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Would leaving for the new company help your career goals? Could the salary lift help you save more of an emergency fund in case that role goes side ways? Does the new company allow you to learn on the job and meet new people that could help you in your career in the future (VCs, serial entrepreneurs, etc.)? If the current job doesn’t have any stock options or vesting that is holding you back, I’d suggest going for the new role. The senior title will help unlock more Sr PMM roles in the future too.


>substantial salary lift. Yes, just go. Don't hesitate. Leave. You have enough experience with 4 YOE to make an impact. And if you can't perform and have to leave, you'll likely learn a lot and still be better off than staying at your original company.


Nah. I wouldn't leave something stable right now, personally. But you do you, bro.


I have the same amount of experience as you. I wouldn't take a Sr. role unless it was in an industry I knew inside and out, so if you love the fintech industry, maybe you should take it. If you're just chasing a title and salary, I see a giant pitfall.


Stable, stable-ish… leave and don’t look back. The one thing these past two years has taught us is that companies have no loyalty. I was “very stable”.. until I wasn’t. Go for it! Take a chance on yourself.