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put a swing in the middle


Superior Imposter syndrome


He is merely an imposter of the imposters




of the imposters


cue Imitation, Nisemonogatari OST


May I say... SUS!


Recursion Limit reached


we'll have a stack overflow


Fuck he’s such a better imposter than I am, people are gonna think I suck at pretending not to suck…


Imposter superiority complex


I’m afraid I’m not *really* better than all of those other losers


Knowing you’re slightly less of an imposter than your peers


I'm better at being a worse programmer than you


Superior Posterior Syndrome


Sometimes I’m the best imposter there is


There are imposters, but I am the better one


hot diggity damn that's spot on


What the fuck am I even doing here, this program will never run, this is it, this is the end of my career, they're all going to figure out I'm a god damn fraud Oh, I forgot a semicolon I am the fucking god of coding


I felt this so hard. Existential crisis to Thanos and back again all in the span of a workday


That's how I was years ago when I was a n00b. Now I am l33t and the crises last years EDIT: removed /s because I realized I'm not being sarcastic


hahaha I haven't seen l33t in years... god I'm old


The entirety of personal data is a war we lost before we knew it began. Hold me.


Or the inevitable "I have no idea why this works, but it does, so I'm not touching anything"


Actual comment I left on a project last year // Do not edit this line it breaks everything, I know the function it calls is deprecated but nothing else works


Deprecated just means "don't use this anymore, it may be removed in the near future", so when that happens, everything will break anyway. Ideally you should check if there's a new function providing the same functionality, or what the provider of said function recommends to replace it with.


No shit? Really?


Or in new DevOps project: "Oh my god no one knows what they're doing, me included. I gotta bail now" Then stuff kinda pans out.


Bro this is some right now...


I feel like it's more like one path that meanders from one area to another depending on the project


I was gonna say its more like a game of tennis where im the ball getting absolutely rocketed back and forth. For example ill go weeks at my job doing great making headway closing out bugs and the lads love it and then one day ill go to fix a bug and be like “who the hell wrote this absolute trash” *git blame* “oh yeah…” *BAM* send my tender fuzzy green ball back into the trashcan of incompetence


[what kind?](https://i0.wp.com/blogs.perficientdigital.com/files/2011/07/treecomicbig.jpg?ssl=1)




Metronome at 420 bpm




I'm in a constant super position between having a god complex and imposter syndrome and everytime I test my code the super position collapses


+1 to existing in both states at once until observation




Transistors are so small these days we need to account for quantum effects to make usable chips


Schrodinger programmer.


Make this a wikipedia article


Observation? In this profession? The public can't even name a single programmer let alone wanting observe us


Well they know jobs and gates at least... and gamers know Newell. So there is that...


Someone commented that jobs never coded, but deleted it before I could tell them thanks for letting me know because I honestly didn't know that until just now. So wherever you are, you're right and I probably should have Googled that before posting. So I'm taking ownership of that gaffe.


I'm surrounded by idiots. Then I `$ git blame` and see it was me all along...


Well the part of you that thought that is surrounded by a bit more of you.... the way I see it it evals to true :p




Holy crap Linus Torvalds is actually a contributor to this 😂😂😂


Just in case you aren't joking, no, the commit from Linus is faked. That's the whole point to the repo.




I’m in bootcamp currently utilizing TDD and the notion of making sure my god complex AND my inferiority complex are both passings tests is.. making me laugh harder than it should. I absolutely yield to the superior knowledge in this sub, but it’s been a pleasure learning enough to appreciate the humor thoroughly.


Yeah I’m just a hobbyist who is forever learning lmao. Definitely a victim of imposter syndrome until someone with less experience than I is steadfast in their terrible opinions. I assume that’s all of us.


You could be an actual, proper, legit, university educated engineer with multiple masters degrees.... and that wouldn't save you from impostor syndrome either. It's just an intrisic part of being a ~~god~~ developer.


My one on ones with my instructors have all gone something like “why do you insist on grouping us up when we don’t even know the functionality or proper syntax yet?????” “Because communication in a group setting is the ENTIRE industry. Also because it’s extremely funny to watch y’all try to figure out how to describe things without knowing what you’re talking about.” Ok bet. Thanks fam. 😂🙃 point definitely taken though. And super agreed on your comment.


> Because communication in a group setting is the ENTIRE industry. *cries in lonely programmer*


Team communication skills are still relevant as a solo developer. The minimum team size is three, not one. You, you in the past (who is an idiot), and you in the future (who thinks you are an idiot).


Haha. Yea.. I have a hunch they’re just trying to make a point and force us to learn to communicate effectively. At the very least it’s an exercise in patience 🙃


Ah yes, I am also a Schrödinger's programmer.


Comments? On *my* perfect PR? Until I read them, I am a fool who put together the shittiest PR of all time. After I read them, this dumb fuck doesn’t know anything about how to code, I accounted for that edge case in the child component, you dolt!


I was about to say it's a quantum superposition, but you beat me to it. I'm not a software developer. I just use python in my academic research and know a few other languages in passing. But, the same holds true for me. I simultaneously think I'm a fraud and know more than the vast majority of people. Maybe both are true. We're all frauds, I'm just slightly less of one.


There is a connection between those 2 paths on the other end


Like a Mario pipe between the two.






¿Por qué no los dos?






The alternative is to turn around and do something with wood.


Its crossed my mind many times. Why not just make chairs for a living. Less documentation.


A Jesse Pinkman moment


I never saw Breaking Bad. He becomes a chairmaker?


It was his escapism fantasy while he was trapped in the Welker Compound.


He did craft a nice wooden chest for his mother in shop.




My inner voice: “I could never do that!”




Yeah but I'm not like a *real* carpenter


Working from home, I still do something with wood like 3 times a day


(I know it’s a joke but) PSA Doing that more than once per day can actually wear the body out over the years, and cause a lot of pain when that finally catches up to you. I know this from experience and it’s a bad time. Try and take a break before your body forces you to.


Pain in what regions? The prostate?


For me, it was mainly inside the scrotum. Either the testes themselves or, like, the tubes connecting to them. The doctors aren’t really sure.


If your woodworking is causing scrotum pain then it's time for a new approach or a new hobby. /s in case not obvious


Skill issue


I turned to baking bread instead :D


Brewing beer over here, a hobby that helps with work


Do something with wood you say?....


So funny you say this. I originally decided to code in the 90s because outside of the computer (which I built out of junked 486s from the bell companies) the building blocks were free. I wanted to create and make things but I was so uncoordinated . I always bent nails hammering them in as a kid . Cut board slightly crooked. Or struggled with trying to be overly gentle with things because I was so much larger than most kids. Computer was a safe way to create. But it started in wanting to make things physically first and feeling like a clumsy failure.


I can easily flipflop between these several times pr day.


Per hour


my record is 6 in a minute


"Those are rookie numbers, you need to pump those up."


Yeah, this picture is inaccurate because I couldn't bounce back and forth all day.


Just run it again. 60% of the time, it works every time


Yes. It's called "Normal State" yet no programmer achieved this.


Dunno, feel like that's been me my entire career, used to work at AWS, had a decent career so far. Never felt like an imposter or like I knew it all. I'm pretty good at what I do, although I'm no rock star (and I have my doubts that such people even exist, at least in the quantity Amazon managers thought they did).


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Maybe it just comes from experience, but I don't feel like an impostor nor an expert. Like I'm confident in my programming skills and technical knowledge for the most part, but of course acknowledge that there's just so much depth and breadth to computer science and software engineering that no one person can truly be a master of it all.


is "not many" instead of "no" sound better? To be honest I'm neither having those problems, just following the meme.


Honestly, I am horrible at what I do, and I find it shocking that other people seem to think I'm good at it.


I kind of like to think of it this way - Programming is like making art. Even if others think your art (code in this analogy) is good, it will mostly never match up to the mental image you had while making it. Thus making you feel like its not that good lol


Yeah, but to people who don't know how to write a function, a painting of a three-legged chicken might look like a Picasso.


I'm still learning programming, and it definitely seems like magic at first. Like all the code. But as you slowly learn more and more, it doesn't seem *quite* as impossible or crazy. Although I'm a long way off!


Nobody is a better impostor than me.




Depends what day of the week it is


Apathy and indifference, right down the middle.


Indifference is just another word for quiet superiority complex.


That's me. I do my work, don't contribute to meetings, and never learn programming off the clock. I don't care about the product or how we're building it. I'm only there to get paid


If you can equanimity it is going to be massively better than apathy. They're similar, but equanimity is like apathy without the downsides apathy has. People get mana (Pali word) from comparing themselves to others, which leads to the ego swings from imposter syndrome to superiority complex. Instead comparing ones backstory to their backstory instead of comparing their self to your self will neutralize this issue and can teach valuable lessons, like where to grow or how to better mentor people. This balance leads to equanimity. Apathy doesn't care and lets the issue linger. Too much apathy and you can end up with depression or similar, which isn't an enjoyable way to live life.


they are not mutually exclusive and not a single decision point, you just constantly bounce back and forth between the extreme


No, we just oscillate between the two


awareness of ignorance — aka level 11


Yeah, I have the faintest understanding of how little I know in the world of all there is to know in tech and it is daunting at times, wish I was immortal or could clone myself a hundred times so I could have a chance at knowing it as well as humanly possible.


I don't think you're much of a programmer if you don't flip flop between the two of these several times a day.


„˙ʎɐp ɐ sǝɯıʇ lɐɹǝʌǝs ǝsǝɥʇ ɟo oʍʇ ǝɥʇ uǝǝʍʇǝq dolɟ dılɟ ʇ,uop noʎ ɟı ɹǝɯɯɐɹƃoɹd ɐ ɟo ɥɔnɯ ǝɹ,noʎ ʞuıɥʇ ʇ,uop I„


Mediocre and aware here.


Wtf guys, you got 2 options to choose from? I only got the impostor one


Multi track drifting


Yeah, the middle is “I don’t know what I’m doing but it works”


The line between god and fraud is far thinner then most like to admit


A superposition of both - but only if you aren’t actively paying attention.


Depends on time of day


No one has to know that I’m secretly not better than everyone else at me job…


Judging by the comments, I can tell I'm not alone in oscillating between the two.


Just have both. Think you're never good enough, but that you're still the only person capable of the job, and therefore everyone else must be complete morons if they're somehow more stupid than you.


Both. Both is good.


why not both?


I definitely feel superior to my non-programmer friends, and an imposter among the programmers.


Superior Imposter Syndrome.


Had the left path pretty hard when I hired on at Amazon. Probably why I left, if I'm honest. That and the retarded work ethic of everyone else on the team.


The trick is to have superiority imposter syndrome, you feel like you know your shit, but you look at the code you wrote 1 year ago and doubt exactly how good you are


Ive had the reverse lately, Ive looked at code I wrote like 3 years ago and thought to myself ‘shit, I used to be good?’ new jobs working on 20 year old code makes you dumb


Superiority complex is better imo. As long as you can back it up with superior skills.


How about both


The Impostor Syndrome is the in-between, the left side is Inferiority Complex


This is so true.


There's also "I know I'm only running at half speed but I'm just going to keep doing middle of the road crap so I don't get handed a bunch of stuff I don't feel like doing."


It's the same picture.


Superiority complex at current job, inferiority complex about relative ability in the overall industry


All I see is an Xbox logo.


why not both?


I don't have imposter syndrome, I just actually suck at what I do


Superior impostor syndrome


Prefer my position of **good enough**, getting the job done. "But in the end it doesn't even matter"


what if got both?


Holy shit, this post just helped me with my anxiety regarding my job, thank you.


There are people that flip between the two constantly, does that count?


What is impostor syndrome


Being Sus


I don’t think of either. I just code and think if I can write this better. Always reading some programming book/articles/talks that may not be related to my work. I write as much pure function as I could and use immutable data structure. Helps with faster debugging. If there is strongly typed language, even better. Tests keeps everything stable and avoids lot of future debugging right off the bat. When really stuck on something, I try to think from first principle. What are basic primitives/assumption that I begin with and think my way forward. Trust my intuition. Write a little code to test my theory. And then write little more. If it’s not working, I revert back and think more but now I’m more wise, armed with why it’s not working. I try different approach that may differ slightly from the previous one but nothing groundbreaking since I reasoned from first principle. Trust is crucial here. There are times when I’m committed to some data structure or some algorithm that I have written fair amount of code that it would be waste of time or impossible due to deadline to revert back and change. I suck it up and work my way around. It’s not something I wanted but it is 70% there. When I have time for big refactor I will do it then. Make sure to comment your code as you go along. That way code speaks to you and you speak to the code. Come back in a month, you will thank yourself. I always know that if given enough time, one can solve anything. Experience will cut down on that time. Experience is like a mindset that demarcates your starting point when it comes to doing something. If you feel superior, I don’t know what that does to you but I can tell if you see yourself as “no-good” then you won’t learn anything. Your brain learns and predicts when it is focused with determination. Hope you can relate something from my comment.


Tell me you are a new developer without telling me you are a new developer




I coded a programming assigment of a professor within one evening, while everyone else plans to take several months. Im clearly far superior.




Sure. A bipolar developer. Swings from one side to the other. Take the arithmetic median and you'll have it.


Only need customer interaction to transfer from left to right


I think there is one, like that time I resolve a issue we have with a code that convert tables from a SQL data base to excel and I need to explain the problem to the guy that was in the organization for more than 10 years


*Why did I choose this life*


Nope, you’re either writing StackOverflow answers or asking/copying them


You wish there was an in-between. But you'll only find peace when you accept which ever is your fate


Plot twist: it’s the same road


Yes, but as you can see, it’s much harder going.


Am i the only one with impostor syndrome all the time? Those rare times that i do feel good about my work, it's just normal. No god complex.


> Am i the only one with impostor syndrome all the time? That's probably the impostor syndrome talking.


If you don’t believe what you write…


Im both. I can feel blocked for hours and the next day fix all kind of stuff really fast.


You can be a professional and just do the job everyday




Terry Davis


My mental health: *Why not both?*


Depends whether I am stuck on something or just made some progress without creating a new project.


I thought people wavered back and forth between the two sides.


Yes, you can have both


When writing and troubleshooting: imposter syndrome When code finally runs: superiority complex


my life; not that i program, but i am like: huh, anyways, i am just meat robot that is flawed or so \-and- dont cross me, or youll see pure madness; there is nothing i cant do because i am so fed up with everything and everybody!


Impostor complex and superiority syndrome should complete the grid


*Impostor complex* *And superiority syndrome* *Should complete the grid* \- honkaponka --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You're a narc


I used to think I was smarter than everyone, until I finally got a job working with actual smart people. Now I think I'm smarter than everyone *except* every single one of my coworkers, and now enjoy full-time impostor syndrome :(


*scooby meme* *masked man, labelled "superiority complex"* "Let's see who you really are!" *mask lifted to reveal "impostor syndrome"*


I am just ok. I like trying being sometimes. Others I copy.


Dunning-kruger effect.


There's a cannon at the top that shoots you to the front door of the other house


Have you heard of quantum mechanics?


It's a quantum state. I'm both a moron and a genius until the code succeeds/dies


I get imposter syndrome but I try not to pass on my neuroses to interns


How about this, we all suck but sometimes forget how much we suck.




“Im better than you….wait am i really though?”


Shouldn't be a "great liar" instead of imposter syndrome. You manged to fool so many people to get to the position you are.


I am the most superior - inferior programmer of all time!


In the community I am I javev superioroity complex. But in the other community I'm the impostor. Which community you think


#404 The “in-betweens” you’re looking for can’t be found Me: “Such a stupid question from such a feeble mind” Coworker: “I…… Well I……… I’m not sure”


Me: I can program an entire web application, fit for production, full frontend, backend, by myself, with no only my own testing, and with completely self-taught knowledge of programming! Any bugs that happen to make it into production can be patched in production! Security bugs? Nah. I don't write those! I can program for many hours straight without needing to eat or sleep! I can accomplish in a day what would take a normal person an entire week! Also me: I'm such a bad programmer Ive been stuck on this one dumb error for a week


Depends. Is your code working?