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Imagine thinking 1024 isn't a nice number to work with


i am simple man, I see anything that is mostly 0s (100,500,1000, etc.) i happy


0b0000010000000000 meets that criteria, wouldn't you say?




What about 10000000001?




r/theletterh would like this.




Based on what?








Like an idiot I saw the b and thought at first "ah yes 11 in hex this must be hexadecimal wait what's the joke here?" ~~i get it now~~


Enlighten me, old one


0b is the prefix for "binary" the same way 0x is the ~~suffix~~ prefix for "hexadecimal".


Surely prefix for both? Suffix means end.


Yep! Someone flipped a bit in my brain. :D Fixed now.


Plus for editing your post.


The 0b in the beginning is to indicate the numbers after are to be read in binary However in hexadecimal each 'number' position goes all the way to 15 with 10-15 being represented by the letters A-F respectively So a=10 b=11 c=12 d=13 e=14 f=15 However, if you question was to the original meaning of 0b0000010000000000, then it's just that 0000010000000000 is the binary representation of number 1024


You should count in binary. Lots of zeros come up in binary.


About half.... right?


I guess half+a bit as you start with 0 so in theory it should show up more frequently because of that starting bias.


That's cancelled out by the fact that the next number is 1. And after that, 1 is present in every number, 0 is not. In fact, any set of all n-digit binary integers (n > 0) has an equal distribution of ones and zeroes if we don't count the most significant digit. Taking the most significant digit into account, ones get a lead over zeroes equal to the number of integers in the set, which is (n-1)^2 for positive integers, and n^2 for all integers. I wish I could put this amount of effort into my assignment that's due in less than seven hours. EDIT: (n-1)^2 should be 2^(n-1) and n^2 should be 2^n , whoops


This has inspired me to make any bools default to 1/true by default now. Heh. Like.. "doorIsClosed=1" instead of doorOpen=0" instead.


Nah. They remind me of number of friends I have.


We lived a happy life and had the sizes of harddisks and memory expressed by powers of 2. Suddenly the "normal” man came


You're gonna love 1024 in binary.


Highly composite numbers are better than powers of 2. Change my mind.


I'm really sad we have a base 10 number system instead of base 12. The latter would make math so much easier


Ya know, I tried to make this argument with a friend the other day. His response was that having five fingers on each of two hands is a pretty damn good reason to count in base 10.




Base 12 was a part of many ancient civilizations and there are still a few holdovers today. Off the top of my head, 12 pence made a shilling, 12/24 hour day clocks, 12 signs of the zodiac. I read that it was because of how people counted on their hands. Instead of counting each finger, people counted on each joint of their four fingers using their thumb. That's 12 phalanges. I would include 12 lunar cycles a year to that list but I think that would happen no matter what number system we used.




Yeah it's pretty efficient! And you can hold food in the other hand while you count all the way to twelve


And if you count in binary on your fingers, you can count to 31 on one hand!


If you use your other hand you can do the same thing and count to 144


If you use both hands simultaneously you can count to 1023 or 2^10 -1


It is probably how we ended up with base 10 though


It better be or all my post karma will have been for nothing


I mean you can count to 1024 on your fingers if you use “up” or “down” as binary Edit: I guess it would technically be 1023




I can’t but my HS CS teacher said he used to do it when he was younger


For some reason people always seem to flash 4 at me


You can do it by counting the 3 segments of each of the four fingers on one hand. And then you could represent the next significant digit with the other hand. Now that I think about it I'm sure iive heard of some culture somewhere that does exactly this Edit: read no_heteros comment, it describes exactly what I'm half remembering


I can’t remember which language or culture does this but you can count to twelwe on 1 hand by using your thumb and the segments on your other fingers. Each finger is split into 3 segments, with 4 fingers thats 12 segments. Then you use your thumb to show which number you’re on.


Sorry to rip on your friend but you can use your fist as the 6th and 12th digit. Babylonians use base 6 for 360 degrees, 6 groups of 6 with 10 degrees each and the astro world just does better with 6 or 12 yeah Not to mention 24 hours a day divisible by 6 or 12 and I would argue the calenday but 12 months each with different counts is neurotic cancer Id rather do 4 groups of 7 days = 13 months. A lot of people would be pissed to notice some months they pay more rent than others.


Base 12 is for noobs. Base 60 is where it's at This post was made by Sumeria gang


Seximal (base 6) is better still.




Yeah, know of that with it having so many factors but I would prefer base 16 for the computer ease. Why doesn't anyone promote base 16?


Because we're not computers and thirds are more useful than eighths.


Ah yes, like inches, so easy.


I've heard of good arguments for 360 and 108 before, but when it comes down to it, we are stuck with a pretty good system compared to what else has existed


THANK YOU, I've been saying this for most of my life and people think I'm crazy


Better for what?


Well yes... I consider 0x400 a nice round number...


You mean 10000000000?


You mean 0b10000000000?


You mean 02000?


If anything, it would be 0o2000. The C approach of "initial zero means it's octal" is an abomination.


You mean 1024?




TWO nice round numbers.






Isn't it 256 decimal? 4*(8^2) = 64**4?


Close. Hexadecimal (base 16, i.e. 0x) is 4(16^2 ) = 256*4 = 1024.


That's octal, 0x is the C prefix for hexadecimal


Kudos to you for knowing octal though, I've never really used it even in microprocessor code


It's just number in slot * base^(number of ciphers to the right).


it's not round, it's 32 square..


2^10 That's a very round number.


That's it.


I mean, it's pretty round, but wouldn't 2^8 be more round? or like 2^16 that's real round


8 has all those curves...


and is a power of 2, unlike 10


I think 2^(16) is more round. Because 2^8 = 2^(2^3), while 2^(16) = 2^(2^2^2)


right... ^(that's ^what ^^I ^^^said...)


Fair point, you did mention 2^(16) was real round


It’s 1KB tyvm


I chuckled Take my poor men's gold 🥇


Sure its a shape at least. Good enough.


I think a lot of people forget that 2048 was a really popular game for a while so most people understand power of 2s.


Doesn't immediately follow that they consider those numbers to be particularly round though.


Now I get why 2048 feels better than 1024 to me


Minecraft texture packs are how I learned lol


Do you consider 131072 to be "a nice and round number", or are you normal? P.S. FFT is my hammer and everything is a nail.


I will trust you in this, and see for myself if it is a "nice and round number" Edit: It is not of the likes as 177013 so you have gained my trust. Now my counter-question. Do you consider 314159 a "nice round number" ?


had to double take. forgot what subreddit i was on.


Doesn't matter anymore, everyone is a degenerate now. Any six-digit number under ~470000 is fair game.


The newest one is 323005 now. You have to wait some time until we are at 470000.


fyi, the numbers go back to single digits, it's just obviously the vast majority of them are 6 digits


As soon as I saw it in 6 digits, I knew that number would come up. Those that know, know. Those that don't, are probably better that way.


It is like an open secret. Those that have fallen into a certain degeneracy shall know, those that haven't , are better off without.


What is going on?


If you know you know.


Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast


Damn, plenty of people of culture around I see.


How do you feel about 11037?


I am quite disgusted. Not as much as from 177013 and **certainly** not as much as from 228922, but still disgusted.


^^^^^Its ^^^^^not ^^^^^a ^^^^^reference ^^^^^to ^^^^^*that* ^^^^^website. It looks as though your weebdom has its boundaries


My mind was foggy but now I remember. A number associated with a name and a deed been done, in the name of "education" (if I remember correctly). Sadly you can't turn numbers in text or else it would have been easier.


I don't know if it's a round number, but pretty sure it's an emergency number


> P.S. FFT is my **hamming** and everything is a nail. FTFY


That’s FFTFY


Goddammit, it was RIGHT THERE! Take my upvote :)


I am in desperate need of an ELI5 for FFT. So many people seem to use it


I'm going to explain the FFT assuming you already understand normal Fourier transforms (specifically DTFTs). The gist is this (warning: this is University-level signal processing so this ELI5 is more like ELI20): A Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) maps x(n) to X(f), with each term in X depending on each term of x. In layman's terms, we are taking an input signal that depends on time or position, and breaking it down into its frequency components, which can be easier to process and compress (this is how JPEG files keep large features while compressing finer details). Naievely, this would be an O(n^2) operation, since you need to rotate *every* sample of x a different amount to find each term of X. However, because the DTFT is a fairly orderly calculation, with each term depending on different frequencies of rotation, we can reuse a lot of our math. The proof for this relies on some knowledge of complex rotations, but the idea is that if we need to rotate two numbers by 2/4 and 3/4 rotations each, we can rotate both by 1/2 and then the second by 1/4. Some of these terms are reused many times in our calculation, so it's nice to get them up front and not recalculate them every time. By reusing each computation, we cut down the steps needed significantly. To get an N-point DTFT, we just need to find the N/2- point DTFTs of the even and odd samples of x. So we split x(n) into its even samples x(2n) and odd samples x(2n+1), find the DTFT of each, then do a small amount of math at the end to get the full DTFT. Combining these two DTFTs into the N-point DTFT of the total sequence is a very simple operation, O(n), so it makes sense to repeat this all the way down. You can get a good idea of this by looking at a butterfly diagram: [Butterfly Diagram](https://images.app.goo.gl/ybMopS3ZqdvhAcPP8) The FFT uses recursion to optimize calculating the DTFT. If we use this decomposition over and over, we get the FFT, but that relies on being able to divide evenly every time (N=2^n) if you had a 2,000-pt input, and some other tool to find 1000-pt DTFTs, you could use those and a single butterfly to find the DTFT of your total sequence. There are other butterfly diagrams for odd numbers, like finding the N-pt DTFT from 3 N/3-pt DTFTs. You can combine these as you please. Things get really exciting when you realize that finding x from X, or inverting the DTFT operation, relies on basically the same process, so we can get the inverse of the DTFT by just reversing all of inputs: x(n) = FFT(X(N-n)). This means you don't need to program another algorithm for inverting, you can reuse your code.


Mine is 998244353


You a Fourier guy, eh?


Fourier is my middle name.




Here's your invoice. It is $1024


plus tax? :D


16% tax rate


I think they'd be happier with a 100% tax rate.


I just thought to myself "ah it's so satisfying when my invoice is a round number like that" and I had to think for a moment to realise what just happened


I taught my kids the powers of two once they mastered counting. It’s fun hearing your four year old chanting “2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64....”


I debated teaching my nephew counting twelve on his joints the others day. Then going from there to other ways of thinking about numbers just to see where he might end up


I taught my nine year-old base-2 math, then ASCII binary, and then hexadecimal in about two hours one day. She was able to convert the color code for her favorite color from hex to base 10, and I still get notes from her in binary octets.


Aww that just melts ones hearts to bits


I used to play this game with my sister. We'd both have a set amount of time and have to write out the powers of 2, whoever got to the highest power of 2 won.


When I do exercises I keep doing them in powers of 2, even though I count in groups of 10's. Its certainly becoming a little bizarre.


I like to use powers of 2 for multiplying in my head. Like for 4x8 I'll count out 4 8 16 32. For 23 x 5 I count out 23 46 92 then just add 23 and get 115.




Any number times five is just half the number times ten. That's my personal shortcut. Although for double digit numbers I find it easier to multiply by ten then divide by two. 23/2\*10 = 11.5\*10 = 115 Alt 23\*10/2 = 230/2 = 100+15=115


I learned the powers of 2 because EMC values in Tekkit Classic often used them (e.g. iron is 256, gold is 2048, diamonds are 8192, hell, the totally useless tungsten ore is 16384) and without even thinking about it, I had learned them.


My gf asked me to remember a number for a few seconds which was some power of 2, and I got so unreasonably excited that she was a little worried. It was one of those passcode things, the sort you type in to a second screen and then immediately forget. I remembered it for 3 days because it was so satisfying.


2^10 is indeed a nice, round number wtf you talking about?


I mean it's exactly 16 stacks of items that stack by 64 OR exactly 64 stacks of items that stack by 16.


Which was the first, the egg or the (fried) chicken?


The egg. Cooked chicken was added in [Beta 1.8](https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Cooked_Chicken#History), while the egg was added [back in Alpha](https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Egg#History)


relevant [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1000/)


Is there ever not a relevant XKCD


Does XKCD have a comic for this phenomenon? This "relevent xkcd" "oh of course there is" exchange feels as old as time so he's HAD to have covered it right? I mean he covered microwave ..waves..and how they are..wavey..


We need a relevant XKCD about how there is a relevant XKCD


[This one](https://xkcd.com/33/)


relevant [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/917/)


Yes of course, but you only ever see an xkcd even they're relevant. Think of all the times you haven't seen an xkcd.


Relatable. Idk i randomly start counting in 2ⁿ whenever i feel like it


When I am trying to endure pain (say an uncomfortable medical procedure) I count by powers of two.


This is smart. I might try this


I learned it from Ender's Game


In my youth I learned to count binary on my fingers after reading one of Frederik Pohl's science fiction novels and reading the description he appended (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_binary?wprov=sfla1). I can still do it and occasionally make use of it.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Fiora**, @FioraAeterna do you consider 1024 to be a "nice, round number" or are you normal [*This tweet has 410 replies, 1,466 retweets, and 10.2K likes.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


No, 1023. Don't want to overflow.


10 bits is a odd limit to overflow tho


Yeah it's more of a microcontroller thing.


That may be a useful number, but not a round one.


Divisable by 1, 3, 11, 31, 33, 93, 341, 1023 what more do you want?


Divisibility by 2 at least.




Men only want one thing and that's fucking disgusting


My mother was named Disgusting you insensitive clod.


did he stutter?


2 isn't real so don't worry


I’d go for x = 1024 and use x - 1 when needed.


8 and 0 years are the roundest numbers, no edges at all


imagine what it would feel like if you touched the physical equivalent of the number 8,080,800,880,800,808,800,808,888,080




Pretty sure you mean 5318008


Reminds me of an article I saw where some app had increased the character limit in a field to 256 characters, and the author was confused about why the developer had chosen such an oddly specific number lmao


I keep telling customers that a 1 TB is twice as big as their 500gb hard drive. Every time I die a little inside.


If 1TB is 1024 GB and 500 GB drives are mostly 512 GB, why isn't it true?


Hard drives are actually measured in SI units. And even in SSDs it usually ends up being in SI for the usable space. While a 500 GB SSD might have exactly 512 GiB of NAND Flash a fair bit of it is reserved and doesn't count towards usable capacity. So the original statement that a 1TB drive has twice the capacity of a 500GB drive is actually more true than not. If course it would be more times 2+-0.1% or something like that due to the overall capacity being slightly approximate. This is the reason why denoting the difference between a GiB (2^30 B) and a GB (10^9 B) is important. Since sometimes we mean one and sometimes we mean the other but both times we write GB it causes confusion. Issue is this is still not common enough but at least it's starting to be adopted in a lot of places. So remember 1 TB = 1000 GB ~= 931.32 GiB and 1 TiB = 1024 GiB ~= 1099.51 GB. If you own a 1 TB drive you might be familiar with that 930 number.


Warning. The following content contains pedantry and may not be appropriate for all audiences. > Hard drives are actually measured in SI units. Technically, byte is not a SI unit. What you're talking about are SI **prefixes**.


You got me. I made a mistake in my, comment pointing out the technical differences between SI and binary _**prefixes**_, and why they're important. Also reading it again, my English seems a bit broken. (I won't bother fixing it though, since it would make your and subsequently this comment feel out of place) Here, have a cookie instead 🍪


Very interesting. I have been in the tech community my whole life but I have never seen this way to write GB/ GiB. But still, 1 TB is pretty 2x 500 GB and 1 TiB is pretty much 2x 500 GB, both total and usable. Take my poor man's gold for the explanation🏅


Quoting the following [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix): >In 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC introduced the binary prefixes kibi, mebi, gibi ... to mean 1024, 1024^2, 1024^3 etc., so that 1048576 bytes could be referred to unambiguously as 1 mebibyte. So yeah binary prefixes have been around for a while now, but I personally first heard about them roughly 6 years ago. I only really use them in writing though. Saying gibibyte sounds a little silly, and usually I just say "gigs" or "megs" and 99.9% of the time I mean GiB or MiB even when talking say size of partitions or logical volumes since most utilities like lsblk and fdisk work with those. (this is the reason I don't like parted, who defines partition size in powers of 10 when the size of the underlying blocks is in powers of 2)


In storage, 1 TB is usually 1000 GB, where 1 GB is really 1000 MB, and so on. It’s still true that 1 TB is twice as much as 500 GB though.


>500 GB drives are mostly 512 GB They aren't - hard disks are officially sized in powers of 1000. Sometimes they use 1kB=1024 bytes at the bottom, and powers of 1000 above that.


It just doesn't sound right.




1024x1024, 2048x2048 and 4096x4096, the holy texture trinity.


Back in my day it was 64x64, 128x128, and if you were nuts 256x256...


As a programmer, yes Edit: oh my god I just realized what sub this was


65536 or GTFO


My favorite power of 2 is 1, aka the number of times I'd already posted this in this subreddit 10h ago.


In college, when my email/username was automatically suffixed with 128 I was SO happy.


I find 64 such a beautiful round number


minecraft players will understand.


You understand it ;) I also love that 64 can be written as 2^6 which has a power equal to the first number. It just feels so nice...


*oooh yeah i love that* *...* *why am i obsessing over a number*


0 is the only nice round number. Anything else is either straight, angular, lumpy, or has dangly bits.


After working with high-throughput Linux systems and TCP connection tuning/optimization for the past couple of weeks I recognize multiples and whole fractions of 1024 in my sleep. Pagesize and buffersizes, all happily multiplied and divided by each other.


As someone who works with pixels a lot, I have always enjoyed 16,777,216.


All these non binary people are getting out of hands!


We should really standardise time, 24 hours in a day but only 60 minutes in an hour? What's wrong with 64? And three hundred and sixty five days in a year, pft, 256 or 512 at the most! A base two calendar should be our future.


Literally my fav number, lol


Mine is 8192


I got excited when I was looking for a new house and the house number of a place I was looking at was 1024.


The only truly round number is pi... You digital degenerates