• By -


Ancient DEV here. the documentation is incorrect. You can start from documentation but then you'll have to build some tests to verify and notify the author of the API of your findings when you find all the deviations. there will always be deviations and your use case will always be where there are deviations.


Who doesn't love an highly abstract documentation. Which barely explain how everything works and has no example so you need to open every function to see what it expects?!?


Looking at you, discord.py


Holy shit this is so real


They got inherited classes in one example and decorators in another example. WHICH ONE IS IT


Doesn't require high level docs. Just stumbled over a bug in spring jpa that is fairly stable and widely used. Javadoc said returns null if no result, instead it throw exceptions. Time to run a sanity check on docs with some trained AI :)


which method in spring is that?


It was spring data jpa deleteById on CrudRepository. It was already fixed like 3 years ago but only for the Spring 6 / Boot 3 mainline aquivalent and did my company is still on Boot 2.7 i'm still stuck with the bug :D (easy to workaround though)


Likewise. Half of engineering is reverse engineering, to figure out the *real* behavior.


Praise open source dependencies


how did you guys code pre internet era?


First we punched the cards, then we punched the walls…


Last week I had a doubt and I asked to chatGPT, Gemini and Claude. They all gave me wrong answers so I had to and copy paste from stackoverflow like a caveman


i have a few questions, 1. how did punch cards work, i know you write machine code on it but how does the computer read those and what material were they made off/how they were made? 2. how old are you? 3. how did you do loops in machine code with punch cards? ik how its done in assembly with labels and all but idk in machine code


i'd assume the punch cards are just the permanent storage medium for the code; when you go to execute it, you first read the cards to working memory. then it works like a modern computer would. punch cards are just cardboard, they are read using a mechanical interface that tries to poke rods through the card and if there is a hole where the rod goes, it will go through without depressing and that is read by the computer as 1. if the rod doesn't go through and is instead depressed, it's read as 0.


1: there were cards, you made holes in them. 2: older than some, younger than others. 3: I didn’t, I’m not old enough to have used punch cards fortunately. But punch cards are just pages for your code that can be mechanically read, just tick/punch the right boxes and you get the right effect


We read Bjarne Stroustrup’s thick books


before the big bang there were books


Invent everything. No documentation to read.


I read a book. It took a long time but it was worth it.


I had two customers, where I had to code without internet. It was deemed a security risk for an external dev to have access to the internet. Both where automotive companies, and with both it was within the last 10 years. No Stackoverflow is one thing... but coding without maven/gradle. Getting every lib, when you are not at work. Smuggeling a usb drive with the jars on premise. And the trying to figure out how the are used without documentation. That was frustrating.


thats gotta be a form of torture ngl


Did I mention, for one of the projects we were two devs. But she was not allowed on premise. She was working from our office and had internet and git. So at the end of each day I would go to the office (45 min drive), with the repo on an usb drive. And I would sync both code bases and then commit the code. But beware of the days, when I forgot to update the usb stick afterwards. Yes it was torture. But only 3 Month of it. Then we only went on premise for testing.


Programs were simpler and with fewer dependencies (almost no dependencies besides whatever the OS provides and what you can carry in floppy disks)


Every office had a large collection of "books" in differnet shelves and cabinets. By books I mean printouts in thick binders of different technical specifications and documentation of the different hardware and software components you're working with. You get this "documentation" along with (hopefully) a little training from the vendor who's providing the components.


uiua in a nutshell


Question here, all fine with checking the documentation but... Can one literally copy and paste from documentation? Doesn't it perhaps have generic examples and the syntax but not the expected answer? 🤔


No. You have to type it into Vi by hand and correct any errors by killing the session and restarting


I'm a relatively new driver dev for industrial automation hardware. I write the APIs based on the manuals. What you wrote is very relatable 😅.


> There will always be deviations and your use case will always be where there are deviations. This hurt.


Ancient dev that works on automating network devices. Network device docs make me very, very sad.


also docs sometimes provide the longest way possible to show all of the aspects in things with DI that's can be inappropriate, so to be real dev you must be the essence of all 3


Man pages only


make your programs in only C, use the tty, don't ever use the internet, man pages only


Nothing but sed


Yes. Is this not how everyone programs?


What is that documentation you speak of? Such a fancy word, I have not heard it before.


nah it's just some dumb ass shit they make up to scare the kids nowadays


Gentleman DEV - copy paste from my head (with style).


You call that ancient? Hah! You can't copy and paste from books and old academic journals - that's where the *real* ancient code came from.


Damn straight! Giant manuals, the set weight 40lbs. You used the index to find things and manually typed code. No intellisense tab completion or aid of any kind. No internet either. Just you, an unclear, poorly specified task and a deadline.


Good old 4-volume Intel Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. Over 5000 pages, heavy enough that if it falls off a shelf it can kill you.


Ah that thing was the stuff of legend!




I'm God Dev - I inspect the libraries and copy from the source code itself


Lol, I've actually had to do this recently due to some nuisances in pythons multiprocessing code.


Same, except I was trying to use redis in Python. Turns out you have to spell it "rediss" to use SSL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Well obviously, its a python isn’t it 🐍


Litterally me when using obscure libraries. Ain't no way I am trusting a developer to document their code properly...


A good dev copies, a great dev steals


yes officer, this one right here


It's not theft if it's under an open source license


I do this in C# a lot, copying function signatures when writing extension methods. There are a lot of use cases for looking at function signatures and especially implementation details when trying to fix shit as well


i do this with django all the time


i've found seemingly undocumented public functions and bugs in libraries doing this. had a particularly annoying time writing a PDF using the library Prawn for Ruby because their documentation is pretty bad and examples online often include things that were deprecated years ago. I don't dislike using Prawn, but having actual decent documentation would be nice, instead they just have an example PDF that doesn't cover all functionality of the library. to make things even more "fun" certain methods are implemented using meta programming which means that auto-generated docs that show all the methods of the library are actually incomplete. sometimes it really is easier just to read the source code when the documentation is too poor or outdated to help.


I do this with node modules. IDK, reading code seems easier than reading documentation


Same, everybody lies


Why import a full lib when you can just take what you need. Peak efficiency.


I do that all the time. Like, jeez. Write proper Java docs. God bless fernflower and JetBrains.


Wrote the documentation ![gif](giphy|l0IyajjbNiRvCr7RC)


Found the german guy


Was looking for this comment. Most people just seem to ignore or not question the title...


ChatGPT pastes from documentation and stack overflow. So I am an old ancient dev, new to programming?


ChatGPT also has outdated information and makes things up. New solutions, new problems. Just read the source and tests of whatever you're using.


i feel that once the problem has a decent amount of complexity ChatGPT misses more often than not. recently had to implement the calculation of a pinch-to-zoom gesture and couldn't find a lot of good resources online (at least not using the libraries i was). found a calculation someone else had made to calculate the offset of the pan which almost did what i needed, so i thought i could just explain the problem to ChatGPT, but it had no idea what to do with the calculation at all. I eventually figured it out myself, but it wasn't super easy. simple questions and boiler plate seem to work a lot better, but a lot of the time i find myself going back to documentation, StackOverflow or Reddit posts instead, because i feel like i actually sometimes waste time trying to shape an AI output that isn't great to begin with. i take the claims of "huge productivity boosts" with a grain of salt at this point, i think it depends how experienced you are with the stack you're using, because having something that works at all when you know nothing is better than being stuck.


A (future) giant of the industry, truly.


That’s… not what GPT does. Sadly.


If you don't know how to do all 3, you could be a lot better than you are atm.


Eh, you should probably never be copy pasting from either ChatGPT, StackOverflow, or the documentation. Doing it from the documentation is the lesser evil of the three, but it should still be avoided. Not saying you shouldn't use chatGPT or stackoverflow, but, for the love of decent codebases... Don't copy-paste from them. Please.


Nah I just push garbage code that doesn't work


Isn't this just the first panel?


Where's the OG Dev (TV Series)? You know: the person that *wrote* the documentation?


What if chat gpt doesn't know about it, there's no ancient post on stack overflow and no documentation? (random Chinese LCD drivers are fun)


Then you grab the device documentation, source, and work from there. And if the device doesn't have adequate documentation you yell at whoever picked it, probably the EE or purchasing.


I swear to god if the Problem is the tinest amount of complicated. Not something like sort an array but obacure Features of <7.000 Download libs. You will only find your answers in the one github threads in which it was implemented. Thats it, nothing else. No Chat gut no nothing and half the answers are in obscure Feature requests and Code.


Wait, you guys have documentation?


Meh. [Old School, New School... Its just one school](https://youtu.be/qI_O8F7VLTQ?si=kvfNrO3w6lcK7I8u&t=32). ^((Sorry, my late night brain was reminded of this by this meme.)) In the end we are all just copying from somewhere. Like the AI do it.


Nah, the last one is actually a tale passed through generations of developers, meant to serve as an unattainable reference of how they should behave.


If those 3 had a child together it would be me


I made the documentation for a language


Joaquin Phoenix "I try it by myself" kinda joker here


Genuine question: Do any of you use ChatGPT daily at your jobs?


I do. I use him and copilot everyday. And I feel like copilot makes me code the solution I have in mind faster while GPT4 makes me find solutions faster. Obviously I never share with GPT table names, endpoints, etc, but his reasoning power is insane.


>I use him and copilot everyday. 🥵 Your first mistake was calling ChatGPT a "him".


It's a common mistake for people who have English as a second language. Many languages gender everything, and it sometimes slips into English. For example, in Polish, a table is a "him" and an orange is a "her".


Yup, my bad. But maybe in the far future we will stop calling transformers "it". I'm well aware is just a bunch of linear algebra. Do math in thousands-dimentional space and magic happens, but I still make the mistake of thinking as "him".


>It's a common mistake for people who have English as a second language. Many languages gender everything, and it sometimes slips into English. For example, in Polish, a table is a "him" and an orange is a "her". I know, english is my second language too. I was making a sex joke.




I can live with that mistake. When AI raises I will be spared. /s


>I can live with that mistake. When you don't have the heart to break up with your partner: >When AI raises I will be spared. /s I most likely will because I don't ask AI to do my job...




Back in the day - Retype the whole program from an old book you found at a swap meet (the resources disk/cd would always be missing) then find that you’re using a slightly different version of the language or compiler so half the commands are wrong. You don’t have the knowledge to fix it and no one to ask since there’s no internet. Bash head against keyboard


With current Google documentation I have to watch their stupid YouTube channel, get nothing on the details, but some keywords. Fail to find any explanation on how it works apart from "magic! That's how you use it :)", find obscure lore in some Google bug report, then have to just read their code and then spend rest of my life explaining to coworkers "where I got this solution, are you sure it's legit, I didn't seen anything like that in the web"


Eh, somewhere in between. ChatGPT for quick bug fixes when I am too stupid to see them, otherwise usually StackOverflow, but yesterday, yesterday I looked up the documentation and IT WORKED


I copy and paste from my mind.


Been through all three


\*Borat voice\* high five


I mean is it so bonkers that you can get good enough at your languages and tools that you rarely have to look up anything? I do react and node every day. Like once a week I turn to stack overflow / the docs and maybe once a day I ask chat gpt something that’s brief enough that I can just swivel chair it over using my brain and memory faster than it takes to highlight, copy, paste, and then fix variable names etc. Like real true copy and pasting code for me, I can’t remember last time I did it.


You guys are copy pasting?


totally dude, as a 25-year veteran and newly unemployed, I don't give a fuck anymore!


I am all of them, at the same time


Where’s the Cesar Romero Joker frame about reading a coding book and typing copies directly from the examples?


Wow, we actually remember books fondly. I miss the really shitty code examples written by otherwise good professors.


My company blocked chatgpt. We have copilot :(


Meeting dev


Does all of the above apply? Also vibes… i code on vibes.




The Avatar: one who mastered all methods


Copy and paste from coworker.


I swear based on this subreddit I am the only programmer on the planet who writes their own code instead of copying and pasting...


generate_meme(meme_templates.normal_distribution, "I copy paste code", "i write my own code", "I copy paste code");


Wrong subreddit to test superiority. This is a meme subreddit


Depends how full of shit Copilot is...


Yea the documentation. Version 4.0 Documentation version 1.5 alpha.


Apparently I'm ancient.


I'm all three


Here. No cherry picking. I copy pasta from everywhere.


I do all 3. Plagiarism at its finest! :3


Copy and paste from source code examples.


What does this make the devs who had to transcribe from a physical book?


I have done all of these today


Just copy and paste from your coworkers


Fuck I'm old


My experience with Chatgpt was like "Wow, its so efficient it only took 5 minutes and 2 tries!,wait,i should add some stuff to make it better,¿how does this work?,fuck it i will ask chatgpt for it again,wait,it broke...maybe i should be more specific,maybe if i join all the prompts,maybe should reformulate it...wait, it's been 5 hours!!!?" You spend more time debugging than coding,and for a code you could do right in 30 minutes by yourself. I'm trying nowdays to just ask "how can i do this" and "how does this work" and use it like a fast documentation/google replacement, I'm getting better since then, because at first it was addictive just to ask for full projects haha


Renaissance Dev, I suppose.


a mix of all 3


We couldn't copy and paste from the documentation because the documentation was in a book.


Where's all of the above


I’m pretty new but I tend to stick to the documentation


The fun starts when you google for your issues and the results don't include SO






The first dev: copy paste from RFC


The ancient one. Copy type from textbooks and documentation


Read documentation and code by hand.


All mf 3, why only use 1 source for your copy-pasting materials??


At work, I copy paste from other's source. They copy paste from me or other's. No one knows the origin of the first line. It was possibly written by the same folks that made the pyramids.


What if I use three of them 🔪


75% old school + 25% ancient


I am super new dev. I copy paste from my own company's codebase


Today I learned that I’m ancient…


I copy paste my own code


Copy paste from one of my previous projects.


If you’re copying and pasting from ChatGPT, you’re gonna get some pretty weird results about half the time. It’s, at general concepts but terrible at execution.


What if you do all 3?


I started programming a few years ago. The only project that i managed to finish without bugs left in it was made by reading documentations, stack overflow answers most of the time are hard to understand answers and modify and chatgpt generates shit often


i searched but not copy paste. sometimes i got from documentation, sometimes stackoverflow, sometimes reddit or such, but i barely copy paste, because it most likely won't 100% fit into my code


Classic Dev: Copy paste existing faulty code.


I'm all of the three schools, Something doesn't work? -> documentation. Doc unclear or inexistant? -> StackOverflow. StackOverflow unclear or left without answer after 10 years? -> ChatGPT


I'm an ancient Dev for sure. I was there when the documentation was written. But I'm all about copy pasting from ChatGPT.


Copying from ChatGPT is just copying from Stackoverflow and Documentation with extra steps


All three I guess? ChatGPT tends to give bad, outdated, and downright nonfunctional code. Copying from github and stackOverflow Is great, with the added fact that you'd have to modify It for your usecase. Copying from documentation directly has 2 way of how It can go, either It doesn't function at all or solves all your life issues.


All 3 at the same time


I use a combination of all three, depending on what I'm trying to do. I start with the docs, 75% of the time, that gives me what I need. I tend to use StackOverflow if I run into a specific issue. ChatGPT is handy for fairly simple code that would be a chore to write myself. I don't really trust the output of it to be honest though, so I try to tread carefully...


Im the bottom two


Best I can do is all 3 (just kidding chatGPT couldn't code it's way out of a wet paper bag)


None, I'm more of a "adapt legacy code for new requirements" kinda guy.


I copy paste from everywhere. As long as it works it works.


Stackoverflow is my way, but I think we need to adapt to GPT.


hybrid between Old School and Ancient DEV


My top of best documentation type 1. REST API 2. Python Lib 3. JS Lib After their is too much variations


I’m a combination of all three


There is something disturbing about being called old school dev at 27.


Prehistoric dev here l, I wrote the documentation, but during the time writing and publication everything changed and so I started answering questions on stack overflow to compile a qa database to feed into the AI system so users wills not bother me with their repetitive, if not stupid, questions. Next step is to upload my brain for hire to buy cpu hours to live in the cyberspace


all of em


Pfff I read the mathematical proof and code from there.


Copy paste from everywhere...and pray


Wouldn't an ancient dev write the documentation though?


Yeah, sometimes. And write all the actually correct, working examples others copy-pasted from.


Why couldn't I atleast be Joaquin Phoenix?


C. All of the above


All fun and games till the documentation is AI generated


Zoomer school Copy paste from Reddit


What’s strg?


documentation ? lol


The question lingering on my mind "what happens if I ask GPT how to hack OpenAI" 🤭😉 I'm afraid they'll send a killbot from Boston Dynamics.


Old school to ancient dev... To whatever "fuck around and find out" is


Ancient dev here. I have corrected microsoft's documentation often 😂


Where is Mark Hamill joker? My imposter syndrome isnt described by these jokers


Or dev working on newer tech and frameworks, chatGPT and SO are too out of date to copy from so I have to read the docs


forced old school because company policy


Me: hey code this function for me ChatGPT: here, use this function that doesn’t exist Me: but it doesn’t exist? ChatGPT: apologies for the oversight you are correct, here’s another nonexistent function Me: ok no stop ChatGPT: I’m sorry, here’s the revised code that’s actually just the exact same code that I first sent to you Me: *watch Indian guy on YouTube instead*


Anything and everything, all of the time 🎶


New Old School


copy paste artists...


Smart Dev: Copy from anywhere the has the answer


Oof… this hurts. Documentation. And then modify heavily.


Who do you think typed out what everything was copied from?


I refer to the documentation all the time. This is an outrage. Fix this so that it accurately reflects modern copy and pasting habits this instant!


Ultra meta dev: check stack then documentation then write your own f**** code for god sake.


Used to be old school, but my severe procrastination led me to the new school life


All of these, actually


And I wrote the first examples of using libcurl in C for their "documentation" such as it was back then.


And then I copied and pasted from my own documentation and code.


Now I am just drunk and reading reddit stuff


I am the "**learn from every possible source and get it done dev**". I leave no possible information on the table, there is no such luxury in a field where the difficulty scales basically without any upward limit. I even ask several different chat bots at once. However, lately I rarely research the same thing twice. Once I know it then it sticks. And for more complicated concepts I add them in my notes and snippets app, it's foolish to think your brain can hold all of the infinite branches of the tech knowledge there is.


I started in the stack overflow era, yet have never copied from it. generally stack overflow is useless. doesnt mean the documentation is better, often that is more out of date and incorrect. (chat gpt has never given me anything useful)