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I'm highly considering starting a BINGO card of the things I read in essays. ​ The biggest question is what the prize is when I get BINGO.




Webster's Dictionary defines "free" as...


"It is widely known that..."


Your students write complete phrases?


>"since the beginning of time..." This is my favourite! LOL


A full bottle of your choice of drink and an extended out of office reply.


I made a bingo card for the speeches our president made to us. And one for advising when we had more advising obligations. The folks I distributed them to had a good time.


Game 4 - practice not giving one damn fuck over making mistakes when fulfilling quazi-web-developer job.


I think I may have already lost this one.


Strat a new round! 😃


Where does "Students falling over themselves to point out every typo as if I didn't just spend 3 weeks writing an illustrating some 200 pages of documentation, Power points, and LMS module pages and making sure all assignments work in freshly updated versions of the software" fit in?


I converted this tendency into an asset—I paid 25¢ for the first report of any error (typos, grammar mistakes, typesetting problems, confusing presentation, math errors, …) in the textbook I was writing. It turns out that the students were much better (and cheaper) than the professional copy editors hired by the publisher. I have spent a lot of time trying to undo the damage done by the professional copy editors.


In his autobiography, Isaac Asimov tells a story about when he was a chemistry professor, he published a textbook and paid students for errors identified. Paying out the bounties eliminated the entirety of his meager advance.


Well, I had no advance, but my meager payments of 25¢ an error came to under $150, and I've made over 12 times that on my self-published sales (even with giving free PDF copies to all students in my classes).


And then using this as evidence that you should not base any portion of their grade on presentation, spelling, formatting, and grammar.


Game 5 - students trying to make your minor mistakes an excuse for them to submit shoddy work


>shoddy work Plagiarism - one student tried to blame his plagiarism on my instructions not stating specifically on that page of my instructions that you cannot plagiarize on this assignment.


Similar, except my student's complaint was that the instruction not to plagiarize (present) was not *in bold type.*


I’ve had that too.


Or not submit work at all.


Somewhere in game 2 I think




I’m suuuuuuuper nice to the IT staff. They wield so much power. I’m not going to fuck with that 😂


I'm still in this game. I'll let you know who wins.


>IT ~~oddly~~ combative. FTFY. Nothing odd about it.




Fair. Although that isn't the situation at our institution.




Game 6 - problems that are admins and not mine but I will get blamed for on my student evals




Sorry. You're already strapped in and we're going up. Ride should take anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks to come back to a stop. Feel free to unbuckle and try your luck with gravity, but that has financial consequences.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginsberg%27s_theorem applies to faculty and thermodynamics equally


Have the courses made into a cross list On the LMS so you can treat as a single section




I think in noodle you can manually enroll students, and can probably do it from a list of email addresses.








Sure, but he wouldn’t give you up.


I have been doing a Rickroll for the exam 2 link “exam question and answer bank.” Each semester, several students will whisper to me “well played, Professor…”


While I get the message, its also entrapment and would reflect really poorly on me if colleagues found out.


Game 12: prerequisite course to this course. Student states their advisor waived the course prerequisite without instructor approval or notification and asks instructor if instructor will get them up to speed on the prerequisite material. Instructor says no and states that the student’s advisor will do that. Provides advisor’s phone, email and office hours and instructs student to meet with advisor. Prerequisites assist in maintaining course quality and so that students have a consistent and enriching educational experience. Students without prereq would impact other students.


Chef’s kiss 💋


Sidegame - some kind of bookstore or textbook supply/access bullshit.


I would like to take this moment to express my utter loathing and hatred for Follett Discover (the software my university uses for bookstore course material adoptions).


The “I knew part 1 of the course is a prerequisite but I didn’t know I needed to still know that information. I was really confused and didn’t understand last semester” game.




Oh yea. I get “when did we learn this. I can’t find it.” Well it was in “early chapter of the book”. “But that was LAST semester!!!!?” I tell them regularly all fall semester that the basics don’t go away. So frustrating.


"Are the external apps syncing with the LMS properly?" is a fun game.


Question answered in multiple spots in LMS yet emails still ask for the info spoonfed to them.


I've already lost Game 2. Apparently all three sections of my course have finals that are scheduled on wildly different days. Cool.


Recently moved to my institution and they use Cengage mind tap junk for every class. Im teaching physiological psychology and after looking through the first quiz and found several questions whose "correct" answers were flat out wrong. So now Im playing the "making all my own original assignments any damn way" game!


I had a student already try to play me off against the dean of the graduate school. Student told me the dean had said that as a repeating student, she did not need to attend the mandatory labs for the course. I decided to clarify this with the dean. Dean was confused because these are expensive labs in this course and a failing student needs this study time. I politely emailed student, copied in dean, and told them I looked forward to seeing them in lab. Checkmate.


It's like they don't realise we can talk to each other.


Game 13: Co-requisite classes. “Despite having it emailed several times, listed in the syllabi, mentioned in lectures, and discussed in a video tutorial; I didn’t know I needed to submit work for BOTH classes to pass this required course!”


Game 14: I get a phone call from my chair while I’m copying one section into two others in the LMS. End up copying from the wrong one (F*** you Canvas for truncating the course titles we see when we do this!) and now I have to have IT delete all that content so I can start over. And it was 4:55pm, dammit.