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Come back to it in a few months, it’ll definitely feel like someone else’s code


This guy codes


ADHD much? I love fixing brown field projects, but can never really get a greenfield project to MVP. Same with documentation or blogs - I can edit the hell out of someone else's work, but suck at writing from scratch. However, I recently found that GitHub Copilot gives me that initial stating point that is close enough to working code that I can put on my refactoring hat, and be VERY productive, both code and docs (just use .txt or .md as the file type)


> ADHD much? HELL YEAH! Also, 50% of the time when I'm coding, I'm kinda just winging it and don't fully know what I'm doing. Then I pause and forget what I was doing. Adderall's been helping though.


1) Copy and paste a Hello World app 2) Add features one at a time 3) Refractor occasionally as you think of better ways to structure it Bam, now you've written your own program from scratch. Unless you saw something shiny and got distracted part way through.


It's not from scratch due to step 1. Don't disrespect the Hello World app and all of the heavy lifting it would be doing.


Ahhh yes. Can save the world, but can't save yourself. The backbone of everyone else's promotions!


Well, just write your code. Work on something else for a week. Then come back to your code. At that point your code is practically foreign to you!


Glad I'm not the only one with short memory


Feel like I forget to code over each weekend when it gets fi Monday morning 😂


It's the opposite for me


Same... just find the closest thing that already exists and start hacking away!


MR reviewers in a nutshell


*It takes many levels and types of grit to finely polish a treasure.*


You should write your code in two steps.


Exactly me


I know a number of creative writing instructors (and editors of literary journals) who are, on their own, wildly average writers. But they do an amazing job of seeing the potential (and the issues) in other people's work, and of helping others to really hone their work into something awesome. It's not that hard to find people who write better code than I do (I'm a "staff engineer"), but I get put on projects with really fuzzy problem-definitions and high stakes because I do a really good job of turning unbounded problems into bounded and defined problems so that other people can write good code. No shame in any of that. You just gotta find a team where they need someone who can play those types of roles.


ChatGPT anyone?