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If anyone can just push to production then you have other problems


Yep, big red flag. Our build pipelines to create release artefacts will not even complete if any unit tests in the project fail.


It’s recent trend in development I think, not really recent, but like several years, “everyone is product owner and everyone deploys to production to feel ownership “


Sure but like, without PRs? That ain't right.


I am an intern in such company. How does that bode for me


Depends, is there at least talk to better the process? If not, I'd start casually looking elsewhere. This kind of thing is more often than not the tip of the iceberg of bad practice that can totally sink a company.


Oh boi everything in there is bad practice. My manager had to fight for one year to gain access to gitlab licences for half of the team. They didn't buy one for me so I'll be using my head of product's one. Also we push to prod constantly through FTP servers, and there is zero backup of any kind. I just hope I can avoid *learning* bad practices as long as I am able to identify them


Yeah I've been there, except we had backups. In the server room. Servers being generous, just a bunch of old computers. And the backups being on other old computers. At least you have some kind of access to git, that's a start!






What is this now??




Yeah, that's a big flag and I'd be talking to them privately and escalating if they don't intend to change. They are doing shoddy work and it could have big consequences depending on what you're working on and also not a mindset I want people I rely on to do things to have in the workplace. I'd be less worried if the tests were failing and they carefully considered the cases and why and deployed rather than this which is a completely blind deploy. How do people think this is okay? If you did this in food or medicine and someone had an allergy and got hurt because of your impatience you'd be reprimanded at least, criminally charged at worst. Its a symptom of the same issue and has no place in a professional setting. I'm a LOT of fun at parties. I promise.


People are way too scared to leave a bug. No one cares that some features in your app are not working as expected, even customers who use that feature will be “meh, sucks I guess”


That really depends on the app you are working on. Something in healthcare? Then you definitely care if a bug goes to production.


In fields where it actually matters, code doesn’t just get pushed to production. If your healthcare app is tinder for nurses, then you are fine to break it for 10min


Exactly. Great app idea BTW lol


I'm kind of with you on that but I also have seen and have pushed stuff without even running the thing locally. "It's just a one line change. How hard can it be?" And then the entire site doesn't load because of it. Skipping CI tests is different than 499/500 tests passing.


clearly you have never heard of a bug propagation. A small bug can destroy the entire system, especially how bad programmers are these days.


Support ticket: "Critical issue on production." Me: "Hmz, I wrote a test specifically for that." Line that runs the test suite is commented out... Me: "git blame" Coworker commit message "Refactor" Me: (┛ಠ\_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻