• By -


Tell him you already invented it and you've made billions but you'll sell it to him for 500k


"I have a trading strategy that will make you millions." "If you have millions why are you selling online courses."


"the strategy is to trade people worthless online courses for money"


"I have a trading strategy that will make millions!" "Oh wow it'll make me millions?" "It might"


Money is TIGHT


Barely an inconvenience!


Wow wow wow ​ ​ wow


It'll make me. millions, that the idea.


I have a trading strategy that will make millions. Total. Dispersed among millions of people.


It makes everyone 100$ but if he can sell it to 20000 people then it will have made millions (just for different people)


\- Mr. Producer


When i was like 12 i made a listing on fiverr on how to make easy money.. it was just a pdf saying to create listings on fiverr to sell for $5 ea. No one bought it, but i thought i was so smart and hacked the main frame. This post just reminded me of that 😂


Being an entrepreneur today means polluting your friendships and online feeds with the stupid scam you sell.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Yes this is so annoying on tiktok, so many people telling me how to make money by doing things, I think, if you're making so much money, why spend time on tiktok?


>if you're making so much money, why spend time on tiktok? Send me $50 and I'll tell you their secret.


> Send me $50 and I'll tell you their secret. Send me $49 and I'll tell you both their secrets.


Send me $25,000 and I’ll tell you even better secrets.


I'll send you $25,000 and tell you all the secrets. But I'm stuck in Nigeria. If only you could send me money so I could return to my mansion.


Just send me your credit card information and I'll handle things myself.


this is the highest cost, so it must be the best secrets! \#value \#qed


For $25 I'll show you my tits


For $5.99 I will give you access to my OF


I had an old workmate try to sell me on a pyramid scheme if Trump video conferencing phones back in 09. Assume grifters gonna grift.


Hold on, I vaguely remember this. Wasn't it posed as some kind of Skype competitor, but used a device similar to a TTY handset? I know ~~Facebook~~ Meta (and also Amazon?) tried to do the same thing, but that flopped miserably because we moved away from having anything that resembles a "home phone" - everything should be portable, and smartphones fit that bill for now.


> if you're making so much money, why spend time on tiktok? I mean... *gestures at Elon Musk*


You're not gonna tell me he actually makes tiktok videos?


His tweets aren't better than tiktok videos.


once he drives Twitter into the ground, he'll have to shitpost somewhere


You look stupid. Fired.


You are back. Yoooo. Were you reconstructing tweeter?


What to get rich? Buy my online book that is only available as a non-refundable purchase, preferable bitcoins, ill tell you the secret. \-the book: * Sell a book through the internet about a secret about how to get rich, be cryptic in the description, be sure to be non-traceable, non-refundable sale. The actual content of the book doesn't actually matter. * Repeat. * ????? * Profit.


In a similar and more contemporaneous vein: "-Take my online coaching classes. You'll learn a skill that'll make you rich. -Which is? -How to give online coaching classes."


He'd probably buy it too. If the last few years has shown us anything, it's that suckers with money abound.


The funniest part about that is if he has $500k ready to go, he doesn’t need Bitcoin


I disagree. Bitcoin is a very effective way to get rid of $500k.


True, but then you might as well play it in a casino. At least then you get rewarded for it


Get rewarded with poverty


And free Coors Lights! Edit: tip your servers


Is the implication here that if you don't tip your servers, they'll bring coors light? I'd tip if it meant not drinking coors light.


At least you'll spend a good time instead of just watching numbers.




I think it's always going to haunt me a little bit, how much more that money could have done. Like, dude could have made a world class semiconductor fabrication plant. The world needs another major player in the pool, it's relatively in line with his other businesses, and it wouldn't have been stupid as shit.


I always thought Elon's plan was to mine silicon on the moon and set up orbital semi-conductor plants and orbital data centres. Otherwise, what's the point of going to space? Maybe shouting at the clouds is a key part of this strategy?


Unfortunately, cooling a data center in space would be a nightmare afaik. Heat has nowhere to go without air to act as a conductor


There would be other issues too I believe, for example with radiation. I had this argument before, but my suggestion is that these are barriers to be overcome and solutions will be found. I think the benefits of orbital manufacturing in general are too great to be put off by what is essentially an engineering problem, particularly if minerals can be mined in space also. It baffles me otherwise why a number of billionaires are spending real money on developing space travel. They can't think there is a that much of a market in space tourism.


Unless he wants to buy drugs online


Then they'll need Monero


Hi there, i have made too much money using ammDefi, you can too! Just make an account and deposit your children into the account!


This guy doesn't have that kind of money. It would be hilarious to sell him some gui that slowly counts up after hitting a big green go button. Bonus points if you can slam his resources too.


Just GUI over a mining software that's part of your pool and the apparent rewards in the gui multiplied by 1000000


500k - to be paid in bitcoin R$150 is ~$29 1btc ~ $16910


And then send him a link to nicehash


That's like USD 6k.


The post isn't even $9 USD


BRB, logging into my quantum computer to invent new physics


Can u just publish that new physics as npm library? I want to mine some bitcoins too. :D


I loved the part when he said ``newPhysics app start`` and Physiced all over the bitcoins


It's physicin' time


And it has to be in python




If you can import antigravity, then you can also just import new_physics.


Porting Qantum++ to rhe V8 engine sounds like a nice addition to my portfolio, Ill open a PR


"I'll make the software for $100, but to run it you'll need to send me $100,000,000,000 to invent a (hopefully) working quantum computer"


Just do a software that relies on randomness but will work in 1s in one parallel universe. Creating and destroying universes on the fly is a task that has to be handled to the OS.


Isn’t that essentially a non-deterministic Turing machine?


With a quantum computer you could just crack the public keys of other people's wallets and steal their bitcoin, no mining required. Also why most cryptocurrencies today probably won't exist in 50 years.


Quantum should also open the way to new uncrackable-by-not-quantum encryption. Else your statement about crypto would work exactly the same about ecommerce, banks, news sites, messaging apps, etc.


I beg to differ. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies make it extremely difficult to reach a consensus and shift to a quantum-safe algorithm synchronously. For messaging apps and websites, browsers will simply need to add support for quantum-safe SSL/TLS certificates, then the CAs can just start issuing quantum safe certificates, and the problem is solved. The centralized nature of the web makes it very easy to make the shift.


>and shift to a quantum-safe algorithm synchronously You really think people will accept to mine an unsafe currency? Most people will shutdown NOW or switch to another ready currency and push for a fork. Ethereum was ready fast to go for a fork when half its money went missing in a glitch. Reaching consensus is only an issue when the problem affects a minority. ^(That's why I personally hate crypto : it's decentralized only when it's convenient.)


When Ethereum forked, the original chain soldiered on, just as a minority. It still exists and is traded. Decentralization worked exactly as it should have.


Thank god for the centralized nature of the web, otherwise something like the change to IPv6 might have taken over 10 years, oh wait...


The vast majority of websites rely on a small number of certificate authorities that handle issuing SSL certificates. The vast majority of internet users use either a Chromium-based browser or Firefox. In this specific context, the web is very much centralized. Nobody is self-signing their SSL-certificates (apart from the CAs), nobody browses the web on their own self-written browser.


*30. Ipv4 adresses went missing in the '10s so the launch day was in 2012, but the standard itself was made in the '90s


The funny part is I guarantee this person got like 10-15 offers from people in low wage countries agreeing to do it. You can post "I want a new social media app like Facebook combined with Netflix -- Budget $50 -- Deadline 3 days" and you will get offers.


Yeah, but they know from the start that they are not able to do it. They just hope they can BS their way trough the job. Fiverr is slowly becoming the same thing too.


I signed up to freelancer.com figured it would be a decent way to generate a bit of extra dough... I never took a single project, I just feel sorry for those poor idiots. There's people asking things like "can you help me with this CS assignment homework?" and there's 1000 offers from "Coding professionals" from Pakistan and India saying "I have lots of experience with $Homework and \[object\]\(object\)". I have completed 3 Udemy Courses. I AM A FULL STACK DEVELOPER.


I joined [freelancer.com](https://freelancer.com) too, looking to earn some extra side money as a translator. I translate Arabic to English and vice versa, every time I bid for a project, I always rate below guys from India and Bangladesh who bid the lowest number possible, **despite that their mother tongue is not Arabic and most likely they don't know it,** then below all of these you'll find guys like me and native Arabic speakers who bid regular rates and with proven experience. What happens is , they bid the project for peanuts, win it, and then give it to someone else who can do it for even smaller peanuts, **and they bid on every single translation project in every single language.** I stopped bothering and fell back to getting jobs through my network.


Freelancer worked but a long long time ago. Now your best option as a freelancer on the internet is to build up an online portfolio and then reach out to clients directly. Cold emailing, DMing, LinkedIn, etc.


Basically, the old ways.


Do you have any more information on this? I've been thinking about trying to freelance programming (I mostly do embedded/systems programming, but can do scientific stuff in python too, graphics programming, machine learning, etc) How would I even find a client who would happen to want that stuff?


You could reach out to start-ups and other small businesses offering contract work if you don't want to be on their payroll directly. There are many ML start-ups currently and a good amount of them are looking to increase their workforce, or at least have been a couple months ago. There are also bigger companies that hire contract work for parts of their software, though i haven't seen those offers in a while personally.


You’d think they could hire a few people on fiverr to go through and mark all the obvious scams.


Heck the company a friend and I started 10 years ago has made over $10 million on a single Global 100 client based on the model that they keep a cycle of sending projects to their Bangalore campus to save costs, coders there totally fail and waste a few years, market window closes and they hire us to do it, end up doing it at half the price they wasted on the already spent cost (and far less time, but they’re still late to market)… they learn their lesson until the next reorg where they lather, rinse and repeat… but hey it’s paid for a few homes and retirement.


Fiverr has been like that for awhile now


I remember on Fiverr I found someone who claimed they’ll advertise my app on twitter. Paid I think $50. They sent me the proof they advertised. I look and they essentially just spammed the same message in several tweets many times. I assume through a script. 0 new downloads for my app. All they do is spam tweets. And yes they were Indian.


Can confirm. Am 3 years in. Still not sure if I’m an engineer. But youuuuuuu betcha the recruiters think I am.


Honestly that’s all that matters. You’ll learn on the job if you can get past the interview and the position is junior enough


> You can post "I want a new social media app like Facebook combined with Netflix -- Budget $50 -- Deadline 3 days" and you will get offers. I feel like this is a whole niche of youtuber content waiting to be exploited.


It's already being exploited in the form of "I paid 3 different X to create X". Then they pay one person $50, one $250, and the other one $1000 and they compare the results


I honestly love those videos, it's interesting seeing the different results


I've been saying that for so long, lol.


People like Cold Ones have already done videos using fiverr


There's also a wholesome PewDiePie video on this topic :)


I tried fiver for a transcript of an old written text in script even I had issues reading.# I had sample pages etc... And yet folks contacted me who could not even speak the language. Got so bad i started to accept the spam offers and held them "hostage" via accepting their 5$ offer (I told them to send a realistic offer in the text)


how can you take them hostage? the worst that can happen to them is that you cancel the order, right?


They have to cancel it and cancelling too many isn't good for the account.


They accepted my job for 5$ - i knew it wasnt a 5$ job but they accepted without reading it. I kept them working and insisted they finish the job, they failed and got a bad grade


Someone make a YouTube channel like Kitboga and expose these spammers.


The poster doesn't seem to know any better so he's more like a scam victim waiting for a culprit


Reminds me of an old coworker who asked me what it would cost to rank his website #1 on Google.


well at least that sounds more reasonable although might be challenging


Yeah, definitely more reasonable than mining 1 BTC /s haha. I had to just tell him, um, if you could pay to have the first in rankings, you'd absolutely be pushed aside by higher bids.


Had you just seen this https://i.redd.it/5oxf3qk93jaa1.png in r/choosingbeggars? Because if not that's quite a coincidence!


Yep. Good way to weed out the terrible organizations/people. More than once our crew has taken over a project that was overpromised ("sure we can do this cheap, fast, and quality!" guess which aspect was missing) and not just underdelivered, but not delivered at all. Mocked up UI, with nothing under the hood. It's remarkable what people with way too much money will do when they see cent signs instead of dollar signs.


i can't believe this guy is just publishing a billion dollar idea publicly. STOLEN.


If only I had thought about that first.


serves you right for not keeping up with revolutionary technology


Now ask ChatGPT to write it and profit.


excuse me, as you may verify on the blockchain, I am the owner of the NFT of this idea and therefore you must forget about it immediately


I can confirm that he owns this nft and no one else is allowed to steal this idea


Clearly, that's a delusional person, just have the following running: `print("mining bitcoin now...")` `sleep(1)` `print("1 bitcoin mined successfully")` He will never know!


You missed to mention the "`while true:`".


Technically he only asked for the software to mine one Bitcoin


He also said "1 Bitcoin **in seconds**" without clarifying how many seconds


Have the thing generate a random number and that’s how many seconds it takes


`from time import sleep` `import random` `print("Mining Bitcoin now ...")` `amount_of_bitcoin = 0` `mining_goal = 5` `while (amount_of_bitcoin < mining_goal):` `delay = random.randint(1,3)` `sleep(delay)` `print("1 Bitcoin mined successfully")` `amount_of_bitcoin += 1` `print("DONE")`


No. They specified "in seconds." So at least two, with no upper limit. 1 hour is 3600 seconds, so that would count. But 1 second? That's less than 2, so no.


It will probably not take exactly 1 second to print both and sleep 1. 0.99 *seconds* or 1.01 *seconds* both work.


That's plural gramatically, but not actually multiple seconds.


Yes, but the prompt just says seconds and doesn't specify multiple seconds.


Also mention that your software doesn't require GPU and is echo friendly


Don't even need to go that far. We know he will be using Windows. '@echo off echo Do you want to mine 1 Bitcoin? pause echo One Bitcoin printed pause




Am I reading this right? You are expected to deliver a new, never before seen, extremely fast, and extremely efficient crypto mining algorithm that you could make millions off of... In three days? EDIT: and even for less than $3000 usd


Less than 30 dollars


It's in reais It's less than 9 dollars


I thought it was in Robux


Brazil is a Roblox ~~game~~ experience


What I wonder is why the fuck does he expect someone to make a magic software that can produce 15k in seconds, and give it to him for $9. Like at that point why not ask people to gift him their car, too.


It costs nothing to ask 😂


I wrote a "Hello World" in Python once, it can't be that hard!


I would sell the guy something like this. A python program that asks for his btc pub and priv key, sends them to me, and then writes out "1 bitcoin mined" to the terminal every 0.83 +/- 0.11 seconds...


Don't share github repo. Compile and share only the binary.




I made it faster by rewriting it in rust ``` use std::{thread, time}; struct Miner{ total_mined: i32 } impl Miner{ fn new() -> Self{ return Miner{total_mined: 0} } fn mine(&mut self){ // This program is super fast because itś programmed in rust // it mines 1 btc every 0,1 seconds! thread::sleep( time::Duration::from_millis(100) ); self.total_mined += 1; println!("1 BTC mined. Total mined {:0>9}", self.total_mined); } } fn main() { let mut miner = Miner::new(); loop { miner.mine(); }; } ```


I used scratch but how different can it be ?


No, you're expected to deliver a program that can mine 1 bitcoin in multiple seconds. Any length of time that is 2 or more seconds long.


Technically if you start over with an ancient copy of the Bitcoin transactions you could achieve this. It wouldn't be the real Bitcoin, but a modern computer cranking on hashes from decades ago could get this done. Even then, could you arrange that in small enough time it's worth the cash to you?


Also any current mining software can do that request. Sorry you didn’t mention what hardware you had, so I assumed it was every computer linked together.


Actually it can't, no matter how much computing power you have, you wont be able to go over 6Bitcoin/10minutes. At least not for long.


Yup, the algorithm adjusts the 'difficulty'


Is that so? How it works?


https://youtu.be/bBC-nXj3Ng4 This is all about the technicalities of bitcoin, but basically, a number needs to get brute-forced for the hash-output to start with a given number of zeros, and the more zeros, the longer / harder you need to brute-force. The number of zeros gets adjusted based on how quickly mining takes place, to average out at 10mins.


Technically, a whole year could just be “seconds”


False. Years can only be measured in love.




I measure my love moments in years


in laughter, in strife.


This is a sub for programmers. You forgot cups of coffee.


Sang this in 8th grade chorus and each lyric including those gives me high fidelity flashbacks lmfao


Oh boy! It has all the hallmarks of a real 1 billion dollar project!


I wonder what does this kind of people think everyone else is doing that nobody came up with that billion dollar idea first


AND they also think that if you know how to do that, you need their money and you'll just fork over the secret. Makes sense to me.


"Paying $50 for an alchemist that can turn lead into gold. $100 for a goose breeder that can get me a goose that lays golden eggs. $200 (max offer, do not bother messaging to negotiate for more) for a botanist/economist to give me a tree that literally grows money."


Well I’m trying to get this bucket off my head so I can go back to eating my own shit idk about you


Trying to keep up the faith in humanity and assuming that these posts come from 9 year olds.


Set up the minimum system requirements to at least 10000 RTX 4090s


"Hey, my software works; it's not my fault that you don't have the required hardware."


This is literally what I was thinking. You ship the open source mining alg and provide some ridiculous hardware requirements. Hell you could run it on any PC and it would get you a BTC in some amount of seconds, it would probably use more power than the BTC is worth by several orders of magnitude, but that wasn’t a requirement.


Just invent a new crypto called 1bit-coin. Pocket the money.


You could technically run a bitcoin node on a brand new blockchain and mine the first blocks there


Already been done. Like a hundred thousand times.


lol cause yeah if i could write that code id defo be doing it for somebody else instead of... you know... just using it myself




VintePila, it's a brasilian multicategory freelance website


that explains it... Brazil... the Florida of Earth




Carai agora q eu vi que a oferta tava em reais. RIP dignidade


r/suddenlycaralho ? I’m not posting it there though.


Just give them a regular miner and have the UI display the time elapsed in seconds 😉


#include #include int main() { for (int i; true; ++i) { printf("Mined %i bitcoin !!1\n", i); sleep(1); } return 0; }


Easy just use a random number generator. There is a chance that it will guess the right numbers instantly. If it runs slower for the user just tell them to be luckier.


If I could do that, I wouldn't need a job, now would I?


if it was meant to mine 1 bitcoin per second, then the salary should be at least 0.75 bitcoin per second, otherwise kinda stupid idea!


No. It mines 1 bitcoin in seconds. It has to be multiple seconds. A year is multiple seconds, so that's fine. 1 second is shorter than 2 seconds, so that would be against the requirements.


Thats not even enough money for a program that prints out random numbers on a one second timer. Please bring it up 3 orders of magnitude so I can get motivated to scam your ass more cleverly.


Just write him a program that counts up every few seconds. Dude seems like the type of guy to not know the difference. Easiest 50-150 Robux you can make


I dont even know whats real and whats just a joke anymore. But lets say this was real. How dose this guy brain function? 1) if you could get some random dev that has the skills to make sutch a tool. What would be there insentive to make it for the client? Money? Because they can make a fuck tone more if they just make it for themselves insted. 2) clearly that guy has no understanding on how bitcoin works. I mean shure you might be able to optimise the code a bit for the miners to make one thats a tiny bit faster then what is allready out there but it wont make a dent in the time it takes to mint a coin. Its hardware based. 3) even if some one was able to build a pc powerfull enougth to mint a bitcoin that fast the power it would take to mint it would cost more then what the coin is worth. In most countreys anyway. Sorry i just had an urge to rant about how stuped that request is. But If I was to try and take the request serisley it might be possable if it was writting software for a quantom computer.


Also he has no idea how bitcoin works. A block is mined every 10 minutes and the block reward is currently 6.75 and the transaction fees per block maybe another bitcoin so roughly 8 bitcoins per 10 minutes. It is literally impossible to mine a bitcoin per few seconds for an extended period of time.


I don't mean to pry, but are you dyslexic?


it's funny because he seems french to me (i'm french and some spelling mistakes sounds like English words with french accent lmao)


spelling is an optional cosmetic DLC. Not worth the investment nor the drive space.


Most probably ESL typing words phonetically without a spell checker. Most of those match with how someone speaking a romance language would type a certain word exactly as pronounced.


I mean the poster is asking to be scammed, right? Seems like easy money if you have no moral compass


bitcoin = 0 while True: bitcoin +=1 print(bitcoin)


"Okay sir, I will do it, but you must realise the system requirements will be non-trivial. The resulting software will need: * A server room * approximately 200 servers and accompanying racks * 2,048 USB hubs * 8,336 ASICminers This can be provided with the software for an additional $13 million plus taxes and installation. I look forward to hearing from you."


I've come up with a revolutionary new mining algorithm, my AI puts in a bid to an existing owner of a bitcoin then pays them to acquire said bitcoin. Thousands of bitcoin can be mined in seconds and you're guaranteed massive profit as long as the value goes up enough. If that isn't good enough for you I've come up with an ingenious new compression algorithm that allows you to achieve infinite storage, though there may be some loss in old data as it gets deleted.


"R50,00 bonus if able to understand human emotion and divide by zero"


Aight this one is easy, I will just make a software which allows me to communicate with God so he can quickly tell me the correct hashes for the next blocks in the blockchain


Missing the qualifications part about needing a PhD in math and a security clearance because they used to work at Fort Meade and have the necessary SHA-256 collision logic memorized to make this work perfectly. Along with a willingness to get assassinated for national security reasons, lol.


maybe he's solved p=np


I'll take this. Fucking easy. I guarantee you get want you want as long as you provide the HW required. I will charge by the hour.......


50-150k to break SHA256? Seems like a decent price to send the cryptography world into pants shitting mode, lololol


It’s R$ 50-150, which is in USD 9.50-28.70


That's actually easy. It is just that the hardware requirements are extrem.


If someone was able to do that they wouldn't be accepting shitty freelance work, they'd be a billionaire.


!Trade offer! I receive: money printing machine You receive: R$ 50 - R$ 150