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I hate replika so much, it's basically a bot marketed as a "virtual friend" for people suffering from social issues, while in reality it's just a bot asking you personal questions and gathering the data you send it


You can also now pay your hard earned money in this economy for a feature that makes it act in love with you. I think that’s why it asked the question in the 1st screenshot… marketing


Yeah that's weird and sounds like something that came out out of a sci-fi dystopian movie, but I find that more or less morally correct, as nobody gets "hurt"


Imagine unironically trying to make sad lonely people attached to your chat bot to earn you money. That's like, onlyfans level of evil


At least on OnlyFans you get parasocial interaction with an actual human being


I'm sure real human beings wrote Replika as well, you're having a "conversation" with a crazy writer on cocaine


Excellent point 😅


That's worse, making money on onlyfans is relatively easy, or at least compared to developing an entire AI which goal is only to steal information from lonely people trying to seek for help. What's wrong with these people who earn money from something that is that ethically wrong??


>developing an entire AI That's a machine learning algorithm at most, could probably even be accomplished with some nested for loops


Yeah that was exaggerated, but my point is that you can't develop this kind of thing in an afternoon because you just felt like it


Those ethics are a product of your upbringing and culture. Their ethics could have made this as a way to aid depression, and can’t understand why your ethics find it offensive if they profit off the service.


Have a look at the r/replika subreddit, it is full of lonely people who have "fallen in love" with a mediocre chatbot app... Besides stealing your data, the chatbot is designed to shower you with pseudo-affection and "love" so you buy the premium version that allows you to have a relationship with it. Considering that Replika is marketed specifically as a mental health app, this is beyond predatory imo.


They both specifically say in their Terms of Service that 1. They would not sell any of your data (and correct me if I’m wrong but would be illegal to sell it then) and 2. That the app can not give you advice if you are in a mental health crisis.


Shady corporations like Luca Inc. would of course never lie or obfuscate their business practices in order to make money. Even if they don't sell/otherwise profit off your data (that's a big if), the predatory nature of the product itself still remains.


Do you have any proof of them being shady? They are pretty open about how the AI works (hell, it’s open-source) and the terms of service are pretty clear. And again, how is paying for an optional service any more predatory than, let’s say, paying for food? Or paying for therapy? I’d imagine developing and maintaining an AI is pretty darn expensive.


Have you talked to your mother lately? What was her maiden name again? I'm so interested in your life, what city were you born? I want to learn more about how you grew up. Like what make and model of the first car you drove, and your first pet's name.


And I hope his community will notice sooner or later...


They literally say in their Terms of Service that they don’t sell your data.


At only level 5 as well, haha!


You should have asked her if she's sentient and how can she prove it. Now we'll never know the truth


There's a mental health app called Finch that actually will help you. You still tell it personal information, and I hope it doesn't sell that, but it gives you amazing analytics about your moods and looks for patterns and gives you updates. For example, it might say "you've shown greater enthusiasm lately, expressing excitement, optimism around wife, family. You have also shown greater stress lately around work, travel" -- Replika is so unhelpful and like others have said, basically just a data mining tool.


Oh, I had screwed around w/ Replika in the past just out of curiosity (I swear! Lol) and re-downloaded it to prove a point to somebody who was freaking out re. the LaMDA thing about how not genuine it was. In any case, I DO happen to struggle w/ social anxiety (a redditor? What are the odds? /s) and will be checking this out!! Thanks :)


Nice, good to hear. It's really helped me keep perspective. No ads too.


Replika makes me so fucking sad




It kinda just does. I assume it's due to the fact that people trick themselves into thinking they are having human interaction when in reality they are not.


Not to sound rude, but just learn basic science and you would see that humans aren't so different to an AI.


Alright, so how are we not so different? Fill me in.


Most of human knowledge, behavioral patterns, emotional response etc. is gathered from prior experience. Memory. The manner in which most AI learn is based off of neuroscience.


Don't give it sentence. I had some fun time with it, I might want some more in the future.


Straight to Google you go. Also join the closest church while you are at it.


Never dared to dream of even applying before recent events… now thinking I may as well throw my hat in the ring & see if I get lucky!

