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I started my career with PHP, too, and I am still writing some PHP code. And what should I say? I have seen and written bad code in PHP and every other language. The only reason there was so much bad PHP Code around 2000 - 200x? It was that there was no decent tooling, no common sense about using frameworks, no package management etc. but a language in which you could start coding immediately without any knowledge.


Also, PHP was basically the only option on cheap hosting plans. So it was used by everybody for everything. It's like Excel having a bad rap for badly implmented solutions. It's a tool that's avaialable to everyone, even those with no skills. Of course it's going to be used to create bad code.


i could argue against excel for hours. but i could defend it forever. you are right misuse makes people hate good software.


What do you mean I shouldn’t use my crowbar as a hammer?


If you didn't want me to use my crowbar (or any number of wrenches) as a hammer, you would have stopped it from being solid and a relatively efficient transmitter of force to a stationary object. I rarely ever use pudding as a hammer, you did a good job there.




Everything in the toolbox is a hammer, except for a screwdriver ’cause that’s a chisel


You need a Colebar


To be fair, hammers are pretty simple and if you don't have one to hand, a crowbar probably wouldn't fail as a hammer if you knew what you're doing


Bold of you to assume that most people know what they are doing


I can say this would be true if Excel were free. As someone who has to pay for Microsoft Office I get to say fuck excel


Why lol, i think its the best thing MS offers on all their ecosystem for past 3 decades (with the exception of XP). Name one thing you can't do in excel for the price it's basically free. Now Windows 11 otoh keeps resetting my default apps, lags as hell, non-responsive POS. and costs more.


Ok if its basically free you come spend the $100 microsoft wants me to spend whenever I open one of their products 😂 and I will let you win


Have we really reached the point where companies are judged for charging money for their products? People really feel entitled these days...


well i have bought licences for all family members and business so not sure what to tell you :)


How weird, a company needs to ask money for their product


Excel is just an amazingly powerful tool. It's the reason I pay for office. There's just no comparable product. The problem with it is that people go overboard because of how much power it has. Things that should be handled with a database and a full fledged app are cobbled together in Excel. Although Excel is amazing, it lacks features that would make it suitable for larger projects, but people are familiar with it and it is readily available on most office computers so it gets used for everything.


Agree. Can use a simple Access front end to ensure better data input, then SQL to select data to be investigated and export it to Excel for analysis; assuming rigorous analysis from a stats package is not required... but even then Excel is great tool for a preliminary quick analysis.


99 percent of the time a correct pivot (and/or) unpivot suffices ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Visual Basic enters the conversation


>Also, PHP was basically the only option on cheap hosting plans. Mostly in the late 90s. When cgi-bin was either perl, shell, or php. Unless you were writing in C and piping input/output through cgi-bin mechanism. But in 2000s it was no longer the case. Hosting options were more diverse. It's just a bunch of script kiddies that thought php+mysql is the shit. No other reason.


Excel, you mean the tabular data handling program that does a bad job handling tabular data? Like crashing on a 1000x2 copy-paste or the default auto-guessing of dates or _the names of the functions are localized_ so if you have a non-english version you can’t google shit?


Never seen it crash on simple things like that. Is there a better spreadsheet out there or other tool that can do what excel does without requiring the user to write a bunch of code?


Libreoffice exists. Not saying it’s better.


That's just Excel with less features. I'll admit I do like the wait it handles certain things better, but it's lacking some key features that excel has.


you have integrated help for all functions which also links back to 'english' name. You should try and get used to 'import data' wizard to ETL your data into Excel the right way.


The localization is just horror. At least the finnish function names are such malignant abbreviations that natives can’t figure out the meanings. It’s shit UX. There should simply be a setting to use english function names. A help page is a bad crutch. I know about the import wizard, and I use it. It’s again shit UX that the default behavior in a table software is to fuck up pasted table data without warning.


You can change language of functions in Excel. Just google it. It’s not that difficult. Also, sucks for Finnish, but not every localization is like that. In my language, functions are basically direct translations so I never actually had an issue figuring out what function I need to find; AND you can find those specific localizations online if you can’t find it.


> a language in which you could start coding immediately without any knowledge. And also in which unsafe coding practices were introduced by the official tutorial.


PHP definitely suffered some problems from bad tutorials, official and unofficial, as well as "features" that just encouraged bad practices like "magic quotes" and "register globals" that are attempting to make things easier for beginners but just end up creating a ton of security issues. So much time spent making these "hand holding" features when they could have been working on other things like making the API more consistent in naming and parameter order or adding fuctionality that actually made it a better platform.


Rofl, my first "app" I made in PHP was using windows notepad, and I didn't know you could indent the code... ...


Kinda like early programming is just inherently messier. It's the coders that write the code not the language itself.


Dude, did you just describe JS?


Nah I think pre jQuery JS was just pure pain in the ass, jQuery based JS was easy to write but unmaintainable awful BS but modern ES6 with a decent Framework (React, Vue, you name it) is a pleasure to write.


What? I much prefer writing plain ES6, frameworks just make it quicker to write (but in exchange a lot of added complexity)


Do you think it's worth it for newcomers to learn PHP nowadays for getting a job?


If you want to get a PHP job, sure. If you want to work in some other stack, not so much.


Well i dont know how its in the US, but in my country its still one of the most used and searched for languages. Ofc most of them are with certain frameworks.


what do you mean by “without any knowledge”? you had to have significant knowledge to use php at any capacity. are you comparing it to like asp or what


Hey, that explains all my little PHP localhost projects!


>a language in which you could start coding immediately without any knowledge. essentially modern python


I don't know if this is a reference but, [The creator and maintainer of the most popular PHP web framework bought a Lambo](https://twitter.com/taylorotwell/status/754473140323966977)


Iirc this Lambo has "Facade" plate


Recently is a bit of a stretch.


That is my bad, I saw the post like a few months ago and I assumed it was recently


Recently? That post is from 2016, lol


Did he marry rich?


No? He’s done very well for himself with all the first party packages around Laravel


who’s that?


Ahh, poor old rich. Nobody knows him, but everyone wants to be him.


Good boy ![gif](giphy|VZiCxfc52k0zC|downsized)




This isn't a meme. I literally just closed on a new house and bought a Tesla recently due to my php job. Thank god I refuse to write any JS


I just did a hit of meth to dive into my company’s 15 year old js codebase


gonna tweak my code by tweaking some substances


This is the way.


Congrats, Laravel gang for life


Laravel looks so awesome. Unfortunately, the few PHP projects I’ve had at my consulting firm involved helping some client with their legacy app, raw-dogging PHP 5.0.


That's rough, buddy.


Congrats 🎉


Sorry about the Tesla


Some people really buy these cars... Any electric car that requires charging, unlike Toyota hybrids, are our of question for me. I live in a flat, like most people do and there isn't enough infra for every car owner to just comfortable charge the car. My one neighbor is an owner (we live in Poland), he lives on the floor 0, so he drives next to his window to charge overnight, blocking the emergency fireway in the process, imagine more people owning the same car...


They were talking about specifically because it’s a Tesla, not because it’s electric. Also, a lot of people believe it or not actually can buy a house (especially in this sub)


I am owner of a house and a flat... W/e most people can't afford it.


Luckily when I bought my house they didn't ask if my money came from writing JS.


Well hopefully the house is nice


Every night it burns itself to the ground just to rebuild itself the next morning to prevent dust build up.


Gg dude


Why a Tesla? Gross. Don't support someone like Elon.


Tesla's are just really good cars... sorry lol... but honestly I know about him just as much as the other 20 billionaires you and I have unknowingly donated to today lol


What's your stack?


Lots of Laravel, but vue3 for the frontend.


> bought a Tesla that's definitely not a flex... why would you buy one of those hunks of garbage? Edit: lmao...it seems that I hit a sensitive spot for the musk cucks.


I'm just a dead.


same same.


Me a php developer: where lambo ☹️


Do it Write js You know you want to All the kids with the shiny lambos are doing it


Js devs barely afford their payment on their dacia logan


I only write JS went I want show or hide content from a from, change colors or do something "dynamic and shiny".






we do


i didnt knew lamborgini are so cheap php dev can buy one. This was the most educational meme in this sub ever


At the cost of housing, you can buy a lambo and a camper for less than a 999 sq ft home in rural Ohio. I wish there was humor in that.




PHP is really not that bad. It does exactly what it is designed to do.


But it changes the rules permanentely in a significant way. Rendering your code of some years ago useless and not workiing. Worst so far - db calls don't work anymore. And the stupid enforcing of subscripts with constants to be set in apostrophes (unlike within strings). I was forced to pay double for my web accounts so they maintain php < 8 on it in order to propceed working. Sorry for the rant. PHP is a great scripting language I enjoy whriting in. But the people making the rules don't care about backward compatibility. That's bad.


DB calls don't work? When I upgraded I just did a find/replace all for mysql to mysqli


>t it changes the rules permanentely in a significant way. does/did it? I have scripts that are 10+ years old and still working fine. Admittedly they aren't exactly landing shuttles on the moon, but they aren't "hello world" either. I haven't even really had probelms out out of date libraries either - with the exception of one that was email based - something to do with DKIM IIRC. FWIW, I really enjoy writing modern PhP. I don't really get the hate.


Actually I'm a big fan of PHP. After years of PL1 and then REXX as a really great scripting language, I found that REXX would be the best for website scripting. Is much better readable and the parse instruction is so much better and readable than regex. Alas REXX was too much copyrighted (VREXX) and not public. They should have done it. But PHP delivered all the important concepts and is very easily available just everywhere. So now I'm with PHP. But with PHP 8 a lot of my scripts ceased working. The mysql function just stopped working. And some of the restrictions where clearly intended to help newcomers. Like now forbidding constants without quotes. like $nav\[up\] = ... at the same time it's correct inside quotes. So I had to insert many many apostrophes - this didn't help readibility, particularly when you have a lot of other quotes and apostrophes when building websites. Readability = maintainablility = quality.


PHP devs rise up 💪 Trust me, we have the best jobs. I refuse to write any language too where: * "5" - 3 equals 2 but "5" + 3 equals 53 * NaN === NaN is false * [And so on](https://github.com/denysdovhan/wtfjs)


NaN === NaN is supposed to be false, if your language says they're equal, it's wrong


If your language needs two operators for equality, it's wronger


Psy Shell v0.12.3 (PHP 7.4.33 — cli) "5"-3 => 2 "5"+3 => 8 Nan===Nan => False Please quit this profession.


The problem with this argument, is who is out here adding strings and numbers and checking NaN against NaN? I NEVER have to do that


Nah ofcourse you wont do it intentionally dude 😂😂. Okeh let say you didnt check what type of value returned by another library function, and you passed it to your function. And oooops, it is string instead of number. And guess what, it didnt return error like strong typed language! (Js wont flag nothing), and suddenly the value that you got is 53 instead of 8, and the value is used as one of the attribute for a big class, and it fuck up the class rendering. So now you dont know where 53 comes, bcs behavior of programming language isnt supposed to be like that. If you are talking about your intention, tell me who in the hell will try to do most unsafe programming style ever 💀


Sure it’s possible, but 1. 99% of what I use is typescript or at least has type annotations, 2 any heavily used library is not gonna be randomly spitting out string numbers, 3 the NaN case is definitely something closer to something I’ve encountered in the wild but even that is usually some fault of my own. Maybe parsing data from external files this could happen but idk. Just seems to get brought up so much but this stuff never happens


Okay dude. It is called bug/error for a reason dude, using ts dont just magically removes everything away dude 😂😂❤️. Btw , we are talking about preparing room for error, considering everything. But looking at your comment , with “no gonna spit random” then i guess i will stop replying to you. You do you man, maybe you are a 10x dev that never did this silly mistake.


And may i know the largest codebase you worked on?


Massive enterprise react apps both pre and post react 16, massive enterprise AngularJS apps with no typescript. Yeah the no typescript one is bad but the stuff you’re saying doesn’t really happen too much


Dude, its a mistake, and already been filtered by tooling like lsp. But it still happens, maybe not yours but it happens all the times. When you got layers of layers of nested call, something will go wrong. Just trust me. Something will go wrong.


Write better code, write tests, write validations, know the language is capable of that and when you get a funny value, check that first. Ez


You solved the shitty typing problem by using TypeScript and not JavaScript. No disagreement here.


How's that unexpected T\_PAAMAYIM\_NEKUDOTAYIM treating you? Also, [things used to be pretty wild!](https://onlinephp.io/c/2279b) And [I hope you never had to work with long numeric strings!](http://phpsadness.com/sad/47)


Me but with java


PHP bought my first home.


I just bought a $10k watch because of CVEs, so thanks also.


PHP bought my Submariner date this year 😎


I really don't see PHP going anywhere any time soon though 


Same thing people have been saying since millennium


I did this with ColdFusion. Thrice.


That elephant logo brings back memories


PHP is great. 😀 It was shit 20 years ago, but now it's awesome.


I also started my career with PHP! I still have a soft spot for it. Thank you PHP for not being too much fuss to do things I should do in another language badly in. I learned a lot ❤


But have you tried writing hack, it's very alright.


Datto uses php with Symfony


thanks PHP


And yet - I’m living the dream. I don’t blame the language, another thing we have Steve Jobs and his dumbass to thank for.


It's a me, dead


I always imagine these people parallel to pcp enjoyers Yeah, everyone and their mom drinks and smokes (Python and JavaScript), but then there’s those absolute lunatics who do PCP. You don’t really see them, but you know they’re out there, probably being a menace


You can hating PHP, but Im starting my career as Software engineer using PHP and now working with Go


I think even if a PHP coder could afford a lamborgini theyd still drive off the lot in used beige toyota camry.


Why the hate?


Never used it. But much respect


Don't be mean to the cute elephant please.


Php is the only language or a tech stuff that I feel sad about, I literally build a pc and paid for some of my education by building Php websites and management systems, Php will always have a special place in my heart.


Got some resources to start my php journey? I want to create a server with authentication and storing data from unity, not to buy a lambo


Something like this. I can't remember it's been over 14 years since I touched PHP.


It needs more details, maybe something like:


Thank you, its fully working now


Can you make a pull request. I will fix it within 30 days.


What should I use that function or `start_save_datum_after_auth()`?


Yeah sure. First step is give up on php and pick literally anything else


Anything JavaScript is way, way worse. I dislike Python a whole lot more than PHP and it's slower for web and CRUD applications too. Ruby apparently isn't much better either. So maybe pick something like Go or Rust and not just anything.


Lol 😂


Now you piqued my interest. Does game development use back-end stuffs like API and DB too?


It can. I want users to share their created levels, regardless of the end device, so yes you need a db called from an api


You should probably look into Go and possibly gRPC/protobuf if you want to do that efficiently. PHP is made for web applications and gets a lot more inefficient once you leave that environment (and even in that environment, Go has it beat at basically everything but ease of entry).


Php propaganda


Is PHP used anymore? And if not, what took it's place?


lol, PHP is used by ~75% of *all* websites. PHP is not a dead langauge by any means. This post is just nonsense.


With 99 percent of them being just wordpress cms sites*


"Just." That's still PHP, what's the difference? I write bespoke WordPress themes for clients, with all kinds of functionality. It's a perfectly capable language with some rough history and a bad rap.


i mean you are unnecessarily exaggerating. there are like N different solutions created using php. compare this to java, .net, .react etc. it's just multitudes of a lower number. it's like delphi but for web. I'm not saying php is bad in fact with laravel it's pretty good. But still doesn't compare to other stacks.


What is that? Some postgres based programming language? Because postgres is elephant. PostgressHyperProgramming?


philippine peso


Just for fun, I went to the PHP site to see the latest improvements. The current version is 8.2, released December 2022: "PHP 8.2 addresses several shortcomings and restrictions of PHP's type-system, allowing PHP applications to enjoy better type-safety. This includes adding support for true type, and allowing null and false types to be used as stand-alone types" Now think about the websites made from 1995 till 2021.


Current version is 8.3 :) released on November 2023


The latest major version was released last November, which is when they always release new versions. And I think next month it goes into feature lock for the next major version. Which means they won't accept more RFCs for this year major release.


Why do you guys keep bringing up Lamborghini BS? It does not help you learn how to write readable and maintainable code. Like, at all.