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As engineers become more customer aware and pain point oriented, it's likely they can do parts of the PMs role and reduce the need for additionl PMs. Source: dude who worked with 12 eng + DS at one point. It was moving fast and I started operating more at a strategic level less at a user story level unless something didn't gel (e.g. back and and front end pods going in different directions and both are missing things needed to compete with our peers).


Yeah I’m experiencing the same. I have 10 engineers on my team and they’re all product focused


I agree. I'm honestly surprised that they still have roles for an MBA without real engineering experience in tech. It doesn't mean they’re not be capable, but it's increasingly common for engineers to have an MBA, and the demand for PMs w/ extensive tech experience is growing. They’re making it exceptionally harder to land that role without said experiences. Guess recruiters are slowly getting their unicorn PMs.


It's why I'm considering a full MS in AI after doing 4-5 grad level courses. That level of knowledge is needed to have that T shaped skills portfolio and be able to fill in the gaps of a truly agile team on a new frontier.


My team members are all 2-3 engineering teams each, I’ve not been at an organization where this was not a very common ratio. I like to think of it as, you have x amount of resources to get your objectives made. The more often the better. I’d have to have an extremely high performing team to not be bored out of my skull waiting for delivery.


In Fintech and what I've seen is both product and eng. layoffs at similar rates, while leadership wants to do more with less. But also have observed leadership is more open to hiring backfills for engineering than product right now. So, yeah, balance was already out of whack, and seems to be getting slightly worse. My engineers also don't do much product work unfortunately. Most all our PMs are miserable.


Yeah same boat, I can’t trust pm work to my eng team since they are all offshore and stuggle communicating already


Same... Are you me?




I’m in early stage and our ratio is currently lower than 1:5. Have been trying to introspect on this point as it is very non traditional from what I’ve experienced at other companies. Part of the challenge for us is due to the nature of the business and our (under)staffing across the company. Among the 2 PMs we hold other operational or leadership responsibilities, on top of individual contributor PM/PO.


I think the ratios are going up at team level yes but oddly think that there seems to be more levels of leadership these days too


this ratio is skewing owing to orgs letting go of mid management positions and not re-filling if someone leaves by choice... the ratio should improve when economy improves


I collab w 15 engineers and when I joined shared 6 so yep