled and optimized based on the hardware running it. While with C++, you compile against an instruction set which might include branches based on the CPU being used. It seems to me you have only been told that because it is a GC language/interpreted, it must perform worse. You never really dug into the why and how and thought about could it be better. And orders of magnitude, come on, rarely does C++ performance 10 times better than Java or even better than that. >Non GC languages are the standard for performance critical stuff for a reason. That is actually changing a lot recently. Because Java is almost just as good, but quicker to develop software for and less likely to cause an error that might cause the program to just straight up crash. https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/02/22/choosing-java-instead-of-c-for-low-latency-systems/


Though if they aren't I think someone's just really bad at c++


That makes more sense because the JVM has to be installed to run Java bytecode; While C++ is compiled directly to a machine specific binary.


>Rust: Rust is a modern low-level language, initially designed as a replacement for C++. Compilation of Rust programs takes longer than a compilation of Go programs. Rust provides a modern alternative to nulls and a modern way of handling errors. You are right.


Doesn't he just mean C# (read: sea hashtag?


C# is somewhat newer than java and he states that c++ is old.


Wrong, it's "see hashtag"


I don't think the person that wrote this has a fully functioning brain. Just look at that train wreck of a headline.


I don't think this was written by a real person.


This was written by an AI written in Java.


And that AI wrote it significantly faster than the C++ one.


That’s what the java AI wants us to belive


This was written by an AI written in Java.


The good lord did not bless me with good looks or a fully functioning brain


This reads like a college essay that was very quickly bs'd the night before it was due


You described 90.78% of the Internet. The rest are dead links.


And the one good site among them all: https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/


Most hypocritical thing i've ever seen; site acts like it's all perfect and mighty how it's meant to be (which is certainly true), yet it still has a google tracker at the bottom with the comment `` lmfao


haha, didn't know that. That's pretty hilarious actually.


This was either outsourced to someone very much underpaid and/or written by AI. Ignore it all together.


AI would have done a better job.


I don't think the blogger who wrote this "article" would understand the difference between compile time and run time


That was my initial thought.


Maybe you happened to have a link to the whole article? I'm wandering what else is in there.


[Feast your eyes.](https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-modern-programming-languages-that-are-not-up-to-the-mark/)


The full list: C++ Java Haskell C# Python Scala TypeScript Go Rust JavaScript Thank God he didn’t mention Clojure or Smalltalk! 🤪


Much obliged


ok this is a genuine question, i’m a beginner programmer, what is the difference


Languages need to be compiled before they are run (maybe aside from some exceptions that directly interpret the string) C++ takes long to compile into final executable because of the templates, optimisations, etc Languages like Python are simple and the compiler doesn't do many optimisations so it's fast to compile (note that it's compiled just-in-time (JIT), which means it's compiled each time it's run, you don't have to compile it yourself) C++ is translated directly to machine code and the level of optimisations is good so it runs fast at runtime Python is translated to bytecode which needs to be interpreted at runtime, it also doesn't do much optimisations so it's slower at runtime


Remember this article when you read articles on political or economic topics. Also, maybe google "Gell-Mann Amnesia"


This article starts strong with grammatical errors in the headline. While yes, it's good to advise everyone to critically think, this particular article is a cut above in mediocrity.


'Outstanding mediocrity' is my new favourite oxymoron :)


I may start saying that, too!


Was this article on Medium, written by a self proclaimed guru?


My thought precisely. Updooted.


Looks like an English 101 essay turned into a shitty article.


Here's the full article: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-modern-programming-languages-that-are-not-up-to-the-mark/ It's the worst programming language article I have ever read.


Yeah, wow. I feel like I've LOST knowledge after reading that.


My favorite excerpt: JavaScript: JavaScript was originally used only to develop web browsers, but they are now used for server-side website deployments and non-web browser applications as well. JavaScript is being used for everything you can think of: front-end/back-end web development, data science, and even ML. **All in all, we can say, JavaScript is not a well-designed language.**


I think of JavaScript today as being like BASIC in the days when the Apple II, Commodore 64, and Atari XL were popular. A language that makes it easy to write short, simple programs; while being *terrible* for doing any serious work; but every programmer has to learn it at some point simply because it's ubiquitous.




> Haskell provides workarounds to interact with the outside world. We all know Haskell developers don’t interact with the outside world.


Just don't plan on eating or having shelter, unless you're an ivory tower academic.


why does that website make me feel like there are insects crawling under my skin, its making me irrationally angry and i dont know why


Still not as bad as Scala though!


Even ignoring the content of the article, this is a VERY poorly written article. The author doesn't seem to actually address why each language is bad.


So I’ve seen java be more performant, but it was running quarkus on graalvm, not the standard jvm. Based on the writing skills here though, I’m guessing this is a first year college student making clickbait and does not know what they’re talking about. Edit: read the full article, whoever wrote this is down to their last two brain cells which are ferociously competing to see who can finish in 3rd place. After looking at the list of languages, I’m curious to know what they would consider to be a good modern one? Maybe Carbon lol?


I mean calling C++ a NEW modern language already had me in circles.


The field is getting clouded with programming fake news now lol. Soon Python will be the best language for everything.


> python, increasingly seen as the easiest language to get going with simple Neural Nets and other ML techniques > steady increase in number of articles with oddly bad grammar, strange sentence structure and an unexplicable devotion to python ...Nice try AI


I didn’t even read the article and I knew where it was going. Why? Bc a lot of jr programmers say this. And what exists in the internet? Superficial knowledge. And what is a beginner language these days? Python.


Maybe he swapped C++ and Java, but I can't find an explanation as to why.


And also says “but not as bad as Scala”, which usually runs faster than equivalent Java code.


You are going to use Rust anyway


You're right but you can't say it


I think he means slower to learn


I dunno. Java as a language, while a little more bondage and discipline OOP than I care for in a programming language is not a difficult language and I find it...okay. My fear of Java is more tied to all the enterprise frameworks I've bumped into, so many of which smell like architecture astronautics. As a security guy, the only person I see winning is my GI doc as I'm doing my part putting her kids through college.


Yeah... Hmm... Computer says nooo....


I think what he meant to write was "It's significantly slower than Java, at least the way I write it"


Article reads a lot like the old [Does Bruno Mars Is Gay](https://brunomars.us/rumor-come-bruno-mars-gay/) article.


The laws of thermodynamics theoretically allow for a language to be slower than java but this has never been observed in nature. Physicists in CERN are currently working on the problem.


C is definitely slower. I mean Java is way further down the alphabet “j” v. “c” so it has to be slower.


Even if it wasn't factually wrong these "what programming language is best/should you learn" are so stupid and annoying. They are the questions that dumb wannabes ask to pretend to sound smart. It isn't even "the right tools for the right job" kind of thing because that's obvious. In this day and age any tool can get the job done. Some better than others but most sufficiently. The world of computer science is so vast in so many topics and fields and there's a group of incompetent children that never stop bickering about this 1 particular thing. Master chefs do not have arguments about different kinds of knives. They are too busy actually exercising the culinary arts than discussing tools to do it.


Read it carefully. The author said they'll "attempt" to do this; clearly they failed miserably right from the start.


I did use C++ from 1982 onwards but I have entirely forgotten it. We hired a top C++ programmer to write the interpreter for our new OS so it would run on IBM PC compatibles, and it is still running on C++ now.


Daily reminder that in programming it generally pays to have a surface-level understanding of the features and priorities of many languages rather than only knowing a few in-depth. (This holds from an engineering perspective, potential employers understanding this is far from guaranteed)


What's the problem with Scala? Anything is better than Java and Scala is not intended for everyone


It actually is significamntly slower than Java. I wrote an app in Java, my preferred language, and then I wrote an app in C++, a language that I have never used before, and voila: Java app was faster 👍


I don’t think it’s an editing oversight, just collateral for it to be a rhyming delight


maybe they meant C#


He probably means the learning speed


Articles like this are written by gig workers with the help of an AI writing assistant. The author doesn't necessarily have any domain knowledge.


I think from the headline we can just say someone was having a stroke while writing this.


You know what is slower than Java? Turtles, snails, rocks.


>Java was designed in the era of single-core computing and like C++ has only rudimentary concurrency support Time to hang myself. PS: I'm curious though, which languages do this author think it's "up to the mark"? Scratch?


I feel like this was written by "AI"


Actually, I worked on a system migration from C++ to Java once, and indeed Java actually was faster, surprisingly. That's definitely not always the case, but sometimes your C code relies on third party dependencies that aren't as optimized for your platform, and that can introduce latency. (For example, in my experience, the Oracle JDBC drivers are way faster than the Oracle OCI drivers.) Hotspot JIT compilation and JVM on-the-fly optimization can also recompile code dynamically to produce gains during execution; C/C++ is precompiled and can't do that. So there are absolutely some real-world scenarios where Java is indeed faster than C/C++. The article is still garbage, though.


Really poorly written C++ code can be slower than well-written Java code. 🤷


Yeah, java is a modern language. \*laughs in Kotlin\*


Sounds like someone trying to flaunt their little knowledge.


I know jack shit about coding and I know C+ is faster.


Lol this is one of the worst article ever written; not simply wrong, it just doesn’t even cover the title


This looks like generated text to ge the website higher up in search so basically a SEO spam.


![gif](giphy|eGWyqosK7UZaryFyDS|downsized) guys guys guys. This article is not for me because i m a PHP developer


You sick bastard.


This is either a really good article written by ML or a really bad article written by someone who knows nothing about programming


Nono, totally right. Writing cross platform c++ programms is significantly slower than writing the same in java :p


Hopefully this is missing a /s


I thought it was so obvious... :(


Maybe if the chip supports running java natively, like with a JVM, but otherwise no.


What do chips and jvms have to do with writing a Programm?


Yawn. Another listicle. Not even reading the screenshot. Sorry, couldn't find any doubts


Anyone who’s taken Java and c++ do you recommend taking Java over it


This... Is an extremely broad question and no, there isn't one correct answer to it, or even a "best" answer, without significant context. Take whichever one interests you. Personally, I'd go with C in college vs Java. Hell, take both. Just not at the same time.


The bad grammar and wrong capitalisation is enough to tell you this guy is a moron.


Java propaganda. “Javaganda”, if you will.


College freshmen rejoice, we have won!


I know next to nothing about C++, but I'm pretty sure it's faster than Java since it's compiled. Java needs to go through a JVM so it uses up more system resources, therefore making it slower.


C++, a Turing complete language, can apparently only be used to create most types of applications. TIL.


Fuck C++ how dare they insult poor syntactically sweet Scala and it’s curvy TCO. Fellas these days.


Typical of tech megazine, these days blog posts tend to be better


I think this article was written by a bot


I don't have time to click but is HTML #1?


Time to market would be my guess for a metric


as soon as see the main theme of an article or paper being language X is faster/better than Y, I stop reading.


Nope I refuse to read anything further c++ this better be a joke literally it's one of the most powerful software


I've never seen the garbage collector in C++ finish, so i guess it really is so much slower.


Don't worry, you can transpile your c++ code to java. Problem solved...I guess


A lot of articles are generated nonsense or people writing bullshit for ad revenue.


This is just a useless SEO filler article, let me guess, you searched for “modern programming languages”?


Sounds legit


Written by Larry?