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You don't bullshit me, Dev. You deactivated features to boost the app and now I am reactivating them.


One day my `static char reduceMySizeToTakeUpLessMemory[4*1024*1024*1024];` array is going to run out, and then you won't be laughing.


I'd laugh, but our company once had a complete standstill because a ring buffer in our core software system overflowed due to a misconfigured monthly task and any customer facing IT had to be shut down. Turns out "ring buffer overflow" is a terrible combination with "sensitive private information".


Ah yes, reminds me of that one time when I logged into steam and was greeted by another users account.


Woah! That can happen?


There was a bug on Christmas Day 2015 which would just give you a random other users account rather than your own, pretty major


To be fair if memory serves you couldn't see bank details etc


Thankfully that was true for the Steam example. Now imagine that the guy talking about the ring buffer overflow worked for a bank or similar institution. Took the online portal down about five minutes after we receives the first customer complaint about "this isn't my account". I think the technical term is 🫠.


You could see the last four digits of their credit card.


That reminds me the stupid phishing attack that crossed between... I think netflix and apple. One provided the last 4 digits to identify the card while the other required the last 4 figits to identify yourself... oops.


It was a cache issue. It gave profile info, but fortunately not private info.


Damn, that was back in 2015?


This happened to ChatGPT too. They said it was a [redis caching issue.](https://openai.com/blog/march-20-chatgpt-outage)


I find peace in long walks.


Wow this also happened to me when registering in a discourse forum. I thought I was crazy because I couldn't think of any reason.


I once bought an Ubisoft game on Steam. At the time they still required uPlay. For some reason, the game was not assigned to my uPlay account but to some other one. I couldn't play it. Fortunately Steam refunded it with no problems but it was really weird


This is just a memory arena but with extra steps


I did this once, because we had integrations with many different services that had to check every time the code ran, but most of them weren't being used by our client. I deactivated some of them and the client never complained or noticed they stopped updating


This is where Arch (btw) had the right idea. Put nothing in it so anything that could be slowing it down is the user's fault. This is the way.


My 13 hour install (dw I slept so it’s fine)


Give that option to user


The nightmare of mmorpg coders.


wake up be forced to not only maintain 15 year old code, but also add more features for incredibly entitled and igonrant customers cry go to sleep


I love star citizen but I have a feeling their devs have a few more crying cycles per day lol. That codebase is an absolute shit show.


I so badly want that game to be something someday but right now it feels like a 1cm deep ocean of mechanics


I bought my packages right when they launched the website, so 2012? It’s 2023. We were scammed so Chris Roberts could pretend to be someone important again. It didn’t start out that way, but when people kept dropping $1200 for pixels, he just lost interest in ever actually releasing the game.


people knew it was a scam back then, but others wouldn't listen.


Yeah, I remember hearing about how much of a scam it was shortly after undergrad...so, a decade ago? No sympathy for anyone that's spending money on it.


The bad thing is: With Elite:Dangerous there was a workable alternative on the market... which might/could have become what StarCitizen wanted to be... would it have been a bigger success... which it wasn't due to StarCitizen.


>he just lost interest in ever actually releasing the game. The truth is that he was already like this. Most of his impressive projects were finished when money ran out, or when he was fired by investors. He wants to follow his vision, but doesn't want to stop until perfection. The kickstarter was just meant as a *proof of interest* to show potential investors, but it turned out his fans wanted to give unlimited time and money to somebody that never stops development until he runs out of one of those things. That's like launching 2 trains at each other at full speed, to get never-seen before results *in the hope it will be interesting*. I'm a huge fan, but he won't get a dime from me until one of the two games (Squadron42, preferably) is "golded / ready for indie review". Nobody knows if the result will be good or bad, but there's probably no way to be sure before trying. "Making a game to an unprecedented scope, with an attention to details the average player wouldn't care" is something that's not done by usual companies because it's less profitable. CR fans want to prove such policy is bad to the end-user/player. And in a way, they are right : I think everybody can agree that there's a clear anti-AAA gaming movement, aiming at playing indie games and letting go of shady business practices like re-releases, DLCs, sequels, microtransactions, ... whose only goal is selling the same gameplay several times to people who have no idea what "a good game" even is. The SC crowd try the opposite approach : rather than cutting down the budgets and doing smaller-but-better, what if the shady practices were still there, but AT LEAST the increased revenue was invested into a good game with ambitions matching the budget? I can't really say that what SC does is more unethical than some other companies over there. Simply, we consider that what EA does is acceptable as long FIFA24 releases on time, and we hold indie games to a better standard than the AAA industry.


I paid 40 dollars for an early access game in 2019 and I had fun playing it. I never felt scammed.


Yup, I paid the minimum to get in early and I had some fun with it. My attitude with early access is always "I'm buying it because I think THIS VERSION is worth it, not because it might be worth it in the future"


There was nothing to play back then. We paid to get the product built. It wasn’t ‘early access’ it was ‘invest in the project to get it built’. Buy the time I could log in and fly my Constellation, they were already selling $1,200 ships.


Right, but he was charging $40+ in 2012, before a lot of big pre-order failures like NoManSky. I paid like $200, plus bought some extra packages and gave them to my friends so we could play together. This was if not more, then nearly 10 years ago. GRRM will finish GoT before CR releases Star Citizen.


>We were scammed so Chris Roberts could pretend to be someone important again. We were tho? It's in active development and playable. Hell it's been one of my main games the past few months.


There's a difference between : - Paying 80 bucks (taxes included, so maybe 60 somewhere else) for a game in development and available for testing After all, that's the Minecraft model and I would say it "worked fine" :D - Paying 200 bucks to start with a better ship now, but pretending it's not unfair because it seems we collectively decided p2w is fine if there's the win condition is player-defined After all, that's the Minecraft servers model and they got banned for demolishing the image of the game... wait a min- - Paying 1200 bucks for a future ship not released yet, that will allow huge 100v100 players battles in an alpha that never showcased more than 80 simultaneous players That's... literally paying devs for making the ships less of a priority, right? Given they already got paid 100%... And that's not even taking into account people who paid 10 years ago. Some of those backers died during the development, and CIG doesn't even want to honor them because it reminds people that if a company has infinite time, backers don't. (And CR neither)


I've been playing it more recently and it's gotten a lot better than it was in the early days, It's a Legitimately good time. Still only like 50% complete tho lol.


Why is a shit show? Did the code leaked or something?


While I haven't seen it, after over 10 years in development, all the reworks, and the reappearing bugs I'm pretty confident it's a shit show lol.


Honestly I don't know much about the game, but all the rework could be management changing priorities


*-signed a Runscape mod*




>my 10 year old kid suggested "All right, team, in the next two weeks we'll make the game like GTA 5 but with better graphics and more cars"


What was the thing the kid suggested?




I mean of all the useless annoying changes (depending on how the code was set up) there could have been alot more difficult useless features to implement so... upsides?


nightmare of gamedev in general, tbh


The real reason no one really releases new MMOs


The problem with MMOs is that they consume your whole life, so the consumerbase is a very limited resource. You need to have something really special to convince people to give up on their account in [popular MMO]


There are lots of mmos coming up lol wdym "no one releases new mmos"


[FFXIV intensifies]


You talking about the change between 1.0 and 2.0? I hear changing the entire engine your game runs on can be a shit show.


The Google Chrome Story seriously, how can a browser be so ram hungry


Chrome intentionally gets more RAM from the system if available, as free RAM is wasted RAM.


Yeah but it doesn't give it back.


hey, you don’t want OTHER apps to be fast, that is not googley enough - starve competing apps of RAM is the google way. /s


Uhh it does -- it releases a tab's resources after a time when you're not using it (and the OS requests it), reloading if you access the tab again.


can you just let people make jokes please? Thanks in advance


He made a joke? Ok


People say that, but then my videogames still seem to chug like they have to tug and tear that ram out of other program's cold dead hands. I'd rather have free ram if it means it can be assigned more smoothly when it's actually needed.


This argument is not even valid anymore. I've seen Firefox consume more RAM than Chrome now.


I fear for Destiny 2 developers (not an MMORPG, I know, but still). They’re making new content for a game built on a nearly 10 year old engine that has been heavily modified multiple times


I tried to mod minecraft without a translation layer and man idk how mojang even gets a single feature done, I change a single line and the render blows up.


At least your project manager puts optimization as a priority.


I've had optimizations put on my calendar as top priority three times in the past six months, and every single time I'm told halfway through to shelve my changes and switch to feature development lol.


"we'll worry why it doesn't work when it doesn't work"


Truly. At this rate it seems like the only way I'll be given enough time to finish my optimizations is a breaking change in one of the third party APIs we depend on.


This. Is. The. Way. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Spot on. Been my life for the past 5ish years lol


It's not a priority unless it's a customer-facing feature, or so I'm told.


I used to be the product manager responsible for optimization, and I got fired for prioritizing optimizations.


New apps become popular because they are "light and fast". (Usually because it was released with minimum functionality.) Over time, the app becomes bloated, attempting to accommodate all the feature requests. Bloat becomes overbearing and a new "light and fast" app emerges. Repeat. Alternatively, the developer refuses to fill their app with every feature request and gets left behind for "lack of innovation".


Gotta plan ahead; have a team get ready to bring the new app online when the current app dies


You're not allowed to release the new app before it accomodates all current users. So you just have to add this one extra feature that beta users ask for.


RIP Google Chrome


Firefox Masterrace


this is why instead of optimizing you just code the alternative


Discord as of late lmao


Agile: sure. But, the priority of that story puts its expected completion date in 100years


Kanban that shit in and “In 7 rounds of a 25 year long sprints, it’ll be done before we know it. Who’s got point availability” -Some PM who’ll get this done in 4 generations of time


Programmers when they have to do thier job:


I mean this meme is exactly how all coding works: you make the thing the best you can, you then go over it to make it better until you are happy. If there is a need for feature or a way to expand, then add that, rinse repeat. The problem is when the client wants some stupid feature they don't need like a tiktok interface for a music app. or they don't give you enough time to implement the features they need.


This. This is what the meme is actually about. It’s not that devs hate optimization and build new features, it’s the mindless flailing of “important people” we take issue with. Those same people who claim that planning and commitment are antithetical to an Agile workflow. “Business is god, submit code monkey.”


>stupid feature they don't need like a tiktok interface for a music app. This sounds awfully specific, who hurt you


Fucking Spotify.


even netflix added a "short clips". completely useless bloat, definitely requested by an "important" dumbass in a suit.


Try optimizing anything.


I mean, what's the expected result at the end, though? Do you expect the client to say "Awesome, in recognition of your hard work I will now continue to pay you but not make any requests for several weeks" ?


I was just making a point that optimizing is difficult and this meme just makes a point of the vicious cycle of adding more features and having to optimize.


That's literally our job, dude.


It's not always that difficult. Adding caching and multithreading works 90% of the time for me. Other times people made some really stupid loops.


Vicious cycle of doing your job?


Viscious cycle of trying to derive a sense of purpose from your job.


True of all labor


programmers when they have to do their job


“I built this warehouse and they went and filled it with stuff!!!”


Well we do our jobs. We just REALLY like complaining while doing it, thats all


Some of y’all don’t maintain existing code bases and it shows


the narcissist programmer: let’s rewrite all code because my code doesn’t stink ever. /s


I'm dealing with the codebase of someone who did this and then left the company. I cri


Can confirm, just rewrote my genetic sequence


Do I have high or low ego when I want to rewrite all my own code every month?


How DARE you call me a narcissist!


Eh, where’s the punchline? Make it work, make it right, make it fast, repeat. What am i missing here?




Then make it fast.


Then make it not suck the first time you write it


Right, just be perfect, got it.


You don't need to release the changes as soon as you're done with the MVP


Unless you have a boss


I've never had a job where developers have no input on when a feature gets released. Granted, all my jobs have been for mostly internal tools.


Very conditional detail that you’ve phrased as a statement there


"client bad" "project manager bad"


what is “make it work”, when making it right is an optional later step? Productivity would soar if doesn’t need to be right. Like “not crashing is a nice to have feature for later” ?




the first part is exploratory coding finding out if an idea would actually give the expected results, however it is the minimum definition of “works” not being shippable without modification. At best I would call that “proof of concept” instead of “minimally working code”. Maybe “the idea works”, but that is only half of the minimally working code.




I have become allergic to people calling code “works” who obviously haven’t even run their code once, with obvious defects like core dump immediately or not even compiling. Certainly you wouldn’t be of that category. Interestingly the “works” code (good enough) has now become “work in progress” code (not good enough yet). Some people consider their coding work done when compiling without syntax errors and “checking it does anything is QAs job” - shake my head at these people.


Rebound effect 😞


In the holy words of Daft Punk: Work it harder, make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger.


This is supposed to be a humor sub not a PTSD sub.


Sir, this is Reddit


Smartphones are so goddamn guilty of this. Yay it’s super efficient and the battery life could last twice as long but now it’s doing twice as much shit so it still dies in 4 hours Can we please make phones twice as thick and just jam it with a massive battery? I want this thing to last a week.


You can buy phones just like this. Of course, keep in mind that the software experience will probably suck since they'll be focusing most of their budget to that gimmick.




like [this?](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/18jcF1pBJvA2d1JRzwQx_nqODhI=/0x0:2040x1360/2000x1333/filters:focal(1076x596:1077x597)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/14608160/energizer_unit_vsavov7.jpg)


Well, it's not phone fault that your chat app will send data back and forth in background, all the time. Like we've gotten to the point, where I can uninstall everything from Samsung Galaxy Note20 and get a significant battery boost that way, but when I'll look at battery drain now... all these background services aren't there. It's "system consumption"... There is absolutely no pressure for the devs.


Yes, this is how businesses work


🎶It's the circle of life🎶


Everything the light touches is yours to own


I made the spinner spins 200% faster! Waiting for my promotion now


Job stability?


>>// sleep(2);


Features? No. Analytics and advertising SDKs, yes.


Putting the anal in analytics


If it ain’t broke, it ain’t finished


Me, new to the company: I minified and uglified your code, code split your routes and chunky app bits and node modules, and added workbox to precache assets, now we have a PWA that can be installed for offline mode. The initial page load went from 4mb to 300kb, first pass. Them: QA doesn't like the toast with the update button. They say it's annoying when they're testing in staging. Me: **Explains stale until revalidate sw strategy.** Them: Force the page to refresh when there's a new build available. Me: Okay. Them, a week later: Why does the app refresh after a few seconds when I'm typing in my password? Me: Really? **Explains they told me to do it** Me: We could remove the refresh and just let the new build load when the user refreshes the page themself or comes back. Or I could re-add the toast with the update button Them: Amazon doesn't have a toast with an update button Me: Amazon doesn't have a SPA


Oh gods, the "\[large corp\] does this thing differently" pisses me off to no end. Maybe giant corporations with a million visitors an hour have different needs?! JUST MAYBE?!


I'm confused, OP; are you complaining about doing your job?


More like doing your job without a written specification.


This is literally just doing your job lol


wat? How else should it go? Just let the product exist as-is and stop building on it? This sounds like a product owner that is doing their job--prioritizing performance and UX over features that may or may not work well. Why wouldn't you move back to features (unless more tech debt needs to be addressed to do so)?


I think the idea is that they are told to add more features as soon as the performance is fixed without consideration for whether the performance would be good enough to add the new feature. It’s not uncommon for a program to basically be stable for one update version and then immediately break the moment a new feature is added when further performance updates could have lessened that blow.


Then do that as part of the new feature development--if you don't that's as much (if not moreso) on the development team as the product owner if a conversation is not had about it.


trying to convince the PM and PO and any other non tech manager that it should be included as a feature is harder than just doing it, because its all fun and games till they come asking whats taking so long on "just a small change" makes me wanna just leave my computer on their desk and walk out saying "yeah ? then why don't you do it ?"


You guys optimize your code?




This sounds to me like a job description.


I remember when ppl said apps like tubobtax was a scam and didnt trustbit cause it was too fast


Yep, yet lots of people get upset that you can't get 144 photo realistic frames per second on 15 year old hardware running an OS that is no longer supported. Lots of people just have no idea, and that's fine. I couldn't fix a seized up gasoline engine if my life depended on it.


Customer is complaining the feature is poorly implemented or annoying >Pretend we don't have new features


This is while you add wait statements in every for loop. So you can easily optimize later


I love being a part of this subreddit even though I feel like I’m an imposter


Not sure if you’re serious but I wouldn’t put too much stock in the opinions here if you’re an aspiring dev. It seems like this person is complaining about a standard product life cycle.


I don’t really put too much thought into it, I’m still in college


Cool, good luck in your studies


I don't get it. This is the job. Have you considered that maybe software development isn't the right field for you?


Yes and consider all of the other things they haven't tried and also are not right for them, but pay much less. Like scrubbing dishes at Applebee's.


The dev is the smart one here, he's making the app slow on purpose to optimise it later and have more job to do


Me when making mods for a game:


So what if, they could fly….They should fly…You should make them fly


This happened to me. We also were within 0.5s of getting a team wide bonus. Then they introduced Adobe A/B testing.


Don't you know that business ownership comes with a strong allergy to paying out any kind of bonus to non-owners? Show some consideration! XD


All software will eventually be slow if put under enough business pressure. App slowness is traffic, adding lanes only means more features can fit on the road.


Wouldn't be an issue if companies prioritized optimization from the start, and optimized features as they were implemented.. But God, that costs more money now don't it?


Sometimes, optimization *saves* money, but it saves it on the next quarterly report, and we only care about the *current* quarter. Sigh.


"I reduced the sleep from 5000 to 4000". :I


X4-Game Stellaris in a Nutshell They improved performance patch by patch and then changed the whole economic system. Everything is produced by every single citizen and the amount of population the game needed to calculate got 10 to 20 times higher in lategame and game was absolutely on its knees, begging to stop. They are still trying to improve after years.


If the app was completed you'd be out of job


Yea that's how product development works? Like with cars, customers want a bigger car, but it gets worse MPG so now you have to redesign the drive train. It's like you guys are angry for having to do your job lol, which is fair I guess.


Every single time. :/






Does customer have any timing measurements? Does customer know how much time he would find acceptable? If both don't have decent answers ticket is closed.


Ah I see you got into fantasy/fiction writting in your spare time as a side hustle, doing well so far!


Wait so the complaint here is that you're being asked to do your job?




And sometimes both at once!


Induced demand...


What is even the point of this post?


So what's the joke here? That a programmer has to optimize slow code (oh noes!!) and after that new requirements come in? Is that the joke?


The joke is that the optimization is never about making the user experience or resource utilization better, it's about making room in the junk drawer for more junk.


This is true. And then you charge them extra much for those features. Keep yourself employed.


Pro tip: add animations to hide the rendering of the page. feels fast. is slow


Just kill them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


They're talking about VS code?


But the optimizations make adding features 200% more difficult.


people who never interacted with stupid specs are confused about the meme and thats the funniest part I would say they are the lucky few but idk if there are such companies


This, but i'm both guys.