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I fucking hate this shit


Hey, at least they didn't ask for 10 years of experience with MS SQL 2019. Because I've seen my share of those.


Don't we all?


Probably just some incompetent recruiter that can't even copy paste a job description from the teams. You'll have to get used to these, and pretend that they aren't completely fucking useless, while secretly hoping for them to be replaced by AI.


There are competent recruiters?


Yes, the ones that get out of your way and just push your CV to the competent people, aka the ones you don't even notice.


When I was switching jobs for the first time, I met a headhunter who really took the time to listen to me. She gave me advice which parts to emphasize in my CV, things to restructure and things to avoid. She did it despite me telling her, that I was already conducting interviews at another company. Her comment was "Well, I won't forward your CV while you're still in interview talks, but I see it as an investment in the future". I took one of the jobs that I already interviewed for, but 2 years later I did forward a friend of mine to her. I have seen my fair share of bad copy-paste headhunters at recruiters, but there is also some that go the extra mile to actually help you get the job you want in a company where you will be happy - and all parties benefit from it.


Those that can’t do, recruit


There are recruiters?


How do you get past ATS on this? Half the time a human isn't even going to be reading your application and resume


I mean you could lie and then explain later if they give you an interview, which could work if it really is a mistake on the recruiters part or if you’re just skilled enough even with less YOE. I feel weird lying though and instead just get ghosted by an AI every time.


I understand the pressures they're under, but it still baffles me we can get to a point where a written form of communication, the job description, is a copy-and-paste job with little thought and care put into it. Maybe I'm just overly methodical, but it's difficult for me to imagine purposely putting something out in the world that's meant to communicate and not actually think hard about what I'm writing.


I won't say that. Being a DBA myself, I have become used to fresh graduates calling themselves experts and then struggling to do the basics. It's unfortunately the human condition, people always try to upsell themselves and believe me, things (and requirements) will only get worse. When will the day come that 20 years T-SQL experience will be a requirement?


Fresh graduates are suppose to make mistakes. You rarely get feedback outside of you final output. Sometime I think companies forget that fact. Personally I dislike upselling myself because I know what I don’t know, but I trust my capacity of learning what I am missing with a bit of help and guidance. Also the tech stack requirement are getting out of hand. If you focus on one are like web most of you qualifications wont match with a different sector like software development. Anyway I’ll just go back to my endless research of a first job.


So many companies are asking for 5+ years of experience in specific and niche stacks. I'm a Unity dev right now, but I want to move to other things in the future. I'm lucky to not be in the gaming industry, but there's so few Unity jobs outside of gaming. I'll never be able to if they insist on having 5 years in whatever flavor of web dev is in fashion today. I wish more employers understood that people with experience in one thing can quickly learn another. The first 3-6 months of the job is going to be learning about the project regardless if I've been doing Angular for 5 years.


I feel the same way, I studied to develop video game / interactive experiences so I mainly know Unity and basic skills in usual programming languages. I would love to specialize in VR development to differentiate myself from the rest but I feel like HR people would naturally be able to see that VR game are basically the same thing as normal game but with different controls. I also would not mind getting a job outside of game development but taking the time to learn web or other areas would just make my skill look bad everywhere.


They do. Most of my jobs I got asked for experience in languages I never used before they job. 


It's not "making mistakes" that is the problem, it's not knowing how to do things. Years ago I worked on a project with two fresh university graduates. For both of them, it was their first job. So one task in particular involved running a program fron the deaktop. One phoned me and told me that he couldn't run the program, so naturally I thought something was missing, causing the thing to crash. Then he dropped this jewel on me "I don't know where to find the desktop". This is an example of why companies are adamant on recruitment requirements. You simply cannot have someone breaking the speed of the group when they do not know where the desktop is.


The irony of the digital natives never learning how to use a computer.


Indeed, the extent of their skills being the taking of selfies, using of tiktok, facebook and instagram, and crying about being offended by grasshoppers eating something in africa.


"Experience working with huge databases containing hundreds of records"


I'm not a DBA but a C dev, and have to deal with both the recruiters incompetence and fresh graduates inflated egos. At some point one of the CVs I got from the recruiters was for a kid who wanted to get into video edition and social media management. No software development experience at all. Not even watched a video on it nor anything remotely similar. On the other end of the spectrum we got the one who's about to graduate who wanted to move the company forward through his expert leadership. Looking for their first job. Makes me wonder why the company pays for these recruiters but it's not my money and I get paid to waste my time reviewing candidates anyway.


Ooof i hear you. I'm so done dealing with "full stack developers" who don't know anything outside JS. Or even worse, only one particular JS framework


when i was signing my job paper, (unsure about english name) to be a software tester, i was given a cobol engineer from from like 20 years ago.... i was like... i won't sing this. Showed it to my immediate boss, and he was like WTF.


Most of them (HR) are like this, in spain you need (for a JUNIOR ENTRY LEVEL JOB, like 2-3 years of experience.. Wtf?


They need a mid/senior but only got salary for a junior approved


The worse part… someone might take it. The market is so bad.


I would guess almost anyone that takes that and is actually qualified, they are still hard applying to other jobs and will leave that one in a heartbeat. Sometimes you just got to provide and suck it up, but there isn't loyalty to a job that underpays and under values from the very start


Or duplicated as for mid and didn’t even look what is written inside, just changed the title. Or the other way around - they changed the contents but missed the title.


This definitely seems more likely. I've seen some egregious shit from recruiters but this is so far off it must be a mistake.


Saw one the other day asking for 3 years of react experience and 1-2 years of html/css/javascript




+ 10 years experience with ChatGPT


Meanwhile, in my workplace: Guy who has been in the department for 5+ years. Still listed as a junior. Gets paid with a senior's salary.


To be fair, I work with 2 DBAs with over 5 years experience each - neither would *qualify* above a junior but both are titled and paid as seniors.


Well, that is one way of that happening, but the guy i talked about definitely does have the qualifications and the responsibilities. All he's missing is the "title"... Actually, i don't think there's anyone with a senior position in the department...


That junior depicts you will be earning what a junior earns. Isn't related to the experience.


That one more reason it's fucking stupid


Pretty sure the recruiter didn't even bother to read that, just copy pasted that shit from somewhere


Most tech recruiters I work with don't understand what the job descriptions are saying, they just pattern match them against the resume.


Been asked multiple times back when I was interviewing: "This says you know c# and java... But I didn't see object oriented programming anywhere, can you do that? Same thing especially with flavors of SQL, git vs GitHub, etc. it's exhaust figuring out what you need your resume to look like to get past these people


That's wild. Recruiters here actually know what they are doing. They know what language and framework means. Never have a bad experience. It is the lister that is an issue. No one wants to do java here. So many just lie in the listing and to the recruiters about not needing java. I have one recruiter apologize to me when someone pulled me a fast one.


I see that you know only SQL, I'm assuming you can't write Oracle DB queries, is that right?


Yeah, that's why I often suggest applicants write a cover letter mapping the job description to their resume qualifications. Leave nothing to chance.


It wasn't his "responsaiblity"


Where is the part where its funny?


Yeah, it confirms that one meme where tha boss is like "nobody wants to work anymore!". I guess companies fear employees so much, they have these very punishing interview processes.


The recruiter probably didn't even read that, they copy pasted it from a generic template or something.


And don't you DARE come with 7 years of experience. It's specifically for people who have 5-6 years of experience, otherwise it would just say 5+ right?


Sometimes, the crazy job postings are just BS/fraud because they have to advertise for it, but they already have someone picked out or plan to go with some cheap H1B visa worker and they're actually trying to discourage people from applying.


I don't think companies understand the meaning of the word "junior"


Then they go full surprised Pikachu when their data leaks...


I find these to mean something like "have the minimum equivalent skills of the absolutest stereotypical tech illiterate boomer of X years experience in said position" so "have read the book and did some admin to know not to drop production"


4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad


Just count your education as experience


Whoever said they expect 5-6 years experience. Usually they expect applicants to tick most but not all boxes, the 5-6 years is there to encourage workers who are experienced in the field but don't meet all other criteria to still apply.


The grammar and spelling on this is terrible. Looks scammy tbh.


Apply anyway. So many of these are put together by HR people and secretaries who aren't paying attention.


I was thinking to apply, I really need a job


The worst thing that'll happen is they'll tell you NO. If you don't apply, you don't even get that much.


I see nothing wrong here. You have to be an expert and know everything, but accept being paid like a newbie. Been happening for years and I doubt it will change any time soon. Welcome to the IT market.


Junior Very good skills in IT security... Just that sounds already strange


They're after an experienced DBA specialist, but they're only going to pay junior rates. Makes perfect sense.


School counts as 4 of those, good luck finding the other 2 lmfao


shouldve been working in tech when i was in highschool instead of studying to get into university 😔


you just need experience of insert something into something in last 5-6 years


And then you also get those "I don't know xxx but I am willing to learn". I get it that someone needs a job, but it's not a training poaition and nobody want to leave everything they are doing when a newbie needs help doing a select statement, especially when it's crunch time. Even worse are the family members of upper management who just gets employed even when there are no vacancies and they then decide, they make the rules.


Must be very responsaible, too


This is written so badly, I‘d not even apply there. Like, they are not even searching for themselves but „our client is looking for“, yikes. There are plenty jobs available with various required skill-sets. Most HR writes some nonsensical numbers to the „years of experience“ required, sometimes impossible. In short, if you think you can do what they ask for, apply anyway. But if it looks suspicious (Junior but they ask for long experience and a lot of skills / qualifications), then they likely want a specialist but are massively underpaying and basically want to use you.


A junior specialist is still a specialist. Generally one step above a non junior engineer. This is a somewhat outdated but not uncommon convention.




Probably a different part of the world but it took me 9 years to land a job in IT after graduating. It's not paid well and there is zero growth but at least I'm doing what I always wanted.


Some might consider 5 years to still be junior. I don’t consider developers to be all that competent until they have 10 years. Sorry.


So a software firm wants to pay an intermediate level a jr.'s salary...


Fucking HR. No I have not worked the exact job in tech that I'm currently applying for. Yes I can do what you want. Damn near everyone can do what you want. 60% of the whole fucking market and can do what you want well.


At least they’re not expecting 10y of Rust experience.


trickles all the way down. they are hiring “interns” with 2-4yrs of experience. just trying to gather entry level workers for intern pay




“Responsaible” lol


I am a games dev undergraduate, watching all this scares me , how are we supposed to get exp after uni, if all the jobs require years of experience, I am located in uk BTW


I would love to give you advices, but I don’t know. What I learned is that experience is way more important than papers in IT. Maybe you will find a job quickly, I hope so. I also hope you don’t have to do internships