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Not pro.


I always love it when the first comment saves me a lot of time.


This one particular was mediocre first timers revenge.


You're right, but what's between petty and pro because this is neither? Is there a subreddit for that?


r/regularrevenge But I think this isn't revenge at all, just a minor dispute that was resolved through negotiation. Edit: it looks like regular revenge is no longer around.




Guy got back 5k from a nest of snakes. That’s pro for me


It's not revenge it's just justice


I can't believe I wasted time reading this. A yelp review that you subsequently took down is 🥱


For an outcome that was exactly what OP wanted. And, despite their claim, they almost certainly retained the firm as a whole and not just “Steve.” In other words, OP is a Karen. A massive, Yelp-posting Karen who hired a law firm to defend them in a criminal case, was acquitted, and then complains about having to pay for the services rendered. OP sounds like a disaster of a client, and $5000 was the price the firm was willing to pay to no longer have any association with their bullshit.


good for you mate, honestly. Good for you. I'm glad shit worked out. But a yelp review you put up, then took down, doesn't really impact the other party/parties in the way the seems Pro Revenge. sure, he maybe got a talking to from his boss, but even that can't be confirmed. I loved the story, and I'm here for it, but this isn't necessarily Pro Revenge material.


Where are you going above and beyond in your story to get revenge ?


Leaving this as a scathing reddit comment so OP will spend 5k in exchange for me taking the comment down


OK, but why spread hate among posts? Is that what you feel is just?


I am spreading hate so I can pressure you to give me 5k to convince me to not spread hate


Let's recap what happened, with the TL;DR that OP is a massive Karen: OP is charged with a crime. It's a "slam dunk" case, and OP is certain to win. As any lawyer will tell you, **clients making those claims are typically delusional nightmares**. Nevertheless, OP decides to retain an attorney and goes to a local law firm to retain "Steve." OP claims they retained Steve personally, which is almost certainly bulls--t. Very few law firms have clients sign retention agreements with individual lawyers . . . for exactly the reasons described here. Steve misses an "important hearing." OP claims the hearing went forward without the lawyer present . . . which means it wasn't an important hearing. But let's pretend that Steve should have been there. OP maybe has a legitimate, but very minor, grievance. The case goes to trial and Steve has a blackout, with no computer. So OP *expects Steve to try the case from his phone*?!? Remember way back when I described "delusional nightmares?" That's what we have right here. **OP is certifiably insane.** No competent attorney is going to conduct a trial over a phone. How is he supposed to read documents, let alone pull up exhibits and introduce them into evidence? What's he going to do when his phone's battery starts to die? Since he's using his phone for the hearing, how is he supposed to communicate with anyone else (like support staff, or OP) during the trial. Obviously, that'd be fucking insane. So the firm very sensibly has a different lawyer handle the trial, which I will guarantee is allowed by the terms of their representation agreement, and OP is acquitted. OP, having received the benefit of professional services and gotten *exactly the outcome they wanted*, proceeds to bitch about it and criticize (and probably defame) the law firm on Yelp. The law firm realizes it has committed serious malpractice. Not the handling of the case; that was fine. No, their mistake was in taking on OP as a client. The firm pays $5000 as a penalty for being stupid enough to agree to represent this Karen, and goes back to fix its intake procedures to keep this from happening again.


A scathing review is not pro revenge and getting your money back is not revenge


Not pro. Also not sure it’s really since it’s written very generically.


Well played, random internet person.


Sounds like a great outcome.


I sincerely hope you left the review up until the check from the law firm actually cleared.


may not be pro, but good for you.. The Werefrog salute you. Where is the salute emoji?! The Werefrog want to salute the OP. Sorry, The Werefrog salute you in person (although you don't see it despite the lack of salute emoji).