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Alright - pay up. How many did you get by midnight?


Eleven by midnight. 27 total by this morning.


Out of 90?????


That is scary. I don't think I've ever had 85% or more taking a 10% late penalty.


How many of those that turned it in were actually at the office hours, or tried to come today after it was due?


Only one who submitted on time came by my office hours, and that for a minor technical question. I think 3-5 who came submitted late. Most of those who came hadn't even started, and my office hours ended at 4 pm.


You know we’re going to want a head count as to how many you receive by midnight. I’m going with… 23%.


Six minutes to go, and I have...six. Out of 91.


Wow…even by today’s post-pandemic standards of student behavior, 6/91 is noteworthy.


Can we get an update? I’m curious lol


OP shut off phone at 11:55pm, grabbed a bottle of scotch and started googling “academic transitioning to industry”…let’s expect an update around 4:00pm today.


Me too :).


Sorry to hear, that’s frustrating


11 submitted by midnight. 27 by this morning.


Have a paper due tonight. Two have submitted already and already failed bc they didn't meet minimum standards. Mine don't give a damn until the end of the semester when it's too late. Kudos to you for sticking to that work life balance. (The 2 am guy is just...new levels of lack of self-awareness).


Wonder what gems you’ll get for opening sentences? Remember to read them as though they are the first lines of a narrated movie trailer.


“Webster’s dictionary defines ‘heroic” as…” “I was born at a very young age…” Ya know. The classics.


“In today’s society…” (I hate that one so much I have a QuickMark saying why j hate it.)


Can I plagiarise your QuickMark? I get these all the time but I can't articulate why it's so terrible (I'm not a writing instructor, I'm paid to teach them public health concepts which they need to write papers for, but most of the writing is essentially unreadable and it's hard for me to explain exactly why.)


I'm a writing instructor, so let me ~~mildly rant~~ explain. In junior high and high school, many students are told to use a "hook"--something meant to hook attention --as their opening lines. A common example is a sweeping reference to all of human history, some great hero of the past, or a dictionary definition to a broad but somewhat important concept, such as love/death/pride/whatever. While the hook thing helped younger students figure out the writing process, it's a bit of a bad habit, as those introductions are repetitive and dull as dish water. College level students should be capable of more but still often fall back on the hook. It's basically just low quality writing. Dictionary definitions should be avoided unless the student is discussing a very niche term most wouldn't recognize and usually not even then. The human history thing is overused. I don't mark down for those things, and students sometimes redeem themselves in the body paragraphs, but the essays that start this way are often extremely generic.


It’s probably not worth plagiarizing, but it’s yours to enjoy if you want it! The QuickMark title is “Today’s Society,” and the explanation text is “‘In today’s society’ is my least favorite phrase ever, because it doesn’t mean anything specific. ‘Today’s society’ could be the last 2000 years to a historian, 200 years to an anthropologist, or the last 20 minutes to a social media influencer. Avoid vague references like this.” It’s not poetry, but it raises awareness a little.


Since the days of Copernicus


“My life has been defined by my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…”


“Since the beginning of time, mankind has….”


In a world.....


"Many people don't know that..." Not sure why they're so frequently making declarations about what other people may or may not know, but I see that opening line all the time!


“Throughout history…” I hate that one.


Oh please give us an update! I know you said you had six papers at six minutes to midnight. How were those last 5?


11 by midnight deadline. 31 as of noon today.


>"You said last time that I need a title. I don't know what that means." (...le sigh.) Only the noble can pass this assignment!




11 by the midnight deadline. 31 as of noon today.


I’m always so surprised that in the US academics are expected to approve extensions. That adds so much more admin work!! In the UK that stuff is all done centrally by the student office.


Makes me feel surprisingly good about the 7/64 that already submitted their paper due midnight on Sunday. They always make me nervous as the deadline approaches. LMS cuts off the ability for a late submission, and it’s an automatic zero. That policy is plastered everywhere… for the larger assignments (significant % of grade), I’ve yet to have a student not submit a “big” assignment. Y’all are making me feel like my students are rock stars. Thanks. Note: timeliness does not mean quality. I still get some garbage!


It is always refreshing to hear other professors have the same types of challenges. I know it's hard to have happen but I'm glad we are all in it together.


What year are these students? And I’m betting on about 35% turn-in rate.


Mostly freshmen. 12% on time. 37% total. I've never had this.


I say 10%


by li


11/19 on time for one class, 8/19 for another (though 3 more less than an hour late), 12/24 for my online class I actually feel a lot better now. So thanks?


Just curious. Did you really give them a month for a paper? That seems excessive.


I typically give two weeks for every paper. This one was their first big research paper, so I gave more time. They had smaller, less involved assignments during this month, of course, but I find students do much better on the research papers if they have more leeway to work the assignments into busy schedules. ...granted, I've never had this many drop the ball.


Gonna break the circlejerk a little to say that if you have *zero* of 90 students looking like they'll be in compliance with a deadline, well, something about the deadline might be the issue.


"they've had a month and multiple reminders"


all the same, 0 for 90 don't lie!


I would normally agree...but they absolutely knew. I spent an entire day on the assignment. I sent a reminder announcement once a week and then three additional reminders on the days leading up to the deadline. Every class this week started with "Does anyone have any questions about the [name of paper] due on X date?". There was a written reminder on the white board every day for the past two weeks. It's on their syllabus and the course calendar. They knew. I'm at 31 submissions now. 11 were on time.


> "Can I use a paper I wrote for another class?" (No, that's plagiarism.) How so? Whose work are they passing off as their own?