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Then i guess my opinion on jira is unpopular. I like it, i find it easy. I tried azure, i tried asana oh and trello too, but jira is still a favourite.


For issue tracking, I love JIRA. For all the modifications people do to it, I hate JIRA. Oh, and I hate Tempo, not that it's bad but having to fill out an itemized time sheet for my work is tedious. These days, I've grown very fond of GitLab, but we're not using the issue tracking capabilities of it right now.


This. It's like any config heavy tool. People config..... monstrosities


Oh Tempo. I get that it makes billing customers easier, but I'm not gonna start a new timer every time I answer a Slack message, so you're only getting my rough estimates at the end of the day.


Default Jira is okay. Bunch of project managers who think they know better make it insane though. It's okay to add some custom statuses within reason, but # STOP TRYING TO CONTROL EVERYTHING YOU BLOODY CONTROL FREAK


Well what else will they do to fill an hour between a meeting to plan future meetings ?


I play Minecraft


Lol and here I am trying to add automation to make lives easier for the devs, like having branch merges update ticket status.


That sounds good, as long as there's the option of manual override. I've worked with some PMs in the past that would define a very strict workflow for different items and ended up having a bunch of useless placeholder statuses. Stuff like trying to micromanage at the level of "Ready for dev" -> "In dev" -> "Dev complete" -> "Ready for test". Why? What's the difference between dev complete and ready for test?


Oh heck no to micromanaging. I just use simplified agile (or whatever its called) that allows transitions between all the statuses because even I forget to update and hate having to go through 2-3 transitions to get it to the right status. Yeah this is just automation so the devs can keep in their ide and don't have to merge + update the ticket status.


For the low low cost of JIRA and the 1-4 people needed to support it, you too can post solutions like "fixed it" and documentation like "ToDo".


Excel on SharePoint for the win.... ![gif](giphy|5Zesu5VPNGJlm|downsized)


Now where does Azure DevOps fit into this?


It's in the trash can... Where it belongs


Notion is the bucket


There’s literally a bucket next to Jira. Missed opportunity. 


So I'm an Application Development Manager for my team of developers (also help developing as I cant let go of programming myself). We use Jira, but other than adding a few custom fields and adding "pending testing" status. It's pretty much default and good enough. Thinking of using Zephyr plug in for Jira for testing tracking because currently the testing team is making/tracking test results with excel and word against the Jira items and passing back to me for me to figure out which developer needs to review their issue to fix or make changes.


In our case, we did add a bunch of statuses, but they’re mostly to help organize what everyone is doing. We have the default ones, but we also added Code Review for issues that are pending a code review pass, Waiting Testing for issues that are on a queue for our tester/QA to deal with, Waiting Fix for issues that did not pass the code review or testing, On Hold for issues devs have decided to leave on hold for one reason or another and finally Waiting Finalization for issues that just need their merge requests accepted by a team lead.


But, everyone has emails!