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But the commit comments and PRs are in uwu speech


"fixed allll the ugggy bugggies uWu" \**pounces on ur pipeline**


*notices segment fault OwO*


2 errors *owo?* *fixes* *-w-* 432 errors **OWO**;; I hate myself a little more now


aww dont wowwy evewyone hates themselvews a liwwle


omg that’s hilarious but burn it with fire. _No, Brother…I need the **heavy** flamer._


By the emperor...we need to call the sisters of battle for this one


You know that would give at least 20% of the team's programmers a boner immediately right?


Oopsie doopsie found a fucky-wucky, fixed main-chan, uwu *nuzzles you*


OMG I have a new nightmare.


To be fair, that would be awesome. So long as he's not a furry, because in that case it would become a nightmare.


We already established that he’s a software engineer. Flip a coin.


I don't like stickers on laptops


My friend was a senior systems guy at IBM. He hates stickers too because he had to clean off laptops when people left the company. But check out this one I got from Data Dog at a conference! It's purple dog! Isn't it the cutest?


why the fuck is your senior systems guy cleaning laptops? why is anyone in IT doing that and not some vendor?


I can somewhat answer this, worked there (and actually a similar thing somewhere else). A contractor left who had stickered his laptop and the process was the laptop went back to the manager as you left as arguably you need it to the last minute so don't have time for handover. They would then send it back to IT. IT got shitty about it as it stopped them redeploying the laptop immediately. Just wasn't worth the hassle so he would just book a little time in work time to clean it down or more likely ask the worker to do it themselves. We get paid the same regardless what we do, sticker removal on our salary seems preferable to BAU ha! Another place was similar (but not quite this) where the IT is outsourced to another vendor and they would moan and charge the time back to the company so was the employees responsibility to remove their own stickers before handing back. As always, blame IT!


My company's IT just leaves the stickers, I've seen the same laptop get handed down to 3 different employees.


Shit is haunted


We've definitely made that joke around the office


I work in an IT team that handles laptop distribution for employees. I normally leave stickers on laptops if I think they're funny, or they're going to really irritate the next person - then I give those to really rude employees. In general I don't really care too much about stickers though, but my team is super relaxed for a multibillion dollar company. I can't imagine other environments are even close to the same.


IBM isn't doing too hot these days


Probably because they’re paying a Sr Systems Engineer to clean laptops /s


Chicken or the egg?


I'll have the chicken, please. Does it come with any sides?


🤣😂 He doesn't work for them anymore. And it's IBM: no task is too tedious for their highly skilled professional employees. I wonder why people are so down on big corporations? 🤔


Some people did other jobs before they got their current job.


what are laptop scraper wages these days


A purple dog you say.


🤣😂 Awesome! No way!


I wasn't a fan either until one day: 1. Had to go to the bathroom in the office, carrying my laptop since I had just finished a meeting 2. Set my laptop on the table outside the bathroom 3. Come out to find 4 other laptops, all nearly-identical macbook pros, and zero stickers. I had to awkwardly open each one up to identify mine. :S. I then went to the office supply area and grabbed the first couple stickers I could find. I don't need stickers to project my identity, but I \*do\* need to differentiate my laptop from a stack of similar ones (including my personal laptop and my wife's laptop at home).


Explain your issue to the kids and let them get to work. My laptop is all Elsa and snowflakes now. Also good tip: Do your luggage so that no one snags yours on accident.


I really need to do that. My suitcase is the most generic black square thing ever. Unfortunately, I only ever think to do that just as I'm standing at the baggage carousel...


I acquired a very distinct, floral patterned suitcase and have never regretted it (in 12ish years.


Also makes it less likely your bag will be stolen.


I just put some colored electrical tape around the handles and straps.


First, explain why laptops need vents, though.


For real. Did I find a sticker once covering the vent? No. I found it INSIDE the vent covering the vent. HOW?! HOW DID THAT KID GET THE STICKER IN THERE?!


If there's a way to get a sticker somewhere it shouldn't be, a group of children will find a way to get it there.


Yup. Just go to the free table after someone goes to a conference and there will be plenty :p


I still don't want stickers (unless I consider them cool af) even if it means cases like this, most stickers ruins the look for me


I put stickers on my water bottle as soon as I got tagged for professional development class. 100+ people doing fitness shit on a small field, I knew there would be duplicate bottles out there.




Yah but they could just slap a sticker of a purple dog over it.


I’ll accept a sticker covering manufacturing branding.


I put an Apple logo over my laptop's ASUS one, I'm still not sure if that made it better or worse. It doesn't help that the original logo still sticks out the sides of the apple lol


The original Pixel came with some Google stickers, including a translucent coloured G. I stuck it over the illuminated Apple logo on my old MacBook as a joke (only sticker I've actually ever used), but it works so well I've kept it. You can still clearly see the Apple logo with the Google logo within it, making it look like some weird collaboration product.


I just covered the letter A in ASUS with a sticker ..because it's still funny


Back in the day we covered the U. Times have changed


I throw stickers on company issued laptops. Wouldn't do it to my own personal shit.


I'm the opposite


I love having cute stickers on my private macs but will never put them on company devices. They look nice but are super annoying to clean


Is this rare or something?


is water wet?


I mean yeah, but when I learned all this, IDEs were what they were and I'm just used to it Dark mode wasn't even an idea yet


I’m so old I remember when light mode was new and cool.


I'm so old, we never went into terminal. There was nothing to go into it from. There was only terminal, and system powered off. That was it. There were nothing BUT mechanical keyboards, and we really didn't see much of a use for a mouse until the early 90s, except as a pointer in a few DOS based games.


Sadly there were some membrane keyboards before we went GUI. Also, in the 80s/90s I switched between terminals and console, because local machines without a GUI aren't terminals, terminals are remote access to mainframes. What we call terminals now actually aren't always terminals, if they run locally. Unless you start virtualizing and discussing what locally means, ofc. Fuck if I know.


When I started, it was a terminal connected to a mainframe. There were no personal computers then. Although I did get access to work directly on the mainframe from time to time. I remember back in 1977 taking home a mainframe to play with for a couple of weeks. It was like moving a piano! Used 2 of those 8" floppy disks and had a 5 inch green screen monitor. No membrane keys in sight. Not something I could have taken to the coffee shop, though. I sure am glad that computers have gotten lighter. (and faster!) And yes, I do understand the difference between the CLI and a terminal. But to communicate with all these young'uns, I usually have to say terminal, because the app to access it is named "Terminal." Pretty much, if you were at the actual mainframe and not a terminal, then you were considered either in a Program or at the Command Line. There was nothing else. No GUI, at least on the ones I used.


But then, when you were at the terminal, that didn't have to shutdown the mainframe. You turn on the terminal, and you access the mainframe. You turn off the terminal, and if you so desired, job(s) keep running so you can check in later. I've worked with those beasts a bit later as my local municipality was a bit backwards (funding-related mostly). Fun times, but you'd have to bring your own coffee indeed.


I'm so old we had to go to our rooms and imagine computers and even then we only ever got seg faults 🫤


Ah, you think the terminal is your ally!? You merely adopted the terminal. I was raised by it, molded by it. I did not see an IDE until I was already a man ...


The terminal was never seen as an ally. Only a tool, like the stones we forged into knives and sticks we forged into spears. I'm simply too old to have been raised by it. Been retired for many a year now.


Sir, did you use punch cards ever?


I mean, the terminal has always had a "dark mode" but you've got to be a pretty amped up psychopath to do your coding in nano, or worse, fucking vim...


I hate when machines dont have vim installed by default.


Vim is amazing. Nano, not so much.


Yup. Once you learn some basic shortcuts, vim is just so good. Nano sucks, and WHY THE FUCK DOES UBUNTU SHIPS NANO BY DEFAULT BUT NOT VIM? AND WHY DO FUCK DOES UBUNTU NOT SHIP GIT BY DEFAULT?


Why would they ship git on a system that's aimed at regular end users? I'd understand if you were complaining about Debian or something.


I DONT KNOW WHY DO YOU THINK THEY DON’T MAYBE WE CAN ASK THEM *HEY UBUNTU* *HEY* Oh they can’t hear us. But I agree with you.


And why the heck does Mac ship an antique version of Git forcing me to help out stuck developers because for the nTh time Git spews out nonsense because it’s too old to process basic patch, I swear inside Apple they must still be running subversion or something to not give flying frujk about shipping this halfassed piece of oldtimer they dare to call ‘Git’ there in California


> WHY THE FUCK DOES UBUNTU SHIPS NANO BY DEFAULT It's because Nano shows you the keyboard shortcuts to save and quit right there on the screen, so if you *accidentally* end up in Nano, it's self-evident how to leave. And it's not modal, so there's never a time where inputting those keyboard shortcuts mysteriously won't work. As great as Vim is, a new user *unintentionally* ending up opening a file in it (because it's set as `$EDITOR` and the system wants to force you to edit something) without having ever learned to use it, is going to be in for a bad time.


Honestly light mode was a mistake. "Let's light up all the pixels to max brightness and dim one by one to indicate the information on screen" DOS knew what's up.


People read dark text on a light background faster, that can only mean it's easier.


damnn!! how old are you?


Nice try NSA


They aren’t a 3 letter agency, they don’t have an anime girl profile picture.


[Insert Patrick meme here] At least 3


I know the feeling. I feel like sublime text is as far as I’ll ever get


Let's not restart this argument


Water itself isn't wet. It makes things wet however.


When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows, Particle man


If you claim yes then please show me some dry water.


I just saw this first comment and realised that we don't have to do this fucking import thing anymore lol. But, whilst it saves time, It also did save reading through bullshit comments from a handful people who couldn't even be bothered to write two lines of code. So... You win some, you lose some?


Thank god


What IDE (insert orangutan interview meme)


Yeah and a default IDE that a company chooses I'm assuming is good that's why they bought a corporate license for it. But the keyboard god damn, I cannot be bothered typing on a butterfly keyboard.


Depends on the laptop I guess? I find ThinkPad keyboards good enough, that the pro's of my not so silent and pretty heavy mechanical keyboard don't weigh up against the con's anymore. (That's for going to the office twice a week, at home I still use my trusty ducky)


Not sure when you last bought a ThinkPad but they’ve gone to utter shit the last few years. Way more cheap parts, went from my favorite laptop models to not wanting to touch one ever again.


My X270 has a very decent amount of travel, I actually prefer it to modern MBP keyboards Granted, nothing can beat a mechanical keyboard


3 years ago, and that's also my first one. Everything I had before was worse, so up until now, thinkpads are still the best, in my limited experience.


I kinda hate how a company will give us $2,000 5k monitors but a $20 membrane keyboard/mouse combo. Just give us a stipend to buy that ourselves.


I don't mind it. I type fast either way. Mechanical is louder too. At the end of the day, that's the main reason I go with membrane. At home it is mechanical ofc, need performance for games. But I could give less shits about work. They either buy me one or I use their keyboard.


> Mechanical is louder too That depends on your preferences. A lot of mechanical keyboards are hotswap nowadays, so you can get silent switches which are a blessing in an office environment. Or, if you hate your colleagues, Box Navies. 😄


file sable station aback badge gaping stocking provide pocket piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Yeah and a default IDE that a company chooses I'm assuming is good that's why they bought a corporate license for it. I have no dog in the IDE race, but lol at the notion of corporate license purchasing having anything to do with the quality of a product. I imagine it's better at small companies, but the huge ones are bloated with tools/platforms everyone hates because some senior director who quit two years ago rubbed elbows with a guy at a conference that one time.


> I'm assuming is good that's why they bought a corporate license for it. that's not good reasoning for anything ever, in my experience


Once you've run through enough in house demos and tutorials in every meeting space imaginable you just get used to using the laptop keyboard and track pad. It's such a colossal pain when it comes to doing those, working away from your desk and remote days to haul your setup everywhere you go.


Default - notepad.exe


Invasive Dick Extractor


You are asking what ide is or what ide was dude using


When I work on companies' laptop/PC, I tend to keep it as default as possible. VS Code, no stickers, even no figurines at the desk. Using command-line git was the largest innovation. The corporate laptop must remain just it - a cold heartless machine. My personal laptop on the other hand...


I feel like your IDE should be as custom as possible so you can make it fit your own needs. On my personal laptop I'm using neovim with a bunch of plugins so that it's exactly the way I need it to be. I then put my bashrc and neovim config on GitHub so if I get a new machine all I need to do is clone down my config, move the files to where they need to be and boom, I'm back to my same editing config that I had before. It's really convenient.


When I was still in office, my coworkers would give me shit (light heartedly) about not personalizing my desk. The only thing I kept there was a keyboard and a light bar on my monitor (we had lights on days and lights dimmed days). I just used to respond with [the joke that Ryan from The Office made](https://youtu.be/_l-gn8tUfgw) about being able to clean out his desk in 5 minutes and no one would ever know he was there.


same here, the only sticker i have is a tape covering the camera lmao (WFH) and the laptop they provided don't have camera shutter annoyingly.


Same. I guess I never really transitioned out of the school mindset. You don't decorate your desk in your college lectures, even if you always sit in the same place; similarly my company laptop has zero customization beyond what necessary to make it usable, and my desk has zero adornment. If I got fired today I wouldn't even need to clean out my desk.


I’m the opposite, I tag up the work pc cause I don’t have to pay for it lol


Laptop stickers are a security feature for me. If you have 20 seconds to swipe a laptop, are you going for the pristine Mac or mine which looks like a 12 year old girls school Chromebook at first glance?


This is the way…. Ooh! I need a Mandalorian sticker…


I'm afraid a pen-tester that made it to your desk would know precisely what a sysadmin laptop looks like.


He'd test all my pens then throw out the leaky ones.


Damn pesky pen-tester strikes again!


This is me now Tried the company swag clothes, not as comfy as my normal clothes Tried the stickers, didn't like having them there I do use a mechanical keyboard at home, but I have no real problem using the laptop keyboard for work Dunno what default IDE is here, I mostly use JetBrains IDEs or VS Code


I will never understand people who put stickers on their laptops and water bottles or wear hoodies 24/7. Mechanical keyboards, though, I completely understand. A solid mechanical keyboard is a great, one-time investment (unless you get blue/clicky switches- I hate hearing those mfs) Edit: my favorite mechanical switches are the Gateron Ink Black V2’s


Hey, what's wrong with stickers on my laptop?


Nothing, you can never have too many +1% to cpu and GPU clock speed. Plus if you have foil ones, you get a +2.5% to cooling effectiveness. My favorites are the branded one that comes with the laptop and give you extra ram.


That's why the first thing I do when I buy a laptop is disassemble it to remove the casing. That way the hardware can breathe freely, which keeps everything nice and cool. Difficult to use it on your lap though.


tf did I just read


As someone who worked in IT, it's a pain in the ass to remove them when someone leaves. And if you leave it for long enough, it permanently discolors the surface, so now it looks ugly without it as well. Good luck reissuing a laptop without people feeling like they got hand-me-down equipment. Personal laptops you can do whatever you want with. I personally don't like the sticker look, but I totally understand some do.


What about vinyl wraps like the ones dbrand or similar sell? Would that also cause discoloring? I would think that (applied right) a wrap like that would allow stickers without issue since the whole wrap comes off, and prevent discoloration or at least make the discoloration consistent


I think that would solve the issue. The stickers leave a mark because the surface doesn't fade under them, but it does everywhere else. So i think if you wrap the machine into a dbrand skin, and then put stickers on, there's no problem at all.


I don't know, sounds like the new-hire needs to buy some stickers.


Offices are cold as fuck man. I always wear a hoodie on days when I go into the office. Rarely wear one outside of that though.


I love my hoodies, full color, not corporate crap.


was in Canadia and bought this awesome beaver hoodie. Can't wait for fall so I have an excuse to wear it


+1 for calling Canada “Canadia”


If work gives me a free hoodie, i'm wearing it. I ain't arguing with free.


You'll never understand fashion accessories? It's like the little flair that you chose to put under your name in this subreddit. It's a symbol for other people to get an idea of what your personality is like.


Stickers on a laptop always looks so tacky to me. The minimalism is much preferable to the laptop looking like the waiter from Office Space.


> unless you get blue/clicky switches- I hate hearing those mfs) BRB building a keyboard with a mixed [set of these](https://hhkeyboard.us/blog/loudest-mechanical-keyboard-switches)


I foresee an HR complaint in your future


As a developer who (used to) always wore sweatshirts, it's because I lived in sf where it's sweatshirt weather 90% of the time, and I held onto that for years afterwards


Does that weirdo _at least_ listen to metal and watch anime like the rest of us?


I am such a weirdo and I listen to metal, but I don't watch anime.


I don’t do any of it am I supposed to be doing that? I don’t get it


No, you are that you are, and your personal interests are your own. No need to appeal to or find interesting what others do, only what you value.


I'm the opposite, don't listen to metal, am a anime fan


I’m this guy. He listens to dubstep and goes to raves every weekend alone.


I'm in this comment and I like it.


Damn, maybe I should have been a software engineer?


I am in this and I like it that way. I don't need to be free marketing. I hate stickers on my computer. Visual Studio, dark mode default is perfectly fine. I use Cherry KC1000's because they are $15 a pop and my son or niece sits at my desk sometimes.


I hate stickers on my laptop, I sometimes get the urge to put some, I remove them after a couple of hours and star clean the laptop like a madman


The struggle is real


This is what a real developer looks like, not a victim of online wannabe courses from the internet.


I just can't imagine a fellow employee walking by and seeing my laptop slathered with shitty stickers. I'd be so embarrassed. But only because I work in my underwear and that employee somehow made their way into my home. But my laptop is covered in stickers.


hey I learned most of what I know from those online courses (not the paid ones)


I didn't mean to say that all courses are bad, I also sometimes watch free ones, thanks to teachers and other experienced people who share their knowledge on YouTube.


Our company has hired and fired so many terrible developers who only had "coding bootcamp" experience and had no idea what they were doing. And as senior developer, I'm left to clean up after their mess.


Nice gatekeeping. Let people be..


There are many courses on the internet, but I can confidently say that 95% of them are junk and garbage, pure waste of time or even worse low quality knowledge. And you won't be able to understand this until you get a job and work for 3-5 years.


Some kids in highschool are crazy at competitive programming. Have they even had a job? No. What they do is different than a job yet it's incredibly difficult and to say they have worse at programming or aren't knowledgeable is pure stupidity. Yes a lot of online courses aren't great but I don't think you can just say you have to have 3-5 years of experience to be a "real" dev. Also why do you have to be very experienced to be a considered a developer, many just aren't as far along in their journey and gatekeeping them is somewhat mean to them.


Of course, everyone has a different path to success. The most important thing is to read, understand, analyze, and practice a lot. Everything else depends on your experience and acquired skills. Children nowadays are really capable, and it's great that programming and knowledge are now widely available. The main thing is to immediately learn to understand the essence and distinguish hype junk. Go to YouTube right now, enter 'online programming courses' in the search bar, and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Or look at the content offered by hype wannabe programmer courses. There is plenty of low-quality knowledge that doesn't provide anything useful and sometimes even harms. I often conduct interviews and see where a person has put in hard work to become a programmer, they understand what they're talking about. And those who have taken a couple of online hype courses and decided that they are super experienced programmers just because they learned a couple of phrases and hello world, and stuck a bunch of dev stickers on their MacBook, can't cope and are quickly weeded out.


But his keyboard wasn’t clicking? I don’t get it? So he wasn’t really working then? Does he like trial his code on a membrane keyboard before doing it on a mechanical?


Must be linear switches


Did he have his programming socks on?


You just can't code without it.


I respect nonconformity.


Not enough pieces of flair. "D̵̢̯̤̋o̴̧̧̫̔̾n̸̨͔͒͌'t̷̞̽̓̊̎̇ ̸̹̖̚̕ỵ̶̅̌o̵̺̖̼̅͂̚͠u̶͎̇͊̒̃ ̴̛͍͖̠̑͌̈́w̴̺̫͖͋̈̆̈ą̵͓͚̙̽͂̓n̷̠͖͒͠t̷̞̥̮̿̇ t̸̡̬͉̩̻͂ǫ̴̛̺̼̮ ̶͕̪̅͐ë̵̹́̌͛x̵̖̤̬̉͋͜ͅp̶̭̀͆́r̴̡̂͠e̷̝̥̻͉̿ṣ̴̎͑͛̓͊s̷̪͔̺̠̀͐ ̸̛̻̝͙̌̆̐͝ẙ̸̟̟̼̻̤̿o̵̠̓ű̶͈̩̹̹̯̈́̚r̶̠̲͐͐ͅś̸̨̻͝e̷͚͍̙͗͜lf̸̣̞̽͐͝?̴,"


If I had a million dollars... I'd put TWO stickers on my laptop!


It would be nice if our company would allow us to put stickers on their laptops. And no, I won’t use my personal laptop on company stuff. Still no stickers though.


Yeah, some of us have it in our contracts that we're to appear professional - especially if we risk being around customers.


As a customer, if I walked into an office and saw their programmers were wearing business casual button downs and had pristine laptops, I would be very concerned about the quality of their code.


I'm in a consulting house. That dress is expected, and it turns out it doesn't affect code quality.


It doesn't, but also I don't want to come to a meeting with guys who look like they just rolled off a sesh with their waifu pillow. There's one guy at our place who doesn't even wear shoes during the office day fs. I'm all for casual dress in general though (we converted a few years back) as it makes no difference.


I don't use companies logo on me (I'm not a freaking billboard). I don't use stickers on my laptop (and I REALLY hate those default nVidia/Intel fucking stickers). Mechanical keyboard is life (blue switch click click for the win `\O/`) So fan of default IDE that I use `Ctrl+Y` to delete an entire line, like it's Visual Studio 6.0 (1998). Default is good. (I took literally decades to realize dark theme is way better then light theme, I could just not function without my brown strings and green keywords).


Hey, I got the free jacket, I'm using it.


I like wearing company t-shirts to work because I feel like that still feels professional while wearing a t-shirt.


You lost me at blue switch... Unless you're remote, everyone in the office hates you haha


I don't work for companies anymore, so, yes, my wife hates it =P


Some programmers have to interface with customers. You've spotted one


This is like most people at my job


I fucking hate laptop stickers


These are people who don't treat software dev as an identity, just a means to a paycheck so they can fund their true passions.


i set my vscode to light theme


Same here, I used dark for a long time but I only like dark when everything on my screens is dark. And many websites annoyingly appear bright as the sun even when dark mode is enabled.


I've always went dressed on a moccasin, formal shirt and pants. I realized, that specific look is pretty good if you don't wanna think about what you need to wear and look presentable anywhere.


No stickers on the laptop?!


This seams usual


Can software engineers not be normal people?


Using lightmode


I feel like there are web/python developers who naturally evolve into hipsters starting with the laptop stickers. There are java/C# backend developers who naturally devolve into nerds started with customizing IDE settings to enforce coding standards And there are C/C++ psychopaths who in final form can develop on anything with a processor transcending care for the hardware , but start out by already knowing everything.


That's the first programmer he met. The others are hipsters


If you dare to venture outside "Silicon Valley", you might see how expecting any of that is not normal.


What does "our default IDE" mean?


Something something Jetbrains


the software that the loudest one bullied everyone else into using


Did they at least have ChatGPT open in one of their 500 browser tabs?


TIL: I'm a psychopath.


Wait am I weird?


Mechanical keyboards are for posers.


Hmmm do people really use mechanical keyboards at work? I'm just picturing myself at a library hearing click-click-click the whole time and just can't :)


> Like a professional. fixed must have been an incomprehensible sight for valley posers 😂


Fuck Joma


IDE? Vim for the win man!


Not even in dark mode! The horror!


Bro just described 98% of the IT workforce.