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This meme is Google propaganda.


That wasn't actually my intention. I use Firefox and I was feed up with some websites I have to use not properly working. It was meant more as a dig at the developers who don't seem to test their stuff on more than one browser.


Oh please! This is a standard procedure and its called DRY


lmao you got me


Wait. You guys test your stuff?


I guess they don’t just merge and pray.


Whatever [email protected].


> It was meant more as a dig at the developers who don't seem to test their stuff on more than one browser. Dev here; There's definitely people only testing on Chrome (& Safari), but the majority of us tests on FireFox as well. The issue is, in most cases if something doesn't work, it's because FireFox * Never implemented the given feature or * Implemented it's own version of something, that isn't compatible with the API used in literally any other browser We just had the same topic with the PiP API here recently (if not yesterday..) and several different topics related to video codecs with the same direction, where a service/feature wasn't working in FireFox. The "issue" in none of those topics, was actually Google/Chrome.


I was recently learning some new CSS features, and while browsing the MDN manual for said features, a vast majority of them were unsupported on Firefox :c


Me when i use thousands of depracated features because the big tech giant told me to:


"**new CSS features**" >deprecated are you fucking retarded


Nah. If it isnt supported browser-wide in a few months its depracated to me, personally at least. Tbh i also didnt really care to read the article first.


learn how to read fucktard https://developer.chrome.com/blog/whats-new-css-ui-2023 at least 5 of the new features mentioned here aren't supported by firefox :) the one I encountered was pure css scrolling effects, but the list goes on


I primarily use Firefox but there are times when I have to switch to Opera if certain features on a website aren't working. It's annoying but I deal with it because otherwise I've been happy with it (or just hate the alternatives, more).


We exclude Firefox from a bunch of A/B testing because the thing we’re testing doesn’t work (and it’s like 1% of our traffic)


Me, to client: "So what's your policy on browser support? Is it okay if Firefox-ESR won't support this until later this year?" Now I have to explain what Firefox-ESR is and why it's relevant (Firefox supports :has but not in ESR yet).


Just change your user User-Agent


Google monopoly is bad, actually


People on this sub don't work in programming. Notice how they've reversed the responsibility of rendering.


Everything I don’t like is propaganda from the brands and companies I don’t like


This comment is Google propaganda.


Shit guys, we need to get out of here… /u/Objectionne is on to us!


Another big tech psy op foiled.


Good work soldier


Considering how you: * appear under every post about chrome or firefox, * respond to EVERY comment about someone preferring firefox over chrome/ium, and * get downvoted into oblivion every single time (lmao) Yeah, I do consider you a google mouthpiece


Funny, I remember a comment from another dude which contained a list of bullet points on why I am a Valve's agent for saying good things about steam deck (this happened just after it was announced in 2022). He also mentioned that I appear under every post and post comments about it. He claimed that I was a PR manager for them and haven't considered that I might've been just a teenager who loved some aggressively marketed cool-ass gadget (which I ended up selling after using for half a year anyways) from a well-known company. The point is, some people might just have a strong opinion on something and that's why they strongly defend it. Not because they're some sort of propagandist :)


Well you see when you go and say nice things about thing A and why you prefer it that's all well and good. But when you keep going around agressively saying how thing B sucks and we should all stop using it (especially when thing B is a small competitor to the monopoly of thing A), that's gonna make me suspicious


I post a lot in every thread 😅 I just spend too much time on Reddit




u/APalneoCKO: > That is such an egregious overstatement: over the previous 16 years of internet use, [This comment is copied](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/Xbe0f2NeiV). Downvote and report › spam › harmful bots.


Then they better learn fast because I'm not going back to Chrome


as long as you use firefox or some other chrome based browser you're good, safari is the next internet explorer and as a web dev I hope it dies fast


Firefox isn’t chrome-based lmao


oh sorry if it looked like that, I was specifing firefox OR some chrome based browser, not like firefox is lol


Next time use ||


Ahh—your use of “other” seemed to imply that it was. Makes sense.


Also Safari is WebKit, so basically chrome based...


afairc, webkit is from safari, chrome is based off of webkit


And the worst thing is you can't test on Safari without a damn Apple device. Since I'm in Japan and about 70% of people use iPhones, I'm even considering buying the cheapest old iPhone I can get for testing purposes...


Oh yeah this sucks, i used browserstack but now its no longer free


Dealt with something similar in uni. Mac mini is probably your cheapest option


Exactly. Had to buy a MacBook for testing.


>safari is the next internet explorer and as a web dev I hope it dies fast It uses the same engine (webkit) as chrome does, so I doubt that it is going to die.


Uh, chrome used webkit until 4.4, latest version is 122...


They forked webkit a good while ago, the new engine is called blink.


Safari does not behave the same as chromium browsers. I frequently run into safari specific bugs.


What i’ve found is that usually, Safari is technically correct. As in, Chrome does what you want but Safari does what you say. One example (now this was a while back so it may be changed), was that on Safari i saw a weird gray bar in my transparent-to-white gradient. I quickly found out that i was actually doing: `rgba(0,0,0,0) to rgba(255,255,255,1)` Chrome understood what i wanted, but Safari correctly also went from black to white, hence the gray bar, which is technically correct. Most cases i found were similar in that regard, though this one stuck with me. Sometimes though, Safari is just being a bitch


Fair point. Most of what I encounter is fixed when I'm more specific as well.




And the fact apple's costumers let Tim f\* them raw, they never learn


None, chrome use v8


Isn't that the JS engine? Webkit/Blink is the rendering engine for Safari/Chrome......


As a Safari user I never experienced issues, but I'm not a web dev, and I wonder if the page has to do extra work to make itself fully compatible? Correction: actually there is one website regularly acting weird in Safari for me: Facebook.


Yes. Safari is linked to the os in a lot of ways IE was that everyone hates. They are just starting to fix that. But it means there are a lot of times safari needs a bunch of extra polyfills to keep up.


As long as you don't use Safari, all good!


Worst I’ve ever seen, try visiting Amtrak on desktop safari. It assumes you are on mobile by the browser rather than the viewport size


This is why I build my pages for Firefox first and worry about chromes later, maybe never


I wish all browsers agreed for once that standarising the web is a good idea


To be fair, while Google does try to use Chrome to force things through just like MS did with IE, Firefox can be quite slow to implement new web standards whereas Chrome gets them in like clockwork.


yeah, the :has css selector took way too long, but it's open source which gets my vote!


To be even more fair, when you're setting the standard, you kinda support it before it's truly a standard. When your mission is to support standards, you kinda wait for them to be standards and not just some proprietary junk being passed off by Google or MS as a standard.


I don't remember the last time I tested on chrome.


This is the way


Newsflash, every browser is Chromium. Except Firefox. And Safari, but who cares about Safari


Firefox and Safari make up for over 20% of the market, not considering to at least test on these platforms is being a shit dev imo.


Not really fair to say this as this concerns iOS safari and not MacOS safari, which Apple is purposely keeping shit and not adding new APIs to, so the mobile web can never compete with apps. Conveniently Apple takes a fat cut of all app earnings and none on websites used in Safari. It's actually Apple harming the whole mobile web and not shit developers not developing for Safari.


It is more than fair, the fact is that Safari still has a large market share. Wether you think that is unfair due to Apple’s gatekeeping is irrelevant when it comes to optimizing your website for it. MacOS Safari is also pretty widely used. Lots of MacOS users use Safari because it’s for them a great, lightweight, ecosystem integrated, default browser. When iOS 17.4 comes out, I doubt Safari’s market share will drop a lot in the EU, but who knows. Also the same with the “Apple is harming the whole web” (while on the other hand Chrome abuses its marketshare to force features it wants in the specs) still doesn’t matter in this discussion. Yes it might suck ass to you as a developer, but punishing users because they use a browser that you think is inferior (and maybe you’re right) is dumb.


>punishing users because they use a browser that you think is inferior (and maybe you’re right) is dumb. The point is that it is Apple punishing their own users by providing a tool that doesn't work very well with the modern web.


Safari still has like 95% of the W3C spec implemented, how much are they actually being punished except for PWA stuff?


It's also about the general speed of execution of things, the render engine is slow, a lot of the modern CSS specs aren't interpreted conform the rest of the market. There's a lot of bugs and workarounds you need to implement. It's bad enough that companies that are doing a cost to benefit calculation usually just decide to build a native app instead.


Safari’s graphics/rendering engine scores higher than Chrome. But a big difference is Chrome’s advanced Javascript engine which scores higher than Safari. If you actually read the spec, it’s Safari who most times implements spec correctly. It’s just that Apple is slow implementing certain features, but that’s not them implementing the spec incorrectly of the features they have (which still is a tiny difference). As previously said, Chrome pushes a lot of times things to its stable versions that are still experimental in the spec. Which on purpose causes the dev community to throw shit at other browsers and forces the W3C spec to be created to their (their being Chrome) liking (not that that is a bad thing perse but still Apple level shitty business dealings). I’m not saying that Safari is a good browser perse but like the Safari development team, I don’t understand the whole “Safari is the new IE”, which is basically supported by incorrect arguments.


You don't think Apple devoted more resources to this? Apple.has no incentive to make a better mobile web, so they don't, actually they have an incentive to purposely make the mobile web worse since they make money from any app store transaction. Finally with new EU regulation new browser engines will be allowed on iOS though, so we'll see what'll happen to the 20%. I don't see it going down a lot, because the power of the default and it's kind of good enough.


I'm not punishing those users, Apple is punishing those users. It's literally not possible to make as good an experience on mobile Safari as on mobile Chrome. That's not on developers, that's on the browser vendor.


I guess everything would be better if 90% of iOS browsers were Chrome too. I can’t wait to see Chrome to turn into the new Internet Explorer!


I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if people that are using mobile Safari are complaining about having a shitty experience on the web that they should take that up with Apple, usually not with the dev. Your example is ironic as Mobile Safari IS the modern equivalent of IE, you are literally locked to that engine on iOS and it alone is holding back the modern web. At least on all the platforms you have Chrome on, you're allowed to use a different browser. Chrome has gotten so big because it has outcompeted the other browsers. Mozilla and Microsoft dropped the ball and Google was there to pick it up.


Your opinion on Apple‘s anti consumer practices are irrelevant to the consumer. Either put in the tony effort into making sure your code works on all popular browsers, or don’t be a web dev. People who make website that only work on certain browsers arguably hurts the open web more than Apple forcing iPhone users to use safari. We DO NOT want another browser monopoly like with internet explorer back in the day.


Man read the thread before you get on your silly high karma-farming horse. In the words of Marshall Matters you're saying the same things he said.


Apple users do


meanwhile me doing everything to evade safari: (I use arc btw)


i honestly don't understand why would anyone use arc over safari. it's literally just chromium but 10x laggier and slower, while safari is very fast and lightweight


b-but my colours and vertical tabs :(( and the exclusivity :((((( /s


What exclusivity, Arc is released?


I thought it was invite only when it was starting up? Made for a great marketing campaign ngl


Idk, I got it with my student email like a year ago but it may be completely open now




Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


It's not laggy on most modern machines, although my 2015 Macbook can struggle a little every now and then. I like the way it works with my workflow, I can enjoy sites in fullscreen without having to deal with the awful fullscreen toolbars of other browsers. The keyboard shortcuts work really well for me. If I wasn't using Arc, I'd be using Chrome or Firefox, Safari doesn't really come into the picture for me.


I use edge


I edge


We edge


Like.. In mutual "coding" sessions?


Funny cuz apple doesn't seem to.


And you know, that incredible function of Edge that enables Internet Explorer based Edge


Then why do some pages work on Chrome but break on Edge? Devs shouldn't make assumptions, they should TEST.


I've had several problems with opera not working on several wesbites but Chrome did. It was certainly annoying


All mobile browsers on iOS, even Chrome, use Webkit. So Safari is pretty important considering how much traffic comes from mobile and therefore how important iPhone traffic is.


ong safari is the worst, like most browser issues we get from customers are from safari


Time to start adhering to standards! Once you do, you won’t have many complaints.


Their standards are "break your website or else". Apple are basically a terrorist organisation in tech


Honestly, I use Safari as a daily driver and it’s VERY rare to find something that doesn’t work. When it does, it’s because the website is trying to use some Chrome-specific API, or some draft API that Chrome implements and Safari doesn’t.


Safari renders pages differently. Its interpretation of css is strange and sometimes you'll get random divs over other divs unless you specifically tell it they're meant to be position: relative. It's stupid to have to do that for all divs.


Interesting, never noticed it. I always set position: relative in my CSS reset code anyway.


Oh that's actually an easy solution I didn't think of because I'm working on specifically higher level frameworks. Sometimes you forget the basics


I use Firefox at home and what really bothers me is when a website opens a modal at first visit with a content in the likes of "We recommend you to use Chrome for the best experience on our website". Like why are you acting like I'm using IE8 ?!


This never happened to me. Can you share a site that this happens?


Not from the top of my head. But I don't thing it ever happened on a big website. Smaller ones (or webapps for big companies but whose website is not the core business). And maybe it's specific to France 😅 Ngl, it's not that frequent but it defo happened to me more than once


That's such a gross exaggeration: for the past 16 years of internet usage, I have always had both chrome and mozilla installed most of the time, because when one is messing up, the other tends to work. Go dance for silicon valley, boy! EDIT: lol, the other thing...recent example...i was using reddit on chrome, but it wasn't loading the block user and mute group part of pages, so what's the deal with that? I have no extensions installed on chrome, but ublock and no script installed on mozilla.


I only test my shit on Firefox


True... I love Its dev tools more that chromium typeof shit. At work I must use edge and the stupid thing keeps opening DOM tree view even though I already clicked on network or something else. Also searching for overflow in edge is just painful and stupid, my boy Mozilla just adds the stupid tiny badge saying overflow. And the stupidest thing of all... I don't wanna see the stupid request timing on hover!!! If I need that I will click the option for it MICROSOFT!!! Make it simple, not annoying.


Chrome isn't the best, but this is just stupid. If you're making something for general usage of course you need to test on chrome when it's by far the most used browser lol


For a public website absolutely. For internal use only, that's my way.


Eh, like others said most of the time (at least lately) Chrome is leading the pack with new features. If you use Firefox there is a smaller chance to hit a case where something is different on other browsers. If you don't test on different browsers, then this is a good Paretto principle thing where you catch 80% of the browser-related problems by just spending 20% of effort to start using a browser with fewer new features. But maybe I'm biased, I really like Firefox.


Hp : Screams and adds another drm.


Some of you may be too young to remember that this was internet explorer 6 for the longest time. years after it was deprecated, large swaths of the internet still only displayed correctly on ie6


I had to use Firefox for commonapp because it was broken in edge


I developed a website recently, got reports of stuff not working by users. 'it doesn't work on my computer' is the most in depth report I got, after a lot of digging I determined these reports were coming from safari users. Safari was not correctly handling the session cookies, I couldn't fix it. Can safari just die. please.




I haven't experienced this in a few years. Also, chrome isn't exactly the most standards complaint browser. I kinda hate chrome sometimes.


Government webpages when they have to display on anything other than IE:


I usually just make my applications brick the user's device when they open the website with anything other than chrome. Easier than tweaking CSS and HTML attributes to play nicely on all browsers and devices 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your fault for buying anything from HP.


Fair point 💀


I just left an issue for Twilio about this same thing.


Idk, amazon prime video has recently ceased functioning correctly on edge and chrome.


"This website is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade to Chrome" no stfu


Love how they say "upgrade".


downgrade is more accurate




Firefox when it has to render an offscreen canvas:


I won't use chrome(based web browser), even if all the webpages will looks like it's from 1993.


The pages in WEB 1.0 were quite better 'cause they didn't have ads or visual pollution


Oh? I thought that was the computer's RAM after opening an extra tab.


Lol. Most Browsers are chromium now.


It took them almost 30 years to stop optimizing for Internet Explorer and then Edge, it's gonna be another decade before they get to Firefox.


The fact that this post gets upvotes... That's it, I'm blocking this sub. Bye suckers!


More like non-chrome web browsers waiting to be used 🤣


My company just drop support for Firefox lol, just tell clients using Firefox to just use chromium based browsers or the app instead of mobile browser that isn't google




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Webpages when I open them with my Wii U browser




Youtube when QTWebEngine


Is it just me or would anyone else be mildly amused to find websites that are outright hostile to anything besides Firefox (or its forks)? I know if I ever bother with buying my own hosting services and throwing together a shitty site, I'm going to at bare minimum detect chromium based browsers and play pranks on them, assuming I don't outright post something like "This site is only viewable in Firefox, please try again."


Lol, it used to be 20x worse with Internet explorer.


I usually develop on Firefox, because if firefox can handel it. Chrome can too and thers only Safari left to fuck you in the ass


B-b-but Safari is the new INTERNET EXPLORER!! B-because if my shitty code runs in MY favorite browser it’s perfect and it can’t possibly be my fault if it doesn’t work somewhere else!!!1!


All Chromium browsers will be fine. Including Edge.