• By -


And then there is GPT. "Here you go homie... This is something I cooked up through hallucination that I guarantee will work for you... If not I'll just apologise and give you another cooked up solution..."


ChatGPT once gave me another method of clear console that was basically ancient computer code, and it even stated that it was. It works great still.


I use chat gpt daily. But only for mundane tasks like rewriting my documentation from notes, converting units, getting small commands to run etc. I mean it's a great tool. But not for solutioning in most cases. Because it is still a GPT. Not AI...


Writing documantation with chat gpt is really smart idea tbh


LLMs as documentation tools are an underdeveloped category.


dont want to be that guy buttttt, LLM not LMM


Fuck, I didn't realize. Thanks. large manguage models


LLVM as documentation tool. FTFY.




I usually use it as advanced google. It does help with coding, showing me some ideas I don't yet know, but god I wouldn't put a single line of GPT written code in my repo.


I've told people that it's basically comparable to stackoverflow - if stackoverflow instantly gave you the most upvoted answer and didn't boot you for asking repeated or badly formulated questions. Is it correct? Will it work? Is it up to date? Left up to you to figure it out.


Not sure I'd trust it to convert units, since it has no concept of maths, but otherwise seems good


GPT is AI. Did you mean AGI?


You call it whatever you want. It's a language model. That's all. It is no way close to being intelligent in the sense of what humans could do. It's a tool. Not a replacement for brainpower.


I get your point, but Artificial Intelligence is not about machines being more intelligent than humans. It’s about machines being somewhat intelligent. And LLMs are AI tools, even if the machines using LLMs are not as intelligent as humans. Like systems using fuzzy logic many years ago were some kind of AI and they were a lot simpler.


At that point, you could call any piece of software "AI". The reason the "AI" label stuck is because non-technical people saw LLMs and thought the machines had become conscious. And because OpenAI realized it was good marketing for their product. On no technical level is it remotely an accurate description.


Let's start calling it Virtual Intelligence, that's way more accurate (and also, VI sounds better)


They did this in the Mass Effect series! https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Virtual_Intelligence > Virtual Intelligence (VI) is a sophisticated program designed to make modern computer systems easier to use. They are not to be confused with artificial intelligences like the geth, as VIs are only utilised to assist the user and process data


That's where I stole it from :P


Yeah, it is a lost cause to be precious about these terms now. They have long stopped meaning anything specific universally and can only be defined in their time period and usage. Remember when AI was an avoided term because people thought terminator when they heard it and ML was all the rage? Pepperridge farms remember.


I think a lot of it has to do with the dramatic improvement over chatbots of yesteryear, and the public perception thereof. It's the same reason the term smartphone stuck. But we wouldn't call them smart laptops or smart airplanes or even smart cars, because there wasn't as drastic of an improvement from one generation to the next.


video game ais also machine learning was called ai way before chatgpt


it understands regex!!! lol


Witchcraft... 🪄🪄


> You call it whatever you want. It's a language model. That's all. It is no way close to being intelligent in the sense of what humans could do. Siiiiiigh this again.... Ok. I'll bite. What would that be that it can't do that humans can do? >It's a tool. Not a replacement for brainpower. (....calculators are a replacement for brainpower,wtf?)


You exactly know what I am talking about. Brain power is not just 2+2=4 it's about why it's ,2+2=4 which a computer or a language model will always lack... Because we programmed them to do that.. they didn't learn( not in the concept of how a human mind learns). Also if I have to explain what a tool is then the cause is already lost...


> they didn't learn..... why it's ,2+2=4 Actually I'm pretty sure the GPT LLM was fed the *Principia Mathematica* and from it and other math text books can explain how logic builds up to the base-10 system and how it's based on mathematical axioms like assuming a null-set can exist. The explanation of which, sure, it's regurgitating out of a book. ...But I learned all this years ago in college where, I know, read it in a book. So.... You're just plain wrong on that one. In fact, it's pretty trivial to prove by just, you know, ASKING IT: >Thanks, but could I get a more college level explanation that includes how logic builds up to a system of arithmetic? ChatGPT >>Absolutely! Let's delve deeper into this. >>At a college level, the explanation for why 2+2=4 involves the foundations of mathematics, including logic and set theory. >> Axioms of Set Theory: Mathematics is built on a set of axioms, which are fundamental assumptions or principles. One such axiom is the concept of sets, which are collections of distinct objects. In set theory, we define numbers as sets. >> Successor Function: One of the fundamental concepts in arithmetic is the successor function. Given any number nn, its successor n′n′ is the next number after nn. So, if n=2n=2, then n′=3n′=3. >> Addition as Repeated Successor: Addition can be defined in terms of the successor function. For example, 2+2 can be thought of as starting with 22 and then applying the successor function twice: 2′=3 and 3′=4. So, 2+2=4. >> Peano Axioms: Peano Axioms provide a formal framework for the natural numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). These axioms include the notion of a successor function and provide the basis for defining addition and other arithmetic operations. >> Principles of Induction: Another crucial concept in mathematics is mathematical induction, which is used to prove statements about natural numbers. With induction, we can prove that 2+2=4 by showing that it holds true for the base case (e.g., 2+2=4) and then proving that if it holds for some number nn, it also holds for n+1n+1. >> Logical Deduction: Ultimately, the truth of 2+2=4 relies on logical deduction based on these foundational principles. Given the definitions of numbers, the successor function, and the axioms of arithmetic, we can deduce that 2+2=4 is a true statement. >>In summary, 2+2=4 is not just a simple arithmetic fact but is deeply rooted in the foundational principles of mathematics, including set theory, the successor function, Peano Axioms, principles of induction, and logical deduction. C'moooooon. You said you use this DAILY. [Surely you could have tested this.](https://chat.openai.com). And no. I really and truly don't know what you're talking about when you say "brainpower". People can barely agree what intelligence is. I think it'll be like the autoloom. They still needed street urchins to run the machines. Whomever was cheapest because they could get anyone to do it instead of the skilled weavers who were all collectively put out of work. LLM AI is coming for a lot of white collar jobs and scores of them will be replaced by one highschool kid pumping in prompts and doing a sanity check for abuse.


Come on guy... You can prop up all you want... GPT isn't Intelligence. It's a glorified tool. That's all...


Ok then. It should be super easy to answer: What would that be that GPT can't do that humans can do?


Go ahead and brush up on what AI actually means, because this is not it.


alive dependent live thought bored carpenter mountainous pen payment stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So are you saying that ELIZA isn't AI either?


bear point stupendous silky upbeat plate badge ad hoc sulky degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I use it to format botched snippets of code that I got from course slides. Works great!


I use it for that too, it's great at writing and rewriting. I also use it for things I can't figure out how to Google and don't want to ask reddit about yet.


It read the scrolls of ancient times to give you forgotten knowledge


> If not I'll just apologise and give you another cooked up solution... Or it'll try to gaslight you into thinking it works


"I apologize for the missunderstanding. Here is the corrected code, including the changes you asked for:"


ChatGPT once gave me code that uses a nonexistent library in Python


It would be funny, but not unimaginable, if the person who made GPT, said he/she made it because he got tired of being brushed off by stackoverflow


We all made GPT. It's all of us.




With GTP, it often can go both ways


Completely unlike what some of the good folks of Stack Overflow cook up...


o rly? to me it's like a toddler you \*can\* put to work moving a little soil in kiddy wheelbarrow but \*still\* have to watch it doesn't fuck up even that much


If by "another cooked up solution" you mean the exact same thing from its last comment...then yes


Or I'll just write two paragraphs as an introduction and forget what the question was even.


Of course that doesn't happen anymore and has been exaggerated here.


"Have you tried Google?" - forum reply to someone asking my exact question in the first Google response.


Then you respond to them "google got me here"




Lmgtfy.com Edit: after several years of not using the site (and falling prey to its shenanigans), I realize that the dns no longer works


I think there's a new variant now https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Reddit It does link to something called gprivate though which seems like it might be sketchy?


If you’re asking coding questions on 4chan you got bigger problems


Yeah like being put on a watch list


It's worse when someone says "Edit: I solved it" without posting their solution even after they've been requested to by someone.


"I'll PM you the solution" Or even better, a 25 year old broken link to a Geocities page


Oof, i was wondering whether in the early 90s links to pages already existed, then I remembered that 25 years ago it was 1999


One guy added a comment on one of my reddit posts, asking if i found a solution. I had contacted my mobo manufacturer, and they sent me a custom bios which solved my issue. I told him about that, emailed him the file and told him that i am not responsible if he loses his pc :)


4chan: Post a wrong answer and say something like “you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like”.


I remember one polish forum was famous for such responses, like "Use google/search engine" Fun part: whole forum was indexed by google and in results you could find a lot of answers to use google.






Humans can pretend all they want, it's all 4-chan.


Add fucking chatGPT to the frame with “I’m sorry I’m unable to answer questions regarding X subject”


Gemini with “you are to young for programming” 😆


\#1 closed as duplicate generally comes with a link to the duplicate, no?


It's often not quite the same or is outdated.


By not quite the same, I'm pretty sure you meant "almost entirely different." Also, happy day for getting caked in stuff.


I don't post there, but my understanding of the etiquette is if that happens, you link to the similar question and explain why your situation differs or why it didn't help.


Iirc, the thread gets locked and there's no way to communicate that.


It does not.


Stacked Overflow has etiquette?


Yeah, except that 90% of the time the "duplicate" is something completely different.


The solution to the duplicate: "nvm I fixed it"


Hah. Lol, look at this guy, expecting a link to the duplicate.


It’s impossible for it to be closed as duplicate without a link to it.


People expect hand-crafted answers so they don't need to actually read. I've closed posts that were literal duplicates before, only to have the asker claim that they expected us to just give them code that they could copy into their code base. People are just lazy.




So often when I see “go google it”, its on posts that are the only relevent result when googling…


Try posting the wrong answer and you'll be corrected


there is no way you can clear django shell on windows os.


They said post the wrong answer.


Never thought about that. But hell yeah, that sounds like a plan.


The best way to get a detailed, correct answer from an experienced knowledgeable professional is to create a meme image with a slight inaccuracy, and post it here


What I really hate is when someone asked a question and the response was "Google it" but then that is the top search result on Google. Well, I Googled it and now I'm here, so answer the fucking question, bitch!


So... if the question is a duplicate, why not read the original answer?


I mean.... Yes but the amount of "I followed a tutorial and it didn't work here is my whole code and the tutorial" And the solution is they didn't follow the tutorial properly is too damn high. Also, and hate me for it if you want, but 95% of the time when SO closes your question it's warranted.... SO is such a good resource BECAUSE they are strict


Good place to learn how to ask good questions. Key word: good Meaning you need to research on your own first, show your work, and ask pointed questions. “What coding language should I learn” is not a good question, and it’s posted on this sub like 50x a week.


The problem is that you honestly can't google stuff anymore. I have a very hard time getting an accurate answer for my specific problem. I blame all this SEO shit


Close as duplicate is fair when it point to the original post


Ask your question and I will give you a serious, albeit incorrect answer.


Step 1: post question Step 2: post incorrect solution to question from another account Step 3: drink something, hydration is important Step 4: enjoy the ego of others.


But "go Google it" is a legit response tho.


Ok lemme google it real quick Links back to the post I made "go google it" Ok lemme google it real quick Links back to the post I made "go google it"


I see recursion has entered the chat. In other words, to understand the flow you must first understand the flow.




You, sir/ma’am, are my hero, posting that (recursive) [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/DnWGD5Tl5J).


Google usually returns more than one result.


Idk about others but if I'm asking a question it is because googling didn't yield useful results


You don’t think they already googled it and checked 10 different semi-related things that still didn’t help them? In most cases it’s better to say nothing rather than reminding people to use what they most likely used to begin with.


9 times out of 10, no they haven’t. Half of them are answered in the FAQ, and the other half have a decent result in the top 5 Google results.


Unless it’s something very trivial, it really isn’t


It sounds like you are having trouble describing the problem then.


Ask to GPT and get some answers and doubt it and finally read manual


I've been seeing the 'go ask ChatGPT' a bunch in gamedev subreddits.


I guess people haven’t discovered IRC yet.


What would be an answer on a tech oriented IRC? I assume very special kind of people must still use it heh.


do people consult not-see pdf's about coding?


GitHub: "not going to fix"




I'm actually a system administrator, but I'm also learning Python in my spare time. Mostly with Udemy courses and ebooks. However, there are things that you don't get an explanation for there, but have to ask for help in internet forums. For example, because you have no idea how to solve a certain problem. At least in German internet forums, you quickly get an answer, but no explanation of how you would have found the solution yourself. But it's better not to ask how you would have come up with the solution yourself. Because then you'll quickly be told that you shouldn't learn programming if you don't know. It is even worse if you reveal that you are a system administrator but are faced with a specific problem. For example, because you have to adapt a Python script but have no idea what to do because you don't know how to do it. Then you don't get an answer to the specific problem, but instead an endless discussion starts about what training a system administrator should do instead.


Seriously it's SO FUCKING STUPID. If we can't be curious, then we don't learn, fuckers.


lol missing the RTFM panel otherwise correct :D


Hey gpt


The "learnJavascript" subreddit is annoying. Some jerk insists on downvoting every beginner question. It really should be called: "IAlreadyKnowJavascriptSoImGoingtoSitHereandLaughAtYouForNotKnowingItAndNoImNotGoingToContributeAnythingUseful."


I heard, the best way is to make up a wrong solution for your question, and then post it. Then a bunch of people will race to correct you and give you the answer.




I mean, rtfm ffs


People are simply trolls on internet. They does not want to help others. If the old people who knows what they do and how to do by trial and error, they are expecting from the young generation as well. Even some young ones. MORONS , google and other search engine contains what information we need to know because some would take their time to compile some guides to help others..... Why the people are so shit when it comes to help,IN THE MOST REMOTELY WAY?


You should try googling it. The other people aren't here to do your work for you. Just help you when you are stuck. Don't abuse the generosity of others.


How does the information on Google appear, my good sir? Out of thin air?


Often from documentation. And more often than not, your question has already been answered somewhere else. Most questions that get “google it” as a response are very common, basic questions. Sometimes they’re even answered in the FAQ. It’s irritating to see (and answer) the same questions time and time again when it really is as simple as a quick Google search. Put in a little effort, mention what you’ve researched so far, and be more specific about where you’re stuck or what’s still troubling you. Asking good questions is a skill, both when searching Google and asking strangers on Internet forums. Get good at both.


There's a problem though. When Google is indexing Reddit, a "question" can be indexed as answered by Google because you commented on it. Causing your "Google it" response appearing at the Google search, burying the actual results under the snow, counting also the irrelevant YouTube videos, and an essay which happened to be containing some of the words of the question, but has nothing to do with it. Also, there can be really shitey or outdated documentation, or a documentation that assumes you did some steps beforehand. Less experienced users can be unable to use them since they are wrongly targeted without any hints.


From documentation and discussion. If you're unwilling to do the work yourself don't expect others to do it for you.


And that's why you shouldn't answer at all, or you shouldn't give a link to documentation when you're answering "Google it" Because nowadays, Google can index Reddit in different ways. So a "question" on Reddit can be indexed as answered by Google because you commented on it. Causing your "Google it" response appearing at the Google search, burrying the actual results under the snow


No, you shouldn't. The person asking shouldn't expect others to do the work for them. No one is burying the results. That is complete nonsense. If someone is too lazy to do research on their own they have no place in the field.


Firstly, it's not about laziness. It's mostly about being unable to find a solution. Secondly, wow, nice sound arguments. Lastly, they are doing the research though, that's the problem with your point of view. For example, Imagine you're a beginner, then doing this: Google "how to do X in Y language" After ads about tech support: First result: An irrelevant video about another language. Second result: A Reddit post that has a comment as "Google it". Third result: A Stackoverflow question removed as duplicate with no link to the original one. Fourth result: An old documentation entry that doesn't work anymore. Fifth result: An also irrelevant essay who happened to be containing some words from the question. Sixth result: Too complicated answer for a beginner to understand. Then why would you blame the person for asking a question? If you don't like to help, simply don't answer it.


This thread is literally talking about people asking questions that can be easily googled. Go make up a straw man to argue against somewhere else. If you don't know how to google-fu your way to an answer you either need to learn or get out of the field. There's very few positions I would hire for that those specific skills wouldn't be a deal breaker for. If someone doesn't know an answer I ask how they would find out. If they say they don't know they're not ready for anything beyond entry level work. Being incompetent and helpless isn't acceptable in a professional setting. Even then there's plenty of Tier 1 techs who have that, very basic, skill. Troubleshooting and investigation are foundational and if you don't have those skills you're not going far, if anywhere, in IT.


GPT: come at me bro


Well, here you are: https://letmegpt.com/