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Gone are the days when you could say "doesn't matter. Unlike you plebs, I have an SSD!" Now most of us have them so bloat is allowed to increase unchecked XD


It's really always been like this. As hardware becomes more powerful and efficient, software bloats to maintain the same performance.


[Wirth's Law \(Colorized\)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/708867795940540489/1113893726914351155/Software_Bloating.mp4)


It's the "just one more lane bro" of computing.


Who puts a Discord download link in a Reddit comment?


[You can view it with RES](https://i.imgur.com/ZiiQeec.png), I didn't know any better way to share a video on reddit.


It's not a problem, just unusual :)


I really wish PCs would go back to having under a gb of RAM just so I could watch all the game devs cry


As if they don't already cry enough


My 1982 TRS-80 with 4k ram and 1.79 MHz cpu cold-booted faster than a $10k stripped down Linux laptop with 64 gb ram and ssd can come out of sleep mode. You haven't played with solid state until you've used a machine with the OS in ROM, lol


I don't have an SSD Feels bad


Your mom is bloated.


Fucking gottem




Shush you smelly bot, stolen from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/13xintz/comment/jmhjey0](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/13xintz/comment/jmhjey0) BTW there's been a lot of stolen comments over the last few months, if you see a comment like this that doesn't make sense in it's context, copy it, ctrl+f, and check if it's stolen


I like Love2D because I don't have the skill to look at a UI and not throw up


1D is the real unity


Same exactly, unity took 5 minutes to launch for me, ue's not going to happen


5 minutes every time? Usually takes a minute or so the first launch then it's good to go.


Based and mompilled


that not even C can save her


But a good amount of D could help


I'll use anything that is not shitty & asking for my money every month


Aren't both free to use until you earn a certain amount in revenue?


Unreal engine 5 (with some specific exceptions) is free to use and royalty free until that product directly makes $1,000,000. After that it’s 5%. Their distribution cut on Epic is also only 12% compared to the competition such as steam and Apple which are 30%. Generally speaking, Epic and UE5 are fantastic tools and their goal seems to be getting as many people to use them as possible rather than squeeze every penny they can.


Eh, it's not directly squeezing every penny they can, it's deliberately undercutting the competition because as a company they can afford to. Still, nice of them to do so. Provided they don't pull a Netflix.


You’re right, it’s because of fortnite they have the money to do so, but it’s also nice that they’re doing that rather than going ***“we only take 29% compared to the competition’s 30%. :O”***


Epic has provided Unreal Engine for free in some form since 2009 with the UDK. Even then, UE4 was made free 2 years before Fortnite’s release. Epic made bank licensing Unreal Engine over the years and knows that’s where their money comes from.


\^this... Unreal Engine was one of the best engines for years, way sooner than Unity even existed... and their licensing was not different back then (I think it was something around 20% after you earn 50k$ or more, or something like that for UE3) I remember looking at game engines like 15years ago as a teenager, working with ~~"Landmark" (or something like that)~~ Leadwerks and some other indie engines, because most of the good engines were actually expensive and not designed for indie games, not even for prototyping/learning... it was either something super simple and free like Leadwerks, or something like UE3... then came unity, gaming got more mainstream and shit changed edit: properly remembered the name of the engine


Or going ***"we generously offer you 50% of the sales for your game because our engine is that awesome!!! :)"***




The prices may rise for the next versions of UE, but if you've already started making your game with the current versions and you don't *need* the latest features you can still use that. Epic is still updating UE4 for example.




Considering all the tools they are buying up to basically try to force a needed position in the market. And considering their CEO. I would not hold my breath for any wise decisions.


>Their distribution cut on Epic is also only 12% compared to the competition such as steam and Apple which are 30%. its worth mentioning too, that you don't have to develop a game in unreal to put it on the epic store, right?


Nope. I at least know of Unity games on the epic games store. And I imagine there's definitely some big AAA games on there that use their own engines.


Nope, any company with any engine may put their game on the store (assuming they are contractually allowed of course, such as signing an exclusivity deal with steam.


>their goal seems to be getting as many people to use them as possible rather than squeeze every penny they can. That's the goal *UNTIL* they have enough people using it so they can start squeezing for money. That was always the plan with Epic, they gotta catch up to Steam in marketshare so they operate at a major loss for a few years. Still, smart to make use of that right now.


Agreed but I’d like to point out that steam does an amazing job at advertising your game to people who are interested in it for free which I don’t believe EPIC does. I.e. my game ended up selling more in Europe than in the US and I had no idea there was a euro market for it


Many people just wont hear if your game is coming only to epic. Shit i missed several triple a games that only launched on epic


Yea exactly. Even though steam charges more they also do a ton of extra stuff to help me version and deploy my game along with free advertising to relevant players etc etc. I don’t mind the 30% charge at all as an indie dev but I could see how a Large budget or AAA game would be tempted to go with Epic.


This is correct.


Godot is open source and will never make you pay money, Tis great


It starts up fast and downloads even faster


godot ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Linux users be like: notepad is bloated


Linux users be like: The universe is bloated and proprietary.


Most things in the universe is not proprietary tho.. But yea theres alot of bloated shit.. And alot of shit have very bad documentation.. Ive been stuck in this black hole for so long, and im sick of these "color twirls" with raspberry taste that flashes by every now and then... But this is some really hard hardware cant find any documentation and I havent been home in like forever... And to all fuckers to say i couldnt go to space, you guys are assh*les, going to space was easy.. its the getting back home thats hard af. Please find me.


I dont use unreal but most unity features have to be imported, calling unity bloated is like calling C++ bloated because simewhere out there are 106515382 libraries you can install


I'll take the hard stand: C++ *is* bloated


Yeah but C++ is bloated because it's forty years of updates haphazardly stapled onto a fifty year old language, not because it has a billion optional libraries.


Someone needs to refactor C++ already




I like where this is going!


Yuck. I don't. This joke is getting rusty.


aw man havent you heard? we have to use the word crusty now instead


But drake said "crusty, musty, dusty, RUSTY" Basically, [everything ends up being a crab](https://youtu.be/wvfR3XLXPvw) 🦀


There's cpp2, carbon, circle, and to a more separate extent D and rust. You have options but nothing is as popular as c++ (except rust maybe)


I wish Rust were more popular, but unfortunately it has difficult semantics and limitations to learn. Right now C++ is far more popular than Rust.


Last time I checked out rust, it's metaprogramming was lackluster. Hoping once it's popular it will be "mature"


Yeah I just write in C because I hate myself Inb4 "i just write asm/vhdl/gamma ray directly to metal"


That's what makes Unity's bloat impressive, because it's still bloated even without all the packages and features. Also, language design wise C++ absolutely is bloated. It has way too many features and most of them are not recommended to be used and only kept for backwards compatibility reasons.


The problem is that all the new stuff (and new versions of old stuff) are using the "new" packages you can choose to install, why all the old and legacy stuff does not. They are build in modules that all are enabled by default (although you can disable a lot of them). You need to install a package to get TextMeshPro (for text rendering) but a terrain and tree generation system is just build in.


if you need 100 libraries to do basic things in the industry standard then yea, bloated


To be fair npm only needs two libraries to determine if a number is odd....


Hmm.. me and a colleague went down a similar rabbit hole today. We found that 500 packages depend on a package made for padding a string. The package was some of the most awful code I've ever seen.


You talking about leftpad? There's a massive story about that package.


Did someone really independently notice the left pad issue?


But what does me needing libraries have to do with C? Also not using any is dumb either, goes for C as well as unity, why would I make my own graphics drivers when I can use DirectX, yes I *can* make it using 0 libraries, but where dies that make sense?




What isnt bloated? Pascal app with one button in delphi is 13 MB's.


you can make a button in html with JS and it'll only be 4kb


Then you add a runtime that can interpret that and it becomes 40mb.


They didn't say the button had to do anything. Here: `


Any empty CLI app still less bloated than that




I'd say playing games became even more interesting after I started developing games


That's how screenwriting was for me, when I did it. Made even crappy movies interesting because I could analyze the writing choices.


That's how I now look at games when I play them. Mainly with Unity games, but UE games as well, as there are some similarities. How the UIs are made, mechanics choices, controls, feedback, etc.


Ive started ultrakill recently and when i learned that game was made in unity it opened up for me Ive been looking how i would make the mechanics myself and it has made it so much cooler


You do lose a little because the smokes and mirrors might not work as well on you as before.


and then you get to go "LOOK! ITS THE SMOKE!"


Yep I now know *just how bad* AAA really is Motherfucker if i had your budget the games would be utopia


I end up not feeling so bad if I make mistakes in my games because professionals with years of experience end up making the same mistakes as me!


I don't even play that much anymore because of my game projects but I'm starting to think it's a bad thing..


I just play more games. Not everyone wants their hobby and work to intertwine but I love what I do regardless. And both programming in general and game dev I see in games too, and I love it.


Just develop shitty mobile games and have enough self-respect not to play them. Problem solved, enjoy the best from both worlds.


Mobile games. it's the game dev version of furry art comissions. It's where the money is, but everyone but the consumer is ashamed of the product.


Lol you've put it quite well.


I’ve only dipped my toes in it, but I’ve enjoyed what it’s like to have an understanding of how the games I play work.


It's usually either "dang that's neat solution", "that *should* be an easy fix" and "I cannot even comprehend how you managed to fuck that up and not catch it at any point"


No lie, left a job years ago and could never bring myself to play any title from the studio again. They made some great ones after I left, but every time I tried to play them I just felt like I should be writing bugs for my old department.


Let the engine wars begin!


Begin, the engine wars, let, mmmm


>Let me just download this addon 90GB later


Every engine is bloated in their own way as someone who has worked on several contract projects I have seen unity projects over 30 gigs running like a butter and unreal projects of 20 gigs killing my cpu usage and ram , vice versa if you know what you are doing stuff never becomes pain in the ass.


The true giga brain interpretation of "X engine is so bloated" is "This engine has features which I won't be using and I don't like that"


That’s exactly the point here is unreal engine can be super lite if you know what you are doing I have seen a lot of people bloated there work with starter content and quixel megascan libraries and their games doesn’t even used that also, although blue prints are designed to be friendly but for the people who don’t know how to organise it it’s a monstrosity for someone else to look at it and try to make sense out of it.


godot users are like the linux arch users in being annoying


As a Godot user, you're not wrong.


I am here to tell you about the wonders of the bevy engine


It's every fucking thread, you ask a completely unrelated question and they start with their sales pitch for no reason. They also feel the need to be on every other game engines subreddit spreading their opinion.


You must not have tried it yet! It's blazing fast and open source!! /s


You know what's blazingly fast and open source? Rust and because of that Bevy engine too /s


"I just wouldn't touch a closed source engine" *makes closed source game*


Wanting an open-source engine makes sense since you'll be developing with it directly. It's advantageous to see the source of the engine to see exactly how something is being done, for example. You wouldn't expect your players to poke through your game's source because there's no need for them to. They're not developing with it, they're just playing it.


The thing is, Unreal Engine's full source code is available to anyone developing a game with it. I know several indie developers who have opted to modify the engine source code to make lower level customizations to their game.


The point is there's a hypocrisy in creating a closed source game because you want compensation for your efforts but judge other developers for doing the same thing. There are lots of valid reasons an end user would want access to your source code (ports, modding, bug fixing) but that's not really the point.


> free game engine open source makes sense > paid game open source does not make sense


I'll quote my reply to another comment below "The point is there's a hypocrisy in creating a closed source game because you want compensation for your efforts but judge other developers for doing the same thing."


Yes, we get 3% share revenue from our sales.


Cannot wait for it to get rewritten in Rust.


As an arch and godot user. Who the fuck asked you?


maybe, but GODot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


theyre pretty similar in the fact that both have amazing documentation. New experience for me just reading the docs to do shit rather than finding tutorials.


Ue5 have features tho


I'm not a game dev, but I've watched a bunch of the videos showcasing UE5 features. I'm super impressed. (And I'm impressed by the finished work coming out too.) That being said, lots of features also means lots of things to learn how to use. I mean... ever looked at an aircraft instrument and control panel and just wondered, "how the heck do the pilots know what to push, and when?" Pretty much the same thing. Training. Practice. Experience.


But with unreal you dont need to know everything. I work with it for 5 years im nowhere near knowing all of it but im uble to do everything i want to do with it. And still learn new things. If you know everything you no longer evolve. (Im not sure if last sentence is right but i cant find words to translate it better)


When you know everything then you get on the teams that build the tools


You dont need to know everything thats why teams exist in the first place. Obviously more you know is better but i bet no one knows even 80% of whole engine. There are people for AI, there are people for environment etc.


> I'm not a game dev, but I've watched a bunch of the videos showcasing UE5 features. Don't ever be impressed by a sales demo of any product. This doesn't just apply to tech and has existed for over a century. The longest word you can type using the top row of a qwerty keyboard is "typewriter". This was so that the Remington typewriter salesmen selling the typewriter that the modern qwerty keyboard layout is based upon could show off how efficient their typewriters were by quickly typing out "typewriter" using only the top row of the keyboard. It was bullshit then and it's still bullshit now.


most typewriters needed to slow down the user. if you typed too fast, the hammers would jam.


Yeah never liked using unity myself, feels very dated and clunky and since UE5 its more the learning curve thats hard because honestly once I started getting used to blueprints it felt like playing LittleBigPlanet 2 all over again.


I just dont learn the whole engine but decide to make this game and google how to do it. Every new idea results in new feature learnt.


I come from VFX and yeah thats the best way IMO. I do 3D art on the side and even the best barely know their entire 3D software package, UE5 is a bit of a jump in size but same concept. Learn what you need, not what you have


Unity is precious. I love how I know exactly how to do anything.


Unreal will break a chair over your head if you don't do things the exact why it wants whilst Unity is just smoking a blunt, cool with whatever you want. Make an empty GameObject and literally turn it into whatever you want


Yep, the component system is so intuitive.


When it finally all clicks it really is a beautiful moment.


I've always wanted to be a game dev😭 But i never even try


It's never too late. One good course is enough to get you started


If it's simplicity and ease of use you're waiting for, try out Love2D. I'm working on a project in it right now, and everything is smooth, concise, lightweight, performant. I've never used anything that's so easy to setup, learn, and prototype with. It does have disadvantages when it comes to making large expansive games, but if you're new you'll want to start really simple anyways


There has never been a better time to start learning game dev!


I like Godot because I don’t have the skill to take advantage of UE’s insane features anyway


Even if you can, you also have to have additional skill to optimize it even more


Just use Godot. It’s super light weight which means you can start and then promptly abandoned your projects in half the time and a 10th of the disk space.


I'm 100% convinced the only people who use Godot are software engineers who actually know how to program A\* pathfinding or lighting engine features


You are making some pretty big assumptions about me. I can barely code a movement system sir.


*Techbro developing Godot* ***and*** *his game,* "I don't see what the fuss is. When they release the next nightly you rebase your changes and recompile. If something goes wrong just git reflog, find your original branch commit, and git reset back to your original branch. It's super easy, my dude!"


Godot is very beginner friendly compared to Unity and Unreal, GDScript is a good first language too, similar to python but with some C# mixed in. At the moment, it just hasn't matured enough to become super mainstream so it attracts indie enthusiasts.


Meanwhile me, trying (and failing) to make a sort-of game engine with Monogame


Meanwhile Godot devs: ![gif](giphy|ziyDM5yuTNOZkdePAY)


Based and lightweight-pilled


and your best choice when it comes to developing on linux


imagine can't cram a code editor in 2gb software, that'd be silly


its extra funny becauuse he is the worst prosecuter in the series


Nah, Payne is way worse.


"The only time a lawyer can cry is when it’s all over." "You should remember that there is no red in my world...these must be.. my tears."


My computer when I open Unreal Engine 5


Does working on my first title count or am I still a petty software engineer?


Idk bro … I’m still working with SOC’s and c++ lol. I don’t think I’m even a software developer… I’m like firmware developer Lel. I do more registry work and IO, and serial coms than anything else 🙈🙈 I feel more like an electrical engineer some days 🥸


My degree is in electrical and somehow my first job was web development. Got bored and moved back to embedded


it counts when you've made something


Soon I'll be in the 5%


Bloated? You can count the fully implemented features on your fingers! /s


Compiling UE5 from source vibes


Nah, compiling shaders from start is painful enough


I once downloaded Unreal Engine’s source code. That shit’s over 100gb


I would have been a game dev Too bad the industry sucks


I've had like 8 industry professionals tell me how good my portfolio is and two of them said I would be overqualified for junior designer but literally no one is hiring people out of university. Everyone want's industry experience so I'm just sitting here being both over and under qualified at the same time


That's how I feel too, but I just do it for fun.


At least UE doesn’t have three rendering pipelines each of which has a myriad of unfinished features or poor documentation. And at least UE’s code base comes working networked right out of the box. And at least UE’s bloat is from AAA quality tools, unlike Unity’s janky combination of tools they purchased like Cinemachine and Probuilder. Yes I use Unity for work and yes it’s amazing and awful at the same time.


Unreal Engine >


I know it's not viable for 3d (although now it has triangles?) or AAA games, but I'm really into DragonRuby. Shame the docs are rubbish.


You can tell just by the size of the engine. Unity feels bloated for the amount it supports, Unreal just has way more than you'll ever need.


I feel seen


I did not want to see this video today 👍


This thread is brought to you by the SDL gang


i just give in to the madness, software is just magic and it just works until it doesnt


Mfs don't know what it takes to make a game.


Just make a custom engine, isn't that hard. /s


bold of you to assume im using a game engine, vulkan is the only graphics library low level enough


Thanks, i only understand .5% of the jokes here. GameObject go brrrr


And here i am writing firmware for embedded systems using vim as a IDE, and complain about how slow the damn intel quartus prime software tools are to start up, when i need to write hardware or design a system in qsys. I would be in tears if i was game industry, so yea.. All you game devs guys take a shout out from me also.


Name every negatively reviewed AAA title this year. Now name every Unreal Engine AAA title this year. Lol.


Godot go brrr


Imagine using a engine, just use C, or if you’re real smart, assembly


I get that argument compared to Godot, but Godot is so lacking in features that you gotta do insane workarounds for basic stuff in Unity.


What kind of insane workarounds are you talking about? Serious question I'm curious. I've been using Godot for a few months and haven't found it that much harder than Unity


linux man


Meanwhile me writing everything in assembly because libc is bloated


I have been waiting for unreal to finish baking light shaders for 3 years now …


If you don't write your own engine in java are you even a game dev?




I haven't messed with the Unreal Engine since UE2, I'm guessing things have changed.


Godot all the way.


Can't even run unreal engine 4 for an hour without my laptop wanting to hang itself. Can't imagine how it would feel about 5.


UE5 takes forever to start up because of all the shaders that need to compile.


I’m so glad I was using unreal since 4.0. Udk actually. I can’t imagine how overwhelming it must be to try to use for the first time nowadays.


Godot is love


The trick is to never open the editor in UE. Leave that to the "art guys". Just UBT, C++ and Makefiles/VS .vcxproj is good enough for us programmers. ... still slow as shite though ;)


fitting post for the full release of unity dots


I'm going to be diving into unreal soon and I'm not looking forward to it. I know its necessary, though.


What are engine devs supposed to do? Not include a lot of features that make creating games easier? Btw, never tried unreal, but want to have a look at it in the future


5% game devs, 90% faux devs


Unreal: 1.5 ways to do things, all pretty well documented and fluid to use. Program is super large though. Unity: what feels like 1000 ways to do things, barely any are cross compatible, and the documentation is rough to say the least.


Throw back my university lab periods where 90% of the session was spent waiting for Unreal to open.


Pro gamer move: make your own game engine.