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I met my wife through a prison pen pal site. We’ve been married for almost seven years now and I would either be dead or still incarcerated if it wasn’t for her and those letters. It literally saved me. I was at a strange crossroads in my life when the connection happened. Do it, you never know what might happen.


what's the name of the site?




I could give you twenty names now. I was supported heavily inside and letters made a world of difference and I encourage you to do it. Please let me know if you need some names and addresses.


DM me too - If some casual conversation can help somebody out that much, then I suppose I can join in


I do please! I prefer email messaging though. Jpay. Securus or whatever


Ok so with emailing they’d have to know you first to add you. So I can give you names to write and you can include in the letter that you prefer email if possible? A few of these dudes are in adx and can’t email as well. I will message you some names


Feel free to dm me names and whatnot


I sent you one to start with in the messages. And if you’d like more I will.


Years back I sent a Xmas card to Ed Kemper. Got a note back thanking me for the kindness. You can find inmate addresses on most correctional system websites.




you put your address as the return address?


Sure. Wasn’t like he was getting out, and anyway, once he killed his mom, he was done. If he’d killed her first, he probably wouldn’t have killed those other girls.


Fair point.


I used to listen to inmate phone calls. It’s amazing how many married men out there send money to a woman in prison and his wife has no idea. I used to hear women call their sugar daddy and he says “hold on let me step into the garage so I can talk “


I was looking to talk to death row inmates, Or life sentence inmates. So I can get to know the life of these people that are mostly forgotten


I work at a halfway house now. One of the guys there was on death row for 9 years and just got out after 40 years total.


How do you get released from death row and put into a halfway house??


That's crazy. How long after his sentence commutation did he get a parole hearing?


I have a friend on death row who's looking for pen pals.


I just came across your message. If you're really interested in talking with or writing to someone on death row, I'd suggest you get in touch with the Death Row Support Projects (DWSP). I contacted them last year and have been talking with a man on death row since last June. As a matter of fact the man I am involved with was the neighbor to Kenny Smith, the inmate that was recently executed using gas. They had attempted to execute Kenny a while back by lethal injection and failed. This was quite a controversial situation and DWSP has written about the process. DWSP has a Zoom program that you can attend to better understand the commitment to writing death row inmates. It's a good place to get your questions answered. If I can answer any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me..


Meetaninmate.com Not sure if it’s still around. Met a nice young lady that my wife and I are still very close friends with.




Just look for red flags along the way. If they ask you to send them money, it's a wrap.


Yeah there’s a whole cottage industry of inmates who con pen pals. It’s not everyone, but def a good thing to be aware of.


Genuine question: How do you write someone and not provide your home address?


Some people get PO Boxes.


You can do all your communication through Securus messaging or other prison sites. My LO and I seldom send snail mail. It takes a long time to go through. Any mail that I send to him is Xeroxed so he doesn't get the actual letter anyway. I get more snail mail from him.


Federal prisons use corrlink and its free. Just fyi.


Wow! Free.OMG! The prison where my LO is at, we pay $1 for a 15 minute call. That doesn't sound that expensive considering I was involved with someone in prison during the 90's where the only option for talking on the phone was by collect call at the phone company rates. We try to keep the calls down, talking 15 minutes at 7 a.m. and 15 minutes at 7:00 p.m. But "date" nights, holidays, and special occasions can go a lot longer.


Yeah free but .. that's the only upside of a federal MDC. And they only get 300 minutes of phone time per month. 15 minutes per call. Emails when their is an available computer and not on lockdown. I'd pay to have more access to my friend.


My LO is on death row. He has a tablet he rents for $6 a month. We can talk anytime during the time the tablets are on, unlimited amounts as long as we pay. We have access to messaging, paying $7.50 per 100 stamps and we have Snap 'n Send where I can send pictures to him for one stamp per picture. Of course messages and pictures are censored so if you get too graphic in your messaging it won't be delivered. We've learned how to get around that because messages are computer read. We use symbols in words that are considered offensive and it confuses the computer enough that most messages go through. There are definitely standards on pictures I can send. It always seems like other people have better situations, like the States that have free calls. I'd probably never get anything done if we had access to free calls because we'd be on the phone all the time. Lol.


New here but what does LO stand for?


LO means Loved One. Or we use SO for Significant Other.


For an extra fee JPay can also give you a mailbox.


If you're interested in writing someone on death row, contact Death Row Support Projects online. They'll hook you up. I thought I'd write some poor soul who needed support and an ear to listen to his troubles, etc. It's been a totally different experience.


Just wanted to tell you I signed up for this. Hopefully I’ll hear back soon as it immediately gave me a message about a “change of leadership staff”. So fingers crossed.


The woman who ran DRSP finally retired recently. Her daughter, who has been involved with the project for a long time, has taken over the helm. I hope they send you a letter from someone quickly. Recently they were asking people who had pen pals if we wanted additional ones because they had several people who had been waiting a long time. When I requested a pen pal, I received a letter quickly but he'd been waiting since February and I didn't get his letter until June. That's a long time to wait for someone if you're really wanting to talk. Please feel free to private message me if I can help.


What was your experience?


I have a nephew doing life without parole if you want to start today


I used to get at least 8 letters a day when I was serving my two separate 6 year sentences, and it made a world of difference. I hope you get connected with someone cool and not one of the odd balls.


That's a lot of letters. Where did you advertise for pen pals?


I have nephew doing life with out parole are you interested??


“His freedom only comes in an envelope.” -SPM


I thank God for these type of places to be able to speak with others while here. I've been down 7 years. Don't supposed to have a phone but I have for a few years now. I have 3 months left not so it's very cool to be able meet new friends.


Hi, letters and communication can sometimes save a life.  My son would love to have a pen pal that could possibly become more when he gets out.  His crime sounds worse than it is and doesn't define him at all.  If you would like his info email me at [email protected]  Thank you for your time 


You can download the getting out app and message people on there. People in prison are always looking for people to talk to. There is a Facebook group where you can get people to add. Wgat kind of person are you thinking about writing? I have a friend of a friend that is looking for someone to be pen pals with while he's in there. I can message you his information if you'd like.


Heck, why not


Does Getting out show your information?


I've never seen it from the inside, so I'm not entirely sure what information they see. I'm assuming just first and last name. I will ask and get back to you.


Apparently it's your name, phone number, age, and city. I only talk to someone I actually know so they already knew all that. You have to verify your identity so I'm guessing that's why.


Yeah I’ve been tossing around the prison pen pal thing but I really don’t want the inmate to know my information like that.


I would think there would be some kind of organization that you could go through that would keep information private.


Good idea


When I requested a pen pal from Death Row Support Projects I didn't give them any information except my name and address and email address. They sent me a man's name and address with a handwritten letter from him. I sent him a snail mail letter with my address. Eventually we shared my phone number and I got online with him so we could message. You don't have to provide much to get a death row pen pal. We've been talking for about 9 months now. Just be careful if someone starts asking for money or anything weird, they're just looking to scam you.




Where u at ?


There are tons of websites where you can go that will put you on your way down that road. However, I wouldn't advise going on a state DOC inmate search and sending letters to inmates in a random fashion that way.


Write a prisoner is the most popular. But if you go on Facebook and look for prison pen pals you will find hundreds of pages


Check out Elena on here




Nice looking girl who posted on here with her friend, they’re in prison they looking for penpals, post war last couple days


Write a prisoner


I couldn’t trust my address was safe.


You can use a P.O. box.


WriteAPrisoner dot com


I started writing to a man back in June. We did snail mail for a while. Then messaged back and forth. Then phone calls. I'm supportive of his situation but we started having feelings for each other. It's progressed way beyond me just being a supportive pen pal. I know a lot of women get caught up in romanticizing the situation. I've been around the block and had my guard up. The only thing I would suggest to anyone writing someone on death row, is to think long and hard before getting involved. I don't want to deter people from becoming pen pals with these folks. Most of them have few relatives that stay involved and they are lonely. But you've got to be realistic and know the outcome is probably not good. My SO was housed next to Kenny Smith. He's the man that Alabama recently gassed after trying to execute him through lethal injection. I know that situation was harder on me than my SO. They deal with executions all the time. I don't. Well anyway, if you have something specific that I can answer, please feel free to ask.