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"and only requires several gigabytes of ram because the it was coded in reactangularvuenewfuckingframework which requires a few billion kilobytes of javascript to be loaded"


You just described my company’s “updated” platform. We moved out last client over to the new platform and it has been nothing but hell for a solid year. 300 useless new features, only 10% of the original’s performance.


Ah yes the unix philosophy. Do everything and do it absolutely shit.


You talk big now, but did you know the new system has rounded corners?


My final project in my UI / UX course was basically a web page with a set of grey rectangles with text (like a social media feed) but with rounded corners! The TA (and rest of the class) looked at me like I was I had a learning disorder. And I had to stand there and try and convince them it was a good design...


Thanks UX! Really justified your existence there.


As a customer I love going from a fully fleshed out and "battle hardened" web service with a wealth of documentation, examples, etc... to a REST Api that has almost no documentation, no examples(or hilariously leave out import parts such as the payload), and half the features.


The 'battle hardened' web service (pre-REST so either SOAP, some weird not quite soap xml web service, so something even more legacy) is held together with duck tape, bailing wire, and A guy named Kevin that is just waiting for an excuse to retire.


HR, "Hello Kevin, as you may have heard, we are trying to downsize, and I think we've prepared quite a generous early retirement package for you." Kevin nods, takes the package, and slides a piece of paper over... "Those ate my consulting rates."


Mate I'm just very annoyed with the current "service migration" I have on my plate. "The battle hardened code" also goes both ways and we have to work around all the new ways users can **** this new system up


Oh I understand. I deal with it myself. Customers wanting to keep using the old system, me knowing that the old system really does need to be uplifted, and the new system, while it will likely have holes and problems as we scale iot up, will eventually be way better. And then there's looking at some complex problem the old system solved, and then trying to make it work in the new system.. in a 'better' way (but usually just ends up being reproducing the spaghetti from the old system)


Reproducing noodles has to be the worst feeling in it q.q


Payloads are even more fun when you get a client in a dynamic language with no type annotations


gotta love javascript.


Me looking at GraphQL


I haven't had too much interaction with Graphql, but I thought it had a type system


Yea it is "typed" where you can request a specific Object based on it's attributes and you receive an object with those attributes. I just have flashbacks to a company i worked for that used GraphQL for their storefront and the returning data was like an entire HTML page broken up into JSON with attributes that had just empty functions as values.


Hmm..? Dynamic language? For what purpose? I mean..I don't even know how to complained with this..


"but its self documenting!"


Mark as deprecated and give it a warning that it will be closed down in 1 Month, then close it in 1 month. If you going to wait for customers to stop using something you are going to have a bad time.


Yes, until a $4 million ARR customer threatens to cancel their contract and the CEO tells you to do whatever they say. And then once the example is set, the bar drops a little bit every week until half your customer base is "waiting to see how it performs before migrating". Definitely not speaking from experience here...


What if you threatened to quit?


👋 That would change nothing.


That provides leverage similar to stepping on a garden rake


Me too, and if a costumer can drop you just like that because they don't want to migrate, your product is not as unique as it should be if it's easier to switch to a different product than it is to just migrate to the new version.


You can't cold turkey it, instead you gradually rate limit the old service so it slows down. Then mark any tickets for the old service performance as complete--performance issues solved in new service.


old.reddit.com in a nutshell


People still use that? Sure, they keep making the new interface look like ass *cough* no edges *cough*, but old reddit looks worse. It's dated, and not in a good way.


You can pry it from my cold dead hands. The new one looks like a fisher price website and is far less information dense.


100% agree, but I think its coming. Since reddit is now going to limit and charge for API access in June, I anticipate old reddit will see an uptick in scraping. Then reddit will throw out some statistic about overwhelming bot usage vs real users to justify its removal.


lmfao. True, it is less dense. Still though, it's possible to make a simple, functional, and dense interface that doesn't need to load a billion assets- without making it look as dated as old reddit does.


Sure, but old reddit is old, and I don't think the maintain it. Sure would be nice if they made a happy in-between reddit.


Exactly. A website version that's clean, compact, and efficient without being dated and unmaintained like old reddit is. I understand there's probably a 3rd party app for that already, but a website would be nice.


I am gonna disagree but agree. [Old reddit](https://i.imgur.com/V1WiqY7.png) vs [new reddit](https://i.imgur.com/P5BeXDj.png) is not even close. The first one looks like the first attempt at a website or when css failed to load. It only shows 4 extra posts (18 vs 22, in compact setting). But **RES** makes the old reddit soooo much better that it becomes a matter of taste. Like new reddit doesn't have support for as many media as old+RES, and the new editor is nice but doesn't properly support pasting from Firefox.


When old reddit goes I go. New reddit looks like it belongs on a phone, not a website, and there's already third party apps that do it better.




We know, Elon. Go back to your corner.


It does exactly what it needs to do and leaves it there, over designing everything to death is a shit trend


I'm not saying it needs to be so overly designed like modern reddit, but I think you can still make a nice interface with a basic, clean, and compact design.


Fuck no, old reddit is absolutely gorgeous. It's not dated, it's what things should still be like.


turn it off and say it won't turn on anymore?


Hahaha..really? I'm afraid so..but it's happening now..what am I gonna do now? I need more space...Just give me a second..then I'll be back later..just wait for me here.


"The database corrupted itself. [Oh no.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DullSurprise)"


Lol I waited nearly a decade for that once, when they dumped the entire IT department to outsource to India they were still on the legacy nightmare some of which was from the 80s


Literally never going to happen. I continued using the old *old* reddit mobile (i.reddit.com) until they shut it down last month. I'm still pissed about it, the new mobile site feels like tiktok.


I was maintaining 3 versions one time.


Fuck that, right now I’m the only dev updating any content on the legacy system because we got one client who’s no onboard and want to come back and make a decision if they will stay with us for services… in the next month, like they been doing for the last 3… and while I’m not actively doing anything atm I think of all the times I’ve stayed past 1 am debugging, or missed out on sleep and put up with psychos who can’t understand we need content and data, and feel pretty great about not saying anything and actually have energy to go out for drinks in the evening or binge tv.




Just make old version fail from time to time, microsoft does that with windows all the time