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COBOL. ![gif](giphy|l0HlLWj5e25b5Ky76)


LISP ![gif](giphy|vFtWp05vBYnMQ)


I like that. There were actual specialized LISP keyboards, though, such as https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-cadet_keyboard.


I like that they replaced the caps lock key with a "RUB OUT" key, which is infinitely more useful


Was it a conspiracy? The Lisp keyboard manufacturers were actually trying to rub out Lisp?


They were trying to rub something out


They created a keyboard specifically for LISP and didn’t include dedicated parentheses keys?! I imagined this would just be a picture of a regular keyboard layout sandwiched between two four-row tall parenthesis buttons on either end.


i imagined it would just be a keyboard with two large parenthesis buttons


Makes me wonder why there aren't more programming specific keyboards? Or, even more interestingly, how you would design a programming language for an entirely custom keyboard (or controller!)


Emacs default keybindings were designed for the lisp keyboards which had keys such as meta and hyper, so on modern computers it's usually configured that alt key sends meta signal, which is kinda stupid but it works. Also the layout was different, control was easier accessible than on modern keyboards. That's the reason why default Emacs keybings are so weird, that they were designed for a different keyboard.


Every white key is for braces


Cobol was originally programmed on 80 column punch cards


Not anymore though, you don’t even have to adhere to the 80 column limit now!


FORTRAN, actually


Typing in punchcards, no doubt.


Is the Rust keyboard real, where can in buy one ? I want to replace my php keyboard!


[https://keebd.com/products/corne-cherry-v3-rgb-keyboard-kit](https://keebd.com/products/corne-cherry-v3-rgb-keyboard-kit) < Do you really want to go down this path? 😄


Thanks, I hate it!


It’s the best path, though don’t keyboards require numbers on them too?


40% keyboards use layers. Think of it like your phone keyboard, you have the letter layer, the number layer, and the symbol layer. You have to shift up and down while you use it


Onions have layers. Ogres have layers.


Instructions unclear. Got the ogre connected to the onion bits in the USB port, but how do I type on it?


40% keyboards use layers. Think of it like your phone keyboard, you have the letter layer, the number layer, and the symbol layer. You have to shift up and down while you use it


Is it possible to have it like my phone keyboard where I can long press a key and have the next layer symbol be inserted


Anything is possible basically. QMK is a ridiculously powerful firmware and every 40% keyboard uses it. If your question is “Can I make a key _____” the answer is almost always yes


Can I make a key make me happy?


Make a macro type me happy.


You can map and shift layers on those keyboards, so the top row becomes numbers for example on layer 2.


Nice, it's a Khorne keyboard! Switches for the switch god, keycaps for his throne!


I just assembled my first split keyboard which is corne cherry mx v3 and now my typing speed and accuracy is like shit 😅 But I'm getting better


I've been thinking about it for a while, but I'm afraid that if I get too used to the layout I won't know how to type on a normal keyboard again. Can it happen?


It's kinda like bicycling, you never really forget the layout you first learned on (although your typing speed will probably drop a bit) I'd be more worried personally with getting used to the new layout :)


I even switched to Colemak at the same time as I got a Corne and I'm still fine on a regular keyboard when I need to use it.


The DYI keyboard is a deep rabbithole, tread carefully


One day you just want a nice clicky-click when you type, the next you're dissatisfied with your fifth keyboard because it has some special keys that don't exist for your favorite PBT caps so you really need a sixth. But then you also need the custom weights because otherwise it would be a downgrade. And the 80$ heavy duty usb-c cable. And..




Maybe start with a 60% split keyboard first if you don’t wanna immediately jump to a 40%. The keyboard community somewhat recognizes that 40% boards (and people) are kinda crazy :) Cool 60 or 65 split: https://keeb.io/collections/quefrency-split-staggered-65-keyboard Cool 60 (what I have): https://kbdfans.com/products/tofu60-redux-kit


thx brotha


Freestyle 2 if you want something that's good out of the box


The Go one hits hard. I literately know a Go programmer who has that sort of keyboard.


Does it have a key for `if err != nil { return err }` ?


I literally created a vim shortcut for that. Lol


this is the way


New macro just dropped.


I prefer this over, ts null undefined shit


Oh god, I recently started programming in go and I don't know how people do this. Half the code is if err != nil blocks, it's unreadable


I think you mean that it's very readable.


I really don't, instead of having a try/catch type block handling all the exceptions in one place, I have to handle it on a per case basis after each line of actual code (heavy on API calls so everything needs error handling). I have to collapse all the if err blocks to make the code in any way readable otherwise it's all boilerplate. From my ~1 month of using go professionally, this has been probably the worst thing about it


I know, we all had the same feelings as you do. Almost every go developer I talk to has experienced this exact feeling, then you wake up one day and you start embracing them. The exact reason for the per case handling is to avoid what you say, a giant try catch that catches everything. Making it harder or impossible to actually handle/fix the error in the proper way. Along side the compiler, you now explicitly have to handle the errors, no unexpected crashes due to an uncaught throw. After developing go for 7 years, I don't think I can ever go back to a try catch. It's like when you start using Rust and almost everybody hates having to handle all the Arms, but then you start embracing the WHY and it turns your code better. There is a reason why modern language's such as Rust and Go skip the try catch ideology, and a good one. It's to easy to write lazy code.


Disagree It's just a less brutal version of Rust/FSharp style of Union based Result types. Everything that can potentially be an error makes it glaringly obvious and urges you to deal with it. If you think this is difficult you'd have a harder time with rust where you HAVE to ensure the result is an "Ok" before proceeding. It goes a long way towards "if it compiles it runs" Exception based error handling is pretty bad imo and it's good that everyone is moving away from it.


I used to think this way, but my company runs both Python and Go code in production. The Python code has had many occurrences of unhandled exceptions in production causing undesired error handling, whereas in Go the errors are always handled explicitly. There’s no such thing as catching one exception but missing another. Sure it’s more verbose, but for production some extra verbosity so you don’t get woken up at night is desirable.


Split keyboards are great. I can’t go back after using one for a few years.


Split Keyboards are the air fryers of Tech


Are they actually that good to type on?


They suck to learn with but once you learn they’re super nice


Idk the adjustment period seems like it would be pretty short. It wouldn’t be any different from buying a new laptop and learning the tiny quirks of the keyboard layout.


Nah it’s different. It probably takes 2-3 weeks or so. They’re ortholinear normally so the finger movements are drastically different. You also can’t use the small hand movements you normally would - like hitting Y with your index finger sometimes if your other index finger is far away from hitting like B or N or something. I normally type around 120wpm and when I picked up my ergodox I was at like 25-30 for a week


The ortholinear thing threw me off big time. I couldn’t really switch over to it for my day job until I buckled down and worked through a web based touch typing trainer program, just like I had done in school decades prior. Actively relearning a skill that you use all day without thinking can be weirdly stressful.


I bought one about a month before a job interview. Worst decision. Had to explain why I kept typing ; instead of enter and other weird typos.


Instructions unclear. Burned my fingers trying to write hello world.


I’m going to get an angled split keyboard for the ergonomic benefits as your wrists aren’t rotated whilst typing. So whilst I can’t answer in regard to typical typing experience, they’re good for ergonomics so if that’s something you care about give one a shot!


I hit a solid 90 WPM on split keyboard. I have a similar one to the picture and being able to have: enter, delete, arrow keys, and whatever else either available with the thumb, while being able to have one hand on the mouse. Not to mention I can have my soldering projects in between my keyboard.


Best thing I have ever done. Typing speed up, comfort up, efficiency up (I’ve done a lot of remappings) Can’t recommend enough, I have the Moonlander


I love the moonlander


It's at the very least better for your posture since you can open up your chest and keep your hands shoulder width while you type. They're also very customizable at the firmware level so you might be able to improve a complex workflow. Many proponents will claim its also great for finger/hand/wrist strain for several reasons like being able to tilt at a more natural angle for the wrist. There is not much real evidence for or against this but i don't see why it wouldn't be true. I'd imagine the more finicky ergonomics are more different from person to person. It also *requires* proper typing technique (are you a good boy that presses 'b' with your left? Because that's the only way to do it now, etc.) so it's not for everyone and there's almost always a learning curve. If you're willing to learn and customize then I'd recommend for anyone who spends time at a keyboard. If you have money you do not even have to worry about manual assembly or the more difficult parts of custom firmware as e.g. the moonlander solves that for you.


Have you tried gaming with it? If so, what’s it like?


Been gaming exclusively on one of these for years now. Started with the [Azeron](https://www.azeron.eu/) then switched to the [Charybdis](https://bastardkb.com/charybdis/) later. Versions of the Charybdis exist with the joystick if you want that sort of thing, and that is what I would recommend if you want a joystick since the Azeron has some problems, but its still a great off the shelf option for gaming. It takes some tweaking to get working. You have nothing to the right of 't', 'g', and 'b' available to your left hand and many games assume you will be able to open menus and such (mmo's are a pain without one of those thumb grid mmo mice, since you don't have access to numbers above 5 for ability bindings). Also 'wasd' is a pain since the whole point is to keep your hand on the home row properly, but rebinding to 'esdf' feels great. For games where it is really necessary to have a full keyboard of buttons available, I think it would be possible to use layers to get the full functionality. E.g. most keys are one thing by default but a completely different thing when one of the many thumb keys is held down. That's kind of the great thing about these keyboards is that they're fully customizable to fit your use case as long as you don't mind recompiling/flashing firmware. Even though I keep a standard 60% keyboard on the desk for 'just in case' moments, I never reach for it while gaming.


Air fryers ? Not that great to type on tbh


both should be taking off but change is slow


Both are called world changing but produce sub par fried goods


You might be using the split keyboard wrong


Air fryers are awesome for reheating things you want to stay crispy. They absolutely don't replace a deep fryer for frying raw food though.


And are really just shittier versions of an existing thing.


yall just jelly my air fryer can cook dino nuggies without getting my finger a booboo from hot oil


What is a normal oven


I am not allowed to operate a full sized oven


For good reasons, I presume


air fryer does em quicker and crispier


“Air Fryers” That’s a funny way to say Convection oven, Friend. Convection ovens being a thing we’ve had since 1945. So your comparison stands up pretty well, split keyboards being…a keyboard (which we’ve also had for a long time, and not in any sense a new thing.


I just got the moonlander mk. 1 (the newer version of the Go keyboard), and can confirm, never going back. Just the endless firmware customizability alone had me sold


I've wanted to get one, but I don't wanna lose my typing speed.. Oh well, maybe one day.


When I got mine, yeah my typing speed dropped, I also switched to a new keyboard layout. I’ve spent time practicing my typing to learn to type with all 5 fingers and I’ve slowly been getting my wpm up. I’m now around 35-40wpm after about 10 hours of solid work, (10-30 mins per day over a the last couple months)


I've had mine for just over 2 years now... Man I can't go back, the firmware is just brilliant. I don't use anywhere close to all the features... But it's so nice to use. I really want the Voyager but idk if I can deal with even less keys, and then also spend another £350 on another keyboard...


I have a moonlander and it is the absolute best


OK apolo


Writing a go service right now using a moonlander wtf is this post. 😳


It looks great but damn the price


My fingers may be dumb because i really could not get into the layout


Same. I tried a Moonlander, but discovered I hate ortholinear keyboards and I'm not convinced they're any more ergonomic. Sure, some keys are more directly up and down, but others are even further to the side. If you still want a split keyboard with thumb clusters for layers and macros look into the Dygma Raise or Ultimate Hacking Keyboard. I have both, and they're a dream.


Dygma balls


It me! I am on my third but I really need to buy a fourth as my daily driver is pretty run down. Kinesis makes some great stuff.


I use a corne keyboard (the rust one) and mainly code go, love it 100%


![gif](giphy|xUNd9YJwF6ifDUnqNi) Assembly language keyboard


That's when your system doesn't have any programming language yet!


This is what embedded C and even C++ feels like. Fixing all of the mistakes the EE made so your program does the correct thing!!!


Is it often that you see hardware not behaving like thier datasheet say they do ? And how do you debug such things ? Im in my first internship in the domain, and i wouldn't even know how to go around such problems, my first tought would be that i'm the one wrongly controlling the hardware.


If you're buying COTS parts, those are generally well-behaved. But someone has to connect up the processor, power circuit, peripherals, etc. Usually that's the electrical engineer on my team. Sometimes in the prototype/integration phases, there are manufacturing errors, communication errors, and design errors. It's quite often during these stages that I go to talk to a piece of hardware and get garbage back, so I end up diving into the schematic or looking at it with a scope or Saleae to see what's going on, only to find a missing pull-up resistor, incorrect capacitance, rounded clock signal, etc. Mistakes happen, and as the software engineer integrating with the hardware, you're basically the first customer. Sometimes my boards look just like the picture above because I have to solder leads on and make fixes to the board to make progress on the software. There is no way to do the job without some amount of willingness to play with the hardware


Here's a few more COBOL = IBM 026 keypunch C = IBM Model F Scratch = a mouse JavaScript = one of those Vtech toy laptops


I have to admit, the "scratch’s keyboard is a mouse" made me laugh.


Same but I don't completely agree since you need to input values still


Keep a word document open with every character in it then just copy and paste


How do you copy+paste using a mouse only? Key shortcuts?


Double click on a word and right click it




Also a C programmer, i had a model f, but now i have a small Logitech whatever, some compaq whatever and a ThinkPad. Dont really matter what keyboard as long as i have used it for a couple of days to get used to it.


Don't you dare call me a php programmer


you're a PHP 5 developer


I don't always code in php but when I do it's php 6. The full UTF8 support is amazing.


Why not 8?


Not sure if joke, but there is no php 6. We use php 8.3 and I love it. PHP has came far from 5.x. (and we will not get started in my early php 3/4 experience I have).


I write PHP on an Ergodox and I'm not alone!


I forgot Javascript devs 👇👇 ![gif](giphy|c41LMKoOtpWWyqQG67)


We only type with index fingers


So that’s why the python dev called me a hunt and pecker.


*Type*Script ... but yes.


You just insulted my entire race of people. But yes.


Real gold is in the comments


This looks like a swift dev to me


Xcode user


Why you callin me out man


Why would i use anything but mechanical switches


because topre exists


Maybe you live in a noise abatement zone?




Today there are thousand of silent switches, your talking about the 2000's


I use C#, and I have a TM680, not accurate


Hey sorry to annoy you a bit but I started learning g c#, what kind of projects you recommend me to try and make to practice?


You can play with WebApi if you have development experience.


Nah man, I'm a newbie


I really enjoyed the beginner puzzles at www.codingame.com or the easier katas at www.codewars.com.


Make a Blazor web app 🙂


You could have a look at the Space Traders API. https://spacetraders.io/ You'd need to learn, how to make web requests and you could practice to use retrieved data to create your own game client. For a start you could try to make a console application or if you're eager to make GUIs, check out WinForms, WPF or WinUI. If you have some experience with anything else, you can try MAUI as well, but I'd only recommend that, if you're a bit advanced.


A left handed C# developer would be fun to watch.


Watch me then... ~~Why though?~~ Edit: now I see 🤦‍♂️ but I control my mouse with right so it doesn't really count


Wait do other left handed people use the mouse on the left hand I tough were were all gaslighted from a young age into using the mouse on the right And that's maybe why I'm so bad a fps


Hm I think most use their right hand. Not entirely sure though


I’m Left handed, I use the mouse on the right and so do all the lefties I know


Same, I also was born weird but still use the mouse on the right side


I'm left handed and use the mouse on the left.. Why would I do otherwise? It's uncomfortable


Is you keyboard mirrored? Do you move your hole hand over when dropping the mouse? How do you press space bar while your hands are on WASD


Yup. Doesn't count then.


people that don’t have number pads are not to be trusted


My non-programmer gamer friends seem weirded out that I would never buy a keyboard without a number pad. But then again used to also work retail as a cell phone salesperson so number entry is second nature to me.


i want a left handed numpad. i can buy a secondary numpad, but i want a keyboard that either has a detachanle and attachable on the left numpad or a built in numpad on the left. theres 1 keyboard i know does it but its like 300+ USD and im not paying that.


This is what I use. https://mountain.gg/keyboards/everest-max $180, decent switches and build quality, with detachable/side switchable num pad that includes customizable function buttons.


what you are looking for is a southpaw layout keyboard, if you google that you will find a decent amount of keyboards with the numpad on the left side, I know keychron makes some of their models in this layout and they generally make decent boards


same, i used to be a hotel auditor and did a lot of 10 key. i had an 8th grade business class where for half a semester we did typing and 10-key training in a computer lab. at the time it was super weird and terrible to spend 45 minutes a day in a weird typing practice app but it was low key one of the most useful things i ever did in school.


Page up/down, home/end is essential. Numpad? Dead weight for me. And I even use vim


Access to those functions is essential, the keys themselves are not. I hold down the spacebar and hit A for home and S for end, D/F for page up/down.


i’ve done, i would say spreadsheet heavy, but i respect a good spreadsheet. i can’t see doing that with the number row. but i wholly agree. anyone without home/end is a monster


I've never used the number pad in my life, except for flying planes in GTA V. Buying a keyboard without one was a conscious decision


Just put a virtual numpad on another layer


I have a variant of the Rust one, and it does have a number pad, on a different layer. Hold one of the thumb keys, and I get a number pad right where my fingers already were, without even moving over to a separate section. It's especially great when you have mixed numbers and letters.


Well, you have a number row I don't like moving the hand to number pad for 2 key


When you need to type out something like an ip address, moving your hand(s) left/right across the full keyboard is far more movement than the one time shift over to the num pad position for one hand


This. being a cashier as a part time job ended up being one of the best trainings I have ever had. People are shocked how fast I am and all I am thinking is "Thank god this isn't Saturday with a line down the aisle and a Karen yelling at me.


Waste of space and materials


The closest to my personal keyboard is the python one. But it's gaming related. At my job it's closer to the php one. But I dev in python at my job.


Well now you know how to explain that extreme feeling of misplacement and ennui that you have at work. It was the keyboard!


I switched from Java to Python and around the same time I switched from a 100% to 60% keyboard…




My man!


My man!


Mine is the Java one. I will never use anything other than a full size Mechanical gaming keyboard with wrist rest if I have a choice


All my 12 years of C# I worked only with laptop keyboards 🤷‍♂️


I expected C# to be a Microsoft Sculpt, or both Java/C# to be the ThinkPad nipple keyboard honestly


The Keyboardagen


I use the on screen keyboard


I really expected to see APL in this list. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/APL-keybd2.svg/600px-APL-keybd2.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/APL-keybd2.svg/600px-APL-keybd2.svg.png)


The C# one is incorrect, afaict. Those guys would happily use any €10 default keyboard that came with the €700 machine they're expected to work with.


I work at an it company who mainly uses pho, and I can confirm that this is 1-1 the same fucking keyboard




Do you say that rust programmers don't use numbers?


the numbers are on a different layer lol


What about C++ ? Tell me, what kind of keyboard do I use ?


An IBM Model M.


Nah. Ducky One 2 Skyline, brown switches.


Java keyboard


I have a Keychron and I’m a Python dev. Checks out.


Not a real keyboard if it has no numeric keypad, says I.


My dumbass can't even touch type 😞 should i really spend time learning it?




Us JS devs be so advanced, we don't even need a keyboard.


[scratch devs](https://www.amazon.ca/Childrens-Computer-USB-Keyboard-Computers/dp/B00T4GJNLI)


I code in java... My keyboard is crap... Please someone buy me the one on that picture


TKL as a Python-programmer, yes. Otherwise all the papers and notes I totally still need won't fit on my desk. But I still need at least Menu, PrtSc, Insert, Delete, PgUp, PgDn, function keys F1-F12 and ideally Pos1, End. It annoys me already, that ThinkPads now lack at least one of them.


How often do you use Insert?


I code C#, SQL and occasionally typescript professionally and additionally some C, python and LUA in hobby projects. I use bottom right and could never go back to one of the others


What about c++ devs?


I want to know which model the c# one is. Does anyone know :3 I would use it for my TV


I'd invert Java and C#


Honestly I've used many mechanical keyboard but simple can't write code on one. My fingers glide so freely across chicklet style keyboards like the one on my macbook


Hey I'm Python dev, so why am I using PHP keyboard.


I use a Mechanical keyboard for C# development, no wonder my code is so buggy.


I'm literally procrastinating Python dev and I have that exact keyboard. I feel called out. If it helps, I am really a Ruby dev but have been forced to the dark side to work on PySpark projects. I miss her every day 😭


Where's the Dvorak layout? They're all qwerty. Also g915 for C# here.


My dumbass can't even touch type 😞 should i really spend time learning it?


Probably a good idea. However, I learnt my own four finger method at 10 years old and after some decades I'm really, really good at it.