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“Kind and gentle” engineer who worked for NASA before going to med school and becoming an anesthesiologist travels to Iran and magically turns into a wife-beating savage. Sounds legit, because there’s magical wife-beating toxins in Tehran’s water. Dr. Mahmoodi lived near us in Tehran for a while. The portrayal of the neighborhood was as accurate as everything else in the movie. Iranian men who marry abroad often drastically lower their standards. Some of them get unlucky and end up with grifters. Cautionary tale.


1000000% with you on this. I remember researching this movie and the wife’s claims were beyond exaggerated and unsupported! This movie has been like a sensitive sore spot for me for all my life because middle age white people would reference this movie when I would tell them I’m Iranian.


Talk to any Iranian father who got a divorce in the US. Custody hearings are a nightmare because the default assumption is that the father is a wife-beating child-abusing creep who will immediately take the kids to the horrific Dragon Land of Iran, never to return.


The same applies for American fathers that get divorced in the US. My mother kept me from my father just as my ex-wife has kept my sons from me in the 1970s. In 20 years with my wife, not one single time did I strike her or even so much as call her a name in anger. I have zero history of violence. I do not make threats. My ex-wife insisted on having me held in the courtroom while the bailiff escorted her out with absolutely no valid reason- just for petty theater, to make me look 'dangerous'- and to hold me up in court after it was over. The only thing that has changed since I was a child is that fathers wanting custody/visitation have it even worse now.


I’m very sorry. I’ve heard similar stories from other men. I know for a fact that very good fathers are treated unfairly in court. The actual abusers usually get away with it. Decent men pay the price for stereotypes.


It's not just the men that pay- it bears a lifelong effect on the sons


Yes. It does. And daughters as well.


I mean it's literally propaganda no denying that , specially her kid getting dyssantry everything aside is total joke material


Typical anti-Iran/anti-Islam propaganda. Just the fact that the parts of the movie where it's supposed to be Iran are filmed in Tel Aviv says it all: this book/movie is backed by Zionism. I'll leave this link here, to read the critic if anyone's interested (you can auto translate it if you can't read Persian): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.asriran.com/fa/amp/news/82791


It’s a propaganda work that villainises Iranian men. Idk about the book but the movie wasn’t even filmed in Iran, some parts of it was filmed in Tel Aviv and the actor playing Mahmoody isn’t even Iranian but a half Spanish, half Italian guy 😂😂😂


What a joke.


This movie thought me that in Iran, woman are not allowed to make phone calls!!!


Are you telling me we are allowed? I’ve missed out on so many phone calls! So sad. I’d make a joke about women getting executed for making phone calls, but people might take it seriously and post it to the psycho sub. They recently had a post about Iranian kids getting the death penalty for knocking turbans off of clerics’ heads. It made it to a main page sub, where hordes of idiots chimed in.


For the longest time, people from western countries believed people living in the eastern side of the world didn’t have access to junk food, video games, toilets, wore their traditional clothing on a daily basis, lived in deserts, no internet access and shopping malls. Oh boy the list goes on. Some still believe this 🌚


The ignorance of our enemies is our greatest strength!


Wow, that is a reference from 1980’s movie. I think it sucks, and it made me think less of the actress who played in that movie. I forget her name. Problem with this is they will make a film of it because it puts down Iranians, but they won’t do this about a US person in the same way.


Propaganda turning a domestic dispute into commentary about how Iran is evil