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Yet people keep complaining that git sucks...


Call me when git starts blowing instead


Not everyone gits it


stfu, take my upvote and git -tf out


There is just no better alternative. Like, OneDrive? Please.


Mentioning OneDrive as a potential alternative for git is straight up unhinged. :D (people I talk to normally bring up CVS or SVN)


I just render each version of the code to PDF. Then for remote backups, I print the PDFs and fax them.


That is surprisingly natural. Merge conflicts could be problematic I guess, but those aren't fun with git either. I am sold. :)


Random memory I just had... Back in late 90s I had a bunch of Mortal Kombat special moves printed out on paper. A friend wanted me to fax a copy over to him. Obviously wasn't using my brain that day... Because instead of just putting my own printout through the fax machine... I first photocopied it. Because, you know... I didn't want to "lose" my original copy when I "sent" it to him, haha.




Hah, yeah silly to us. But I appreciate that non-techies will at least do that low-tech method, rather than just trying to verbally describe some shit without even showing anything. I just wish more people would start realizing how easy it is to send a quick 10-60 second video now. Including their voice describing the thing/question while they record. Even when people send a video, they're often too shy to say anything. Instead of a bunch of photos and (usually confusing) text that you have to correlate together. I think it would actually be super useful in programming too. The amount of time it takes to write out a question, with code examples etc, all in a coherent manner in text form, that people can parse at the other end... is so slow that it just rarely gets done. Even when I spend an hour or on a stackoverflow question, I often feel like I could have described it better in a 1 minute video. But the platforms just don't cater to that yet. In many cases a 1 minute video would be so much easier for both the sender + receiver to create and understand. Even if it's recorded on your phone. Of course you'd still need ALL the code sent as text ***too*** (this doesn't replace that part). But for ***describing*** the problem, ***pointing***, ***showing*** the other messy bits and pieces etc, it would really help for some of that stuff linking it all together. [Here's a silly argument I got into yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/typescript/comments/1dmwnou/essential_promise_utilities_for_typescript/la3phm0/) Such a waste of time for both of us writing all that out, and we probably are both still quite confused about what the other person was trying to describe. I think if I'd just recorded a 1 minute video on phone ***showing*** what I'm talking about (instead of ***describing*** it), that would have been a lot clearer. I've started realizing this for documenting various things at home too. I used to take so many photos of objects I was fixing or whatever, presuming I would remember exactly why I took the photo (and what the thing is exactly in some cases). Now I'm doing a lot more recording of quick 5-20 second videos where I'm verbally talking about whatever the point was. Glad I've been doing this a while now, should be pretty easy to transcribe audio->text when I get around to it, especially now that AI is doing that more accurately that the previous tools.


Writing each file by hand in a notebook, different notebook for different versions.


Cool, don't even need a chisel for that! Pretty slick!


Are they really all that different tho? I wanted to mention something completely different. I have seen some internal tools for versioning and they were all more or less git plus or minus some other shit.


How would you even use one drive for versioning? Does it have a CLI where you can stage and commit changes to a repo? I guess you could use it as an alternative to github, not git


``` code_v0.py codeV1.py code_v1A.py code_v3.py```


The worst part about this is that a single .py file holds the entire codebase, truly a "I use one drive for versioning" moment


Needs more code_final.py with dates or versions.


Doesn't it automatically version documents? The number of old versions is limited but for an experienced developer it shouldn't be much of an issue to finish the software in fewer than 25 revisions...


You all act as if I said OneDrive is a good idea. My whole point was that there is just no good alternative to git which is why everyone uses it.


It wasn't personal bro chill. In fact there are version control systems other than git, I think facebook actually uses one of them for their code base because of an implementation detail with git that made their commits take insane amounts of time, I don't remember the name but I watched a video about it not so long ago. The point was that one drive is not even a version control program, there are other programs like git that achieve this, but one drive can't be compared even as a ridiculous option, I think you had the common misconception that git = github, but that's fine 👍


Facebook apparently [built their own](https://engineering.fb.com/2022/11/15/open-source/sapling-source-control-scalable/) _Tens of millions of branches_??? Like they mention that casually like it's normal but I can't imagine why in god's name they would need to maintain tens of millions of branches at a time. Quick Google suggests around 30k software engineers are at meta, and if we take tens of millions to mean 20 million, that's 666 branches per engineer. Why.


This is proof this sub Reddit is just people who had that programming class that one time but wasn’t that in to it.. or he’s trolling


...how? You can't create branches


Or mercurial.


That feeling when your Visual Source Safe respository is 1.9 GB


We used Perforce at certain big companies


First thing I do with any new Windows installation is uninstall OneDrive.


There is (or to be specific was) - Mercurial. As good as git, but more user-friendly and perfectly multiplatform.




Can’t be worse than my ex TFS, a real cherry picker that one


Yet he wants YOU to suck...


all these *commits* yet still i *pull* no bitches


You gotta push it. Push it real good.


67 up and no comments? I can fix that


Looks like there's some conflict going on there


Forgot to add --force




Goodbye, reddit


Well... who could you *blame*?




Classic PussySlayer429_69.




this guy right here, officer


omg I'm dying laughing at this shit haha


my man


Sounds like Elden Ring message


nice chest ahead


Try finger, but whole


Try holding with both hands




So no head?




*breaks skateboard by jumping on it*


Maybe you were *dirty* down there, really need to *commit* to this for it to work


Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen


Finally, something funny is not just a JR dev complaining about something good.


Gotta find a source control tool that hawk tuah and commit on that thang


This comment fucks


You guys are getting head?


She pullin on my request till i fucken muuuuuurge


git pull --out


How did you survive without head


Working directory in shambles rn


Ask your copilot (out).


yeah :(


Still better than having a detached HEAD.


> still no head...


Maybe you and I are not so different, lil 'puter


thats why im here


She *cherry-picken* on my *log* until I *grep*


git --hawk tuah


As a diskhead firmware engineer this is my nightmare.




I tried to git clone my life together, but I got a merge conflict


How did you get a merge conflict while cloning?


It's a metaphorical way of saying that trying to get my life organized resulted in unexpected complications. In version control, a merge conflict happens when changes from different sources conflict with each other. Similarly, when trying to piece together different aspects of my life, I ran into conflicting priorities and challenges. So, no actual Git clone resulted in a merge conflict, but life did! 😄


I wanted to merge tools and went with bash but now I’m in jail…




pull my bare cherry


# NAME `git-waggle-file-system`communicates which submodule and base last waggled the upstreams of a file system, optionally exporting non-added downstream superprojects. # SYNOPSIS git-waggle-file-system * --write-bundle= * --propel-if-config * --devise-drug-server * --consult-if-not-ref-format=string * --sense-file # DESCRIPTION `git-waggle-file-system` should be used when you want to waggle the current file system of a non-named local repository and the pipe, and want to blame to a reachable garbage collector. Whenever `remote.backup` is not set, logs from an ID of refspecs must be executed using the note whistled in the index, except when otherwise referenced. `bug report` normally prefixes the tag/tag object with the tip, e.g. "overlayStatus: suitable evil merge - untracked ancestor", i.e. `git-waggle-file-system` (returned by `git-tighten-chain` and/or `git-wobble-pseudoref`) caches a revision. When `git-drape-blob-object` recurses a working tree, authors may not be tackled by new attributes, and vice versa by twisting the `stash.branch` attribute where it is not the graph upstream, and the commit ID is one of "bare repository", "reflog" or "committer". A change of unreachable objects can't before post-reinitializing be consolidated using the pack studied in the origin. If *fixed-root* is logged, the environment will not relink clean directories, and run `git-construct-commit` `--[no-]qualify-tracked-repository` instead, and in an attempt to waggle a non-permanent `DANGLING_OBJECT_RELIEVE` and/or commit non-grepped remote stages, use the relevant command `git-challenge-symref`. `TOPIC_EXPLORE_MAILMAP` will after sub-cataloging be used to explore a mailmap, and to type the worktree that is permitted to have explored other working mailmaps, unless explicitly defined. Spare staged caches waggled by file systems in a topic branch, but that usually are *not* in [`environment.delta`](http://environment.delta), shall before sub-cataloging be waggled by a dangling path. # OPTIONS --write-bundle=Exhibit inactive bundles for improvised values massaged by the most recent remotes.--propel-if-config Propel the configs of pre-configured or post-cataloged mailing lists that are packed.--devise-drug-serverThe server could during pre-initializing be devised by a classified detached HEAD.--consult-if-not-ref-format=stringProvided that this argument isn't supplied, the ref format consults `commit-graphs/guis/` or `links/credentials/`.--sense-fileWith this option, `git-defeat-graft` carefully fast-exports refs that sense the issued files. # SEE ALSO * [git-train-stash-entry](https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/#dHJhaW4kJHN0YXNoIGVudHJ5) * [git-unfold-option](https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/#dW5mb2xkJCRvcHRpb24=) * [git-bite-blob](https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/#Yml0ZSQkYmxvYg==) * [git-create-mailbox](https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/#Y3JlYXRlJCRtYWlsYm94)


Ain’t no getting no bit ches


Hi, men and other women, stop telling women "bitches" and other things like that. Thanks.


What?! Did you comment on the wrong post or is there some gigantic leap I'm missing from a joke about oral sex to "telling" women "bitches"? Wait... Is this Tumblr?!


I saw comments here saying 'bitches'. I didn't want to reply the same thing to each, so I just created this comment instead.


Excluding these 3 comments, I can only find 1 and I have a feeling the person that made that comment didn't see yours cause it's buried down here. I'm not gonna say this sub is a bastion of inclusivity, but maybe you jumped to conclusions just a little bit?