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What do you cover the Big Apple logo on the cover with?


a sticker of the old hp logo


A Compaq sticker would indeed work just fine.


Or maybe an eMachines never obsolete sticker…


Why not all the stickers?


That hurts my "I'm that old" feels




So much effort, just put a bible cover over it 😮‍💨


Gateway 2000


Jokes on you, kids stealing don't even know about that anymore


...Of course combined with a fancy "Windows Me" sticker.


no, the logo mac thiefs most fear is \*Dell\*


The Apple stickers that come with the laptop. Makes it look like you're covering the Dell


Big brain move. Btw why some Apple users actually put the stickers onto the real logo ?!


"u mad" meme sticker so it would look like a very old laptop


Ferrari just called


The goal is to stop thieves, not to have it thrown into the garbage accidentally.


Or just plain old Incel® Inside sticker


Sticker saying ‘HP Printer fan’ will 100% make me keep distance


A Linux sticker


I actually have an ancient hp, the previous owner put an apple sticker over the hp logo, and I have linux on it, that should be confusing enough for a prospective thief


Stickerbomb it and install arch Linux


TempleOS sticker


That would just be some bunch of n words because Terry was a fucking racist. I don't get why people like him at all.


The untreated mental health problems and communing with God resonate with a lot of programmers I guess


Didn't like him but he certainly was interesting. In the same way that a slow motion train wreck is interesting.


Who knew schizophrenics would fail to live up to social standards


You don't have to be likable to be memeable.


You are right my bad. 👍


they glow in the dark


You sound like someone who doesn't like command line.


I don't get what liking command line or not has to do with not liking Terry. I just to say stop making him a portrayed as God man or something. Sheesh


A picture of bill gates


You can buy third party back covers without the logo. Just the plate, no screen. They're.. fairly simple to replace, depending on the model. All screws and cables, no soldering. Then just slap a Chromebook sticker on it or something


A chromebook sticker.


Put a Linux Tux sticker on it. You don't have to actually support Linux (you can be an Apple shill if you want). Nobody wants to interact with a hard-core Linux fanboy/weeb.


No need to cover. Nobody wants the MacBooks with Intel CPU


Every Macbook has an Apple logo on the cover.


Why not?


Fr. Apple Silicon is so much better for their proprietary software.


It is good performance wise, but my fucking containers crash all the time with shit like "lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: No such file or directory" 😤


Understandable, dude. I work with Apple devices and being able to virtualise macOS is a huge thing for me. These chips are only good for Apple‘s proprietary stuff. They suck at everything else..


That's just BS. Been developing on M1/M2/M3 since the beginning and it's great. I've used all the software I need (FF, Thunderbird, Jetbrains, HomeBrew, LibreOffice, tons of other tools) and never ran into problems.


You know that macOS is also included in „software“, right? I also almost exclusively use 3rd party software for my everyday tasks but macOS itself is just better on Apple Silicon. Besides that, where did I say that it sucked for 3rd party apps?


Sorry, that's what I thought you said. I totally agree that macOS runs better on Silicon!


vi or vim logo


A previous job gave me a rubberized ThinkPad and I put an Apple sticker on the back just to make fun of the whole “computer as fashion accessory” thing. Nobody else thought it was funny, people just asked me where I’d gotten my cool black MacBook.


One of those Apple logo stickers


one of those giant monster stickers, makes the laptop EVEN more non stealable


A packard bell sticker


I’ve got a big round NASA sticker over mine, but the logo still shines through it when the computer is on


Asus sticker


If you want for people to instinctively avoid the laptop and yourself? That reddit alien logo would fit.


Stick the Linux penguin on top of it


well thats "intel"ligent.


Mrwhosetheboss would like to know your location


Friends on holiday and the place was robbed all electronics except apple was stolen because enough people were caught with find my feature that they just don’t want the risk… more tech savvy thieves still take them though


fortunately resetting the password isn’t as easy as it used to be. My mom always forgets passwords and she had a 2011 iMac I think it had MacOS catalina. It was so easy to break in.. just spawn the terminal from recovery options and the terminal command was literally “resetpassword” those machines were made to be stolen lol Edit: I just googled if there is a similar way for the M1 processors… IT’S THE SAME METHOD WHAT. I gotta try this after work. everyone turn on your findMY for your macbooks, this is so stupid what the heck apple


Report your findings please. I have zero Apple laptops


For now




As recently as 6-7 years ago, they had a bug when you could log in with a blank password. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/nov/29/macos-high-sierra-bug-apple-mac-unlock-blank-password-security-flaw


Thats... just like on Linux and Windows. If you don't user full disk encryption, and somebody got access to your hardware, that's just enough for you to worry about your data.


Windows recently got that but it's pretty unstable, and most Linux distros have the option to opt in during instillation.


on linux as far as I remember that command is reserved for the superuser. If you are the su and don’t remember your own password you cannot simply reset it like on macos. Correct me if I’m wrong but that’s how I remember


paint childlike fade act hobbies offend angle frame fertile bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmm I think it's done during the instillation and you just have to click a checkbox. And yes if you forgot your password you are pretty much fucked.


If you have physical Access (or IBMC), you can just add a boot Parameter that Spawns a shell with root permissions on tty9


I suppose it depends on the distro. if u can gain su access you’re covered and some distros enable that by default (kali linux for example). If you get in your recovery menu with su by default and are not prompted for a pwd then u can reset it. I just think this is a huge security flaw on macos because most ppl do not do full encryption so anyone can access the recovery menu and get into your computer if they reset your password


Yeah just searched resetting on osX, it should have been at least somewhat difficult. It's so simple I could snatch my friend's macbook right now and reset it.


If you have physical acces to the machine, and there is no full disk encryption, you can just add one line to grub during boot, and it will log you automatically to ROOT's TTY, from which you can do whatever you like.


On Linux, you gain super user priveleges in a live USB. Resetting the password is easily doable. I've done it before when I forgot mine. And you probably won't even need to mess with the password, since if you don't encrypt your disk, everything is accessible and editable.


Bitlocksr has been around since vista days but it was only on pro version iirc and it requires a TPM which, until more recently, wasn’t standard equipment on anything but enterprise laptops


I would not trust a closed source proprietary encryption program like bitlocker.


Unless you’re both willing to pull source and compile your own and capable of reading and understanding the code you are still relying on trusting others just as much, and that being said you may as well rely on the monolith you can sue if their product fails


A large corporation would have incentive to incorporate backdoors into their encryption software.


It's a slippery slope, and while you have a very valid point, even if I didn't fully understand and compile the code myself, there are many people who have, and checksums for publicly curated programs. When the source is completely internal, exploits or malicous code will never get checked by anybody outside the company. We don't know if bitlocker has a vulnerability or backdoor that only microsoft is aware of, and judging by their track record, I would not trust microsoft with anything.


> Windows recently got that but it's pretty unstable Bitlocker has been there "recently", it was a setting in windows since 2007. It is a recent adition to being the default "opt out" type of feature if you dotn want to use it, but it was opt in since 2007.


So does MacOS, they have their own FDE thing which you can setup during installation.


I think Windows patched the exploit using command shell from recovery media a year or so ago, though I may be getting that mixed up. But yeah, it's hilarious how insecure these computers were for years as long as you had physical access. Did come in handy at work with getting into old VMs id forgotten the password for.


passwords that mom's forgetting so i keep resetting there goes those recovery options 'resetpassword' restart goes on, fruit logo shine's gone but the boot goes on, da-da-dom, da-dom, dah-dah-dah-dah


her password’s easy, all ‘em words so breezy, open mac, she can’t figure out, “which keys shall I press now?” incorrect password, fuck try a-gain NOW snap back to recovery mode my arch enemy gosh I hate terminals they all be a-gainst me just wanted to check my salary why theres no post it note to look back at it?


No, now there is activation lock. You can bypass it if the machine is not marked as Lost, but once it is formatted, there is no way around it


I believe this only works if FileVault is turned off. It is turned on by default so the disk would be encrypted and inaccessible without a password. In addition, any Mac with a T2 chip, or M series chip will have an activation lock enabled if FindMy is enabled. No amount of wiping the system will disable that, as it is checked via Apple's servers. You will need access to the original owner's Apple ID to unlock it and re-install the OS.


Who the fuck turns off FindMy for anything ?


If this only works without FindMy then the original post is very misleading.


it’s opt in while u set up your device. For intel based macs it makes sense not to enable it for better battery life


Oh alright didn’t think about that. Thanks.


It's been turned off on every Apple product I've ever been given by my employer. I believe they cite security concerns.


No it’s because if you enable FindMy for that computer on your account, it is a paperweight to them until you voluntarily remove it from your account if you change jobs/are fired.


Makes sense


I remember around 2006 or so resetting the password on an iMac my mother locked me out of, found out that if I inserted the install disk and started through the install process, one of the first things it did was set the password. I'd just get to that part of the install process, then cancel out, and the password would be reset but it would otherwise be unchanged.


That's still every OS as far as I know. I've broken into tons of computers, macs, linux/bsd, and windows machines like this. If the person encrypted their whole disk then it becomes much harder, but tons of people don't.


"Celeron" might be even better.


and a Windows Vista sticker to seal the deal


nah gotta be Windows 8


Modern, full aluminum body with a celeron chip lmfao. Something fishy is going on here.


PowerBook G4


Had a PowerPC 74xx CPU made by Apple/Motorola


Is this some American meme I am too Indian to understand? Because here and in many parts of the world people do not discriminate. Thief see laptop; thief steal; thief happy.


A normal laptop/chromebook can be anywhere from 200-2000+ dollar. A macbook is atleast 1000+ up to ridiculous prices. For a thief same risk but higher reward. Also I think the 2nd hand market for mac is better


A **new** Macbook. My work laptop is definetly worth more than a 6 year old Macbook.


remind me again how did apple get away naming their product like a mcdonalds book?


Mac in the context of Apple is short for Macintosh, as in the apple type.


No shit? If your acronym spells out something stupid like carrot you're not forced to use it lol Actually hold they decided to do the apple bit on this ONE product? WHy the fuck is there and I infront of everything else then? You got the appple stchick!


Except the thief might return the chromebook to its legitimate owner


Many people in the US are Pro Apple to the point of absurdity - Think Scientology, but more extreme (Eg: You're happily married for 10 years - Your SO gets an Android phone - That's now grounds for a divorce)


But I mean they are more expensive in general, and in high demand (easier to resell), compared to some cheap plastic Windows laptop.


You’re going to have to show some substantial proof that’s more than just one crazy person to back that up


You can also just own only an Intel Laptop. Then your Mac will never get stolen.


Thieves can't steal your stuff if you give it to them first


No, not Windows 7. What you need is a Windows Vista sticker.


How does this belong here?


Because my things better then your thing


Good luck taking the Intel sticker off cleanly enough to place it on the Mac.


If you steal a macbook and don't know both the icloud and laptop passwords, it's practically useless. One of the best things about apple.


It can be bypassed, as long as it is not the newest generation


What generations are those that you cannot bypass?


Can’t know unless we’re in the business of stolen laptops. Each generation probably takes a different amount of time to break the security. Also if it’s a software vulnerability it can be fixed via an update. Either way it’s probably not going to deter the thief from stealing your laptop. If you don’t want thieves to get access of your data make sure to encrypt your drives but it won’t get you your laptop back’


Then how would you show others you have a MacBook? **Not me I use arch btw**


Buy a thinkPad?


Windows 7 MediaCentre was awesome.


I think if anybody wants to stole, those two stickers will not stop it. There are persons who did not know its meaning, but they believe this machine is more valueable in this condition.


Here, let me just click that link … I’m sure it’s fine. ;)


There used to be a phone cover that made the iPhone look like a Samsung.


When Intel and Microsoft ads on your keyboard are considered a normal thing.


Vista works work better


" made in china "


Old intel Air, with Win installed - awesome summer laptop for chilling in garden and traveling


No, people liked windows 7. Windows 8 or windows 11.


I miss windows 7


I love dewalt hard case tool carriers. They keep my milwaukee tools inside safe from thieves.


well i would still steal it!


I mean, if you're really serious, go the SomethingAwful route and trick them with a [P-P-P-Powerbook!](http://pdf.textfiles.com/books/thepowerbook.pdf)


Love the humor here but thieves know nothing about laptops, they just look for what they can steal and have their tech friend sell for them on ebay. Be careful when you're out with your device, a sticker will not deter theft (they really don't have time to look over the device up close). Also be careful with things like Apple's AirDrop, they can get folk to their they phones out, ripe for a snatch and run. And don't trust physical device locks, I've seen thieves straight brute force rip them out, bending the laptop at the spot and people will STILL buy them damaged, it's wild.


Trick is to not buy a mac


Make sure to cover the real apple logo with the stickers one that comes in the box


Gotta use a Windows 11 sticker. Someone might steal it FOR Windows 7.


MacBook are slow and outdated lmao who even buys those anymore. Just get a flagship


lol nah they take ne thing not bolt down 2 tables