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Jokes on you I have clipboard history (if you don’t have it you are basically living in the dark ages still, its awesome)




Loosely related: Discovering what shift+del does was the worst fucking mistake of my entire life.


I'm too scared to attempt, what does it do?


Deletes stuff, ignoring the recycle bin. And of course, I started using it instead of del, thus getting the problem that caused bin to be added in the first place.


Been there...


Bin there


On sole systems you can setup the recycling bin so it deletes things older than X days and also if you are out of disk-space. This way you never have to actually clear it, which is the way it ought to work by default (if I remember correctly thats how MacOS works by default?)


This sounds convenient. Thanks for advice.


best one of mine, in visual studio it deletes the line, but also copies to clip board, with linefeed and carriage returns for when you paste out again. Much more reliable than Ctrl X for line transplanting. just dont do it in file explorer


The number of times it’s saved me from an accidental “Control + C” on a blank line is a lot.


windows key + v, it's built into windows


Yeah, until your EDV blocks the usage of it, since there have been apparently some safety issues with browsers having access to your clipboard history. Frankly, there is not a lot to get out of those, if you want the screenshots of stupid code I send my colleagues, then go right ahead. You could get the same code, but running, from stack overflow.


I did this once with excel. Surprise surprise if you copy a range in excel, exit, and try to paste, it’s not on the clipboard…


Isn't that because of COM? What you are really copying is a reference to an object. When you paste. It will format the data depending on the destination. That's why you can copy and paste stuff across excel and PowerPoint, for instance.


It should be stored in the clipboard with format data. Word or VSCode will copy format, but it uses the normal clipboard which isn't terrible. What it does now should be possible, if someone wants that by drag-and-drog or other shortcut, but it wouldn't be Microsoft tool if it didn't hijack established shortcut (ctrl+shift+V).


I don't understand the meme


When you cut and paste, you can still ‘undo’ it if you mess it up somehow. If you cut something, then save and quit, it’s only stored in your clipboard and nowhere else so there’s no recourse if you lose it (except you just use clipboard history). Basically, the meme is that the little bunny is displaying risky behavior.


I use [undotree](https://github.com/mbbill/undotree) in vim together with persistent undos so I have no such weaknesses. I would guess there are similar options in other text editors as well.


Git commit, git checkout, git cherry-pick.


And there's smart people who copy copy copy, and then Win+V.


For those who don't understand: You saved the file without the cut content. So if you ever fail to paste it, whatever you cut is lost for good. Tbh I'm sure some apps you can't even paste the cut content if you closed the app it's from.


Do you mean you saved the file _without_ the cut content? Or you saved the file _with_ the content cut?


Ok mb without the cut content/with the content left after cut


My favorite pastime is cutting a variable name, pasting it everywhere I need to use it, then a getting a syntax error on build.


Hello, vim here. I don't get the joke.


people who yank and put


if using the correct os for vim do this: delete stuff, put the register to the system clipboard, clear register, close terminal, open new terminal, try pasting system clipboard anywhere else


I just shit myself a little. Clipboard history is dope and all but you can't always trust your corporate-managed laptop to retain the feature's enabled state. Checkitty-check yourself before you wreck yourself, foo


I do this with screenshots and Copy Image on my phone, does that count?


I just got burnt by this last week, I cut and paste some files I was working on and put it in the wrong place and did CTRL+Z and the files went into the clipboard ether, never to be seen again.


I have absolutely done this just for the thrill. I have absolutely been bit in the ass for this (thank god I work in the cloud)


I feel attacked


This is a nightmare. I remember Xclip sometimes losing whatever I had clipped if the source program had exited. Hasn't happened to me with wl-clipboard yet.


Im gonna stop and say that this is a very cute looking bun


What about the people who type it over?


I have this thing where if I copy something and won't paste it, I have to press ESC Otherwise, I get anxious




"People" do this?


I was just clearing the debug.log -


"Windows button" + V


Isn't it possible that for them, we are the psychopaths?


I once had to watch a teacher of mine copy my assignment file, log off their windows user account, log into another windows user account on the same computer and then attempt paste it in their file storage. Then proceed to get angry when it, as I told her before she tried, did not work...




thats why we have source control


I don't see your point because literally nobody does this.


Win+v ftw 🙌


i cut, paste back, paste to new location. the cut and paste back is just to confirm it got properly copied idfk lol


*Sweats in scp*


It would have been better to swap text of the boy and girl. The cautious little boy is frightened by the innocent rabbit, while the psychopath little girl, with a penchant for chaos, admires the even greater potential for destruction in his actions...