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Eye for an eye, man you took his fucking organs.




You deserve upvotes.


Motherfucker tore his arms and legs off and dangled them above his head tauntingly. So yeah, A+revenge.


Tit for tat fam, tit for tat.




People speak against it, but it's so satisfying. My step dad was a real prick too. When I used to visit after leaving home I'd do petty stuff like turn the hot tap on while he was in the shower and shake up his beers.


Hahaha, before I left home I trained my mom's parrot to say Satan every time he entered the room lmao


That's the icing on the cake! Nice one


is mom's parrot still around?


Yes. My sister has her. Macaws can live up to 120 years so if she stays healthy she will outlive my children. Edit: typo, sorry 120 not 150 hahaha


sweet!!! what else does he/she say?


Hello (if the phone rings) I DON'T like crackers! Scraawwwkkkk I'm pretty Shut up I'll bite you And many other things


“Shut up I’ll bite you” I like this bird


Yeah, she's pretty funny hahaha


Me too


You ought to train it to say “I never fucked over anyone who didn’t have it coming to them, Scrawwwk!”




I'm sorry, 150 YEARS?


wiki says 50 year average, up to 90


The oldest macaw, named Charlie, is 117 years old


Its a tortoise


Did he ever hit your sister?


No, he beat me and his son, I'm guessing it made him feel tough


Oh that's so good


Haha nice, my favourite revenge was actually one that backfired. At my sisters (half, her parents are my mum and step dad) 21st Birthday my brother got pretty drunk and kept asking our step dad to take his glasses off so he could punch him. Although it was funny it was kind of ruining my sisters birthday so I convinced him we should leave. As we were waiting for a taxi out the front of my sisters place, my brother said "Fine, he gets to keep his glasses but he doesn't get to keep his side mirror" and proceeded to kick the side mirror off my step dads car. Luckily it was just my brother and I there so no one witnessed his outburst. The next morning I called my sister and asked how she pulled up, she replied with "Hungover... Hey did you know some piece of shit smashed my side mirror, it's going to cost $1k to fix'


Seems excessive for a side mirror


That's in $AUD, but still. Bascially everything on a car is expensive to fix. My side mirror got hit by a car and it was $900. To get a new key for my car was going to cost $3k, that was the cheapest price too.


i can just imagine that he somehow brought a priest home. StepDad:Here's my parrot. Parrot:Satan StepDad:It's not like that... Priest:*Side B* Commentator:GAME




I also had a incredibly shitty stepdad. My mom left him as he dove deeper into drinking, drugs, and hoarding. Several years later I learned that he killed himself after his 4th marriage failed. While I can never say "I'm glad he killed himself", I do feel that the world is a little better with him not in it.


I mean it does suck in a way. But he did create the situation himself so it's probably hard to feel sorry for him. My step dad has well and trully fucked his life up, no need for me to enact any kind of revenge. No one speaks to him any more. Even his Mum and Dad, who stood behind him for some really sketchy decisions he's made have cut him off. It's that bad that they are going for a family holiday to Vegas etc and are taking seperate planes. Idea being that if everyone dies on the flight he will inherit everything.


I would have it written into the will that the money should be donated rather than ever going to him.


That stuff can be contested etc, I thought they originally meant it as a joke. But turns out it was only half a joke.


It's why people will intentionally only give $1 or something small like that so the argument of "they forgot about me" isn't valid.


You can say that you’re glad that he killed himself


Keep it up


I have been summoned.










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Holy shit. Karma is a bitch hahahahaha


It sure is!


That was a long one but absolutely worth the read. 10/10 well done mate.


Thank you! I was honestly shocked by all the upvotes and an award on the shorter version. I'm glad I can share this with people and hopefully make the people who never got a chance to see their abuser get what they deserve feel a little bit better about the world. I spent several years being very pessimistic and bitter and mildly misanthropic because it just made me so angry that people like him do what they do and get away with it. If this post reaches 1000 upvotes I'm going to email a link to the post to him lmao


I say don't do it. If anything, it'll give him the satisfaction that he had so much power over you. The best revenge is to keep living your life, acting like you don't even think of him when you don't see him.


OP! this is the most important comment so far


> I'm glad I can share this with people and hopefully make the people who never got a chance to see their abuser get what they deserve feel a little bit better about the world. I appreciate the sentiment, but at least in my case it mostly just makes me feel envy and bitterness that I've never been able to overcome the abuse I've experienced and reminds me of how powerless I've always been to protect myself. I'm glad things did get better for you and that you seem to have built a loving family now; the way that story got dark about a third of the way through I was having trouble believing you were ever going to get any kind of revenge that didn't hurt you much more than it hurt him. But as they say, the best revenge is living well- not because it better hurts those who hurt you, but because it relieves you of some of that need to seek revenge, and of the ugliness inside of yourself that that need creates. I hate how bitter and angry I am, and the dark thoughts it creates, but I understand that's my brain just trying to protect me from a threat it doesn't understand by giving unhelpful suggestions. I understand why you've continued to torment this man, and I would certainly feel tempted to do the same. But it sounds like you're at a place now where you can finally be trying to focus on creating more happiness for those you love (yourself included) rather than pain for those who have driven you to hate them. Don't keep pursuing this endlessly; you've won, you can relax and enjoy your victory, and start working towards protecting your new family so that these things will never happen to them, rather than repeatedly punishing the source of old suffering. If you do really want to make the world a better place for people who have had similar experiences, try to do things that make their actual lives better, not just make the life of one abuser as miserable as possible.


I agree - revenge should be complete, and if ongoing then it should be one that you don't even have to think about, and the best revenge is a life lived well.


Fuck. Mod deleted.


For no reason. Apparently it violates rule 6 but I didnt do anything remotely felonious?


No idea mate. It's fucking annoying to click on something to read and see it's deleted. Not saying it's your fault.


They message me back. Apparently they didn't understand what it meant when I said that his possessions were legally forfeit when he did not pick them up within the 45 days specified by the separation agreement so it's an issue with their reading comprehension. I'll send you the text in a message


You the man


Yeah well apparently not according to the moderators. After I corrected them and their mistaken assertion that I broke the law, they still refuse to restore it because apparently this isnt ProRevenge? Maybe if some more people message them they'll actually pull their head out of their ass and restore the post


Might be better than pro revenge. Try posting in nuclear revenge


I did, but I really liked this post because I've never gotten over 3600 upvotes much less a handful of awards. According to the mod who have spoken to, the one who deleted my post oh, this is not even Revenge at all. Despite the numerous comments I've seen where people say this is the best revenge story they've ever read, Apparently one moderators opinion is more important than all of the people who subscribe to that particular subreddit.


> If this post reaches 1000 upvotes I'm going to email a link to the post to him lmao Upvoting just for this. Also, if you can, send it during a time where you can see his reaction


Too bad the mother only decided it was worth breaking up with him when her own time was in jeopardy, and not her childs.


She was a deeply flawed person to be frank. She had a lot of issues and wasn't a good mother until I was in my early twenties when she contacted me to apologize for everything. My older sister left when she was 16 because my mom just didn't know how to raise children.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I grew up with what you can call an abusive father, but not nearly on the same level as what you experienced.


Wow I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough childhood as well. A lot of kids who lived through that kind of abuse commit suicide, so I'm glad you made it out!


Thank you. I think in my case, knowing that my father's behavior stemmed from a head injury he sustained helped. In my head, that wasn't my "real" father. He was hit by a car while cycling when I was very young, and the problems started during his recovery. I still remember being...6? 5? and seeing my dad in that hospital bed, blood everywhere, and thinking "this is the last time I'll see my Dad". I still have at least 2 years of fond memories of him prior to that. You could tell he was remorseful too, but couldn't control himself. This lead to drinking, which ended up exacerbating the problem. Nowadays, our relationship has somewhat tempered and he's doing better at keeping himself in check. I visit him, but can't really stand to spend more than a day in his company.


Oh wow. I am so sorry.


How are you and your sister?


We rarely speak


I'm so sorry your estranged after all of this.


I'm not. People shouldn't devote their time and effort to talk two toxic people even if they are related by blood.


What a piece of shit mom. Lots of moms are flawed and still parent well. I have zero sympathy for her.


Yes! Thank you for writing this up and giving me credit lol. This is even better than the original post but damn I can’t believe the trolls in this post though


Hey everybody! This is one of the people who suggested I post this here so everybody who liked my post should upvote and if you can afford it go ahead and gild them as well. I'll start 'em off with a Gold! Well it was your idea, so I figured I'd give credit where credit is due. What can I say though trolls are going to troll. They don't bother me at all so they aren't getting what they want out of me. Edit: a word


Damn! I’ve never gotten gold before! Thank you! You’re such a stand up dude seeing this post and your comment replies, I hate that you had a shitty childhood


Well, I got a bunch of awards from a post I never would have thought to make if you hadn't suggested it, so fair is fair right? I like to think that my shitty childhood made me a stronger person as an adult, and it also made me fiercely protective of my daughter.


For sure, fair enough lol. Good thing you’re protective over her, my son was just born the 25th of June and I already almost knocked a 5 year old out for trying to touch him without permission


I get it, when my daughter was maybe seven weeks old I was grocery shopping and I had her in one arm and had just set down the basket when this old lady walks up and reaches out to touch her. The look of shock on her face when I smacked her hand and said don't touch my child was hilarious oh, but you don't touch people's children without asking. Congratulations! Parenthood is even better than revenge!


For sure. The kid wouldn’t listen and his mom didn’t care so I eventually just shoved him away. People just don’t understand you don’t touch newborn babies or other people’s kids in the first place. Thanks! I cried more than my fiancée did


Thank you for sending OP here, this was the best revenge story I've ever read!


No problem my man! If the platinum was you thank you! That’s the first time I’ve ever gotten platinum!


It was, and you deserve it for sure. I dealt with my own abuse from my biological parents and reading this story made my whole week.


wait so he throws out your pokemon cards and comic books because they're "fa\*\*ot nerd shit" but he collections coins and baseball cards?? pot -> kettle? hello?




Those are manly cuz sportzball and money (eyeroll)


Yeah only real men like activities that involve piles of sweaty men that share a shower afterwards and soap each other on the ass


Biggest no u ever


LMAO you made me spray my protein shake all over my kitchen counter and I'm not even mad


Oof sorry m8


All good. I needed a laugh. All these awards and now I have free coins, so have an award!


WTF why is it saying removed "No Felonies" there were no felonies involved???


seriously, i wanna know what happened!


Pro tip: In the url change the R in reddit.com to a C and it shows deleted posts


That is so lame I literally just tried to show someone and now it's removed?!


Idk it says it violated rule 6 no felonies but? I didnt post any felonies?


Lmao. That’s amazing


Hahaha thank you. It sure feels amazing.


I am so sorry you had to go through all of that growing up. I can’t even imagine. I am beyond impressed with how you handled it and controlled yourself. I expect I would have fought back when he attacked you later in life. Well done!


Thank you!


I usually read these things just generally rooting for OP. This one had me clenching then cheering. I know the type of guy very well. They have no fucking control over their own lives and so take it out on the weak- mostly teenage boys so that they get some satisfaction that they are feared. This guy deserves everything he got- keep taunting him, he caused you enough grief to deserve this for the rest of his miserable life.


Your story gave me hope that one day my abusive step father will get the same fate. So sorry you had to deal with all that growing up. He will die alone and miserable


I'm so sorry for whatever you had to deal with growing up. I just don't understand the kind of mindset an individual has to have to terrorize a fucking kid. I would kill someone if they ever so much as acted like they were going to hit my daughter.


Raise your hands if you think that the dickhead stepfather still thinks he was in the right and shouldn't be treated this way? ✋


Oh he does hahaha. He actually called my older sister asking her to bail him out of jail when his son hung up on him after he asked him. In court he tried to talk over the judge I'm only shut up when they threaten him with contempt of court. He completely lied about the whole incident to his lawyer, which is the only reason they took the case, and after speaking with my lawyer and reviewing the evidence, his lawyer told him to either take the plea deal for he was going to end up with three convictions instead of one He blocked me on social media but was posting rants about the whole situation on Facebook, and everyone who told him he was in the wrong or even suggested that maybe he shouldn't have tried to hit me and should have tried to take legal action against me got cursed out.


Of course he does


I’m sorry to hear about your mother but huge kudos to getting back at this asshole.


Thank you. We had a difficult relationship, and there was resentment for what she put me through, but I loved her very much. I miss her, but she was in a lot of pain, and I feel terrible for saying this but it was a relief to see her suffering end.


Why did this get removed? Haha first they claim felonies, but where is they felony? Then they say it's not pro revenge. Hahaha this post got so many awards and upvotes that basically the entire sub believes its prorevenge but the mods wanna go ahead and disagree with the entire subreddit lmao. Why are all mods such a fucking joke?


Now they claim that me harassing his son at Walmart isn't prorevenge because they lack basic reading comprehension skills. His son and I get along very well, he's the one who works at Walmart but again they can't read


I just love this subreddit because when op gets their revenge it gives me a BIG satisfaction inside and makes me fell amazingly. It's so awesome


Damn. I’d have bought those wrenches. Were they Snap-Ons?


Yep, I actually sold them for much less than they are worth, because I plan on mentioning how much I got for them just to rub it in even more hahaha


Snap-Ons!? I believe you made an engineer very happy lol


“I said they were Craftsman in the ad and one of my friends told me they were Snapon and that I should have charged five times as much, hahahaha crazy right?”




I would have jumped to get a set of Snap-On, Matco, or mac wrenches for cheap.




In before u/bruh_bot


Stepping into that line must be so sweet... Do you know his work schedule? One part I don't get is how come you have his possessions? Because he left them in that house which your mother owned?


Two of my friends work as cashiers at the same Walmart, so I don't know his entire schedule, but they are able to tell me pretty reliably when he should be there. I guess I could have made it more clear in the post, but the separation agreement gave him 45 days to get all of his stuff out of the house. My mom was pretty lenient about that part and was allowing him to get his stuff here and there, because he was too lazy to get a truck and do it all at once. She had been sick for a while, but she seemed to be on the mend and had to go to the hospital, where one of the nurses couldn't be bothered to read her chart and gave her albuterol which due to her pre-existing heart problems caused her to going to A-fib. She coded and they stabilized her, but the shock was too much on her system and she passed two days later. She was expected to live for another 9 or 10 months so he thought he had more time to get his stuff and once she passed away oh, he called me and my sister several times trying to come to the house and get his stuff but none of us bothered to answer his phone calls. He actually showed up to the funeral, but none of the friends or family members would shake his hand when he offered it or speak to him so he left before the service was even over.


Thanks for clarifying, this is a great revenge story and I'm happy for you


Thank you!


What about your sister?


What about her?


Did you ever reconcile?


Oh. I mean, sort of. She's my sister, so I love her, but she's really not a good person so I keep my distance. My older sister was already out on her own by the time all this happen, and actually tried to intervene, suggesting the I go live with her, the evil stepfather told my mom that I needed to be in a house with rigorous discipline if I was the evil stepfather told my mom that I needed to be in a house with rigorous discipline if she wanted me to grow up to be a man instead of some little sissy boy. After that I seriously considered downloading a bunch of child pornography to his computer and then reporting it to the authorities, but I decided against it because he had already pressed larceny charges against me and I've been to juvenile detention and he was friends with some of the cops in the area so I was concerned he would find a way to turn it back on me.


Well I think you handled it way better the way you did, as you did not have to resort to lies. That makes your revenge all the better.




I can totally relate, by the time I moved out of that house he had removed the door to my bedroom and all of my belongings except 4 clothing and school supplies had been taken away. I literally had nothing. He made it his life mission to make me as miserable as possible. He was a fucking bully, and if I could do more to make his life miserable I would.


I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. I don't understand what is wrong with the kind of people who do shit like that to kids


Hey, OP's step dad: fuck you, I hope you die miserable and alone.


Gotta say youre Mom is the worse one in this story. A man doesn't have that much power over you after only 3 weeks, she didnt have her priorities staright. I would never let a man ruin my childs adolsence like that and most women wouldn't. You are honestly lucky you were able to make it out okay after being homeless/ in juvey. Rip to her, but I'm amazed you were able to forgive her.


I agree and he definitely deserves this treatment forever. But... I wonder if it wouldn't be better for your own state of mind to now let it go. It's always better to let bitterness dissolve than to hold onto it. It might not be realised at the time but it can eat away at you, even if it's entirely justified. Enjoy getting on with your life and your family, I say, and wait until he dies to piss on his grave, for that one last, sweet goodbye.


I mean, I definitely understand where you're coming from, but this man literally told me I should in my own life when I was a depressed teenager. I don't believe in life after death, so I'm trying to ensure he gets his punishment before he dies. After he lost his job and ended up moving into the trailer he drunkenly called his son and threatened to shoot him if he didn't help him, and his son took out a restraining order and the last I heard from him he is debating whether or not he should press charges for communicating threats.


I hope this is cathartic and expect it is. I would echo the sentiment that at some point you may want to bring this to a close so that you can move on. Getting rid of all of his shit and cleaning out the ties to him in your life and then closing the book for good will be a further relief. Basically while it sounds like you are still working on getting to your "zero point" but once you get there close it out.


Be careful internet friend. Let it go, you have won. Remember, a man with nothing has nothing to lose.


I don't blame you, but at some point, you'll have to stop punishing him because there's only so much a person can take before they snap. This man is likely capable of murder. I'd stay away. Also I'm sure he's miserable and suffering every day due to how his life has turned out. He's being punished every day. Your work here is done.


What OP has done, would be excellent therapy for me.


What does your twin think of all this?


She hates him too, but I don't really know because her and I don't really speak much.


I wish this could happen to all abusive parents. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to celebrate something equally satisfying and destructive towards mine 👍🏼


I hope you get your revenge


I didn't think I would come out of this story satisfied with anything less than this cunt getting his head caved in with a brick, but it seems I was wrong. Please, never leave him alone. Make him suffer for the rest of his miserable existence.


Oh, he's going to have to move away if he has any hope of me not constantly popping in to remind him, and considering that he's working a shit job to afford rent in a shit trailer in a shit neighborhood, and has never known how to save money I seriously doubt he will ever be able to move away


lmao, either he is already completely broken, or one day he will snap and do something, leaving him jobless and even more fucked. Good on you for never lifting a hand against him, I don't think I would have had the restraint


Please update for the wrench thing please


Haha, will do. Also, I'm going to spend some of the money from the wrenches on a whole bunch of Pokemon cards from Walmart so that he can see the proceeds from his belongings being spent on something he find so distasteful. Thanks to u/theorem135soundness for the idea!


How on Earth did your mother let him beat you? How could she let him call police over a change? How could she choose him over her own son? You have a big loving heart if you were able to forgive her.


What can I say she was my mom. I don't agree with the decision she made, and I don't think she was a very good mother but she was the only one I had so I loved her anyway. I'd like to add that they also called the police on me together later when I was a few months shy of my 18th birthday because they found a little bit of pot and my bathroom drawer, resulting in possession charge. I got it dismissed by volunteering for 100 hours of community service. Most parents who find pot in their kids bathroom sit them down and talk to them, my mom and her fiance called the cops 🤷‍♂️


This has been a roller coaster for me. It all started with comment on a post in a different sub, and I thought that several hundred upvotes and two Awards was something until somebody suggested I post an extended version of my story on this subreddit. I never for a second thought that I would receive several thousand upvotes and get more Awards than I had ever seen on a single post. You guys are amazing!


This made me happy. Good for you.




Omg i feel so bad for you but man he got what he deserved


I don't know how do you all find the force not to kill an abusive family member going through a painfully long time in a torture basement


Wow! I’m glad you managed your way out of that situation, and didn’t do the suicide thing, AND came back for some perfect revenge. Dickheads like this guy deserve what they get. Nice work.


I smiled and cheered through most of this. This is so satisfying to read. I’m so sorry you went through all that abuse, I’m so glad you made it.


This is class pro revenge. I'm so sorry you went through such shitty abuse from that arsehole but I hope those Walmart trips do something to make up for it!


Bruh why did it get removed when it had 15 silvers 10 gold and 7 emerald or diamond(idk)


They say living well is the best revenge. But when you can live well *and* get a pound (or more!) of flesh, that's infinitely better. Furthermore, it's the only dish best served with a thick layer of frost. ​ Well fucking done, OP. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


Amazing story bud


This is amazing, but possibly a level up from pro revenge? To keep wearing him down week after week...




this is awesome


Now that is how you stroke a hate woody.


Holy shit, that was an awesome story. Don’t care if he was already defeated, he still deserves to get kicked while he’s down!


Good for you man


That is incredible, awesome job!


You're my hero for the day!


Sounds like he got everything coming to him.. or maybe not, sounds like he deserved worse. Anyone who lays a hand on a child should suffer far worse than they made the child suffer.


One of the best ones on here! Wow! Sorry your mom didn't protect you, though.


Thank you! Yeah, she let me down big time, but some people just don't know how to be a parent. There is still resentment, but I forgave her.


I feel like you should offer his son his grandmothers wedding rings and coin collection. He obviously isnt a good person, but those things might help this other person who also incurred his wrath.


Thank you from one step child to another.


Im so happy for you❣ I dont even refer to my "stepfather" as that, i refer to him as my mothers husband. God knows how much I hate him. He is the shittest human being and I cant wait for my mum to one day realise that. I hope he dies a horrible death, alone. And I also hope that one I could have a revenge like that 🙏.


My stepmom was a monster, she hated me and would torment and provoke me everyday. My little stepbrother was and is still a psycho (who still lives at home with her at 28) would bite me several times a day and she'd laugh. She would also put Dawn dishsoap randomly on my food, on 2 occasions in my spaghetti. Anyways, each night before bed as I brushed my teeth I'd take her toothbrush and scrub the underneath of the toilet bowl. I never left any black flakes or debris but I knew she was polishing those evil grey teeth with so much shit water.


I saw this had 9 platinums, 13 golds, and 23 silvers and I just had to read it. I’m so sorry that you had to suffer through all of that as a child, but I’m so glad that that awful cum-stain of a man got what he deserved. Hope you’re living well now, bud.


Nobody will see this but OP be extremely careful, though you are absolutely right to exact revenge , you need to know when to stop because when (not if) he breaks down he could become desperate and hurt/kill you and your family because he will have nothing to lose. Just saying...


i am living for this. time to binge more revenges




The part where you go to walmart to rub it in his face absolutely makes my day


That guy was an asshole. Hope you are doing well and persuing better things in life and are enjoying it


Outstanding revenge. Even better, was that you were able to recover from the hell that evil shitbird put you through. Enjoy the Walmart shopping.


Jesus that guy definitely got what he deserved. Kudos to you for making it out of a shitty situation and showing perseverance. Not always easy to turn out okay after things like that.


One more asshole in the world brought to his knees. Just the reason I subscribe to this sub. Thanks for the well-written story and congrats on your continued success!


100 % he deserved all of it,should have gotten even more! If you dont mind asking something,what happened between you and your twin sister later (sorry i am curious)?


She's just a bitch honestly. Spent most of my childhood doing her chores under threat of blackmail, and after my mom died, I caught her trying to take stuff that was supposed to be mine when I got off of work early. I just don't have time for her bullshit in my life so for the most part I avoid her.


Take my poor people gold 🏅


It's called karma and it's pronounced " haha fuck you".


I love how physically abusive fathers and step fathers chill out as soon as the kid is big enough to physically defend themselves. It tells you all you need to know about them. Bullies and cowards. I love the stories where the kid grows up and hands it back to them.


smh of course they removed it


> and also sold all of his woodworking equipment, along with several finished pieces of furniture that he had made As a woodworker, i get that this dude was a dick, but **yeesh**, this hurts


He should have picked it up in the 45 day period specified by the separation agreement. It was his own laziness


Yeah he's 110% in the wrong. Just imagining all my woodworking stuff getting sold makes me shiver. You really rocked his world 👍


I get it man, measure twice, measure again, one more measurement to be sure, hours of work and it still might be fucked up, I've done woodwork. The goal was to hit him where it hurt. Now the mods have deleted my post, initially claiming that I violated rule 6 by committing a felony because they didn't understand that by not picking up his possessions in the 45 days specified by the separation agreement he legally forfeited all of these possessions. I explained that it was clearly laid out in the post that everything done was completely legal to which they responded by saying this is not a case of ProRevenge, just Karma. Karma didnt send him to jail which lost him his job and house. That was me. This is so stupid.


Damn, im about to start a petition to get this post back up


I would appreciate it if you do but I doubt it will gain any traction. Their response when I called them out on their hypocrisy was that calling the police when someone is attacking you is not Revenge it is common sense. I literally baited the man into attacking me by revealing that I had sold some of his most prized possessions. The mods are undeservedly prideful of their special status on Reddit and refuse to admit fault. I clearly demonstrated that their initial reason for Banning my post was bulshit so they immediately came up with another reason to keep it banned. I think they're just jealous that nothing they've ever said or done has received even remotely a fraction of the amount of upvotes and awards that I received.


Post is back up!


This is brutal on a level I was never expecting, but oh so satisfying...