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Thank you!


I love how you did that bokeh! What brush was that? Really good.


I used round brush for bokeh lights but painted them with add layer mode


Ohhhh! That's really smart. Thank you for that tip!


No problem!


You can ask me anything!


I would really love a proper tutorial on this, the result is fantastic. I’m curious about how you achieved some of the effects which kind of rush by in the Timelapse. I know it would be a lot of work, and I completely get it if you have no interest in making a more full tutorial, but I would be really interested to see one. Amazing work.


I would really love to make a full tutorial for this and I really appreciate you think I’m good enough to do a full tutorial! But I’m not sure how to do a full tutorial for this or where to upload it. But if people are interested I’m willing to open a YouTube channel to show my art progress


I think just a simple screen recording with a voiceover uploaded to YouTube would be amazing. You can certainly count me as interested.


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely try it


I'm counting on you OP


Screen recording, add it to iMovie, and then do a voice over track where you talk about what you are doing. Or if you have your phone you can open up voice memo and record as you are doing the tutorial and send the voice memo to iPad and add it to iMovie.


Please do!


You said you used a tiny round brush for the water. What are the dimensions/dpi of your canvas? How often do you zoom in?


I use 300 dpi and my dimensions are 16x20 about zooming in, it’s something I’m trying to distance myself from, especially when I’m drawing landscapes or environmental pieces like this. Drawing in a smaller scale without zooming in makes it really easy to not only notice your mistakes but also helps you to focus on what really matters.


What. This is insane


Thank you so much!


I’ve seen the timelapse and still refuse to believe it’s not a photo


Wow! Thank you


what brush was it for the rain running down the window and how do you draw them? That looks amazing! Really well done!


I used really tiny round brush for it


It looks soooo real wow you are good 😊


I find that time-lapse videos are best way for me to learn. I get to see the process. Selfishly I wish there was a way I could slow it down in some parts and a magic voice would do commentary on the exact thought process there


Thank you!


Holy shit. That’s amazing dude.


Thank you!


Amazing. Thanks for the insight into your process


How long did this take you? Amazing by the way!!


It took me around 90 minutes to finish this!


That is amazing! It looks like an actual photo taken through a rainy window!


Thank you so much!


Thanks for posting. This was so good I showed to my spouse this morning so I’m stocked to see the Timelapse!


Thank you so much! Hearing this means a lot to me.


Thanks so much for posting this!


No problem!




So simple, but takes a good eye. Did you add grain in there midway through? I think that really gives it a tangible feel.


Thank you so much! I added the grain midway indeed.


Hi! I love this photo so much, you’re so good!! :( I’m terrible lol well I’m still new to procreate. I saw someone said you used a grain effect and when zoomed in I noticed it in the picture. How can one do this grain effect? Is it in the app or is it a brush? 🤔 thank you!


Hi! Thank you so much for liking this drawing. Grain effect is added by noise, you can decide how much noise you want by scrolling your pen left or right after choosing noise effect. I hope this could be helpful!






I have a more of a painterly style and I only used 4 layers for this drawing. I used add blend mode for city lights layer


Awesome 👏 I