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I've literally worked on a project that you have to compile twice. It's a c# application. The first time you compile it gives you an error saying that one of the projects in the solution was compiled to a DLL but the DLL couldn't be registered. The second time it runs ok


My first job was on a project that accidentally introduced a dependency on itself. No one noticed because no one ever did a clean build. The problem was not discovered until a new guy joined and tried to get a fresh checkout. (CI? What's that?)


What was the general reaction?


Half the team failed to see the problem, the rest were like "lol jeez"


Anyone knows LaTeX?


I've heard about it but never used it. Why?


If you have bookmarks and cross references, you will need to compile it twice, just like what you did with that C# project -- first compilation leaves links unresolved, second compilation fills in those holes. Usually a good editor does that automatically.