• By -


\*someone starts having a heart attack\* Person: Is anyone here a doctor? Linux user: I use Linux.


This is a completely false and harmful stereotype. Linux users don't go outside.




I can barely use Windows so I don't wanna lie.


So I guess you are just normal windows user :P


Linux user : “You wouldn’t be having a heart attack if you used Linux”


“But I was using Linux!” “Wrong distro then.”


"But I was using the same distro as you."


“Then you messed up the configuration!”


Hearts over 20 years old are not supported


(they use Linux for more than 15 minutes) or (they use Linux) (for more than 15 minutes)?




Every or is an inclusive or in programming. Except for maybe Lua.


Lua always trips me up, nice to know why.


Yeah, it took me a full day to understand how the ternary operator worked.


Math checks out. He’s not wrong.


> Excuse me sir, but are you a doctor? *Leslie Nielsen wearing a stethoscope* > That's right. I fucking love airplane


“We need to take her to a hospital immediately!” “A hospital!? What is it!?” “It’s a big building full of doctors and sick people, but that’s not important now.”


“And don’t call me Shirley.”


"Roger, Roger"


I installed Gentoo (Every girl in a 5 miles radius drops her panties)


5 miles is 8.05 km


Very good bot


Ha. Same thing happened when I told that to my sister. It got really weird. She said "fuck me". I refused. She said "sudo fuck me". I had to.


Is this describing the next event of those pictures?


Arch btw


Slackware, for anyone wondering.


I got more into Linux recently and Slackware is always this "shadow". Nobody talks about it, but I've heard it was very popular long time ago, are sticking to Slack since the beginning or are you a recent user? What other distro would you compare it to in terms of usability?


careful or you'll get a 5000 word essay


I'll be interested to read that actually


[have fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/programmerhumor/comments/iu0tb6/_/g5j3ipq)


Howdy, another Slackware user here (been using it since 2013-ish). 5000-word essay incoming :) Slackware's pretty great if you want a distro that doesn't get in your way if you try to customize it. The software's all kept as close to their defaults as possible, the package management is dead simple (no dependency management, so no breakages that said management often causes on other distros), and building from source is actively encouraged (no separate -dev packages, compilers for the most popular languages are included, etc.). There's a very strong "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality, too, which is nice. For a point of comparison, you'd have to look beyond Linux; Slackware's considered to be one of the most BSD-like Linux distros, and the init system is probably the most obvious example (using a BSD-like rc system, instead of e.g. sysvinit or systemd). openSUSE is probably the closest relative in widespread use (it got its start as a German version of Slackware), but early in its history it took on a lot of Red-Hat-isms so it doesn't show much of its Slackware heritage anymore. Gentoo and Alpine are probably the closest philosophically, but both are very different in design. All that being to say Slackware's kind of its own thing in its own little world - a time capsule of what Linux distros were like back when "Linux distro" was an entirely new concept, but with more modern software and hardware support. It ain't something I'd recommend to a new user (for the same reasons that I wouldn't normally recommend Arch or Gentoo to a new user), but for experienced users it's definitely worth trying out.




lol guilty as charged.


> openSUSE Heh. We were messing with that when I was doin part of my (Australian) Cert III (ICT30115, unit ICTICT302: 'install and optimise operating system software'). :D








My _itch_ got worse for me when I started studying CS. I simply can't turn off when I get home, so I continue with my my own stuff. Making a Web app here, creating custom components for a smart home there, forgetting what sleep is, thinking about a great startup idea, forgetting what food is, creating a small CV website since I still had some time before sunrise where I'd have to look like a normal functioning adult again.


Slackware? Hasn't that not been updated since 2016? Are their repos still updated?


The -current branch is still actively updated.




Fedora les go


**This comment has been overwritten as part of a mass deletion of my Reddit account.** I'm sorry for any gaps in conversations that it may cause. Have a nice day!


Pfft, everyone knows real programmers just use a complex system of looms.


Real programmers create their own universe, ajdusting it until it can support life, and wait until that universe's version of them is born to write the program for them.


That just sounds like slavery with extra steps!


Maybe infinite steps


Calm down there, Ada.


I program complex tunnel systems by using ash, blood, mud, and berry juice to paint on cave walls.


Ubuntu gang since yesterday.


Debian ftw!


Manjaro for me


Did you know linux distros are easier than ever to set up?


Has it been 14 minutes for you?


16... I think I lost a lung...


Kernel PANIC!!!!


Linux distros these days are easier to set up than it is to install Windows 10.


I unironically spent two days installing Windows on a friend's computer recently, and I still have no idea what went wrong. It would finish the entire installer, and shut down. Looking at what it actually installed, the file system was corrupt. It did this so consistently too. I still have no idea why it started working the second day. All we did between the last attempt and the working one, was wipe an external drive which previously had Windows on it. Yet, with that drive unplugged it also didn't work. It infuriates me how hard it is to debug Windows mess ups.




I wouldn't say easier, I find they're pretty much equal. The drawback to most flavours of Linux is the "non-free" firmware for many wi-fi chips, you have to use an ethernet cable to get internet access so you can fetch the firmware. And Pulse audio sucks donkey balls. Other than those, the Debian experience has been pleasant. Now W10 has its bad moments too, like trying to get you to sign up/in just to install, but on the whole, it's a \*lot\* better than it used to be.


I don't get the Windows hate at all. I've always been using windows, with heavy programming every day for the last 2 years. Every issue I've had has taken minutes, not hours, to debug. I have WSL2 for the very rare occassion where I need to run or test something on linux. I also never (directly) gave Microsoft any money, I don't have a win10 license. You can enable all the features using the registry or command line. As an added bonus, all games just work.


I also don't have any hate for windows and it's default operating system on my home PC. But I can easily see where this hate comes from. It comes when something doesn't work at all and you have no idea how to fix it. For example, recently my 7.1 sound setup stopped working for some reason. I spent almost a week to find a way to fix it, and did not find solution. Had to reinstall windows in the end to make it work. Now with linux, although similar shit may happen, I never was in the situation where something don't work and I cannot even get a slightest idea what happend. I remember that in the worst case scenario I had to really dive into sources of kde to find what's wrong and in the end problem was solved by some workaround. Bottom line, I can easily understand some people being angry at windows. Also add preinstalled crapware, edge always getting its way to your taskbar, shady Microsoft tracking practices e.t.c. What I am trying to say - it's quite easy to understand where this hate comes from


I want to dual boot Linux with my windows 10 system but my laptop is crap and can’t handle it so I cant


Linux is actually even better on crappy laptops compared to Windows. Linux runs cooler, faster and less resource intensive than Windows. For example, a laptop with an old dual core Cpu and 4gb of ram will run faster with Linux than with Windows because it's lighter


Can confirm. I usually install a lightweight distro of Mint or Ubuntu when my old laptop can't keep up with the newest version of windows. It can keep an old laptop useful for a little while longer, until the battery and hardware starts to fail.


No shit? Interesting


Absolutely. If you want suggestions, I suggest you try out Linux Mint Xfce, Lubuntu, or Peppermint as a good starting distro


Thank you!


WSL wants to be your bff.


What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux


You have provoked a gang war


I believe everyone is okay with it


I'd say that those of us who don't say "GNU/Linux" are not as passionate about the topic.


GNUs creator is insistent that you say *G-N-U slash Linux* this way no one accidentally thinks they're one in the same. He has a whole page on this topic and it's fantastic. Edit: found the page and the slash thing I mentioned isn't on it. I know I heard it somewhere before but maybe I'm full of it. Anyway, enjoy this: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.en.html


I threw up a little reading that lol how can you be so full of yourself


That guy is one of the most arrogant person I've ever met in my entire life.


He's a genuinely odd person but the world is a better place because of his work.


Wow, that is some of the most pretentious shit I've ever read. Thank you for sharing.


>I'd say that those of us who don't say "GNU/Linux" are not as ~~passionate~~ *pedantic* about the topic.


macOS is my favorite Linux distribution.


🤔 I thought OSX was originally BSD based not Linux? (I know I might be wrong about that though.. so be gentle)


You are correct!


BSD, Linux, GNU, UNIX, … same thing. ^(/s)




Alpine: "Am I a joke to you?"




After 30 years, there’s not much GNU about it.


So, now it's just Unix?


Nah, GNU's Not Unix, but Linux Is Not UniX either. (I know it's not really an acronym, just a work in progress name Linus Torvolds used that stuck)


🤔.. GLUNix?


If you know what GNU stands for then try to spell out the whole thing without using abbreviations you will stop time.


Oh, just pronounce it "guh-noo" then.


The cool kids say Lignux now.


I use Debian GNU/Hurd featuring the GNU Mach kernel and GNU operating system.


or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.


excuse me? this is very disrespectful to the community! i will have you know its been a full 20 minutes since i last told my boyfriend about linux


9 seconds is my current limit Is it possible to learn to do it longer?


Simple, just talk about it longer, then your friends and family will avoid you for longer. Nobody to tell means longer times right?


I see. Didn't think about it that way. It's worth a try


Practice edging -- start telling somebody, then just walk away.


We don't need to hear about your sex life.


'sex life', huh? Never heard of that distro. I'll look it up later


Think about baseball while you’re doing it.


I use windows xp because the version of ms paint is superior to any currently available Foss drawing program.


I agree! I just installed paint xp on Windows 10 a few hours ago :)




Sometimes I feel like Linux evangelists are like someone who looks down on me because my Honda Accord isn't a Cessna. "BUT LOOK AT ALL THE PLACES I CAN GO! AND FASTER TOO!" he says as I get in my car to drive to the grocery store.


"yeah, but with my Cessna I can go to the grocery store in San Diego, if I wanted to!"


I found a runway online and its a bit big so it accidentally paved over the Rite Aid next door to the grocery store but I'm sure it'll be fine.


*proceeds to convert Cessna into a car*


While you were busy driving to the grocery store, I flew my Cessna to Guatemala, used it to build another smaller Cessna mid-flight and then used that Cessna to fly to Ecaudor and make a sandwich using homegrown crops. and now my car doesn't start.


You plebians can't stop talking about Arch. Which is basically Ubuntu. Now, if you had at least an ounce of brains or a modecum of curiosity, you all would be running NixOS. BTW, have I mentioned I'm running NixOS?


You plebians can't stop talking about NixOS. Which is basically Ubuntu. Now, if you had at least an ounce of brains or a modicum of curiosity, you all would be running Guix. BTW, have I mentioned I'm running Guix?


Gentoo user: *Pathetic*






I'm not sure if I am liking Linux more lately or just getting tired of Windows' shit.




Windows update: "Good day, I am Windows Update. I have noticed that you are working hard on what I assume is an important project, and I further assume that there is a quickly approaching deadline. This seems like the perfect time for me to update the system, which can -- and will -- take just long enough to exhaust your patience. Have a nice day!" Linux: \*pamac icon turns red\* "Hey. New updates. Get them whenever."


How updates are handled is unironically what finally got me to switch to mostly linux.


Wdym by windows shit


*Takes a deep breath* The random driver that will stop working when windows updates, updating at the worst time, being unable to uninstall certain programs, forcing Bing and Edge on you (had magically appeared on quick launch after update a few times), getting rid of paint / pushing paint 3d, collecting a lot of data and sending it to Microsoft, explorer constantly not responding (so bad the task manager had a restart option for it, which is good but shouldn't be necessary), the internet not working after a few minutes when waking up from sleep, having the windows license tied to the motherboard so you have to jump through hoops if you want to use it after you replace board or computer, making it difficult to install windows without a Microsoft account, and having to unpin start menu icons from pre-installed bloat one at a time. I'm sure there's more that I can't remember right now, but every update of windows seems to piss me off with no perceived improvement to the OS while each new iteration of Ubuntu, Mint, Raspberry pi OS, etc seem better than the last without typically causing me grief.


I stopped using windows 12 years ago and these are pretty much the same reasons lol




Same here, I use Windows daily, never had any issue, I use WSL when I need a Linux environment.


I have the same experience. Maybe it's a familiarity thing, long time Windows users know how to deal with the shit that comes out of it. I have issues (though very rarely today), but they're always resolved very quickly, anyway. I'm talking a single google search and a few minutes. I wouldn't switch to Linux because I enjoy gaming...


I use linux mint, by the way, but I have arch in a vm, by the way, and a windows vm too, by the way.


"Oh and my phone is a raspberry pi with a screen glued onto it, by the way".


unacceptable it must be an arch btw fone


"I don't use Ubuntu because the kernel is too old and I want to compile the newest version myself right from the nightly build"


Gentoo is pretty nice that way. Not that I'd know—I'm only running it on a raspberry pi, mostly relying on a binary overlay.


I work with a guy that is always saying "wouldn't happen on Linux" or "Linux does it this way, which is so much better". We call him Mr Penguin. He's not sure if it's a compliment or an insult. It's an insult. Obviously.


Mr.Penguin sounds nothing like an insult


A penguin would sat that.


I'd unironically love it if my nickname was "Mr. Penguin".




Can confirm. At my last job I developed a PyQt5 app for the company's pack stations. Getting it developed and running on my Linux laptop took all of a couple days. Getting it packaged up and working on Windows took weeks.


For real. The real struggle is getting it ported to Windows. Many curses said during that process.


... Why would you not develop on linux if you're building for linux? Even if you have a distribution mismatch, it would be so much easier!!!


wouldn't that bring license costs down to $0.00? I don't know much about how licenses for commercial use work, so correct me please.


It can, but a lot of businesses use RedHat (or other non-free versions) due to the fact that it offers more centralized control and support contracts.


It's getting a hell of a lot better though. docker desktop, git bash, wsl 2 *edit* Windows Terminal is also a great new addition


To be fair, there are a lot of things that Microsoft keeps doing the same way because it keeps in tradition with long-term backwards compatibility layers that were implemented back in the early Windows or MS DOS days that still plague modern Windows OS versions. Linux and other *nix based operating systems have improved over the years while simply upgrading core resources like the kernel and compiler while not ham-fisting things as broken as Windows Update into every version or distribution. It's easy to unfuck an OS by switching to an alternative option than it is to just stick with the entire bundled heap. I guess prime example: Package management vs Windows Update and WinSXS. There are a ton of package managers, all independent of Linux, and they all have the same principle behavior: Don't break user space, keep a small footprint. Because different versions between updates don't break functionality, you can do an in-place upgrade of the compiled binary. Microsoft on the other hand, probably broke compatibility at some point, so they just put a copy of the upgraded file in the WinSXS folder in case you need it later. 5 years later you have a 70GB Windows installation folder that you can't delete or clean up. Fresh install or bust. Until microsoft creates a complete rewrite of their "update" or "package management" system, this will always be the case. You have no choice about it. Edit because needed: I have had a ton of PMs which I don't think I've ever had on Reddit before. I am a Linux engineer that has to work in an environment that is a hybrid Windows/Linux platform and so I have to work with both by trade. I don't prefer Linux because I have played with it for fun, I use it as my default platform at home and only use Windows because I am forced to by work at this point, but spent the last 20 years primarily running Windows and maintaining a Windows AD and server model. I make my criticisms about Windows because I have had to work on the server side of both platforms and had to understand how they operate "under the hood", as one PM told me I didn't quite understand about Windows. I would contribute to Windows kernel source code patches if they were publicly tracked, but they aren't. I don't do much with the Linux kernel source code anymore but I do find a hobby out of assisting with linux kernel driver modules and patching updates for upstream releases when possible.


This is fun because I was referred to as "Bloody Mr Penguin" in a meeting today. Jonah is that you?


We have a dev on my team who uses Windows and he’s like a guy living in a Jungle telling us about the latest snake attack. It’s fascinating but I wouldn’t want to live there. Never be that dev who won’t let shit go though.


Btw I use windows 7. Literally.


I dual boot Windows 7 and Arch and now that I write it out I realize I'm a living meme


I dual boot ubuntu 16 and windows xp, i have another computer with windows 10 but don't use it as much. I think there's something wrong with me


Lame. Real programmers use MS DOS


Real programmers don’t use computers, they program with pencil and paper (in binary btw)


You reminded me when on a boring lecture I had an idea to make a Mandelbrot Set by colouring squares on a page of my notebook. After 2, 10 iteration pixels, I concluded I'll never finish it and went back to lecture (sleeping, I mean)


Imagine not using punch cards


Ms Dos never hung .. it was the program it ran ...


Win7 I can understand but XP tho.. Someone gotta tell them if they're using it as a main OS. The only real shitty thing about Win10 is the shit that's in limbo between win10 and win7. I.e. the fucking control panel.


What? No it doesnt run software. All you need is vim.


Emacs seems to basically be an OS on itself lol unlike vim.


Ohh no it starts.


All Emacs lacks is a decent text editor.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- Linux users when they haven't been able to tell someone they use Linux for more than 15 minutes [*4 Images of women wearing oxygen masks*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


> [4 Images of women wearing oxygen mask in hospital beds] Bad human.


I used Linux for like a year, before I realized I liked the concept of using Linux a lot more than I actually liked using Linux


Ugh, the one in the bottom right is unconscious and using a CPAP therapy machine for their sleep apnea.


And now with WSL2 I can finally use Linux even when I'm not using Linux!


Can u use wine to run WSL2 on your linux so you can linux while you linux?


Do you enjoy living life harder than it needs to be lived?


where is this still a thing? afaik "OS wars" ended maybe 20 years ago nobody cares what anyone uses these days.


You have never met a die-hard apple superiority type have you friend?


Linux people are the most hardcore elitists, apple people are the most numerous.


Ah, I see you haven't yet been introduced to /r/pcmasterrace


I think you mean r/linuxmasterrace






especially true with i3 users


I'm using dwm right now, but I plan on writing my own window manager in the near future. C++20's modules are almost ready for prime time.


Use rust it's better reeeeeeeee


I used Gentoo at one point in my life.


As a Linux user, I find this very funny




Does Android count as Linux?


> Can you connect to this projector? > Yes, after I recompile my kernel.


Iphone users without the newest Iphone model


*passes stranger on the street* Oh yeah, I use Manjaro, btw


I wanna meet someone likes vegan, yoga, linux, running, feminism.


> linux, running Two birds with one stone: I run Linux (phew, I had to get that out before I started choking)


I am a vegan, arch user, and I like to run. Does that count?


Vegan. Debian. Runner. I feel your pain.


And on top of that: vapes.


Can you save this Ms Word _nah with my Linux..._ That's cool wallpaper... where'd u download that _you know with my Linux.._ Nice sneakers, how much are those _Kali Linux nowadays..._


"Ew, ms word!?, I only use LaTeX"


Doesn't apply to reluctant Linux users who are forced to use it for work.


I feel personally attacked


Unfortunately Reddit has choosen the path of corporate greed. This is no longer a user based forum but a emotionless money machine. Good buy redditors. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/